Implementation Of Cyber Physical Systems In Reducing Operational Expenses In Industry

Literature review

Discuss about the Cyber Attacks Detection And Prevention System For Iot Networks.

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The journal article discusses about the industrial system and its preference for reducing operational expenses. For this purpose they use the most feasible technology that provides the use of flexibility, stability and fault tolerance. Therefore, for this purpose they implement the use of Cyber Physical Systems or CPS integration with the utilization of the newest technology of Internet of Things or IoT by using the services of cloud computing.

The approach to the subject is pretty original since there have not been enough implementation of the CPS process for providing the flexibility, stability and fault tolerance from the perspective of an industry.
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It has been proposed in the paper that CPS is taken to be one of the most smart implementations in the industrial arena given the application of the technique in smart industrial systems, medical and eHealthcare systems.
Research gap 

It also symbolizes that there have not been much researches about this specific topic in the industry and therefore the implementation process depending on cloud computing, concepts of IoT, mobile wireless sensor networks, and others, are larger issues at stakes in the security and deployment of these classical systems.
Aim of your research 

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The aim of the research is to focus on the IoT systems and analyze the security vulnerabilities in Cloud-assisted and IoT-based SCADA system.

This paper discusses in details about the new features that Internet of Things or IoT puts forward given the latest technology emergence. It describes that right from the start of IoT application; it has been implemented in various fields of production. From industrial automation to healthcare industry, IoT implementation has provided in all the industries it has been implemented in.

It can be said that the  approach is pretty original since the approach has not yet visibly researched about much in the articles that have been proposed as of yet. However, there have been considerable amount of researches in process trying to figure out the security vulnerabilities in the IoT cloud implementations system.

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This journal article also describes that with the new technology advancements, there has also been evolution of the attacks that had formed threats to IoT. Since then, there have been various researches conducted to curb the attacks on IoT but still these are vulnerable to attacks.

Research gap

Research gap 

Therefore, the paper discusses about the issues regarding the threats and the IoT devices that are used to eradicate the threats from these attacks. However, there is no mention of the ways that these could be eradicated from the system or any ways suggested that these could be subjected to the process of elimination.

Aim of your research

The paper focuses on the latest technologies and the myriad advantages of these IoT devices and in what ways these would help in eliminating the factors influencing IoT attacks. The topic discussed in the journal is justified as all the aspects of the emerging technology about IoT are fulfilled. The paper describes the IoT implementation, issues, and attack-eliminating IoT devices as well.

Significance of the research

This paper describes in details about the utilization of internet that has led to the introduction of a vast digital society, in which every aspect of an element is connected or accessible from anywhere. Software Defined Networking (SDN) is an emerging paradigm that guarantees to trade this scenario.

This is done with the breaking of vertical integrations, isolation of the control logic of the network from the underlying routers and switches. The paper describes that this emphasizes centralization of network manipulation. Introducing this technique of in a bottom up and layered approach to the industry would help to control the network operating systems.

The paper also describes that instead of these factors of the internet encompassing and creating a world in its own, traditional IP networks are complex and really tough to control. It intensifies and makes in tougher since the present day networks are also vertically included.

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The evidences that have been found in various journal articles reveal the fact about the latest technological emergence manipulates the statistics planes and these are bundled collectively. 

Research gap 

The gap in the research in the journal article is that it does not provide a wholesome idea about the cost of implementations that is proposed to be cheaper than other technological implementations as per the suggestions of the journal reports. The cost of implementation is not clearly described and thus produces a vague idea about a specific topic.

Aim of your research

The aim for this research was to find out the information about implementing the idea of SDN in Cloud-based IoT environment.

Significance of the research

The journal article in discussion focuses on the idea of the emerging technology, where SDN or Software-Defined Networking is gaining much popularity in bringing about flexibility for network management services in enterprise networks.

It says that the newest emergence of technologies in providing the IoT based applications and the betterment of an organization go hand-in-hand with each other. This idea is to not extremely original in nature.

Aim of research

Literature review in the area what you are working

As per the research journal, it has been found that SDN technology actually helps in the enterprises in providing a defense against the DDoS attacks.

