Implementation Process And Policy Of Using English As A Medium Of Instruction At Universities: An Annotation

Articles on English-Medium Instruction Implementation Process and Policy

The paper presents an annotation on the topic “implementation process and policy for using (EMI) at universities. The annotation focus on main questions; (i) who initiate the policy? (ii) Who is/are the actor/ actors of the policy? (iii) How to implement the policy and who is making the decisions?. Twenty references are used in this annotation to provide a clear description for every study in details thereby availing the obvious perspective reading each study to help delve deeper into the above topic in the future. 

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Doiz, A., Lasagabaster, D., & Sierra, J. M. (Eds.). (2012). English-medium instruction at universities: Global challenges. Multilingual matters.

The article will be significant in completing my project. It details how English can effectively be implemented and used as a medium of instruction at universities. This is essential since the article itself exactly talks about the topic for my study. From the article, I will able to understand the initiators of the policy and even the evidence on how the authors suggested the best way to implement this language in the universities. 

Doiz, A., Lasagabaster, D. and SIERRA, J., 2011. Internationalisation, multilingualism and English?medium instruction. World Englishes, 30(3), pp.345-359.

The information from this article will be a plus towards the completion of my project. It details internationalization, English-medium instruction and multilingualism. It will give me the basis to support the need for my research as a medium to internationalize instructions in the universities. It will help me show that by implementing (EMI), teaching will still be possible and effective despite multilingualism. 

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Baldauf, R. B. J., & Hamid, M. O. (2017). Language planning “schools” and their approaches and methodologies. In M. Sloboda, J. Nekvapil & L. Fairbrother (Eds.), the language management approach: Focus on methodology. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang. In press.

The article is significant in understanding the topic mentioned above. It presents a comprehensive understanding of language planning in schools and their respective approaches and methodologies. It will help in the future study since it will help the researcher unearth the actors of policy and how the actors identified implement these policies using the approaches and methodology. It is also critical since it presents an effective overview of the language management approaches useful in the implementation policies. It will help understand the best medium of instructions at universities. 

Johnson, D. C. (2013). Language policy. London: Palgrave Macmillan. Chapter 2.

The article is significant in my future study particularly on the understanding language policy. It will be useful in this study to give the overview of language policy including the meaning of what language policy really is. As stated in the article, it language policy is described as official efforts to influence the relative status as well as utilization of a single or more languages. Since this my future focuses on understanding how to implement (EMI) at universities, this article will thus effective methods or approaches to implement English. It will also help me understand the people who initiate the policy since it has stated that the policy is created by government.   

Lo Bianco, J. (2010). Language policy and planning. In N. H. Hornberger & S. L. McKay (Eds.), Sociolinguistics and language education (pp. 143-174). Bristol: Multilingual Matters.

This article will be necessary in my future project. It focuses on language policy and planning that will provide the background for implementation of English in the university. Since the article talks about language, it will present a clear understanding of the actors of the policy and how these policies are implemented. It also presents comprehensive language planning and education which will inform my future project to provide effective way in which English language can be implemented at universities as the medium for instructions. 

Tollefson, J. W. (1991). Planning language, planning inequality. London; New York: Longman. Chapter 2.

The implementation of (EMI) for universities’ instruction call for effective language planning. This article will be used to help in the planning of how to implement this language to ensure equality in planning. For example, by understanding language planning, I will be able to understand actors in planning which is also a key part of my study.

Kaplan, R. B., & Baldauf, B. R. (1997). Language planning: From practice to theory. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters. Chapter 2

The article presents relevant theory and practice on implementing of (EMI). The information from this article will be useful in this study to understand the multilingual issues and their influences on language planning. 

Corson, D. (1998). Language policy in schools: A resource book for teachers and administrators. Florence: Tylor and Francis. Chapter 2

The article is essential in my project by giving detailed language planning from the practice to theory. It will give me both theoretical framework and empirical mechanism to plan language and implement English at universities as a medium of instructions. It further help understand critical multilingual matters that affect the implementation. Moreover, it presents language policy in schools that acts as a resource book for both teachers and administrators. By mentioning teachers and administrators, I will be able to know the actors and policymakers to include in my project.

Ball, P. and Lindsay, D., 2013. Language demands and support for English-medium instruction in tertiary education. Learning from a specific context. English-medium instruction at universities: Global challenges, 4466.

The article presents me with the detailed information on the actors in the implementation of (EMI). This is given by the demanders and supporters of (EMI) in the tertiary education. The information presents the global challenges that accompanies implementation of this language. By understanding these challenges, I will be able to avoid them and even present intervention to ensure a successful implementation. 

Coleman, J.A., 2006. English-medium teaching in European higher education. Language teaching, 39(01), pp.1-14.

The article provides effective background on English-medium teaching in the universities. It provides information on language teaching in higher education. From this article, I will be able to understand the actors and initiators of the policy that shape the implementation of (EMI). 

