Implementing An ICT System For AA: Analysis From A Business Analyst Perspective

The Benefits of Information Technology in Business

Discuss about the Business Analysis and Audit for Auto Accessories.

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AA (Auto Accessories) has seen robust growth, importing and selling popular vehicle parts and accessories such as colorful car stickers and dash board cameras. It imports, stocks, and sells these accessories; however, its operations run with little or no use of information technology or information systems. In a competitive environment, the owner is seriously considering implementing an ICT system to its operations. This paper analyzes the AA situation from the perspective of a Business Analyst in the context of ICT systems for business. The paper identifies the relevant stakeholders and analyzes them, after an elaborate evaluation of the business case. The paper then discusses the business context and processes that would benefit from an ICT system for AA, before drawing conclusions 

With the coming of MIS (management information systems) and the Internet, organizations have possessed the capacity to change from nearby mother and pop shops to global easily recognized names. To stay aware of rivalry because of web commercialization, organizations are progressively swinging to data innovation (IT) – or equipment, programming, and media communications systems – to streamline administrations and lift execution. All things considered, IT has turned into a basic component in the business scene that has helped organizations cut expenses, enhance correspondence, manufacture acknowledgment, and discharge more creative and appealing items.  

Proficient correspondence is basic to organization achievement. In an undeniably associated and scattered business scene, enlisting, holding, and utilizing workers requires progressing correspondence and coordinated effort. A key favorable position of data innovation lies in its capacity to streamline correspondence both inside and remotely. For instance, web based gathering and video conferencing stages, for example, Skype, GoToMeeting, and WebEx give organizations the chance to team up for all intents and purposes progressively, essentially decreasing expenses related with expediting customers website or speaking with staff who work remotely. What’s more, IT enables associations to interface easily with worldwide providers and customers. 

Among the many benefits of IT systems is facilitating strategic thinking within an organization. IT systems enable information and data to be collected and stored in databases; such information may include client purchase information, product information, and sales data. The business managers then use this information by way of generating reports to get a high level view of business performance. This gives useful insights to the manager to use for decision making, such as knowing when to make re-orders for products, observe sales patterns, and know the products that generate most profits. This way, the business is able to effectively plan and this contributes to its competitive advantage in the sector/ field (Burstein & Holsapple, 2008) 

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Facilitating Strategic Thinking

The capacity, protection, and upkeep of data – known as data administration – is another area in which IT sparkles. Data administration is basic to any business that must store and protect delicate data, (for example, money related information) for drawn out stretches of time. IT manages organizations the capacity to store, offer, and reinforcement records for later use, and additionally shielding data from unapproved people. Therefore, IT gives organizations the genuine feelings of serenity that the data they gather and break down can be appropriately put away and protected for sometime later (Barabba, 2011). 

In spite of the fact that IT might appear to be costly when initially actualized, over the long haul, in any case, it turns out to be unfathomably financially savvy by streamlining an organization’s operational and administrative procedures. The usage of web based preparing programs is a great case of IT enhancing an association’s interior procedures by decreasing expenses and representative time spent outside of work. In actuality, IT empowers organizations to accomplish more with less, without giving up quality or esteem.

A system that is web based and database driven, with cloud implementation is therefore proposed for AA; the system will hve a web interface that will perform various functions, including  advertising and promotion, customer service and customer interaction, a sales point, and transaction processing, apart from capturing and storing user data. Th web interface is database driven so all activity and transactions are captured and stored. The owner can then generate reports from the databases to use in making management decisions, such as what to order, re-order points, and sales statistics.

The owner is the main stakeholder in this situation; the system can only be developed and implemented with his (her) support and so in the context of projects, the owner is the executive sponsor for the project. The other major stakeholders are th customers and general public who are likely to use the system for purposes such as making inquiries. 

System context is a that alludes to the earth of your framework. A framework to be created never remains without anyone else yet is associated with its condition. This product collaborates with various gadgets, other programming and obviously the watcher. Moreover, amid its advancement procedure various laws, standards, rules and style guides have affected the last plan of the framework. As a general rule your strength characterize a necessity for the product that it might be sans hindrance, or that it offers bolster for all current cell phone working frameworks. This represents no issue if these components are incorporated into the framework setting investigation comfortable start of an undertaking. Supplementary changes late in the improvement procedure result in specialized adjustments that are hard to actualize and costly. Perhaps a fragmented item must be promoted and sold. Aside from the framework and its setting there is the superfluous condition which contains everything that has no effect at all on the framework and its improvement. Organizations need to consistently center around change and development with a specific end goal to make due in powerful situations.

