Importance Of Cross Cultural Communication In Business Organizations
Understanding Cross Cultural Communication
1. Cross cultural communication refers to a field of study that attempts to look at the ways in which the various people hailing from the different cultural backgrounds do communicate with each other (Carbaugh, 2013). It also aims to study the ways in which communication does take place among the various cultures. The understanding of the cross cultural communication proves to be an important aspect for the business organization that employs a diversified workforce or develops plans to conduct a business on a global range (Bochner, 2013). This particular type of the communicational study might involve the understanding of the communication of the employees belonging to the different cultural communities, the manners in which they perceive their surroundings and the ways in which they speak with their co-workers.
The cross cultural communication helps the business organizations to be more effective in the communication towards the concerned clients. The companies that do practice the cross-cultural communication within the organization do have better chances at explaining to the concerned clients the ways in which their products are superior to those that are marketed by the rival organizations (Samovar et al., 2014). The cross-cultural communication might help the concerned organization to build better employee relationships, efficient business partnerships and the building the global client base of the company. The effective cross-cultural communication in an organization helps in the enabling of the smooth functioning of the businesses. The effective cross-cultural communication also helps the concerned business houses to communicate with the partners in business as well as the clients who belong to different cultures.
2. The cross cultural communication aims to aid the business organizations in the fields of growth in the global market, the technologies of the other companies in the market. The cross-cultural communication within a certain business organization also helps in the management of the staff of the organization who might belong to the various cultures that are present within the society (Moran, Abramson & Moran, 2014). The cross-cultural communication taking place within a certain business organization might involve the participation of a number of members of the staff who belong to different ethical communities. Thus, the cross-cultural communication might involve the participants who might need to be trained on the ethical practices prevalent in the concerned social culture.
The understanding of the ethical practices is very necessary for a professional in order to communicate effectively and correctly in a given situation. A professional should have a very good understanding of the ethical activities and codes of conduct that are followed by the individuals belonging to different cultural backgrounds. The communication skills that are required by a professional in order to convey the message must be in accordance to the ethical codes that are followed by the addressee (Cavusgil et al., 2014). The difference in the ethical backgrounds of the employees of the concerned members of the business organization might cause the professionals to have a clearer knowledge in matters pertaining to the ethical practices that are followed by the concerned employees. The body language of the addressor might be another factor that is to be taken into consideration while engaging in conversations with people who belong to ethical backgrounds that differ from that of the addressor (Klitmøller & Lauring, 2013).
Benefits of Cross Cultural Communication in Business Organizations
3. According to the author, the need to communicate globally across all the barriers that exist in the terms of the existent cultural boundaries has increased with the increase in the global connect of the society (Padhi, 2016). In order to build a certain value for the stakeholders and to fulfil the mission of the concerned organization, it is necessary for the concerned professionals to be well-versed in the ethical codes that is followed by the different members who have been working within the same organization. The studies suggest that it might be a big challenge in the modern world to communicate effectively with all the members of the organization due to the varying ethical codes followed by the people who belong to different cultures. The author suggests that the employees at any business organization must be well versed in their understanding of the ways in which they might communicate effectively with their counterparts belonging to the different ethical and cultural communities.
The author opines that it is necessary for the professionals employed at the various organizations must be trained well-enough in order to help them to communicate effectively both within the organization as well as with the clients of the concerned organization. The poor communication between the members of the organization might lead to the poorness in the overall performance of the organization. This might also lead to the conditions wherein the concerned organization might suffer due to the lack of the skills of the employees. The capacity to control the internal communication within the concern might help the organization to both avoid as well as control the external threats that the company might be facing.
4. Cultural proficiency generally refers to the level of the skills that are based on knowledge and the understandings of the subject that is generally required by the concerned employee in order to interact effectively with the co-workers who might belong to the different cultural backgrounds. The cultural proficiency of the concerned employee helps to accomplish the assigned work while holding respect for the colleagues who might belong to different cultural backgrounds (Kinloch & Metge, 2014). The cultural proficiency of an employee helps him to employ a self-assessment of the beliefs, values and other biases that are followed by him in the process of maintaining one’s own cultural humility. A culturally proficient employee might help to maintain an ongoing vigilance of the dynamics related to the diversity, the power and the differences as well as the expansion in the matters of the expansion of knowledge in the matters that are pertaining to the cultural practices that help to recognize the cultural bridges that are conveyed in both the ways.
Challenges in Cross Cultural Communication for Professionals
In order to carry out an effective communication between the two members of the given concern who belong to two different backgrounds, it is necessary for the concerned members to develop an understanding of the cultural nuances that are prevalent in the cultural backgrounds that they follow. It is necessary on the part of the employees to have a sound knowledge about the different cultural nuances of the other members by observing their daily habits (Ferraro & Briody, 2017). This might help the professionals in the field to implement effective communication among the members of the society which leads to a better understanding among the members of the organization and in turn helps the organization to avoid the external factors that might pose to be threats to the concern.
5. Cultural adaptation refers generally to the process and the time that is taken by an individual in order to integrate himself into a relatively new culture and to be comfortable within the system. A person might have to experience a number of different emotions during the phase of cultural adaptation within the given organization (French, 2015). The author suggests that a professional must focus more on the individual differences that exist within the members of the organization in order to develop good communicating skills within the given organization. The author suggests that the leaders of a business organization should lay more stress on the cultural adaptation of the employees in order to build a strong communication within the organization.
The employees of the given concern should be aware of the differences that exist within the other members of the organization in the matters that pertain to the cultural and the ethical backgrounds of the members. The author suggests that the differences in the ethical and the cultural backgrounds of the concerned employees might hold the keys to the building of a successful cross-cultural community within the given organization. According to the leaders of the successful companies, the recognition and the adaptation to the differences that exist within the employees, the customers and the suppliers of the organization might help the concerned organization to flourish better within the given industry (Kratzke & Bertolo, 2013). The understanding of the differences that exist within the employees of the organization might help the leaders to establish a strong communication within the organization.
6. The companies that have successfully maintained a cross-cultural communication within the given organization are found to have a better competitive advantage over the other business organizations in the same industry. The companies that have been able to establish a successful cross-cultural communication within the organization tend to provide encouragement in the matters that pertain to the team effort that is put in by the employees of the organization. The cross-cultural communication helps to promote the sharing of the experiences that have been incurred by the concerned employees and the related information on the matter (Neuliep, 2017). Cross cultural communication helps the organization to function better in the areas that need to have members from different cultural and ethical backgrounds to work together.
Cultural Proficiency and Its Importance in Communication
The cross cultural communication among members of an organization helps the members to share the same common goal. The cross cultural transformation within the given organization tends to help the concerned members to share knowledge which ensures that they stay up-to-date with the objectives and the goals of the given company. This in turn ensures that the quality of the work that is provided by the employees involved is of a high and superior quality (Thomas & Peterson, 2017). An organization that employs a team of workers who are qualified in a variety of skills has chances of outperforming those organizations that lack some of the necessary skills or are unable to organize them in a proper manner. The organizations that employ a huge number of people belonging to various cultural and ethical backgrounds tend to promote within the organization team efforts thereby helping to increase the responsiveness and the flexibility of the given organization.
7. The communication styles followed by the Sri Lankans can be described to be very polite. The communication style may also be termed as indirect and ambiguous. The Sri Lankan speakers tend to deliver to their communication counterparts the content that they wish to hear in order to avoid any conflicting situations. The speech style of the Sri Lankans tends to be more courteous. The speakers tend to have an indirect style of the speech. The speakers generally tend not to be explicit in conveying the meaning of their speech rather they prefer to insinuate the concerned subject. The Sri Lankan speakers tend to pay respect to the hierarchical factors determined by the society while communicating with each other. The communication styles that are followed by the people of Sri Lanka majorly tend to follow hushed tones in public (, 2018). The speaker might attract negative attention in cases where the loudness of the tone is used. In the non-verbal way of communication, the Sri Lankans depict the practice of minimal body contact during the conversations.
Unlike the Sri Lankans, the Australians tend to follow a direct way of communication. The communication style followed by the Australians tends to be purposed more functionally in order to convey the intended message more clearly. The Australians tend to incorporate within their speech a reasonable amount of sensitivity and are very honest with the speeches that they deliver. The Australians too maintain a general distance of about an arm’s length while maintaining communication with one another similar to the practice that is followed by the residents of Sri Lanka (, 2018). The Australians, like the Sri Lankans do often consider pointing their fingers at someone to be offensive. However, unlike the Sri Lankans, the Australians do tend to maintain a direct eye contact with the other conversant while engaging in a conversation. The Australians do introduce themselves using their full name but expect to be addressed by their first names, unlike the Sri Lankans who consider that improper in business contexts. The Australians tend to maintain the punctuality in case of meetings unlike the Sri Lankans who tend to believe in the relaxed sense of time.
