Implement Continuous Improvement For Privileges

Unit Description and Application

The unit covers skills and knowledge required to offer competent advice on the legislative roles, rights and responsibilities of persons and parties as stated in Work Health and Safety (WHS) Laws. It involves identifying WHS Laws and what needs to be done to ensure compliance in the workplace (Robertson & Kate 24). The unit is relevant to those in the Work Health and Safety department across all industries.

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To assist you determine the legal framework for WHS in the workplace, this unit gives you access to the current WHS laws relevant to specific organizations and their operations. You also learn the relationship between the WHS Acts, regulations, and codes of practice to help you determine the legal requirements specific to a workplace (Bahn, et al. 57-70). You get to identify and confirm the duties, privileges, and responsibilities of individuals and parties mentioned in the WHS legislation too.

To familiarize the student further with the WHS Laws, the unit covers how to advise on WHS compliance, guide individuals and parties about their legal duties, etc. where to find the specific legislations, the powers of the WHS regulator as well as the principles underpinning WHS. But that’s not all the unit covers (Bogna, 51).

You also learn about WHS legislation compliance measures and how to assessing a workplace’s compliance with relevant WHS legislation. This also involves determining the WHS training needs and assisting with the provision of training to meet legal and or other requirements (Nall & Linda, 64). The student also gets to learn how to develop workplace policies and systems to ensure compliance. 

This Unit delves into systematic approach to managing Work Health and Safety (WHS). As the title suggests, you learn how to implement and maintain WHS consultation and participation processes (Council, 71). This unit best for those with WHS supervisory responsibilities or have broad range WHS roles. What you learn in this unit applies across all industries (Cohen & Jonathan, 201-237).

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First you learn how to identify those involved in WHS consultation and participation processes by refereeing to relevant parts of WHS Acts. You then go into the roles and rights the said individuals and the best ways to communicate this information to them (Bogna, 56). The main object of this element is learning and sharing how the legislations apply to own job role and work area (Nall &Linda, 59).

You then learn how to contribute to WHS consultation and participation processes after identifying the processes involved (Cohen & Jonathan. 201-211). The contribution here involves setting up and running these processes in respect to the specific work area. Apart from implementation, you also learn how to communicate to the relevant workers the details of the processes as well as promoting their participation (Council, 26).

Unit Elements and Application Criteria

The unit also helps you understand how to contribute to processes for communicating and sharing WHS information and data. This begins with the identification of the processes involved in communicating and sharing the said WHS information with specificity to own job role or work area (James, 135-152).

Also covered in the unit is how to contribute to identifying training requirements and meeting them. This includes the delivery of required training resulting in improved WHS consultation and participation processes (Stellman, 68).

Last but least, you learn how to identify and assess barriers to the effectiveness and implementation of WHS sounding and participation processes. It also includes how to develop and evaluate measures to remove the identified barriers (Parmigiana & Luigi 45). 

In this unit, you learn how to develop, implement and evaluate risk controls for the identified work health and safety (WHS) hazards. It, therefore, applies to those whose WHS duties involve controlling WHS hazards, irrespective of the industry (Stellman & Jeanne, 23-31).

First you get to access information to identify hazards. This involves identifying the sources of information and data, obtaining the right data to define the nature and scope of workplace hazards as well as the right risk controls (Spurgeon et al. 367-375).Then you learn how to contribute to compliance and workplace requirements i.e. identifying the policies, the hazards, risks involved and control activities and complying with them as stipulated in the related sections of the WHS Acts (Robson & Lynda, 329-353).

Apart from contributing to workplace hazard identification, the student learns how to advise the concerned parties on causes and effects of workplace hazards. They also study how to aid the said individuals in selecting techniques and the tools and procedures of identifying workplace hazards and how to apply the techniques or use the tools.

The other unit element is contributing to WHS risk assessment which helps the learner apply their knowledge of risk assessment to help choose the right risk assessment systems for workplace hazards, apply processes and document the results.

