Implementation Plan For Specialized Cardiovascular Nursing Care For Elderly Patients

Method of obtaining approval

Consider the population in which the solution is intended, the staff that will participate, and the key contributors that must provide approval and/or support for your project to be implemented. These stakeholders are considered your audience.

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Develop an implementation plan (1,500-2,000 words) using the “Topic 3: Checklist” resource. The elements that should be included in your plan are listed below:

1.Method of obtaining necessary approval(s) and securing support from your organization’s leadership and fellow staff.

2.Description of current problem, issue, or deficit requiring a change. ( This should be related to cardiovascular nursing ) . Hint: If you are proposing a change in current policy, process, or procedure(s) when delivering patient care, describe first the current policy, process, or procedure as a baseline for comparison.

3.Detailed explanation of proposed solution (new policy, process, procedure, or education to address the problem/deficit).

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4.Rationale for selecting proposed solution.

5.Evidence from your ” Review of Literature ” to support your proposed solution and reason for change.

6.Description of implementation logistics (When and how will the change be integrated into the current organizational structure, culture, and workflow? Who will be responsible for initiating the change, educating staff, and overseeing the implementation process?)

7.Resources required for implementation: staff; educational materials (pamphlets, handouts, posters, and PowerPoint presentations); assessment tools (questionnaires, surveys, pre- and post-tests to assess knowledge of participants at baseline and after intervention); technology (technology or software needs); funds (cost of educating staff, printing or producing educational materials, gathering and analyzing data before, during, and following implementation), and staff to initiate, oversee, and evaluate change.

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

In nursing care, any implementation plans require approvals from health care organization leaders and other fellow nurse and medical staff. It can be done submitting a proposal form informing about the intention of the plan and the support required for its implementation. It is a way to inform everybody about the plan for change in the organization. Support of nursing staff is also important because they will play a direct part if the plan is implemented. Therefore it is necessary to communicate the usefulness and future impact of the scheme on nursing care.  The final approval can be obtained by nursing review board or hospital leader after they evaluate the plan for its effectiveness in health care goals (Posavac, 2015).

Description of current problem or issues requiring change

The present problem in cardiovascular nursing is that the number of elderly patients with cardiovascular disease is increasing. But the policies and procedure for cardiovascular nursing are not specialized for older patients. An older patient physiology differs due to aging, and so nurses will have to consider these factors too for initiating cardiovascular nursing care. With the increase in aging population, cardiovascular disease will be the leading cause of death in the elderly. Cardiovascular physiology changes with aging and the resulting comorbidities result in a difference in the effect of cardiac problems. The response to treatment in this condition should also differ (Falk et al., 2013).

So far cardiovascular nursing has focused on patient-centered care for maintenance and reduction of symptoms. The current procedures for cardiovascular nursing mainly concentrate on the evaluation of cardiovascular status, monitoring hemodynamic conditions and disease management. The fundamental goal is to reduce stress and morbidity associated with the disease. There are programs for assessing non-compliance and intervention to enhance patient compliance in cardiovascular care. Cardiovascular nurses also play a role in risk assessment such as checking psychological aspects of patients. But the aspects of identifying risk factors for elderly patient’s treatment are missing. The care of elderly patients with cardiovascular conditions differs a lot from the nursing care of younger patients with the same condition. There should be a procedure for risk assessment and special considerations in the management of older patients with the cardiovascular condition (Polit & Beck, 2013).

The proposed solution is to introduce a new nursing procedure that will provide specialized cardiovascular nursing care to elderly patients. It will help to address the problems of risk to individual treatment for elderly patients and understand the difference in care for such patients. It will help nurses to understand the effects of aging on the cardiovascular system and take the best decision possible. The special considerations for nurses for the management of older patients will be as follows:

Understanding physiology of aging: Aging is associated with a decline in physiological processes. Older patients have an enormous amount of collagen in the arterial wall and it has links with other collagen fibers. The cumulative result of changes in other biological factors results in endothelial dysfunction. Increasing arterial stiffness has a great impact on heart and leads to cardiovascular disease including atherosclerosis, hypertension, and stroke. Arterial system and cardiac system are related, and arterial stiffness leads to increased cardiac output and other complications (Strasser, 2013).