Data Management and Information Security

The capacity of an association to convey fitting business forms requires that the fit between business procedures and frameworks that help the administration of these procedures is persistently kept up and developed. Procurement and utilization of the learning about the setting in which business forms are characterized, altered, and executed can help keep up this fit. With a specific end goal to choose who and what applies impact on the framework to be produced, the framework setting should be characterized. In the event that you know the framework limits you know the extent of the framework. Basically: If you don’t characterize the framework setting thoroughly the prerequisites will stay fragmentary, bringing about many, frequently expensive issues. The point of framework setting investigation is to decide all people, gatherings, associations, procedures, occasions and records significant for a framework. Delineating the framework limit characterizes what functionalities a framework should offer and what interfaces to outer frameworks exist. Framework setting charts offer extraordinary help for portraying connections between all parts of a framework. Contingent upon the sort of graph extra data, for instance portrayals, data streams and associations can demonstrated and included. The outcome are items that make clients upbeat and that offer every single wanted capacity.

Because of the significant development capability of the internet business showcase, most retailers begin to see the advantages of being on the web and are presently taking advantage of the web based business. Besides, any individual who has driven development designs can undoubtedly observe that the start-up costs for building up an eCommerce business are far not as much as extending the business in new disconnected areas. The e-commerce inspired website will have several benefits for AA including; 

One SAP Hybris explore demonstrates that clients will probably do the accompanying on the web: 

  • Request outside the center stock
  • Add things to arrange
  • Request in mass
  • Purchase standard rehashed orders
  • Request much of the time 

As per Forrester, online channels make it less demanding for retailers to upsell and strategically pitch. Besides, clients that are online just have a tendency to have a higher Average Order Value (AOV) than clients that are disconnected on the web. But care must be taken; clients are more prone to change to another brand because of offers, better online experience, more point by point item data, and so on 

Less representatives expected to perform activities, for example, overseeing stock and charging clients; web based business players can diminish the cost of dealing with their stock of products computerizing the stock administration, utilizing online administration frameworks. 

  • Less licenses and allows required to begin an online business than that of a physical store area
  • Fundamentally lower costs on foundation and offices you use in contrast with focal areas
  • Lower arrange handling costs
  • Lower costs and expanded proficiency in deals and promoting (modifying your procedure in light of continuous reports, examples and patterns)
  • Less time and less workers required for client support and administration while offering monotonous data on value, item depiction, design, accessibility. Full item portrayal and related inof is accessible quickly on the web. 

Cost-Effectiveness and Operational Efficiency

As per a Forrester Survey (B2B Commerce Suites, Q4 2013) subsequent to moving clients to online internet business stages, more than half of the respondents of a study reacted that their client bolster costs diminished (Ghorbani, 2014) 

  • Set number of human mistakes
  • Self administration
  • Better efficiency for the organization and the client – finding what you require gets quicker and less expensive
  • Simple to make correlations fasts
  • Offer day in and day out to clients miles away or over the globe covering a substantially more extensive market
  • Negligible overheads and will mostly incorporate routine site support and refreshing substance.
  • Less demanding to assemble client steadfastness
  • Less demanding to comprehend client conduct and inclinations
  • All clients are as of now on the web and would anticipate that their most loved brands will be on the web
  • Contenders are on the web and would anticipate that you will be on the web
  • Utilize the energy of examination – you can ascertain and assess deals adequacy, best items, item blend, client commitment, best showcasing exercises and the sky is the limit from there
  • Empowers you to convey to client sections in an extremely focused on way

Empowers bargains, coupons, much better focus on strategies that result in grater sales; while there are many factors that affect purchase decisions, internet shopping has a much grater effect on the buying decisions of people. It increases the reach of the business in the context of getting new clients because the web is ubiquitous and can be accessed from any location at any given time. Further, search results easily bring up the web portals of the business and a click directs the user to the business; this is an easy and effective way to reach new potential clients and turn them into customers. Financially savvy, directed web based promoting rather than exorbitant print media or TV publicizing (Nasir, 2015) 

Cost of chance: If you are not truly considering going into internet business simply check your opposition. See their moves and endeavor to assess the business esteem you free by not being the place you clients anticipate that you will be and where your opposition most like as of now is or plan to go to. 