The main object here is the learner’s ability to help in developing, implementing and evaluating risk control using the results of risk assessments. 

This unit focuses on effective Work Health and Safety Management System (WHSMS) in relation to the own work area and job role. It’s the right unit for those whose jobs involves contributing to an organization’s WHSMS.

Helping with the development and promotion of WHS policy is a key element in this unit. In other words, the learner is expected at the end of the unit to contribute competently to the development and promotion of WHS policy for any industry. This includes learning how to seek others’ contribution and support when developing and promoting WHSMS not forgetting efficiently communicating this to others (Quinlan, et al. 312-317).

Identify and Comply with WHS Laws

Contributing to the planning of WHSMS, by using the relevant sections of WHS legislation to identify duty holders is another important part of this unit. It includes facilitating integration of return-to-work and injury management processes into the WHSMS plan and communicating the same to others.

Planning aside, the unit stretches into the implementation WHSMS for own work area plus explaining the plan to others involved in the plan and facilitating their contribution to the implementation.

Then there is the evaluation of a system’s performance using the right methods and communicating WHS performance to others so that they can be part of the evaluation.

Finally, the unit covers the review and (where necessary) the improvement of WHSMS using the knowledge of the methods used during the planning and implementation of the system before explaining the review of WHSMS to relevant individuals to encourage their contribution.

This unit describes what you require helping with responding to incidents and applies to persons WHS role include assisting with actions and activities needed to respond to respond to incidents, their industries notwithstanding.

It begins with assisting duty holders in identifying legal and other requirements that relate to responding to incidents. This involves applying the knowledge of workplace policies and processes to find workplace requirements when responding to incidents and of course communicating such requirements to those in charge (Quinlan, et al. 312-317).

Then there is assisting with the implementation of primary incident response actions e.g. the provision of first aid and documentation of incidents following the workplace procedures and processes.

Collecting WHS information to aid an investigation is another element in this unit. This includes but not limited to acquiring data the right people (using the right techniques) concerning the pre-incident or post-incident actions and events. It also involves finding and accessing other sources information if need be.

The unit also covers how to assist with incident investigations by availing (to investigators) relevant information and applying the right methods when made part of workplace investigations. This includes reviewing reports on incidents and contacting the relevant people or authorities when necessary.

Another element involves assisting in implementing suggested actions following investigations and sharing the said recommendations with relevant others.

This is mainly about handling workers claims, their compensation and assisting with return-to-work programs after successful rehabilitation. It’s appropriate for individuals assisting with claims management excluding the treatment of injured or ill workers.

The unit starts by focusing on how to assist with claims management i.e. processing workers’ compensation claims based on organizational policies and insurance requirements including notifying rehabilitation provider. This encompasses advising claimants on the status of their claims, analyzing claims, assisting with the preparation of reports following organizational guidelines and insurance requirements, and estimate projected period of absence from work as well as arranging rehabilitation where necessary(Pidd & Ken. 274-288).

Implement and Maintain WHS Consultation and Participation Processes

Another element involves assisting with planning for and implementing a rehabilitation or return-to-work program. This involves facilitating consultation between rehabilitation provider and the worker, documenting skills and abilities of the worker to help with return-to-work planning, assisting with job redesign as recommended by rehabilitation professionals and determining retraining where the worker cannot resume pre-injury duties (Robertson & Kate 24).

How to assist with monitoring and evaluating a rehabilitation or return-to-work program is also covered. This includes facilitating regular contact, feedback, and support between the rehabilitation provider and the injured worker. Also, covers assisting with the identification of any beaches of the return-to-work program and modifying the programs as well as improving the system where appropriate.

Ensure workroom emergency prevention measures, systems & processes are implemented (e)

This unit focuses on the competency required to see through workplace emergency prevention procedures. It’s ideal for workplace supervisors (in any industry) as it covers a broad range of emergencies and workplaces listed in the Australian Standard 3745—2010. However, the unit places responsibility on individual employees when it comes to implementing emergency prevention procedures.

