Implementation Of Wireless Technology: Energy Consumption And Communication


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Implementation of wireless technology

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Project title:

Implementation of wireless technology

Week No:








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Project title:

Implementation of wireless technology

Week No:








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The aim of the report is to develop a project plan that will be able to meet the requirements and needs associated with implementation of a wireless technologies. The project plan will describe a plan that will organize the implementation process in an effective way. With a good implementation technology the project can be successfully completed.

Project problem domain

The problem related to the Capstone project includes

  • Radio spectrum
  • Manual interference
  • Power consumption relating to storage device  

The aim of the report is to solve the problem faced with the implementation of wireless technology. The main problem faced with the implementation of this project is with the security of radio spectrum and manual interferences directly effects the user. Apart from this another problem that can affect the domain is related to the power consumption. This report will help in understanding and facilitating the enhanced way of communicating without any kind of barrier involved in this sector.  

Conceptual framework is used to represent the researcher’s way of examining the phenomenon. This will describe the actions taken by the researcher in order to frame the requirements needed to complete the study. The framework includes identifying the specific variables important for implementation of wireless technology. There are total 8 categories that lies within the conceptual framework, this includes:

  • The experience of presence faced within the environment
  • Environment itself
  • The task that is on focus
  • The activities performed by each participants associated with the project
  • The rules followed by the members while interacting within the environment

Wireless technology is used for dynamic research domain. With the implementation of wireless technology the network security can be improved. Another reason of implementing wireless technology are it offers latest encryption. The problems like hacking snooping can be avoided with the use of strong password and with implementation of better hardware and software security (Wang, et al., 2014). The amount of mobility gets increased with the use of wireless technology. With the use of wireless technology productivity can be increased as well. Moreover as there is no wires involved in the connection of this network the chances of getting tripped over any cables reduces. The aim of the report is to analyse the process of implementing wireless communication in the network (Smith, 2015). There are several technology included within the wireless protocols. This includes WLAN, WPA, WEP, Wi-Fi and other wireless broadband. Wireless technologies are used to describe the communication in which the electromagnetic waves are used rather than wires. There are several protocols that are needed to be maintained while implementing wireless technologies. With the use of wireless infrastructure networks can be managed efficiently. Before implementing wireless technology, this becomes necessary to understand about the benefits offered by these technology. The way wireless technology will help in increasing the productivity needs to be clear. Wireless technology offers many benefits such as flexible, affordable and efficient. Secondly, it is necessary to plan the implementation of wireless technology. These includes understanding the investment and calculating the profits they may return. After assessing the implementation features and the necessary capabilities, the plan needs to be implemented. The wireless communication after implementation needs to include some security features that will help in protecting the technology and will secure the communication. This includes WEP encryption, MAC addressing and traditional VPN securities control.  The report has discussed about the problem domains associated with the implementation of wireless technology. This becomes essential to develop a wireless technology that will energy efficient. The need to maintain the energy efficiency in wireless technology are due to the design problem, green technology policy and cost (Marin?i?, Kerner & Šimuni?, 2016). The way energy can be saved includes active/sleep modes, directional antenna, schedule management, interference management, cognitive radio and high transmission speed. In order to improve the communication between different devices implementation of internet of things will be beneficial.


There are two types of research method qualitative and quantitative. Qualitative research is a research that includes investigative research. This includes providing a solution to the problem faced while working with this project. The research includes collection of data that varies from semi structured to unstructured techniques. This includes looking at the non-numerical data. There are several sources that incudes artifacts, participant’s observation and archival records. Quantitative research is done with the help of statistical data and with developing questionaries’ and conducting surveys (Lewis, 2015). There are four types of quantitative research this are experimental, descriptive, correlation and quasi experimental. In this project qualitative research method is being used. This report has included the budget for developing the plan in detail with Gantt chart.

Data collection method used in this report is secondary. In this method the analysis is doe on already collected data (Hanvey, 2018). The sources used for secondary data method collection includes data collected from research papers, organizational departments and information collected by governments.

There are several ethical issues that are faced while implementing wireless technology. Wireless technology are does not provide much security, thus they are vulnerable to attack. This becomes essential to maintain the security otherwise unauthorized person will get access to the information transmitted within the devices (Yang, et al., 2015). This act is unethical and thus needs to be taken care. Apart from these squatters impact the wireless networks a lot. While implementing wireless technologies the organization needs to understand that it is being ethically used and efficiently implemented.