Detailed explanation of proposed solution

Change in management of CVD due to aging: Aging process is influenced by biological factors (genetic constitution), health habits (Quality of diet and exercise), cardiac risk factors (cholesterol, hypertension), comorbidities (hypertension, dementia, vision and hearing defects), psychology (coping skills and self-efficacy), social class, economic resource and culture. The morbidity will vary in different individual. Increase number of older patients is diagnosed with the disease due to accumulating morbidities. Decrease in homeostasis and risk factors for cardiovascular disease (Graham et al., 2014).

Management of treatment: The treatment and medications for younger patients may not be suitable for older patients. Elderly people may be at risk due to certain traditional procedures, so nurses should plan less-invasive treatment to improve outcomes in the elderly patient. Medications may also cause the problem because aging-related changes in absorption and metabolism alter the pharmacokinetics and dynamics of this drugs (Ray et al., 2014). Therefore nurse should also consider adverse and benefits of medications in older patients. Analysis of risk-benefit ratio for all kinds of treatment in such patients is essential.

This approach has been chosen to minimize the risk factor to certain treatments on the health outcome of elderly cardiovascular patients. This solution has been suggested because average lifespan of humans is increasing and in future, there will be more elderly patients living with cardiovascular disease. Various studies have predicted that of disease will be the leading cause of death in older people, and the cost related to the treatment will continue to increase. Ambiguity exists regarding the factor that influences cardiovascular aging and specialized cardiovascular treatment in this group of people (North & Sinclair, 2012). So, the proposed solution will be helpful for reducing deaths due to this disease in the future as well as make the disease manageable for elder patients.

Several literatures were also useful in supporting my proposed solution. One article highlighted the nursing responsibilities for handling an elderly patient with heart disease. It also showed that treatment regimen differs for elderly patients with cardiovascular disease. They studied a section of the population with this illness and found that elderly patients are at risk for many of the treatment procedures due to age-related factors (Dos Santos et al., 2014). So it concluded that there is a need for specialized nursing care for such patients. The patient’s frailty should be a priority for nurses. It helps in the assessment of the level of decreased physiological reserve and vulnerability to stressors. Frailty assessment contributes to getting insights of prognostics and designing optimal care pathway for patients (Afilalo et al., 2014).

Rationale for selecting proposed solution

In my proposal, major stress in given on identifying risk factors for the disease for aged people. One study gave insight into one of the risk factors for cardiovascular disease. It evaluated the effectiveness of managing patients with hypertension as this is the major risk factor for CVD. They analyzed different data through descriptive statistics and ANOVA. The results showed a significant difference in self-management and medical service utilization. It revealed that many people do not take appropriate treatment for hypertension. If elder patients have hypertension, then it is a great cause of concern and nurses should understand the need of special care in patients with hypertensive conditions to avoid comorbidities of heart disease (Drevenhor et al., 2007).

I plan to implement the proposed plan in my nursing care facility within a time span of 1 year. I will try to introduce this culture of considering age-related factors for treating patients with cardiovascular disease. It will lead to speedy recovery, better management and care of older patients. I will involve nursing leaders of the cardiovascular department to communicate the implementation plan to each nursing staff. The goals for appropriate nursing intervention for elderly patients will be as follows:

The disease management in elderly should not be just limited to prevention of mortality.

Elderly patients do not view length of life as a priority and so primary goal for nurses should give them independence in daily living and manage basic life activities

Nurses should try to increase patient’s ability to ambulate, decrease hospitalization rate and decrease symptoms of illness.

Factors like independent movement, psychosocial and financial burden is a concern for old patients and so nurses should provide support to them.

