Implementation Of Waterfall Model In Large Scale Development
Statement of purpose: Implementation of Waterfall model in Large Scale Development
This report will provide a brief history of the waterfall model. This report will also provide a functioning technique of waterfall model. Research methodology that has been used in this report will also be stated. Statements regarding applications of the model will also be stated.
Intention of the project is to implement waterfall model in large scale development process. Data analysis of the generated data is also another intention of the project
The implementation of waterfall model is done with the help of proper understanding of the phase requirements in engineering. With the help of proper phase requirement understanding the model can be used for designing, testing, implementation and proper maintenance of the project that is being performed. industries Waterfall development phase that are used in different large-scale industries. With the help of the compartmentalizing the entire process the work gets started. In the initial stage understanding of the requirement is done. Quality door is present in between each and every checklist. After completion of the requirement analysis the main aspect that is taken inti consideration includes designing and implementation of the research analysis that is performed another checklist is inserted. With release help of the improvisation of quality door, performance reviewing is continuously performed. After completion of the execution, testing phase enters. After this phase release of the product is provisioned. Maintenance step is the ultimate step that is taken into consideration as per the projection.
The context that is being considered in this case is Ericsson AB. Ericsson AB is one of the leading organizations that is offering solutions in the field of telecommunication and multimedia. The solutions that are provided by Ericsson AB have been improving the scenarios for accessories of mobile [phones and other telecommunication units. Variety in solutions of Ericsson AB has been very high. The diversity ranges from the sector of telecommunication to multimedia solutions. Ericsson AB is ISO 2001: 200 certified. The field in which Ericsson has been operating can be considered as one of the fastest growing fields. Scope of innovation in the commencing of the project has been very high in the process of management of the projects that are undergoing and are already undertaken by Ericsson AB. The development that is introduced is market driven and are due to the demands that are due to the needs of clients. The end customers are well defined and the projects can be developed with the help of the understanding regarding the proposition of the demands.
The research methods that are used is Quantitative data analysis. In the initial stage interview process is undergone for understanding the entire methodology in a better manner. In the stage of interview, a complete list of people that will be interviewed is calculated. Usage of clustering sample method is done for selecting the individuals for interview purpose. A total of 153 people was chosen for the interview. At least 2 people of same designations were chosen in a random manner. This helped in increasing the diversity of the data collection. These people were mailed regarding the entire interview section.
Case Study
The entire interview was diversified in 5 stages. The initial stages were regarding the processing of the job that they perform and the project prosecution. The interviewees were asked about the issues that they face due to bottleneck, proposing of reworks. The interviewees were also asked whether they were suffering regarding unnecessary work due to the selection of this methodology.
The data analysis technique that is implemented are as follows: –
- Clustering: With the help of this method the statements that are similar in nature are put under same bracket. This includes the fact that the data analysis of the entire process gets better.
- Deriving Issue Statement: Raw data that will be collected will provide understanding of the entire scenario, but for a better understanding of the project as per the set questionnaire data that are received must be sorted as per the management of the project.
- Mind mapping: Implementation of mind mapping is also done. This is the main reason that the proclamation of the system analysis, gets grouped as per the abstraction level. In case of mind map the main concern that is present includes the fact that abstraction of the concept is inversely proportional to the distance from the centre of the mind map.
After gathering of data the issues are graded in groups.
Group A consists of the issues that has been stated by 1/3 of the total interviewees. This section issues are namely delay in testing, which reduces the efficiency of the project. Reduction in dynamicity of the projects has also been another issue
Group B consists of the issues that are stated by 1/5 of the total interviewees. This section issues are namely finding of issues during testing. With the feed back that is being provided being very late, the project management gets affected, Fixing of issues also becomes an issue due to late detection
Group C consists of the issues that are stated by 1/10 of the total interviewees. Limited reuse of document is also treated as one of the major issues. Long decision-making time also acts as an issue. Unsure demands regarding designing of the project is another issue. Supporting corrections that are to be done is also another issue.
Group D consists of the issues that are stated by more than 1/10 of the total interviewees. Scope of the project are very huge and preciseness of the project decreases. Extensive documentation is another issue [8].
Group E consist of the issues that are stated by 1 or 2 respondents. Dealing with substation faults is considered as issues in this group.
With the help of quantitative data analysis, a total of 38 issues were identified. In this case the issues are placed along the group and the result stated that most of the issues were placed under the Group E. Other issues that were present were understanding the phases of requirement engineering. Understanding the process of development and designing were also one of the issues. Verification and validation of the project management was also considered to be a major issue in the project management process.
There are 1 Group A issue in the Requirement engineering as per the gathered data. 1 Group C problem is also detected in the system. 1 Group D and 1 Group E issue was detected for requirement engineering. A total of 2 Group C issues were detected in the management of the development section. 1 Group D and 1 Group E issues were also detected in the process. 1 group A, 2 group B, 2 group D and 2 Group E issues were detected in case of Verification and validation issues. The total number of issues that were found in the implementation of Waterfall project management is 38.
Conclusion of the report: From the content of the report it can be stated that the waterfall model has been performing efficiently. This leads to the fact that the entire business management methodology gains efficiency in their functioning. Survey performance is taken into consideration for better analysis of the situation. Thus is the main reason that projection of the entire report is mainly focussed on the generated output of the survey resultant.
From the above report it can be stated that critical review of issues that are present due to the implementation of Waterfall model is performed. From the above report the reason of increase in implementation of Agile methodology was also well understood. Waterfall model is the oldest model that has been in use for project management of different organization. Despite several problems that are present in this model, this model is still in use. It can be stated that the issues that are present are dependent on the user’s perspective. There is no empirical evidence that can be provided as per the issues that are present in the waterfall model.
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