Compliance requirements are referred to working by the rule such as following some policy, specification, law or standard. Violation of this requirements may lead to legal punishments and also includes federal fines. There are several laws and regulations that are applicable for federal assistance. There are several compliance requirements this includes: activities allowed or unallowed, allowable cost principles, cash management, Davis Bacon Act, eligibility  equipment and real property management , matching, level of effort, marketing, period of availability of federal funds, procurement and suspension and debarment, program income , real property acquisition and reallocation assistance , reporting , sub recipient monitoring and special tests and provisions. If the project implemented in this report fulfil all the requirements than only it is eligible to be implemented. As violation of this may will lead to legal actions on the project managers.  

The main risk associated with the implementation of wireless technology is with the security issues, data interception, radio jamming, and denial of service and network intrusions. Thus it is essential to mitigate this risk. In order to mitigate the risk strong passwords can be used and with the help of encryption security can be enhanced (Denzin, 2017). By limiting the Wi-Fi signals the risk of unauthorized users can be restricted, wireless intrusion prevention system will be useful and will protect the communication from intrusions. Rogue AP detection is another device that helps in providing better security.

Task Name




Implementation of wireless technology

58 days

Mon 14-01-19

Wed 03-04-19


9 days

Mon 14-01-19

Thu 24-01-19


3 days

Mon 14-01-19

Wed 16-01-19

      Resource accumulation

1 day

Thu 17-01-19

Thu 17-01-19

      project charter documentation

1 day

Fri 18-01-19

Fri 18-01-19

      PID formation

1 day

Mon 21-01-19

Mon 21-01-19

      Submission of documents

1 day

Tue 22-01-19

Tue 22-01-19

      initiation meeting

1 day

Wed 23-01-19

Wed 23-01-19

      sign off

1 day

Thu 24-01-19

Thu 24-01-19

      kick off project

0 days

Thu 24-01-19

Thu 24-01-19


13 days

Fri 25-01-19

Tue 12-02-19

      Project problem domain

2 days

Fri 25-01-19

Mon 28-01-19


1 day

Tue 29-01-19

Tue 29-01-19

      identification of technical requirements

2 days

Wed 30-01-19

Thu 31-01-19

      identification of non-technical requirements

1 day

Fri 01-02-19

Fri 01-02-19

      hardware requirements

2 days

Mon 04-02-19

Tue 05-02-19

      Software requirements

2 days

Wed 06-02-19

Thu 07-02-19

      identification of already existing networks

1 day

Fri 08-02-19

Fri 08-02-19

      survey of power consumption technologies

2 days

Mon 11-02-19

Tue 12-02-19


19 days

Wed 13-02-19

Mon 11-03-19

      Setting up of network peripheral

4 days

Wed 13-02-19

Mon 18-02-19

      software design

5 days

Tue 19-02-19

Mon 25-02-19

      software and hardware integration

10 days

Tue 26-02-19

Mon 11-03-19


17 days

Tue 12-03-19

Wed 03-04-19

      development of final documents

5 days

Tue 12-03-19

Mon 18-03-19


3 days

Tue 19-03-19

Thu 21-03-19

      testing documentation

3 days

Fri 22-03-19

Tue 26-03-19


3 days

Wed 27-03-19

Fri 29-03-19

      submission of documents

2 days

Mon 01-04-19

Tue 02-04-19

      sign off

1 day

Wed 03-04-19

Wed 03-04-19

      project closed

0 days

Wed 03-04-19

Wed 03-04-19


Denzin, N. K. (2017). The research act: A theoretical introduction to sociological methods. Routledge.

Hanvey, C. (2018). Data Collection Methods. In Wage and Hour Law (pp. 19-46). Springer, Cham.

Lewis, S. (2015). Qualitative inquiry and research design: Choosing among five approaches. Health promotion practice, 16(4), 473-475.

Marin?i?, A., Kerner, A., & Šimuni?, D. (2016, April). Interoperability of IoT wireless technologies in ambient assisted living environments. In Wireless Telecommunications Symposium (WTS), 2016 (pp. 1-6). IEEE.

Smith, J. A. (Ed.). (2015). Qualitative psychology: A practical guide to research methods. Sage.

Wang, C. X., Haider, F., Gao, X., You, X. H., Yang, Y., Yuan, D., … & Hepsaydir, E. (2014). Cellular architecture and key technologies for 5G wireless communication networks. IEEE Communications Magazine, 52(2), 122-130.

Wang, Y., Lin, F., Yang, S., Cai, P., & Igarashi, S. (2018, June). Efficiency Optimization of Wirelss Power Transfer System with Traction Motor Load for Modern Tram. In 2018 IEEE PELS Workshop on Emerging Technologies: Wireless Power Transfer (Wow) (pp. 1-5). IEEE.

Yang, N., Wang, L., Geraci, G., Elkashlan, M., Yuan, J., & Di Renzo, M. (2015). Safeguarding 5G wireless communication networks using physical layer security. IEEE Communications Magazine, 53(4), 20-27. 

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