Implications Of IS/IT Strategy In Amazon Australia’s Personalized Smart Search Implementation

Simplification of IS/IT strategy for improved technology innovation and development

Discuss about the Stakeholder And Issues Management Approach.

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The development of IS/IT strategy would be largely based on the simplification of the activities defining the implication of the improved technology innovation and development (Corner and Hinton 2015). The significant development of the functions would be aligned for easing the functionality of the formation of the organization supporting the improved activities. The IS/IT projects are largely induced for the implication of the operations and defining the constituent of the development. The alignment of the factors would be aligned for easing the implication of the development model. The successive development would support the implementation of the activities that can form the alignment of the activities for supporting the implication of the operations.

The following assignment is based on the simplification of the activities defining the simplification of the development model. The definition of the operations would be aligned for implication of the factors. The utilization of the factors has been helpful for supporting the integration of the factors for listing the simplification of the development. It has been helpful for supporting the project of ““Personalized Smart Search Implementation” of Amazon Australia”. The report would comprise of SWOT analysis supporting the analysis of the organization for developing the improvement of the activities defining the integration of the actions.

The “Personalized Smart Search Implementation” would be effected for defining the listing the utilization of the factors for alignment of the listing factors. The implementation of the personalized smart search system would be helpful for easing the development of the factors supplying the listing of the factors. The personalized smart search system deployment of Amazon Australia has helped for the development of the factors aligning with the listing of the functions supporting the improvement of the personalized smart search function development. The management of the information access and support would be required for the utilization of the support and development. The personalized smart search development could ease the analysis of the functions for developing the implication of the successive development.

The Amazon Australia is developed for forming the utilization of the improved analysis and formation of the functions (Wingfield, Thomas and Abelson 2018). The retail organization development would be eased for the implication of the factors aligning the improved function development. The data analysis would be eased with the simplification of the factors of the improved function development. The “Personalized Smart Search Implementation” would be supplied for easing the utilization of the network access and development. The analysis would be eased for the integrating the analysis of the factors for developing the alignment of the factors for developing the alignment of the improved functional development. The retail organization has been supplying a list of items of clothing, electronics, and other daily items for supporting the implication of the activities supporting the implication of the day to day analysis of the factors for developing the effective operations.

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Overview of Amazon Australia’s ‘Personalized Smart Search Implementation’

The IS/IT strategy for the organization would be eased with the implication of the factors for defining the analysis of the factors supporting the implication of the operations. The IS/IT strategy for the Amazon comprise of forming the simplification of the activities defining the utilization of the factors for implying the development of the factors of smart development methods (Kantor and Streitfeld 2015). The IS/IT strategy of Amazon comprises of management information system, 1 click purchase, secure payment platform, ERP system, and CRM. The Amazon ecommerce system would be based on the critical evaluation of the technology and web page. The ecommerce system of Amazon Australia has been growing due to the factors of innovative technology and development. The following are the key features of defining the innovative technology development

Management Information System: The management information system is developed for supporting the implementation of the factors for the alignment of the innovative technology and development (Rossman 2016). The management information system would be eased with the alignment of the support and development of the operations. The management information system would be helpful for successively aligning with the improvement of the factors aligning the utilization of the factors supporting the significant alignment of the development factors. The information management system would align with the significant development of the factors supporting the implication of the improved innovation development. The support of faster management of the information would be helpful for taking care of the operations for defining the integration of the factors listing the analysis of the information management. The management of the information would be eased for the developing the support and influence of the factors aligning with the influence of the factors defining the development of the factors supplying the listing of the factors (Rossman 2016). The personalized smart search system deployment of Amazon Australia has helped for the development of the factors aligning with the listing of the functions supporting the improvement of the personalized smart search function development. The management of the information access and support would be required for the utilization of the support and development.

1 Click Purchase: The 1 click purchase is a major factor for developing the implementation of the factors aligning with the development of the activities promoting the significant analysis of the factors supporting the faster clicking purpose. The purchase of the goods on the Amazon website has been eased with the implication of the single one click but now option (Rossman 2016). The use of the symbol on the website would ease the utilization of the factors aligning with the development of the smart processing. The 1 click purchase would be eased with the utilization of the factors defining the support and development with the help of innovation technology. The purchase of the goods from the application can be eased with the innovative technology development and operations. The single click purchase would be eased with the utilization of the factors aligning with the integration development. The clicking of the website for the purchase has been simplified with the innovative technology.

Key Features of Amazon’s Innovative Technology Development

Secure Payment Platform: The secure payment platform had been developed following the payment with 8 bit encryption technology (Heravi, Coffey and Trigunarsyah 2015). The Amazon website takes payment via credit/debit card and other payment platform. It requires entering information about the customers from the various places. The information must be kept secured and free from infiltration for ensuring that the information transfer is done cohesively. The encryption platform would ease the process of making payment with secure data management. The payment platform would support the utilization of the factors for integrating the development of the technology. The secure payment would ease the utilization of the factors developing the alignment of the factors developing the simplification of the factors for forming the utilization of the improved operation development. The alignment would form the successive utilization of the factors developing the innovation technology (Sharp, Peters and Howard 2017). The implication would also be helpful for easing the flow of technology development and utilizing the improved communication process.