Conceivable drawbacks of web based business in contrast with physical shops: 

Absence of individual touch 

Can be great or awful that it makes it so natural to look at costs: clients can undoubtedly relocate to different sites 

Failure to attempt/test the item before you get it – this is relieved by exceptionally institutionalized merchandise exchanges 

  • Charge card extortion chance
  • Conceivable security issues
  • Postponement in getting a charge out of the obtained merchandise
  • Harder to distinguish tricks
  • Complex directions and assessments 

Absence of in house ability – physical shops need to comprehend the many-sided quality of online business and have a Head of Strategy to execute it 

Telephone and email client bolster group is required 

Conceivable channel struggle – don’t see as indistinguishable channel strife with multichannel as they are most certainly not. Existing brands need to ensure that their image picture, valuing, informing will be bound together on all channels 

Specialized challenges – it is conceivable that the current IT framework does not bolster on the web, therefore requiring extra interest in other IT answers for CRM, arrange administration, stockroom administration, client benefit

The proposed system will implement the rules for associated business processes. A business process is a procedure that is centered around executing an objective for a business.  Anything from a straightforward procedure for influencing a customer to buy a bus ticket at the bus station to purchasing a car uses at least a single type of business form . Businesses use procedures on a daily basis in order to attain their main objectives. The more efficient and better designed their business procedures, the better and more powerful the business is run. A business process that takes out expenses can enable an organization to lower operating costs, operate more efficiently, and experience grater profitability (Bracks, 2012). Business that are serious about enhancing its business processes will have to develop structures to manage these processes and It is a very useful tool in this area. BPM (Business Process Modeling) is a way to design, actualize, and implement effective processes to help a business achieve its objectives. BPM is something other than mechanizing some basic advances. While computerization can make a business more effective, it can’t be utilized to give an upper hand. BPM, then again, can be a necessary piece of making that preferred standpoint (Bracks, 2012) 

Proposing a Web-based and Database-driven System for AA

Not the majority of an association’s procedures ought to be dealt with along these lines. An association should search for forms that are basic to the working of the business and those that might be accustomed to bring an upper hand. The best procedures to take a gander at are those that incorporate representatives from different divisions, those that require basic leadership that can’t be effortlessly computerized, and forms that change in light of circumstances.As associations hope to deal with their procedures to pick up an upper hand, they likewise need to comprehend that their current methods for doing things may not be the best or effective. This can be accomplished by business process re-designing; Business process re-building isn’t simply taking a current procedure and mechanizing it. BPR is completely understanding the objectives of a procedure and afterward drastically overhauling it starting from the earliest stage to accomplish sensational upgrades in profitability and quality. Be that as it may, this is less demanding said than done. The vast majority of us think as far as how to do little, nearby enhancements to a procedure; finish update requires thinking on a bigger scale. Mallet gives a few rules to how to approach working together process re-designing 

The fundamental business procedures of a retailer: 

  • Sales administration 
  • Warehousing 
  • Arrangement of the way toward picking and stock installment in a salesroom
  • Monetary administration
  • Human asset administration
  • Wellbeing and security courses of action
  • Additional administrations arrangement 

Increasing speed of the procedures (disposal of the way toward measuring products in a salesroom, coordination of the procedures of weighing and checking a standardized tag); 

Decreasing of the quantity of obligation exchange focuses (store and stockroom administration in general, without the exchange of duty regarding the products); 

Diminishing of the quantity of direct subordinates to the leader of a retail shop (the leader of a store ought to speak with just three workers – executive of acquirement, boss bookkeeper and salesroom director).


AA, a spare parts dealer has experienced growth; however, it still uses manual systems to run operations. This paper proposes an e-commerce inspired, database driven website and system that will perform various business processes and provide the owner with modern tools for managing the business, including ordering, stock management, sales administration, advertising, and customer service. The system will store useful data to be used to generate reports that will help with decision making  


Barabba, V. P. (2011). The decision loom: a design for interactive decision-making in organizations. Axminster, Triarchy.

Bracks, A. (2012). Customer acquisition: 465 ways to gain and retain customers. Bloomington, AZ; Xlibris Press

Burstein, F., & Holsapple, C. (2008). Handbook on Decision Support Systems 1 Basic Themes. Berlin, Heidelberg, Springer-Verlag. 

Ghorbani, A. (2014). Marketing in the cyber era: strategies and emerging trends.

Nasir, S. (2015). Customer relationship management strategies in the digital era. Hershey, Pa, Business Science Reference.

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