Patients should be taught ways of managing cardiovascular disease and tell them the benefits of potential interventions on the quality of life (Olsson et al., 2013).

The training program will be arranged to make nurses aware of factors to consider while treating elderly patients with the disease. Each nurse should be  placed aware of the proposed procedure for treating such patients and giving medication and treatment after identification of age-related risk factors. This implementation plan will integrate this information within the whole department of cardiovascular nursing, and the workflow will proceed according to this proposed solution.

The initiation of the implementation plan will be looked after by nursing leaders. They will take the responsibility of distributing pamphlet and education related to planning for nurses and strictly advises each nurse to integrate these aspects in their nursing care. Along with them, other medical staff will help in disseminating plans to the organization by displaying posters.The implementation process will be looked after organizational officials who will utilize technology to transmit necessary information related to the plan. Experienced personnel will be involved in power-point presentation to make clear idea about new procedure for treatment of older people.

Evidence from review of literature

The resource required for implementation of this plan is the nursing staff. Firstly nursing staffs will be given adequate knowledge about new information for treating the older patient by distributing pamphlets, handouts, etc to concern department and then posters will be placed in the health care organization. This will make everyone aware of the new change in the program, Secondly assessment tools like questionnaires, surveys, and test will assess knowledge of nurse about the new plan and the intervention. The information will also be disseminated using technology. It will also require funds to cover cost of educating staff, printing implementation plan materials and analyzing change in nursing approach.


Afilalo, J., Alexander, K. P., Mack, M. J., Maurer, M. S., Green, P., Allen, L. A., … & Forman, D. E. (2014). Frailty assessment in the cardiovascular care of older adults. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 63(8), 747-762.

Dos Santos, M. G., & Christovam, B. P. (2014). Articulation of nursing care management and health education for hypertensive older adults. Journal of Nursing UFPE on line [JNUOL/DOI: 10.5205/01012007/Impact factor: RIC: 0, 9220], 8(9), 3233-3236.

Drevenhorn, E., Kjellgren, K. I., & Bengtson, A. (2007). Outcomes following a programme for lifestyle changes with people with hypertension. Journal of clinical nursing, 16(7b), 144-151.

Falk, H., Ekman, I., Anderson, R., Fu, M., & Granger, B. (2013). Older patients’ experiences of heart failure—an integrative literature review. Journal of nursing scholarship, 45(3), 247-255.

Graham, D. J., Reichman, M. E., Wernecke, M., Zhang, R., Southworth, M. R., Levenson, M., … & MaCurdy, T. E. (2014). Cardiovascular, bleeding, and mortality risks in elderly Medicare patients treated with dabigatran or warfarin for non-valvular atrial fibrillation. Circulation, CIRCULATIONAHA-114.

North, B. J., & Sinclair, D. A. (2012). The intersection between aging and cardiovascular disease. Circulation Research, 110(8), 1097-1108.

Olsson, L. E., Jakobsson Ung, E., Swedberg, K., & Ekman, I. (2013). Efficacy of personâ€Âcentred care as an intervention in controlled trials–a systematic review. Journal of clinical nursing, 22(3-4), 456-465.

Polit, D. F., & Beck, C. T. (2013). Essentials of nursing research: Appraising evidence for nursing practice. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

Posavac, E. (2015). Program evaluation: Methods and case studies. Routledge.

Ray, K. K., Kastelein, J. J., Boekholdt, S. M., Nicholls, S. J., Khaw, K. T., Ballantyne, C. M., … & Lüscher, T. F. (2014). The ACC/AHA 2013 guideline on the treatment of blood cholesterol to reduce atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease risk in adults: the good the bad and the uncertain: a comparison with ESC/EAS guidelines for the management of dyslipidaemias 2011. European heart journal, ehu107.

Strasser, T. (2013). Reflections on cardiovascular diseases. Interdisciplinary Science Reviews.

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