ERP System: ERP system is developed for easing the utilization of the factors supporting the compact data analysis. The system development would form the impact of the utilization of factors for aligning with the improved functional development (White and Sholtes 2016). The management of the information would be eased for the developing the support and influence of the factors aligning with the influence of the factors defining the development of the factors supplying the listing of the factors. The personalized smart search system deployment of Amazon Australia has helped for the development of the factors aligning with the listing of the functions supporting the improvement of the personalized smart search function development. The management of the information access and support would be required for the utilization of the support and development.

CRM system: The CRM system is developed for forming the effective utilization of the factors aligning with the implication of the technology development (Pedron et al. 2018). The IS/IT projects are largely induced for the implication of the operations and defining the constituent of the development. The alignment of the factors would be aligned for easing the implication of the development model. The successive development would support the implementation of the activities that can form the alignment of the activities for supporting the implication of the operations. The data analysis would be eased with the simplification of the factors of the improved function development. The personalized smart search network would be supplied for easing the utilization of the network access and development (Turner 2014). The analysis would be eased for the integrating the analysis of the factors for developing the alignment of the factors for developing the alignment of the improved functional development.

Management Information System

The Amazon Australia has been defined for supporting the implication of the factors defining the innovative technology aligning the utilization of the factors forming the significant formation of the activities. The SWOT analysis of the organization can be explained as below,

Strengths: The Amazon Australia has the primary benefit of brand recognition and it would allow the support and development of the factors. The alignment of the factors would be aligned for easing the implication of the development model (Pedron et al. 2018). The successive development would support the implementation of the activities that can form the alignment of the activities for supporting the implication of the operations. The data analysis would be eased with the simplification of the factors of the improved function development. The technology innovation would be supplied for easing the utilization of the network access and development that would act as a major factor of strength for the organization. The analysis would be eased for the integrating the analysis of the factors for developing the alignment of the factors for developing the alignment of the improved functional development (Reicher, Komaromi and Szeghegyi 2015). The company has the benefit of defining the implication of the factors for supportive implication of the factors. The better ROI would allow the implication of the factors for defining the formation of the operations.

Weaknesses: Amazon has lesser control of their products and services as most of them are being supplied from a supplier or contractor. The support and development would ease the implication of the factors for forming the alignment of the support and development for the organization development. The major weaknesses of the organization are the lack of primitive information as most of the technology innovation has been supported by the improved formation development (Pedron et al. 2018). The implication would be helpful for aligning the factors of development and the management of each of the factors would imply the allocation of the factors for the affiliated development factors.

Opportunities: The IS/IT strategy of Amazon comprises of management information system, 1 click purchase, secure payment platform, ERP system, and CRM would act as the major opportunities for the organization (Kerzner 2018). The Amazon ecommerce system would be based on the critical evaluation of the technology and web page. The ecommerce system of Amazon Australia has been growing due to the factors of innovative technology and development. The support of faster management of the information would be helpful for taking care of the operations for defining the integration of the factors listing the analysis of the information management. The management of the information would be eased for the developing the support and influence of the factors aligning with the influence of the factors defining the development of the factors supplying the listing of the factors (Kerzner 2018). The personalized smart search system deployment of Amazon Australia has helped for the development of the factors aligning with the listing of the functions supporting the improvement of the personalized smart search function development.

1-Click Purchase

Threats: The affiliation would allow the utilization of the offers for developing the alignment for easing the simplification of the factors for using the alignment methods. The lack of the proper development method would be eased for helping the implication of the specific threats for defining the implication of the operations (Rieger, Stanley and Traynor 2014). The various threats for the project are eased with the simplification of the operations. The threats would for the influence in developing the factors for listing the various problems of barrier, collapsing services, management of users, and stopping of the offers at any time.

Figure 1: SWOT analysis of Amazon

(Source: Rieger, Stanley and Traynor 2014, pp-10)

The processes and methods would be deployed for easing the implication of the factors for listing the analysis of the IS/IT strategy for developing the implication of the operations and it would allow the utilization of the improved functional development (Papke-Shields and Boyer-Wright 2017). The processes would be implied for easing the implication of the factors. The IS/IT strategy would be deployed for easing the implication of the activities. The analysis would be based on the implication of the activities for listing the analysis of the factors for forming the utilization of the functions and operations. The IS/IT strategy would be eased for listing the implication of the factors developing the alignment of the improved functional analysis. The IS/IT strategy would be aligned for synthesizing the alignment of the improved communication and development. The following is the IS/IT model for aligning the processes and operations for Amazon,

Figure 2: IS/IT Strategy Process

(Source: Papke-Shields and Boyer-Wright 2017, pp-169)

The Agile Project Methodology would be used for the development of the facilities for developing the alignment of the factors to develop the alignment of the improved factors (Heravi et al. 2015). The agile is an improved methodology that would be eased with the utilization of the facilities for easing the utilization of the project. The development of the project methodology would be eased for developing the implication of the factors aligning the utilization of the factors supporting the implication of the factors. The agile methodology is helpful for integrating the utilization of the factors aligning the implication of the factors defining the integration of the successive development (Kerzner and Kerzner 2017). The agile methodology would be helpful for the project of “Personalized Smart Search Implementation” as it would align the step by step iterative model development for the customers.

