Implementing A Program To Address Sexting In Schools

Required Financial, Human, and Physical Resources

Outline who you would collaborate with during this process (e.g., internal and external stakeholders)

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The program will include several internal stakeholders including the students, teachers and the school board. External stakeholder will consist of the religious leaders, parents, counsellors and the government representatives.

What individual needs, rights, difference, and preferences do you  need to consider

Every individual has different needs. Therefore several considerations will be given priority during the process. Privacy, religion, age, beliefs, origin, and traditions are some of the critical issues that will be considered. Mode of communication is also important. 

What internal and external services do you need?

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In this case, internal services needed will include teachers providing counseling to the students to prepare them psychologically for the program. External service for the program may involve referring addicted students to rehabilitation centers. Additionally, the organization would need health services for the students in cases of any sexual abuse reported.  Lastly, catering services would be required during the program, which can be an internal or external service.

List the financial, human and physical resources required and create a budget.

Financial Resources                    

Government and organizational funding.                    

Human Resources


Staff managing the program

Physical Resources


Catering costs.




Payment of organization’s staff


Payment of counsellors




Catering services




Total cost


What supporting systems and procedures do you require?

First, the organization should inform the school management of the program schedule. Second, the students, external stakeholders such as the parents and professional counsellors should also be informed of the primary goal of the program as well as its scheduled time. Systems to ensure confidentiality of students’ feedbacks should be in place as well. Lastly, the chain of reporting and communication should be known to everyone to achieve the set goals and objectives.

  • Develop a feedback form that is age appropriate.

Feedback Form

Please provide feedback on the following issues

  1. Age __________________________________________
  2. In your view is sexting a good behavior? Why? ______________________________
  3. Do you think it should be discouraged and punished? Why? ____________________________________________________________________
  4. Do you think this kind of program is helpful? _______________________________
  5. Was the counsellor elaborate enough? _____________________________________
  6. If the same program was to be run what changes would want made? ___________________________________________________________________
  • Provide a summary of the timelines, prorates and responsibilities of the program.

          Since the program is only allocated a single day, by 8:00 am, the venue will be ready and all the students seated. Depending on the circumstances, all stakeholders will be present by 9:00 am. The program will take approximately six hours between 30 and 60 minutes breaks. By the close of business hours, 5:00 pm it is expected that the process will be complete.  The primary goal/responsibility of the program is, therefore, to make the students aware of their actions and try to educate them on their impacts. Since there would be a question time, the organization would be able to evaluate and know whether the program was successful as well as get feedback from the students afterward.    

  • Outline the standards, codes, and legislation required to ensure your program is compliant with your organization’s policies and procedures and service agreement.


          As an organization that deals with children, youth and family as a whole, there should be respect to every participant. Respecting the beliefs, cultural values and traditions, religion and mental status is paramount during the program. Furthermore, t freedom of thoughts for every student should be upheld. The students are allowed to make a complaint in case anything makes them uncomfortable as the program proceeds.

  • Outline possible risks, regulatory and sustainability considerations.

          Risks that can be encountered include disclosure of the student’s information. Therefore, the feedbacks should be based on anonymity, and no student should be subjected to ridicule by revealing his/her identity. On regulations, the content of the program needs to be ethical and age appropriate. To ensure sustainability, the teachers will be encouraged to hold such independent events more frequently.

Implementation and monitoring of the program

  • Explain the roles and responsibilities of the relevant stakeholders.

          The students are the major stakeholders in this program because they are meant to benefit from this program. They are therefore responsible for showing cooperation and during the entire exercise. Parents have to be supportive of their children and avail them on the day of the program. The teachers are responsible for ensuring the environment is ample for holding the program. Finally, the government should provide all the required resources like finance and representatives. 

          The questionnaire being the means of feedback used, it would assist in finding out whether objectives were met and students enlightened on the dangers of sexting. The parents would also help in finding out whether the program was successful since they can easily observe their children’s reactions and behaviors and provide feedback at a later date. Monitoring of the budget would be done by checking the expenditure against the available funds, both from the organization and the government.

  • Discuss the way you would monitor service delivery against the objective and budgetary framework

Monitoring service delivery will be achieved through an evaluation of the feedback from the students as well as their level of engagement during the program. To cross-check service delivery against the objectives, attendance and compliance of the students in contributing during open forum sessions will be essential. Furthermore, after the program, the school’s administration can be tasked with reporting whether the sexting behavior have subsided. This will further be an indication that the program has met its agreed objectives. Monitoring the budget will be done through an evaluation of successfully delivered services against the costs. In this case, the allocations for the various categories of services will be monitored to ensure they stay within the limits and services provided optimally.

  • Explain how you would make feedback part of the monitoring process.

           Having discussed the issue of sexting and guidance given accordingly, the organization would get feedback from the students. The information will assist in finding out if the perception of the students has changed after the listening to various counsellors and speakers on the issue. Furthermore, combining the feedback and observation of their reactions during the process would assist the organization monitor the success of the program.

  • List the documentation required for the group and ways you would maintain these.

          The documentation needed for this program includes the following items:

  • A schedule for the program
  • Handouts on sexting behavior and its impact on students –to be availed to all stakeholders present during the event.
  • Feedback form designed for the students – to be given at the end of the program.
  • A report template to fill in the proceedings of the program.
  • Explain how your program meets the objectives of the organization.

          The organizations primary objective is to have program that guide the community on ways of maintaining a sound environment for all and address any other concern they may raise. Therefore, by carrying out the program, the organization’s mandate of intervening in youths’ issues will be met. Furthermore, by ensuring the funds they get from the government are used for a noble course as this, the organizational objectives of accountability and transparency will also be met.

  • Discuss how you would seek feedback and evaluate this.

          Feedback is essential since it assists the organization to evaluate whether it was able to meet the set goal and objectives. It also gives room for healthy criticism for future improvement and considerations. In this case, the organization would acquire feedback through the feedback forms as well as following up on the progress of the student behavior after the exercise. The compliments from other stakeholders would also be quite reliable in ascertaining the degree of effectiveness in management and accountability aspects of the organization.

From this feedback, what modifications would you implement to meet the changing needs of the clients and budgetary frameworks? 

The organization should view the criticism as a way of learning. Documenting these concerns would assist the organization in ensuring the same mistakes are not repeated. Therefore to meet the needs and interests of the students in future, having more breaks the middle of the program would assist the students to concentrate and sit still. Additionally, an adjustment on the content to proactively involve the audience through presentations will solve the issue of monotony. Snacks can be offered during the breaks to tackle the issue food insufficiency. On size, there would be the need to have fewer people at each session. To stick to the budgetary allocations, areas with enormous costs will be strategically reduced to balance the deficits in some expenses without necessarily inflating the costs further.

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