Fortanet-Gómez, I., 2013. CLIL in higher education: Towards a multilingual language policy (Vol. 92). Multilingual matters.

Doiz, A., Lasagabaster, D. and SIERRA, J., 2011

The article gives a clear course towards a multilingual language policy as well as multilingual issues that impact the implementation (EMI) at universities. From this study, I will be able to identify the actors and even the policy that supports the implementation of this language in higher education to assist me complete the future project. 

Jenkins, J., 2013. English as a lingua franca in the international university: The politics of academic English language policy. Routledge.

The article examines English as the lingua franca in international university which is really relevant to my topic. It further examines the politics of academic English language policy. Accordingly, it will help me acknowledge the actors, policy and even the implementation of these policies arising for this politics. Such an understanding will enable me to complete my study that examines the actors, policy and even how such policies are implemented to make (EMI) at universities.

Shohamy, E., 2012. 10 A Critical Perspective on the Use of English as a Medium of Instruction at Universities. English-medium instruction at universities: Global challenges, p.196.

The article presents a useful critical viewpoint on the utilization of (EMI) at universities. This perspective will allow me to understand both global challenges affecting the implementation of this language and even give critical rationale why English should be implemented as a medium for instructions at universities. It also directly talks on my study topic and, therefore, I will be able to understand the stakeholders that will help effectively implement this language as a medium of instruction at universities. 

Smit, U. and Dafouz, E., 2012. Integrating content and language in higher education: An introduction to English-medium policies, conceptual issues and research practices across Europe. AILA Review, 25(1), pp.1-12.

The article will help me get the required information on effective integration of content and language at universities by making (EMI). It presents the policies and initiators of these policies and even go a notch higher to showcase how such policies are implemented. It has as helped presented useful understanding on conceptual issues along with research practices across Europe that I will conceptualize in the current study to effectively implement (EMI) at universities.

Hamid, M. O., & Baldauf, R. B. Jr. (2014). Public-private domain distinction as an aspect of LPP frameworks: A case study of Bangladesh. Language Problems & Language Planning, 39(2), 192-210. doi:doi 10.1075/lplp.38.2.05ham.

This an empirical study based on a case study of Bangladesh language planning and problems. The LLP framework given in this study will be used in my future project to effectively plan language implementation building from the already recognized challenges in language planning. By using the public-private domain distinction adopted in this study, it would be feasible to design an affective plan to implement (EMI) at university. The case study has present empirical findings which will be useful in my future study to ensure that challenges that policymakers and implementers face are eliminated before commencing the actual implementation.   

Wilkinson, R. (2013). English-medium instruction at a Dutch university: Challenges and pitfalls. English-medium instruction at universities: Global challenges, 324.

The article gives a practical case of a university in which English language has been implemented as a medium of instructions. It presents practical pitfalls and challenges that I will seek to prevent and eliminate in my framework to ensure effectiveness in implementation. The global challenges presented in this article will help me adopt a framework that is waterproof. Also, since the article presents a practical case of a Dutch University, I will be able to get the actors, initiators of policies alongside the way such policies are implemented. 

Zhao, S. (2011). Actors in language planning. In E. Hinkel (Ed.), Handbook of research in second language teaching and learning (pp. 905-923). New York; London: Routledg.

The article provides me with the opportune background to understanding the actors in language planning. It will be helpful in this study since I will be able to clearly present the undisputed actors that initiate the language policy and even showcase how such policies are implemented. It has further undertake an inquiry into the second language learning and teaching. This will be important in my study by giving him an evidenced-based approach to implement English language effectively as the medium of instruction at universities. 

Fenton-Smith, B., & Gurney, L. (2016). Actors and agency in academic language policy and planning. Current Issues in Language Planning, 17(1), 72-87. doi: 10.1080 .

Understanding actors and agency in academic language policy as well as planning is closely linked to my project. This article will help in the identification of the actors and agents who are the policymakers when English language is being implemented as medium of instructions at universities. With the accurate information about these actors, I will be able to present a framework of implementation of (EMI) assigning each actor an appropriate role which leads to effective instructions at universities.  

Hamid, M. O., & Nguyen, H. T. M. (2016). Globalization, English language policy and teacher agency. Focus on Asia. International Education Journal: Comparative Perspectives, 15(1), 26-44.

The above article has presents information relating to implementation process of English language in Asian universities. The article has captured the policy and teacher agency which are key aspects in ensuring effective English language installation as medium of instruction at universities. The comparative perspective analysis employed in this article is gives unbiased information that is generalizable. This means that the information presented in this article including the policy, policymakers and teacher agency can be integrated into my study to make it more effective. 


As presented in the annotation, the articles will be reviewed to enable me to get the required information regarding the above three questions mentioned in the introduction. This will help me effectively complete the study and give effective recommendations on how English language can be implemented as a medium of instructions at universities to solve the multilingual matters and global challenges.

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