Secure Payment Platform

The project of “Personalized Smart Search Implementation” would comprise of developing the improved activity development (Mason 2015). The tools required for the project execution would be based on the development of the improved factory development. The tools deployed for easing the implication of the factors. The utilization of the operations can be developed with the help of using the successful alignment. The tools required for the development of the factors aligning the utilization of the factors defining the implication of the improved technologies. The tools required for the project are,

Javascript Libraries- Underscore, moment, lodash, and jquery are some of the improved functional and professional library. The javascript development would be eased by the utilization of the successive formation of the operations (Harrison and Lock 2017). The tiny but simpler management of the factors would be supplemented by the alignment of javascript management for implying the utilization of the activities.

Front End Frameworks- The front end frameworks would be developed for building the alignment of the factors for the improvement of the factors for the alignment of the factors for developing the alignment. The stand alone structure development would be eased for the utilization of the factors for defining the alignment of the factors for implementing the operations (Marchewka 2014). The utilization would be deployed for listing the deployment of the factors for easing the utilization of the factors.

The “Personalized Smart Search Implementation” would be effected for defining the listing the utilization of the factors for alignment of the listing factors. The implementation of the personalized smart search system would be helpful for easing the development of the factors supplying the listing of the factors. The personalized smart search system deployment of Amazon Australia has helped for the development of the factors aligning with the listing of the functions supporting the improvement of the personalized smart search function development. However, the project would also result in bringing the major problems for the management of the data for each of the customers of Amazon. The integration of the factors would be developed synthesizing the alignment of the factors for development. It would also allow the implication of the factors for listing the analysis of the support and development of the analysis. The implication of the project management process would be helpful for easing the implication of the factors for defining the implication of the operations. The analysis would allow the utilization of the improved communication would be eased for developing the final development methods.

ERP System

The project scope would be implied for easing the implication of improved analysis method. The project is deployed for easing the utilization of the activities aligning the simplification of the factors aligning the utilization of the operands. The modular and light weight analysis would be based on the simplification of the web application. The project scope would include the following,

In scope

Out of Scope


UI development

Supporting Documentation

Testing Methods



Listing operations

The processes and methods would be deployed for easing the implication of the factors for listing the analysis of the IS/IT strategy for developing the implication of the operations and it would allow the utilization of the improved functional development (Fleming and Koppelman 2016). The processes would be implied for easing the implication of the factors. The Agile Project Methodology would be used for the development of the facilities for developing the alignment of the factors to develop the alignment of the improved factors. The agile is an improved methodology that would be eased with the utilization of the facilities for easing the utilization of the project. The tools required for the project execution would be based on the development of the improved factory development. The tools deployed for easing the implication of the factors. The utilization of the operations can be developed with the help of using the successful alignment (Harris et al. 2015). The tools required for the development of the factors aligning the utilization of the factors defining the implication of the improved technologies.


Quantity (Units/Duration)

Standard Rate








Design Tools








UI tools




Website Development Tools














Website Developer














Some suggestions for the project are given below,

Technology Execution: The project can be executed with the help of developing and executive alignment method for easing the implication of the activities aligning the utilization of the operations. The systematic deployment of the project can be assorted with the profound alignment of the factors for the project.

Agile Implementation: The Agile Project Methodology would be used for the development of the facilities for developing the alignment of the factors to develop the alignment of the improved factors. The agile is an improved methodology that would be eased with the utilization of the facilities for easing the utilization of the project.

Innovative Tools: The tools required for the project execution would be based on the development of the improved factory development. The tools deployed for easing the implication of the factors. The utilization of the operations can be developed with the help of using the successful alignment.


The report had supported the implication of the activities for developing the implementation of the factors for assigning the implication of activities. The ecommerce system of Amazon Australia had been growing due to the factors of innovative technology and development. The support of faster management of the information had been helpful for taking care of the operations for defining the integration of the factors listing the analysis of the information management. The management of the information had been eased for the developing the support and influence of the factors aligning with the influence of the factors defining the development of the factors supplying the listing of the factors. The personalized smart search system deployment of Amazon Australia had helped for the development of the factors aligning with the listing of the functions supporting the improvement of the personalized smart search function development. The IS/IT strategy had been eased for listing the implication of the factors developing the alignment of the improved functional analysis. The IS/IT strategy had been aligned for synthesizing the alignment of the improved communication and development.



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