Importance And Effects Of Organizational Culture On Business And Employee Behavior

Toward A Definition Of Popular Culture

Toward A Definition Of Popular Culture

Defining Corporate Culture

Discuss About The Toward A Definition Of Popular Culture.

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In the globalization world, it is essential for the companies to promote and encourage a unique culture in the workplace. Each and every organization is different from values, religious, customs, assumptions and customs. The needs and requirements of the workers are fulfilled after considering the culture of the organization. The heavy and strong culture shapes the behavior and actions of individuals and group members in the firm. The paper outlines the effects of company’s culture on business and employee behavior. It explains how the corporate culture determines the success and growth of the businesses.

Nosek et al (2015) argued that culture is effective and unique ideas, skills, arts and custom etc. of a given people in a given period. Jahoda (2012) stated that each and every company has its own corporate culture. This culture helps to make a favorable and healthy working environment at the workplace. There is a close relationship between performance and corporate culture that helps to meet the desired outcomes and goals. Parker (2011) defines that culture is a sum set of beliefs, values, norms, and attitudes that differentiate one group of people from another. In other words,, culture refers to the cumulative deposit of experience, knowledge, beliefs, experience, values, attitudes, meanings, religion, notions of time, the concept of the universe, spatial relations and possessions obtained by a group of people in the organization. From Lenzerini (2011) perspective, culture is a word for people ‘way of life’that means the way group does things. Different group of people have different culture and they follow different religions. Thus, it influences the productivity and efficiency of the subordinates in the workplace.

Let’s talk about the organizational culture, it plays an enormous role to maximize the profitability and performance of the workers and organization as well. Riede (2011) argued that organizational culture encompasses an organization experiences, expectations, values as well as the philosophy that guide and direct the member behavior and it showed a good image in the minds of the members and working with outside world. In this way, culture is based on shared customs, values, traditions, attitudes and written and unwritten rules that have been built and developed over a time period and considered valid. Mostly, the companies focus on their culture to increase and enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the employees in the workplace. Martin (2015) revealed that success and growth of the organization depend on the strong and unique culture. No company can attain its desired mission and vision without maintaining a positive working environment and culture at the workplace. Naranjo-Valencia, Jiménez-Jiménez, and Sanz-Valle, (2011) stated that an organization’s cultural norms and values largely affect who all are involved in the organization. It has been analyzed that innovation and organized culture determine and evaluate the appropriateness of the company’s activities and actions that can contribute to its performance and productivity. It is assumed that organizational culture is not just a significant element of the firm; it is the central driver of top management business performance. Tsai (2011) claimed that high and effective performance organization could be differentiated from low-performance organization because they possessed specific traits and strong culture at the workplace. The business leaders and managers are significant to the creation and communication of their workplace culture. However, the relationship between leaders and culture is not one-sided. Leadership also plays an empirical role in maintaining a dynamic and strong culture in the organization. Leaders should appreciate their role in evolving and maintaining an organization’s image and culture. A deeply established and embedded organizational culture indicates that how people must behave that can help the workers to achieve the objectives and goals. This behavioral framework ensures higher job commitment and satisfaction when an employee feels a leader and manager is supporting her or him for attaining the goals and targets. Now it shall be noted that organizational culture, job satisfaction, and leadership are all inextricably connected with each other. From Hu et al (2012) perspective, leaders can create and affected by various workplace culture within the organization. The organizational culture also helps in making unique and dynamic decisions at the workplace. It has been analyzed that top management plays a vital role to maintain a unique culture because they favor the dynamic culture in order to actually initiate the change in the organization. It will maximize the outputs of the firm with minimizing the risks and challenges of the market. Performance is a wider indicator that can include quality, productivity, consistency, and performance. The organizational culture has the capability to improve and increase the organizational performance, and employee job satisfaction in the workplace. The business and culture are interconnected with each other for accomplishing the targets of the firm. The only things that managed by the leaders and managers is culture. If they do not manage the culture of the firm then they firm cannot attain its desired objectives. The dynamic and strong organizational culture can increase sustainability on the basis of effectiveness and efficiency. It shall be revealed by Saleem, us Saqib and Zahra (2015) where they stated that organization culture provides an effective framework with respect to the actions and behavior of subordinates in their workplace. This culture also determines the productivity and outcomes of the followers. Therefore, it is in the interest of the firm to eliminate and reduce the negative factors that slow down the worker’s efficiency in order create a foster and favorable working environment and culture. The organizational culture renders various benefits to the different types of businesses in the international market (Saleem, us Saqib and Zahra, 2015). The organization’s culture is a significant part of the brand that the people create in the business. It will also put a direct impact on the hiring of the workers as it also helps in attracting the right and potential candidate in the workplace. A favorable and unique culture also helps to maintain an open and unique communication within the organization. This reduces and eliminates the chances of misunderstandings and barriers at the workplace as it also enhances the collaboration and cooperation. By maintaining the unique culture, the firm has been able to establish open communication channels within the organization. Twumasi-Ankrah (2012) argued that organization culture also establish a transparent accountability mechanism and empower the workers. This will also help the followers know and understand their roles and responsibilities. The organization culture brings all the workers on a common platform. The employees are treated equally and no one feels neglected at the workplace by maintaining a favorable culture in the workplace. In this way, the culture plays an integral role to motivate and encourage followers to increase and boost the efficiency. The strong work culture promotes and encourages the healthy and strong relationship among the workers (Cameron and Quinn, 2011).

Understanding the Role of Organizational Culture

It shall be noted Alvesson and Sveningsson (2015) where they argued that leadership plays an important to maintain a unique culture and values in the workplace. The leaders make policies and strategies in such a way that it promotes the favorable working environment within the organization. The organizational culture is a component that measures the success and failure of the firm. In other words, it has been analyzed that strategic management of the company is determined and evaluated by the strong culture of the organization (Wang, Su, and Yang, 2011). In the organizational culture, group and people interact with each other including employees, owners, clients, suppliers, and partners. It means that unique and dynamic organizational culture and value bring the following benefits such as efficient cooperation with partners, perfect customer service, unique social responsibility and constant workers performance. Furthermore, it shall be noted that training and development sessions are held by the top management and HRM to teach and tell the workers about the values and culture of the firm. The strong organizational culture has an important impact on customer service and businesses. This culture also influences the employee’s ways that helps to make unique decisions within the organization (Barbera, 2014). Culture also determines the behavior and act of the workers. The unique culture and values put the impact on the employee’s creative ability, work enthusiasm, and task motivation. The individuals always attracted to engage in the firm with strong and unique organizational culture. With the help of strong culture, the workers are positive to respond to their employment and job. The organizational culture also contributes to the good operations and activities of the firm. By maintaining a dynamic culture in the workplace, the employees are able to initiate the organizational and management changes within the organization (Bortolotti, Boscari and Danese, 2015). It has been stated by Hickman and Silva (2018) where they argued that organizational culture plays a heavy and most significant role in the expansion and development of the firm. It also guides the administrators in deciding and identifying whether who to hire for the job in the organization. It has been noted that the firm with unique cultures has much better efficiency and effectiveness than the firm with weak and poor cultures. The company’s culture can also be affected in the way of thinking of the workers in the organization.

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On the other hand, organizational development and expansion can be done, if the company maintains a strong culture in the workplace. There are various types of culture including normative culture, pragmatic culture, academy, club culture and fortress culture. Any organization cannot be complete without company’s culture which shows its significance (Gunkel, Schlaegel, Rossteutscher and Wolff, 2015). After the various researchers, it has been evaluated that Hofstede cross-cultural model helps to eliminate and reduce the cross-cultural issues and barriers of the countries. The Hofstede model has been stated below.

The Relationship between Performance and Corporate Culture

The company’s culture is one of the most controversial and popular concepts in the fields of organizational and management theory. While working in the organization, various cultural issues are faced by the employees including language issues, custom and religious issues that hamper the growth of the firm adversely. To eliminate and reduce these cross-cultural issues, senior management needs to focus on the communication and collaboration (Gunkel, Schlaegel, Rossteutscher and Wolff, 2015). It will help to develop and boost reciprocal relationship at the workplace. Understanding and knowing in the culture and values of the firm allows the workers to understand and know the current approach and history of the company. In this way, the organizational culture put a favorable impact on the businesses and organization as well. It shall be analyzed that Commitment to a company is affected by its culture and values, especially if the person shares values and attitudes of the culture (Cameron and Quinn, 2011).These may include evaluating and identifying the goals of the firm, a willingness to help other persons and valuing employee’s creativity and differences. In this way, the strong and dynamic culture gives full contribution in maximizing the progress and success of the company (Cameron and Quinn, 2011).The culture and values is an effective key to provide high quality of services for the consumers. The effective company’s culture represents the specific policies and plans which assist the subordinates and give them a sense of direction in the workplace. The culture also explains that how to attain the tasks and objectives of the organization. It is one of the dynamic elements that drive the businesses. It also creates an operational and favorable environment in which every worker strives to accomplish the goals and objectives that were set by the organization. The strong and healthy culture also helps to satisfy the needs and requirements of the consumers as well as employees. This will contribute to have competitive benefits and it also helps the human resource management to recruit and select the talented and potential applicants within the organization. On the other hand, HRM can make effective policies, strategies, and plans with the help of favorable working culture and environment. Now it shall be noted that favorable organizational culture also helps to stand out against the competitors. It inspires and motivates workers utilizing their skills and talents in a hassle-free manner (Saleem, us Saqib and Zahra, 2015).

The Importance of a Strong and Unique Organizational Culture

In the above mentioned analysis, it has been evaluated that organizational culture helps to stay in the competitive market and it also promotes the motivation among the employees. The analysis shows that organizational culture is the basic and significant pattern of the shared customs, assumptions, values, beliefs and tradition that indicate the actions and behavior of the subordinates at the workplace. It is the duty of leaders and top management to promote a favorable and strong working environment within the organization. Now it is assumed that there is a close and reciprocal relationship between corporate culture and business.


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