Implementing An Employee-Engagement Strategy: Opportunities And Challenges In China, India, And Germany

Purpose of the Assessment

The cognitive approach to employee engagement and positive approach to the organization help the level of production in an efficient way. The emotional understanding is always there and that concerns with the expressing nature of the employees. If employees are not getting adjustedin a right manner then it will be a tough process to handle the performance of the company. Employees’ feeling and their roles of performance is the right way that defines them in the organization. The level of engagement needs to be there if the psychological balance prevails within the employees (Tang, Hull and Rothenberg 2012). Diverse culture in the organization is important to get better opportunities and that is the reason working environment will get enhanced. In some cases, job insecurity will come for cross-cultural cases and organizational collectivistic positive approach is essential for the company.

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The report has workedon the employee-engagement strategy and impact of this strategy in China, India,and Germany. The practice processes and employee engagement recommendations are also analyzed in this paper.

Culture is one of the basic elements of organizational success as the company has to decide their culture so that they can influence their employee to follow that manner. The processmay be indulged with their objectives or havea direct connection with the operational process. So, whatever the situation in the company that persists on, it will have a cultural involvement with employees (Mirvis 2012). Employee motivational goals and cultural difference is the main aspect of conflict situations in the organization and mitigation process of this situation is important for the development of the company.

Cultural dimensional difference between China, Germany,and India


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Figure 1: Hofstede Model of China, Germany,and India

(Source: 2018)

Employee engagement in China

Employee engagement in China is not productive and employees are not very much engaged in their work. The reason behind their not engagement is very crucial; sometimes leaders’ autocratic behavior forces them to do the work. 67% of the employee engagement issues are noticed in China and that suggests the improving employee engagement nature of the country. Employees are not motivated enough in this country still they are doing their best to provide support for all the organization. On that occasion, performance outcome and profitability may increase at its best but the situation in of workplace culture and workplace environment is not productive at all. Active disengagement percentage is 53% in China that suggests half of the employees of the nation are not willing to do their job freely.

Background and Cross-cultural Employee Engagement

Employee engagement in Germany

The situation of employee engagement in Germany is not so positive. Only 16% of the employees are engaged with the work culture in Germany. The reason behind their lack of engagement is the attitude of the employees. 68% of the employees are not putting their effort in the workplace. The workplace culture and management problems are the major reason that impacted over the employee engagement in Germany. 21% productivity is not accepted from the nation. German management thinks that they are doing their job in an effective manner but the improper leadership cases and disengagement of employees are the concern reason of business decrease situation in Germany. 14% people are actively disengaged with the organization. Motivation is a factor for employees as well as setting their goal or target achieving path is also a directive way of the result and that may cause the situation also.

Employee engagement in India

Employee engagement in India is active and employees and management both are benefited by that process. 52% employees are getting their value in every organization. In India, employees are considered themselves as the resource of the organization so management tries to do better opportunities for the employees and provide engagement process for employees. 62% career development issue and employee engagement are depending on the mentality of the employee, their choice, position, planning, objectives, roles and responsibilities of the workers. The work-life balance is 74% in India and that is the reason employees in India have more engagement as extra pressure is not persisted in the workplace.

Performance and Teamwork

Work performance is important for the development of the organization. The situational support in the organization always wants that every individual should perform in the workplace. The most important part is the competitive analysis and organization is doing the process in an ethical manner so that better outcome can be derived. Trainingrewards and all kind of intrinsic motivational programs helps the performance and organization has to take care of that. There are many training and development issues that will help employees’ development and improve the skill process for the employees. Personal growth is important in case of teamwork and development and organization financial performance is related to that. The internal process of the balanced situation also maintains the equilibrium of market need and production rate. Restructuring of employee engagement policy and improvement of the section are also important in that state and that will convey the situation analysis as well. In case of performance objectives, employees have to know their roles and responsibilities that will help in their team performance as well.

