Implementation Of Telehealth Project – Review Of Cloud-based Solutions, SDLC Approaches, And Constraints
Telehealth Review
This report aims to discuss the aspects of the implementation of the solutions of Telehealth Project. A review of the cloud based solutions along with the advantages and the disadvantages are provided in this report. The advantages and the disadvantages of the predictive SDLC approach and the advantages and the disadvantages of the Adaptive SDLC approach is provided in this approach is provided in this report. Lastly, this report concludes with an appropriate conclusion for this report.
The telehealth is the project that was introduced for improving the access to quality healthcare in the rural public hospital or the health service. When the separation of the professionals of healthcare is done, the communication among them became hard for delivering the enhanced quality health or the related processes like the education.
The telehealth is commonly the use of any technology for delivering the health, medical and the education connected services and the information.
The critical qualities of the system of the telehealth are the:
- Ease of access to the health experts
- Time saving for the patients as this methods does not require the regular visit to the doctor
- Availability of the advice of the specialists
- Reduction of the transport expenses of the patient
User interface for the telehealth: The use of the telehealth is easy for any person. The process involved in the use of the telehealth project are as follows:
Stage 1: Scheduling: With use of the apps of the telehealth, the patients could request the appointment with their respective doctor and the confirmation of the appointment is provided within minutes.
Stage 2: records: The sending of the records of the patients is done using email or the app and the storing is done in a file
Stage 3: Connect for any call: The patient gets the call from the appointed doctor at the specified time.
Stage 4: Diagnosis: Analysis of the condition of the patient is done on the basis of the records and the conversation with patient.
Stage 5: Prescribing: The prescription is sent to the patient by the doctor.
Stage 6: Payment: The payment is done when all the above process is complete.
System constraints
Technical infrastructure: The technical infrastructure is necessary for the successful implementation of the health project and because of the fact that it is connected to the internet, the patients require an internet service.
Funding: This aspect is necessary for the costs of the infrastructure and the payments to the people associated to the staff of telehealth.
Usability: In the recent years, the utilisation of the telehealth technologies is swiftly increasing due to the feature of the service of being minimal time consuming and hugely cost saving and the availability of several specialists is there on one single platform.
System Constraints
Reliability: The increase in the projects of the telehealth displays the dependence of the people on the health services based on the technology.
Performance: Activities of the telehealth are progressively rising with the awareness among the public.
Security: The telehealth consists of their appropriate technical term and the management of the data is done in secure methods for restricting the access to any data by unauthorised users.
The environment of cloud that is to be deployed for the telehealth project is the SaaS environment. This service provides the capability of renting the software and the infrastructure for enabling the effective cloud storage for the project.
Discussing about the advantages of the SaaS environment of the cloud computing, the following benefits are presented with the focus on some of the points for the telehealth project:
Simplified access to the information: As soon as the registration of the users is done in the cloud environment, the access to the information on the cloud is provided to them from anywhere where there is an internet connection.
Recovery and backup: As all the data has been stored in cloud, the backup and the restoring of the same is comparatively easier than the storing of the same on any physical device. Moreover, most of the service providers of cloud are commonly able to handle the responsibility of information recovery.
Integrated automation of software: In the technology of cloud, the integration of the software is commonly a feature that is done automatically by the cloud. This denotes that no extra efforts are required by the cloud users to integrate the customised application according to their own preferences (Almorsy, Grundy & Ibrahim, 2014). This aspect commonly takes care on its own.
Cost efficient: The technology of cloud computing is considered to be the most cost efficient solution for using, maintaining and upgrading (Stavrinides & Karatza, 2016). The cloud on other hand, could be available for the companies at significantly cheaper rate and therefore, it can significantly lower all the IT expenses of the company. Moreover, there are many scalable options that are available like the pay-as-you-go, one-time-payment and several other options of scalability that are available for the companies that makes the solution of cloud significantly reasonable. It can also be perceived that the solutions of cloud lowers cost for the smaller firms that intends to apply the techniques that are compute intensive.
Even though the cloud provides several advantages to the organisations, there are several disadvantages of the cloud implementation in any organisation. Some of the disadvantages of the cloud technology are:
Cloud-based Solutions for Telehealth
Cloud security: The major issue of the cloud is represented by the security. Prior the adoption of the technology, the beneficiaries must have the idea of the dangers that they might face with the surrendering of all the sensitive information of the business to any third-party provider of cloud services (Kavis, 2014). Therefore, the businesses must ensure that the right solution of cloud have been chosen by them from any reliable provider of this service who would ensure the security of the information.
Technological issues: It has been commonly observed that the cloud storage sometimes face serious malfunction and it leads to the temporary shutdown of the services for the organisations (Dillon & Vossen, 2014). The businesses must have the proper means for handling such situations the outages and any other technical issues can damage the business process of the organisation. The best providers of cloud can face this issue even though maintaining the cloud service at significant high functions.
Susceptible to attack: The information storage cloud could create significant vulnerability for the companies to any external threat and any hack attacks and hence it raises the issue of the theft of the sensitive data.
Adaptive software offers the opportunity of the extensive engagement of the stakeholders prior the start of the project, during the project and after each stage of the project life (Kumar, Zadgaonkar & Shukla, 2013). With this engagement, the approach offers the higher collaboration degree with the clients and with the team of development as it includes the comprehensive interaction among team and client in each stage. Some of the benefits and the risks of adaptive SDLC approach of the project are provided in this discussion.
Easy delivery is allowed by the Adaptive SDLC: Because of the comprehensive involvement of the clients prior the project, during and each of the stage of the development of the software, it leads to the swift development of the process that provides early delivery of project (Gupta et al., 2018). As the business value is mainly focussed in this approach, when the realisation of the significant value is done, and the intended satisfaction level of the client is achieved then the delivery of the project is done earlier than the intended date.
Transparency is allowed by the adaptive SDLC: This approach consists of the working together by each team in every stage of the project (Sahu, Shree & Kumar, 2014). Any explanation can be provided by the developers explaining the status of the project to the respective clients prior the start of the project, during and also after each of the stage and this providers the clients with an abstract view of the expectation and it provides the clients with the opportunity of sharing the opinions with the team of development.
Advantages of SaaS Environment for Telehealth Project
The integration of the testing in the adaptive SDLC is done all through the lifecycle. The testing at each of the stage delivers the products with enhanced quality but it also raises the project cost in the future (Batra & Barua, 2013). It has been discovered from the studies that the extensive testing is one of the reason for failure of project. The cost of test phases that are frequent and long could increase the overrun of the project and then it results in the project failure.
Extensive involvement of the users is required in the Adaptive SDLC and it consumes most of the time of the representative of the user and the complete commitment in the project lifetime. Most of the time of the user agent leads to wastage as in several cases it has been observed that the engagement of the users is mostly in the sessions of the testing and reviews and then they are disengaged in the sessions of development.
The easy and simplified prediction of the timelines and the budget is provided in the SDLC approach. As an idea of the end result is available and the visualisation of the final product is done in the stage of initiation of software development, the predictive SDLC creates an easy understanding for the team to develop the expected budget and the expected timeframe required for completing the project.
The understanding and the analysis of the predictive SDLC is simple and easy. This methodology consists of the pre-defined stages that are followed from initiation to deployment of the software. The steps that are laid down and provision of the methods by which the steps are followed allows the developers to provide the developed software in the timeframe and within the specified budget.
The usability of the predictive SDLC is not so much for any complex projects that are object oriented. This use of this methodology is mostly in the smaller projects where the defining of all the requirement is done in initial stages and the expected outcome is determined at the stage of project initiation. This methodology is not appropriate for the projects where the defining of all the requirements is not done or they might be at the risk of alteration with respect to time. The application of this method is not done for the long and the currently running projects because of the firmly defined stages and the rigidity.
Disadvantages of Cloud Implementation
In the predictive SDLC, the production of no working software is done till the late phases of software development. Any working of the software product could be generated at the last stage of the process of software development. The reviews and the testing is executed only at the late stages of lifecycle model. In several situations, any additional requirement is identified that was not required in the development phase, and it makes the efforts that are put in the complete process as null and it is wasted as the repetition of the whole process is done for accommodating the new requirement.
The recommended SDLC for the project is the adaptive SDLC as the project would be exploited by several users and the environment of the SDLC, the extensive involvement of the user is done prior, during and each of the step in development. The completeness of all the requirements of the user is essential for the telehealth project and this would be possible with the utilisation of the adaptive SDLC.
Therefore, it can be concluded that the best cloud based environment for the telehealth project is the SaaS based solution as it provides the extended security measures and it provides comprehensive scalability. The telehealth is the project that was introduced for improving the access to quality healthcare in the rural public hospital or the health service. The technology of cloud computing is considered to be the most cost efficient solution for using, maintaining and upgrading. It has been commonly observed that the cloud storage sometimes face serious malfunction and it leads to the temporary shutdown of the services for the organisations. Adaptive software offers the opportunity of the extensive engagement of the stakeholders prior the start of the project, during the project and after each stage of the project life. This methodology consists of the pre-defined stages that are followed from initiation to deployment of the software. The usability of the predictive SDLC is not so much for any complex projects that are object oriented. The best SDLC approach for the software development for the company is the adaptive SDLC approach.
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