Importance Of Cultural Diversity In The Workplace: Insights For Leaders
Why Leaders Should Understand Cultural Diversity in Modern Day Organisations
1. Why is it important that leaders understand cultural diversity in modern day organisations?
2. How can leaders influence and support cultural diversity in the workplace?
Every corner of the world is inhabited by humanity and different groups of people develop distinctive cultures as they live and work together. The various cultures create rich diversities that are important in expanding choices, values, provision of wisdom and nurturing a variety of skills and abilities (Parvis, 2013). Australia is no different when it comes to diversity on the basis of culture and linguistics. Over the past years, diversity in Australia has been broadened by the arrival of people from more than one hundred cultures across the globe.
The people in Australia speak several other languages other than English which is the dominant language and the maintenance of these languages is a significant issue in regard to communication (Ross, 2008). Aspects of globalization have increased in recent times and the use of different languages and cultures are important in strengthening international relations, improving linguistic skills and fostering cultural exchange. Linguistic and cultural diversity in Australia strengthens its international position and increases its competitiveness in international trade.
1. Schein (2010) explains that diversity is an important aspect of sustainable development for people, communities and economies. In this regard, building an efficient global approach to sustainability and development brings the need to address issues that relate to protection and maintenance of cultural diversity of the world today and in the future. The basic standards that characterize differences in social interactions such as language skills, creative solutions to problems, negotiation styles and public display of body language make the world rich in cultural diversity and thus an interesting place to live. The differences exist in businesses, markets, and places of work thereby bringing the need for a focus on inclusion as new leadership ability.
Diversity in modern day organizations is effectively integrated into all the processes in an organization. For leaders to build accountability within their systems there is need for creation of diverse and inclusive work environment. Also, a diverse customer base can only be served effectively and their expectations met when there is diversity in the workforce. In as much as diversity in the workforce is important in serving customers, effective organizations need to use different aspects of diversity in increasing the cultural competence of their workforce. Therefore, diversity and inclusion in the modern day brings the need to create an environment whereby in as much as people feel uniquely different, they integrate unconditionally (Erbe, 2015).
How Leaders Can Influence and Support Cultural Diversity in the Workplace
The need for embracing cultural diversity has been increasing over time; in the modern day successful organizations need to be able to commit resources to managing this form of diversity. It is important for leaders to understand cultural diversity because an organization’s success and competitiveness is dependent on it. When leaders actively assess handling of workplace diversity and implementation of diversity plans in an organization, such an organization is bound to benefit from increased adaptability (Griffin, 2007). This is in the form of the pool of talents and experiences from employees that makes it possible for organizations to adapt to fluctuations and changes in markets and customer demands.
Besides, when leaders in a modern day organization employ people from diverse cultures, the workforce supplies a variety of solutions to problems through their diversity in languages, skills and experiences and this gives a company a global outlook which means a broad range of services. A culturally diverse workforce communicates various viewpoints that provide a larger pool of ideas and this is important for organizations to meet the needs of their customers as well as business strategy needs. It is important for leaders to understand cultural diversity because it is a source of inspiration for employees to carry out their responsibilities diligently and this leads to the possibility of executing all strategies in different departments. Efficiency in execution of strategies leads to increased productivity, high profits and favorable returns on investment (Stahl et al, 2010).
2. Most leaders who are aware of the significance of cultural diversity create a favorable environment at the workplace that helps the members of the workforce to honor their differences and sensibilities. This enhances interaction among team members and reduces any chance of breach of good morals and improves levels of understanding. Leaders who are in the forefront in building cultural awareness inculcate elements that foster productive interactions and understanding (Erbe, 2014).
Ineffective communication and low morale are some of the communication barriers that leaders who recognize the importance of cultural diversity need to break so as to realize all the benefits of team work (Griffin, 2007). Good leaders need to come up with mechanisms that bring about flexibility in accepting changes in social and cultural set at the workplaces. Also, ability to formulate and successfully implement policies that relate to cultural diversity at the workplace encourages progress and creates a culture of diversity that is entrenched into all departments and functions of the organization.
Creating a Positive Diversity Culture in the Workplace
Closed environments at the work places have a negative effect on the involvement of employees because of the fear that revealing hidden modes of diversity could lead to reprisals. Operating in such an environment leads to low staff morale, difficulties in retention of staff, increased levels of absconding duty and reduced productivity (Bono & Der, 2011). Such challenges occur because of lack of commitment on the part of organizational leaders to set the tone for increased levels of inclusiveness and diversity. Leaders can support cultural diversity by optimizing discussions of different issues that relate to discrimination and inclusion through open and effective channels of communication.