Literature Review

Teamwork contributes positive work productivity and delivers constructive feedback to the organization. The main focus of a team is to upgrade the organizational situation and make a massive change in the between the performance of the organization. The approach of the teamwork is always productive and all the decision-making states are delivered by the leader of the organization. The feeling of the employees along with the challenges faced by them is the concern situation of the organization. Team leaders have to play a vital role over here. In case of productivity and alignment of practice engagement of employees’ has played an important part in the organization. There are some changes in innovation, technologies and globalization and teams also have to change their work procedure along with the process. The theory of teamwork and Tuckman’s theory is important to understand the situation. As the theory stated that, forming of the team is very important as well as the formation of the team will encourage other team members to make the team innovative and at the same time storming process help t attend the norms and then the section of performance has come in the organization. The performance will improve the situation also and team performance is depending on the adjourning situation of the organization.  

Motivation theory

Motivation is an important factor for the development of the organization and in every country the deliverance of motivation to their employees is different. In some cases, motivation has come from the rewards, working conditions, brand image of the company or promotional aspect of the employee. In that case, Herzberg Two factor theory is important in this research process as the theory justify all aspects of motivation. There are two factors like motivational factor and hygiene factor (Zablah et al. 2012). In case of a motivationalfactor,all the extrinsic motivational factors like promotion, opportunities, personal growth, recognition, and achievement all these are important for the development of the employee to work for fora hand in the workplace and that is reflected in the outcome of the company.


Figure 2: Herzberg Two Factors Model

(Source:Albrecht et al. 2015)

On the other hand, hygiene factor is related to the mental set up and adaptability of the work. Quality of leader, communication, engagement with leaders and employees, physical working condition, job security all these intrinsic motivational aspects are important for the employee. In that case, employee engagement will enrich and better productivity will be extracted from the employees.

Cultural Dimensional Difference between China, Germany, and India

Role of employee engagement

Employee engagement has four aspects and all these aspects are delivering high value to the organization. The first aspect is commitment where the employees will commit to the speculated work and get committed to other employees also in an effective manner (Vivek, Beatty and Morgan 2012). The next thing is motivation and intrinsic and extrinsic motivation is important in that case. The employee needs to get motivated so that their engagement with the work will improve and effectiveness and the productivity enhances due to the process.


Figure 3: Roles of employee engagement

(Source: Cole et al. 2012)

Trust in the leader and employees isanother perspective that strengthens the employee engagement. Trust over the co-worker and trust in leaders are also important to engage employees in an efficient manner. The next section is dealing with the loyalty and in case of loyalty, employees have to be loyal with their organization and work hard for the development of the organization so that a good market position can be gained by that process.

Communication model and importance

Communication is important for the engagement of employees as a gap in the communication will impact over the relationship between employees and leaders. In that case,Shannon and Weaver’s model is important to understand the process of communication. Here, the sender sends some codes through the channel. The channel in the case may be anxiety, dilemma or any sort of power position situation is important in that case and that impacted over the communication. After decoding the message recipient understand the meaning and then state accordingly.

Communication is important for anticipating problems. It helps in making productive decisions for the organization, coordinate the workflow and develop the relationship between employees (Eccles, Perkins and Serafeim 2012). The process also helps in case of managing knowledge and ideas and creativity and promotes the position to get a clear vision for the company.

Problem, challenges of employee engagement in China, India,and Germany

Problems in China

  1. Enormous environmental problems.
  2. Banking bubble situations.
  3. Fast-rising factory wages.
  4. Growing political and social instability.
  5. Economic instability in China.

Problems in Germany

  1. 84% of German people are not actively engaged in the workplace.
  2. 48% employees are quitting the job because of their manager.
  3. 65% organization in Germany is a low-turnover organization (Cooke 2012).
  4. Most of the organizations are facing patient safety incidents and 41% organizations in Germany have a quality deficit.

Problems in India

  1. Generation gap and the agile workforce are not applicable in this country. The power related issue is the most affecting factor of the country.
  2. Individual personal aspiration is quite low in this nation.
  3. Transformation of workplace policies is creating a problem for the employees.
  4. Women engagement in the workplace is not productive enough and values are not transparent enough to flow the organization.

Challenges in China

  1. Command and control work process implemented by China is not working anymore.
  2. Inexperienced people in management are considered as another problem for China.
  3. The policies like one-child policy or increased labour cost are affecting employees’ life in a drastic way (Popli and Rizvi 2015).

Challenges in Germany

  1. German managers’ mentality needs to improve. The leadership style and procedure is not helpful for the organization.
  2. Quality management and improvement in experience are also important for the German employees.

Challenges in India

  1. To mitigate employee engagement problem, experience employees need to engage to sustain the condition of the organization (Kumar and Pansari 2015).
  2. Flexibility in shift and employees motivational factors needs to identify the organization.
  3. Teamwork and collaborative activities are not usually happened in the organization. The organization needs to establish those facts.

2.9 Employee engagement strategy in China, Indiaand Germany

Leadership process needs to be changed in China as the autocratic leadership is important in that case. Value-oriented decision making and fair and objective review process are important for the nation to improve the performance (Abraham 2012). Smooth transit activities in organization and act in social protection is important for the nation. 69% employees are engaged with their organization and the ratio signifies that employees have enough faith in their organization and they are ready to deliver the process that they have asked to deliver by their leader. The autocratic leadership is accepted by the employees.

Employee Engagement in China


Figure: Employee engagement in Asia

(Source: 2017)

Low-performance rate in the organization may deliver some equality works but the production or the quantity of the product is very less (Altenburg, Bhasin and Fischer 2012). In that case, more people engagement is the only option for the nation. Extrinsic motivation like promotion, recognition, reward and group activities and team bonding need to be there in case of developing employee engagement in India (Hewitt 2012). In case of India, 71% employee engagement has been noticed. The reason behind the better situation is the democratic situation of the country, as well as the development in work culture and better financial support in case of management to the employees, is persisted in that place.

Effective performance management system, improvement goal setting, dyadic discussions and strengthen employees’ commitment is another way to reframe the performance. In case of Germany, passion and innovativeness is the concern factor of commitment and in that case, better employment opportunity and engaged employees with innovative works are the main aspect of talent management and influence them for the better work. Due to disengagement in Germany, a productivity loss of 151-186 billion US$ happens in each year. 58% employee engagement has happened in this country so the rate of employees is not good, though innovative work is being practiced in the nation. The reason behind the situation is simple as most of the employees have not access the situation learning or the capacity to dwelling in the situation, thus the rate of engagement decreases.


Figure: Employee engagement in Germany

(Source: Mirvis 2012)

Employees have to get involved with the organization situation by involving with open communication. The channel of communication will be wider and proper in that case. Some of the formulating work decisions are important for employees’ engagement and team bonding activities are important in that case. Improvement of employees’ morale and staffing flexibility along with the desired productivity is always important in that case (Cooke, Saini and Wang 2014). Involvement is generating the teams and their activities. In that case, the formation of team and leadership perspective is important for the performance and involvement of employee with the organization.

Psychological need of employees is important for the retention of employee and working for the development of the organization. Organization decision-making process needs to change for best talents in the organization. Some special opportunities will be provided to them for that reason. Improvement in communication is also important and due to that communication level, some challenging situation can be solved. Extrinsic and intrinsic motivation needs to be there for the development of the employees and these opportunities of motivation help them to do the work in the proper form. Innovative idea implementation and ideas campaigning needs to be evolved by the process and that will demonstrate the proper involvement process of employees.

Employee Engagement in Germany


Therefore it can be concluded that employee engagement strategy and commitment to the work is an important aspect of organization development. In case of China, Germany, and India motivational aspect or difference in cultural activity may showcase as a different one but in case of the formative motivation of an employee intrinsic and extrinsic motivation is applicable for any of the countries. Challenges, problems and cultural difference and their possible recommendations all these are addressed in this paper and that somehow reflect the positive outcome of the employee engagement.


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