Cultural Adaptation in Communication within Business Organizations
The residents of Sri Lanka tend to believe in the relaxed sense of time which may be perceived to be a lack of punctuality by a resident of Australia. The people engaged in the conversation are encouraged to be explicit in their messages. This might help them to avoid the unnecessary glitches that may arise due to the misinterpretation of the messages that are delivered. The ambiguity in the conversation might lead to the interpretation of the concerned matter in a negative manner. In order to avoid this, the initiator of the conversation might put forth the information that he might want to share in a very explicit manner so that the chances of misinterpretation are reduced to the minimal level.
In case of the Australians and the Sri Lankans, the people engaged in the conversation should maintain the code of conduct that is prevalent within the cultures that are followed in both the countries. The Australians prefer to be addressed by their first names in the business contexts while their Sri Lankan counterparts are more comfortable when addressed by their professional titles or other such honorable titles. The use of the first names is not considered to be appropriate in the Sri Lankan work culture. This might be the cause of misunderstanding between colleagues who belong to the differing cultural backgrounds. The Australian residents do exchange business cards as a part of the informal activities that take place during the introductions while their Sri Lankan counterparts exchange the business cards in a very formal manner. The Sri Lankans do find it necessary to maintain some etiquettes while dealing with the business cards. The defying of those etiquettes may be considered to be rude on the part of the concerned conversant thereby leading to the miscommunication between the concerned parties.
9. The communication between persons belonging to the different cultural backgrounds might help the concerned persons to relate to the differences in the cultural and the ethical barriers that exist between them. The overindulgence of the people belonging to a certain cultural background might lead to the stereotyping of the concerned people. Stereotypes do result from the wide acceptance of a theory on certain types of individuals or behaviors that tend to describe the total community wherein the individuals or the actions do belong (Prasad, 2015). The stereotyping of the individuals and their actions might result from the highlighting of the differences that occur within the actions or the responses to certain actions that might follow.
Impact of Successful Cross Cultural Communication
The stereotyping of individuals who belong to a certain area of the world or to a certain cultural background might result in being a hindrance to the communication between the people involved in the communication. The stereotyping might prove to be a hindrance for the management of the concerned organization in the utilization of the skills that are possessed by the concerned employee (Asante, 2013). The treatment of the employees based on the stereotypical decisions that are taken by the management might result in the loss of employees in the concern. Stereotyping might also lead to lowering of the employee morale and thus might also affect the productivity of the concerned business organization. The stereotyping of the employees affects the teamwork and open communication that is necessary within the concern (Hurn, & Tomalin, 2013). The creativity and the abilities of the concerned company in the fields of solving the problems and facing the necessary competitions are also hampered due to the failure on the part of the company to include diversity among the employees of the concern.
10. The people of Sri Lankan origin staying at Australia do often complain of being stereotyped due to the color of their skin. The Sri Lankan people staying at Australia do often complain about the racist comments that they face due to the darker skin color as compared to their Australian counterparts (, 2018). The Sri Lankans also claim to be called out for their food habits. The Australians do stereotype them due to their food habit that mainly includes curries in the course of food that they have. The Sri Lankan residents are also stereotyped because of their higher degrees of assimilation with the members belonging to same country.
The people of Sri Lanka find it difficult to travel to Australia with the intention of settling down in the country. The Sri Lankans are observed to stereotype the Australians on the basis of the cost of living that they incur. The residents of Sri Lanka do believe that the job scenario in Australia is worse than that which exists in Sri Lanka (, 2018). The surveys report that the Sri Lankan residents do find the culture of Australia to be foreign to them and difficult to adjust with for the native people of Sri Lanka.
The stereotypes might not be termed to be accurate due to the fact that there might exist a number of instances that prove these stereotypes to be incorrect. There might be Sri Lankan natives residing in Australia who might not be having the food habits that are prevalent among the other members of the country. In a similar manner there might be instances where the Australian counterparts might be observed to be contradicting the beliefs that the Sri Lankans do generally possess for them.
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