Research gap 

The research methodology that is followed for the protection from SDN attacks is started by examines of the security impact of the defense mechanisms of DDoS attacks for the technologies. It does not support information about prevention of any other attacks.

Aim of your research

As a recommendation, the research paper also suggests that the industry implements mitigation strategies for the prevention of DDoS attack that puts together a highly programmable network monitoring that has the ability to detect the attack in the industry network and a flexible control structure to allow fast and specific attack reaction.

Significance of the research

The journal in discussion describes about the recent development about Internet of Things or IoT. The paper suggests that IoT is a latest technology where physical objects would be interconnected as a result of union of various pre existing technologies.

As per researches are concerned, the idea is not that original since there have been numerous researches going on since there is no stone left to be unturned since the security of IoT needs to be kept intact.

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IoT is a technology that is being developed in a tremendous and rapid manner; however too much of uncertainties prevail in this regard about its security and privacy that affects the sustainable development of IoT in accordance to its use amongst the general masses as well the organizations they are being utilized into.

Research gap

This paper analyzes the security issues and challenges regarding the implementation of IoT in the industrial and individual zone. However, it does not include the idea of indicual safety in case of cloud-based IoT.

Aim of your research

It provides well-defined security structural design as a confidentiality of the user’s privacy and security which could result in its wider adoption by masses.

The researches have been done from industrial approaches according to the journal but there have been a subsequent gap in the research since it only followed the aspect of one approach. It fails to follow the perspective of an individual.

Significance of the research

This paper focuses on the latest technological advancements that have been in vogue gradually for IoT implementation in industries and the prevention of security attacks of them following various methods.

Significance of research

The latest technologically sophisticated information system always faces attacks while combining multiple vulnerabilities that penetrates a network and provides devastating outcomes of the matter. It has a tremendous tendency that the research methodology might backfire and affect the system as a vulnerability attack itself. It should be kept in mind that the implementation of the research methodology is only to check what a vulnerability attack can do to a system and its function is not to attack the system itself.

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The research states that as a methodology for the research, understanding of the combined vulnerabilities is taken into consideration and exploited to a stage where the research can assess a situation similar to the attack strategy.

Research gap 

The methodology used for the purpose is prone to become malicious and should be handled well. However, there is no literature evidence on how these attacks could be countered.

Aim of your research

The aim of the research was to evaluate and strengthen the overall security that channelizes the networks in an enterprise.

Significance of the research

This article has a ground spotlight on the matter of industrial advancement and Internet of Things or IoT and how the vulnerability attack and other challenges are acquainted with the traditional equipments and the general household objects such as the equipments like RFID and WSNs.

According to the research methodology, the cross-layer integration in a heterogeneous way is one of the most robust technologies used for the vulnerability checking. This has not been used before in eliminating the security issues.

Literature review in the area what you are working

There have not been enough researches in this area of security checking amongst all the papers, therefore, this can be considered to be the most appropriate techniques to detect vulnerability and security issues in IoT technology implementation.

Research gap 

However, it can be said that, with the newest technologies, there are many risks as well. The literature gap in this journal article is the failure of wholesome security issues from all the angles of a cloud-based IoT.

Aim of your research

The research methodology suggests that the research should be completed on the layers of IoT, such as the perception layer, transportation layer and application layer. It would then analyze the problems regarding the security by each layer. It would then try solving the problems regarding the security risks found in each of the layers.

Significance of the research

The journal article focuses regarding the topic of renewable and sustainable energy implementation for waste-to-energy incineration in the industries of China. This deals with the urbanization of the general living and the standards of living being higher exponentially with the advancement of time. It also involves the IoT implementation since the new technology has data being implemented all through the emerging technology in China.

This is extremely original as an approach since there are not many incidences research process about the latest technology and sustainable design of Waste-to-Energy or WTE incineration.

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The latest technology and sustainable design of Waste-to-Energy or WTE incineration has the ability to promote the proper utilization of municipal solid waste or MSW into having a harmless disposal and recycling process. Since this process has a sustainable approach, quite naturally it would promote the environmental upgrading.

Research gap 

The article fails to deliver the idea of the correct implementation of mechanical techniques to IoT implementations.

Aim of your research

This journal article particularly discusses about the implementation of a power plant for WTE in China having a detailed and analytical cost and benefit implementation utility. The analysis proves that the external environment is conducive to the development of WTE incineration industry and this industry is faced with good market prospects.

Significance of the research

The journal article suggests that IoT is still an emerging technology and has many stones left to be unturned in this regard. There are a lot of fields that the IoT and cloud-based implementation of the system still needs to be work on. These are automobiles, medical fields, smart cities and logistics tracking. For analysis the threat regarding this, the paper suggests implying the technique called Artificial Neural Network or ANN.

The idea is original since there has been no such approach that has been researched upon regarding the Artificial Neural Network or the ANN.

Literature review in the area what you are working

The literature review in the following area of expertise suggests that as a multi-level perception there are evidences of a type of supervised ANN that is trained using internet packet traces. It is then assessed on its ability to prevent the attacks Distributed Denial of Service or DDoS or DoS.

Research gap

As per research of this topic, there are evidences of 10 billion devices being connected. When compared to the population of the entire world of over 7 billion, it is believed it will increase by four percent by the year 2020. The research fails to apply the correct implementation of it findings based on these data.

Aim of your research

This paper focuses on the latest emerging technology of the 5G wireless networks. As per Chin and Haines, there have been much more advancement on the telecommunication network industry and their service provider since the conduct of Long Term Evolution or LTE 4G cellular services.

Significance of the research

This paper indicated to the various emerging technologies that claim to redefine the world of telecommunication with the implementation of the next generation of advanced communication networks.

How original is the approach?

The increasing interest in the technological advancement gave birth to the rise of the 5G or the 5th Generation telecommunication standards. Heterogeneous networks, such as, Small Cells, Carrier type, Multiple Radio Access technologies and device to device communications are some amongst them. Therefore, there has been no research yet confirmed on IoT implementations of telecommunication networks.

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One of these technologies, the 3GPP LTE technology has already started being implemented as a telecommunication standard whereas the other technological innovations are still in the process of being developed. The paper further focuses on the problems that are faced during the research for seeking out ways for further technological advancements.

Research gap 

The challenges in implementing heterogeneous networks and massive MIMo and 3D MIMO are also some of the few advanced technologies that have been facing challenges in their implementation processes, which this paper fails to put forward.

Significance of the research

The journal article suggests that IoT is still an emerging technology and has many stones left to be unturned in this regard. There are a lot of fields that the IoT and cloud-based implementation of the system still needs to be work on. These are automobiles, medical fields, smart cities and logistics tracking. For analysis the threat regarding this, the paper suggests implying the techniques for security measurement of IoT.

Aim of your research

The primary aim of this research was to find the significant challenges that IoT raises and that could stand in the way of understand the potential benefits of the latest technology. Compelling headlines about the hacking of surveillance concerns and Internet-connected devices already have captured public attention. Therefore, it needs to have primary attention to the technical challenges that prevail with the new policy of developmental and legal challenges that are emerging. This would probably clear the air about the Wireless Sensor Network or WSN technologies.

The idea for this approach is not original, as there have been similar implementations regarding the same issue before, as have been noticed in few other journal articles.

Research gap

There has not been too much of research gap, given the security challenges of IoT are all properly described.

Aim of your research

The research focuses on the matter of an overview about the Internet of things or IoT. It has been an emerging technique in this era of technology. It focuses on the matter of different consumer products, cars, trucks, durable goods, industrial products and every other object that is connected to the internet connectivity network and the way it has transformed the way the IoT has transformed itself.

The approach is original since there has been not many research conducted on this topic of IoT derivation from every aspect of the consumer perspective.

Literature review in the area what you are working

The review of the entire literature suggests that there have been considerable use of information that has been available all through the networking world. The journal follows appropriate structure and has implemented correct approach of researches about to be conducted.

Research gap

There has not been too much of research gap, given the security challenges of IoT are all properly described.

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