Encouraging educational approaches in trainings within the organization is important in negating many fears that employees might be having in regard to diversity. Leaders can support diversity by creating a working environment that encourages standards for proper conduct and sees mistakes as means of learning (Buttner, Harris & Lowe 2006). Also, leaders support and influence cultural diversity by creating forums that encourage employees to learn about the differences that exist among them. Such forums achieve the intended objective when they are held outside the professional space.
The activities done by employees together outside the work environment makes them feel more comfortable thereby making them flexible, creative and able to look at their responsibilities in a new way (Hurley, 2011). Ensuring that all employees have the chance to participate in the decision-making process and in making a plan for social events for team members enhances inclusion and promotes diversity. Leaders can also organize events where employees have collective meals through which team players can learn about their colleagues’ cultures by sharing a meal.
Hurley (2011) expplains that modern day organizations assess and evaluate their diversity processes and integrate it in their management systems. Leaders can initiate a customized survey to find the levels of satisfaction of the employees as a way of efficiently monitoring acceptance of different aspects of diversity. Through this, the obstacles are identified and necessary policies are either added or eliminated in order to support diversity. Development of a cultural diversity plan at the workplace brings the need for provision of a comprehensive report that forms the beginning of the diversity plan. The plan needs to be comprehensive in its scope, attainable and measurable and this gives a leader the first step in identifying the changes that need to be made so that the results of improvements in cultural diversity are achieved within timelines set out in the plan.
Training for Cultural Diversity
Implementation of diversity plans and policies into all aspects of an organization’s purpose and processes is only possible when such policies are incorporated by managers and leaders (Christopher & Deresky, 2011). This is because attitude and decisions on diversity originate from the top members of management and filters downwards to other members of staff. Also, leaders need to create an environment that is conducive to the achievement of the targets set in the plan.
Loritts (2014) asserts that leaders are able to wade off resistance to change by involving all members of staff in formulation and implementation of cultural diversity initiatives and encouraging all the employees to freely express their opinions and promote a sense of equality among all employees. Leaders promote cultural diversity by promoting diversity even among them as leaders as this helps in realizing benefits of diversity and providing visibility in the place of work.
Training is an important aspect that helps in shaping different policies; therefore, leaders can use diversity training as a useful tool to inculcate aspects of cultural diversity within the systems and processes of an organization. The economy is increasingly becoming global and with this there is need for the workforce to be diverse. Training brings into existence leaders who have the ability to manage different aspects of diversity effectively ensure that their organizations are successful and have a competitive advantage over others (Schein, 2010). Leaders support cultural diversity by communicating to their team players the importance of diversity.
Understanding the importance of cultural diversity in modern day organizations brings the need to break the barriers that hinder its significance. The significance can be felt when it is treated as a primary aspect in operations and systems of any modern day organization. Due to the great significance that comes along with the implementation of aspects of cultural diversity, leaders are tasked with the responsibilities of successfully advancing issues that relate to it. Their involvement in formulation and implementation of policies and training programs that enhance existence of an environment that promotes open communication and inclusion is important in increasing productivity thereby giving a company a competitive advantage over others.
Christopher, H. D. (2011). International Management: Managing Cultural Diversity. Sydney: Pearson Higher Education AU.
Der, S. d. (2011). Managing Cultural Diversity. Munchen: Meyer & Meyer Verlag.
Holly Buttner, K. B.-H. (2006). The Influence of Organizational Diversity Orientation and Leader Attitude on Diversity Activities . Journal of Managerial issues, 356-371.
Erbe, N. D. (2014). Approaches to Managing Organizational Diversity and Innovation. Hershey: IGI Global.
Erbe, N. D. (2015). Cross-Cultural Collaboration and Leadership in Modern Organizations. Hershey: IGI Global.
Griffin, R. (2007). Fundamentals of Management. Boston: Cengage Learning.
Günter K Stahl, M. L. (2010). Unraveling the effects of cultural diversity in teams: A meta-analysis of research on multicultural work groups. Journal of International Business Studies, 690-709.
Hurley, R. F. (2011). The Decision to Trust: How Leaders Create High-Trust Organizations. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons.
Loritts, B. (2014). Right Color, Wrong Culture: The Type of Leader Your Organization Needs to Become Multiethnic. Illinois: Moody Publishers.
Parvis, L. (2013). Understanding Cultural Diversity in Today’s Complex World. Raleigh:
Ross, G. (2008). Australia: A Land of Diversity. Doncaster: Geoff Ross Photography.
Schein, E. H. (2010). Organizational Culture and Leadership. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons.