Implementation Of 3D Printing Technology For Cost-effective Solutions
Overview of 3D Printing Technology
Discuss about the Integration of Occupational Therapy Intervention.
3D printing is regarded as the advanced technology used in the manufacturing field. The main material which is used in the 3D printing technology is the material like powder along with the plastic. The main function of the 3D printing technology is construct the model of the object depends on the digital file.
The 3D printing model provides 360 degree angle for the scanning of the object. This is achieved by the visible light. In the 3D printing technology the surface image is created through the calculation and the modification of the actual image, after that it transmit to the 3D printer. The solid model is developed through the various layering.
The paper is focused on the use of the 3D printing technology in a small farm based at Victoria. The organization works with both retail and the corporate clients (Xing, Zheng & Duan, 2015). The main objective of the organization is to expand the business and for that they want to make the models less expensive. In order to do this they are going to implement the 3D printing technology in the system of the modeling. The study discusses about the implementation of the 3D printing technology in the company.
The discussion revolves around the general technology of the 3D printing which is generally used by the most of the company. The working principal is mainly based on the 3D printing technology which is generally used by industry to build the models using this technology. This report also discussed about the five different types of the application of the 3D printing along with the selection of the right use of the technology applicable for this case. However, there are certain advantages and the disadvantages of the 3D printing technology. The discussion and the identification of those factors will help to identify the challenges and the opportunities the company has to face while the implementation.
Nowadays , the 3D printing technology can be regarded as the emerging technology. This technology has been used by most of the industries all around the world (Jiang et al.,2016). The 3D printing allows the users to visualize the objective in a three dimensional effect (Ventola, 2014). This technology defines the object by creating the prototype of the object . In the 3D printing technology the raw materials are added in a layer for development of the final model. The 3D printing technology also defined as the additive manufacturing. This technology is also known as the desktop fabrication.
Application of 3D Printing Technology in a Small Farm at Victoria
STereoLitography (STL) is the file format supported by the 3D printing technology. This type of the file format is used in storing the 3D objects needed by the 3D printer. There are few attributes of STL file type. This file type is a standard of the file type is can be opened in the AM (Computer Aided Manufacturing). This file type helps in the prototyping of the object. The STL helps to define the geometry of the surface of the file types (Cheung et al.,2014). The use of the 3D printing technology is the cost effective solution for the organization for the modeling of the objects. The 3D printer has the capability to turn any object model into 3D dimension. There are various prototypes which can be used in the 3D printing technology. The use of this technology can reduce the complexity of the systems in the organization.
Different application of the 3D printing can be applicable in the different sectors of the industry. Some of the popular usage of the 3D printing technology are-
- Rapid Manufacturing: This is apparently new application of the 3D printing technology. The stages involved in this process are not proven in a proper way (Chao et al.,2017). However, this type of the implementation of the 3D printing technology is gaining popularity in the industry.
- Rapid Prototyping: The commercial use of the 3D printing technology is the rapid prototyping. This is the technology most commonly used by the commercial organizations in the industry.
- Addictive Manufacturing: This type of 3D printing technology is a networked model, which is used for the printing of the object in three dimension.
- Agile Tooling: The prototyping the 3D printing technology is done faster in this stage. One of the common type of the modeling in this Agile Tooling is the Injection modeling.
- Mass communication: This type of implementation the customization became easy, and the web based customization is possible.
Different application can be applicable for the implementation of the 3D printing technology. The different use of the different 3D printing technology are deployed by the different sectors of the industry. The organization mentioned in the discussion is a small company located at Victoria. In this case, the implementation of the 3D printing technology will help to cut the cost of the company and opens up the possibility of expansion of the business. In order to implement this technology three possible ways for the application can be used.
- Additive Manufacturing: The additive manufacturing is an important application in the implementation of the 3D printing. It is the tradition approach of the 3d printing where the specific material is used for the development of the 3D model. In this application the models are developed through the application of the thin layering of the materials. This process is involved with the application of the CAD software (Jové et al.,2017). This technique of the 3D printing is generally used for the printing of the model in the desired shape. With the advancement of the technology the modification and the improvement of the addictive printing technology is getting enhanced (West et al.,2018). One of the main advantage of the additive manufacturing is the fast delivery of the print. This is the reason , the technique is getting popular among the organization. In this technique the materials are added in layer by layer. The materials can be of the plastics or the metals (Ju et al.,2014). This techniques can be used for the making of different systems, machines, computers, layering materials. The organization situated at Victoria mainly develops printers and computers. In this case, the use of the addictive manufacturing can be appropriate for the organization. This technique of the 3D printing will also help to reduce the cost of the company.
- Mass communication: Another technique that can be used for the 3D printing in the organization mentioned in the discussion is the mass communication. The organization at Victoria wants to expand the business across the Australia, so this technique can be useful for the implementation of the 3D printing in a cost effective way(Costello et al.,2015). The technique is very popular and can provide different types of services according to the different requirements of the consumers (Choi & Kim,2015). The implementation and the modeling will not cost extra in this technique, which can add more advantage in using this technology.
- Rapid Prototyping: Another application the organization in Victoria can be implemented is the rapid prototyping (Cui et al.,2014). There are various techniques in the rapid prototyping which can be used for the fabrication of the scaling the model by the data provided by CAD (Monto et al.,2016). It is used for development of the prototype or the parts of the model. The data which is used to build the model in this technique are volumetric in nature.
The techniques those can be used for the implementation of the 3D technology have the advantages and the disadvantages. There are certain issues associated with each of the technologies regarding ethical laws, legal laws and the social laws.
- Cost: The main advantage that the additive manufacturing serves to the organizations is the cost effective solution of the 3D printing. There are many small organizations with the limited resources (Radenkovic et al.,2016). The additive manufacturing is the way used by these companies to get the 3D printing models in a cost effective way.
- Energy : The cost regarding the energy can be minimized using this technology in the 3d printing.
- Sample Training: One of the significant advantage of the additive manufacturing is that , this technique provides the sample and the training to the users of the system.
- Complexity: the application of this technique is less complex in nature. The users of the system can easily handle the process of the implementation.
- Waste production: The use of this technique leads to the less waste production which supports the sustainability of the environment.
- Building rate: The building rate of the 3D model in the 3D printing technology using this technique has the slower building rate.
- Post processing: This technique requires to follow some steps after the orienting is done. This phase is known as the post processing phase. The success of the printing is dependent on the post processing.
- Discontinuity: in this technique the discontinuity of the production happens. Only some parts can be printed over a limited period of time.
However, the additive manufacturing maintains the ethical laws and the social laws, so this can be used in the organization at Victoria.
Final look: one of the most advantage of the 3D printing technique is that it provides the final look of the model (Lee et al.,2014). The user using this model can see the preview of the final model of the product. However, the prototype of the future model is provided to the users.
High Speed: Another benefit that can be achieved from this application is the high speed of the execution. This technique use to deliver the prototype of the model in a faster way.
Advantages and Disadvantages of 3D Printing Technology
Flaws: This technique allows the searching for the flaws in the system or the designing part of the model.
Cost: The use of this technique provides the cost effective solution in the 3D printing. This technology is the right choice for the small firms like the company at Victoria.
- Failure of the replication: The main disadvantage of the rapid prototyping is the failure of the replication. This technique does not provide the replication of the model. This can be regarded as the failure of the technique.
- Working models: This technique uses the working model which is relatively cheap compared with the other models used in the other techniques.
- Not a right choice for the big products: Another disadvantage of using this technique is that this technique is not suitable for modeling the big products.
Mass communication: There are certain advantages and disadvantages related to the use of this technique.
- Cost effectiveness: The use of this technique in the organization provides a cost effective solution for the 3D printing in the organization. It can produce the models using 3d printing at very low cost.
- Competitive advantage: The organizations using this application provides the competitive advantage for the organizations.
- Customer service: Using this technology provides the good consumer service. The technique id capable to deliver the service that meets all the requirements of the clients.
- Mass deduction: One of the main disadvantage of mass communication is the mass deduction. The system and the application enables the mass deduction.
- Lack of feasibility: The application and the implementation using the mass communication has the main disadvantage that it has lack of feasibility.
It can be said that the use of the mass communication in the 3D printing technology will help to follow the legal and ethical laws, and the application can be used by the organizations in in order to implement the 3D printing technology.
The 3D printing technology is the application where the 3D models of the object is created. The creation of the object can be done by the layering of the different materials. The materials those are used in this application can be of various types. The 3D printing technology can be regarded as the high end and emerging technology that can be used by the organization to achieve the cost effective solutions.
The paper discusses about the use of the 3D printing technology in the company based at Victoria. In this context, various methods of the 3D printing technology has been discussed. The advantages and the disadvantages of each of the techniques has been reported properly so that the selection for the application of the 3D printing for the organization can be selected (McMenamin et al.,2014). The selection of the three techniques has been made for the organization. Further recommendations can be made on the basis of the evaluation of the advantages and disadvantages of using these techniques in the organization at Victoria. The application of this technology should help the organization for the sustainable growth. The company is going to expand the business in an cost effective way, it can be concluded from the discussion that the 3D printing technology will help to achieve the goal of the company.
The organization at Victoria want to expand the business in an cost effective way. In this context they are going to use the 3D printing technology so that they can achieve the sustainable growth of the business (Veyna et al.,2017). There are lots of issues regarding the different techniques of the 3D printing technology those can be adopted by the organization. In order to mitigate those issues some of the steps can be taken by the company.
- The company should implement and evaluate the issues regarding the security of the 3d printing technology.
- The maintenance of the machines and the systems related to the 3D printing technology is needed to be done in a proper
- The selection of the technology for the for the implementation of the 3D printing can be Additive Manufacturing.
Types of 3D Printing Technology
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