It begins with the implementation of workplace emergency prevention processes based on safe practices and emergency management plan. This involves an identifying cause of workplace emergencies, mitigating them and compiling reports on the same (Smith, et al. 251-272).

Then there is the right reporting of hazard analysis and implementation of suggested remedies by qualified personnel. The aim is to prevent emergencies and ensure the personnel can comply with the processes needed to prevent the identified emergencies (Lamb, et al. 113).

Lastly, the unit focuses on how to ensure workplace emergency protection systems and evacuation systems remain effective. The object being the implementation of workplace procedures in a way that doesn’t interfere with the area’s emergency systems, includes system correction and ensures prompt reporting.

This unit is about how to support with the Work Health as well as Safety (WHS) management of contractors with a main focus on compliance with WHS organizational and legal requirements. As such, the unit applies to employees of organizations that contracts service providers or is contracted to deliver services (with specificity to on-site services).

The first unit element is about assisting with identifying existing contractor WHS arrangements i.e. the services supplied by contractors, contracts documentation as well as the relevant policies, systems, and activities (Pidd & Ken. 274-288).

Then there is the evaluation of contractor WHS arrangements and making necessary improvements. This involves assisting with the determining if contracts and workplace policies comply with the legislative needs, evaluating the effective of contractor WHS arrangements and fixing all the loopholes as well as evaluating the improvements.

Develop, Implement, and Evaluate Risk Controls

This unit covers implementation of organization’s continuous improvement systems and procedures with a strong focus on tactics to facilitate others’ involvement in the monitoring, revising performance, and suggesting improvements. It’s most appropriate for Frontline Managers as it is their duty to see to it organization’s objectives are achieved. Again, these managers role touches on creation and delivery of products and services a position that can influence organization’s development.

Implementing continuous improvement systems, while encouraging others to take part in the process, is the key element of this unit. With others’ participation, communicating the processes and getting feedback is simplified. This element also focuses on how to ensure effective mentoring and coaching to make it easy for individuals or groups to implement the organization’s continuous improvement systems (Hall, et al. 231).

To help in improving an organization’s operations, this unit has a Monitor and Review Performance an element. This involves depending on the organization’s systems and technology to improve customer service as well as formulate and share adjustments with those involved in the development and implementation continuous improvement systems.

Finally, it covers how implement processes to that allow further improvement by ensuring that those involved are conscious of the importance of savings and service improvements. It involves documenting work performance to help identify more improvement opportunities and managing improvement recommendations for organization’s systems.

This unit is about learning how to manage Work Health and Safety Information Systems (WHSIS) to improve WHS management effectively. The main focus is on the statement needed for collecting and managing information that relates to WHS management. Anyone who contributes to the management of a WHSIS is right for this Unit; it does not matter what industry they work in.

First is how to contribute to identifying WHSIS requirements i.e. using the relevant WHS laws, workplace policies and systems to enhance an organization’s WHS management. It also involves depending on the WHS legislation and workplace systems to help with defining the functions of the WHSIS and consulting others to know what exactly the users need. There are also workplace factors that can affect the design and development of WHSIS, these are identified too (Snell, et al. 500-512).

Then there is contributing to the use and operation of the WHSIS by way of advising or supporting users to ensure effective use of WHSIS in accordance with their WHS responsibilities. Knowledge acquired includes how to get user reviews which are important in evaluation and improvement of WHSIS.

Effective Work Health and Safety Management System (WHSMS)

Another Unit Element is an effective use of the WHSIS based on WHS management demands.  This involves accessing and reviewing relevant WHS information and evaluating it, meeting enacted reporting criteria and employing of tested analytical techniques to assess WHS performance and find areas that need improvement. The effective use of WHSIS also means regularly reviewing and analyzing WHS data in consultation with users and communicating the reports to relevant parties (Bogna, 23).

Lastly, it essential in monitoring, evaluation, and improvement of WHSIS by identifying elements needing improvement and implementing the measures, not only to improve the WHSIS but also to identify the training needs of the users.  This is made possible by taking appropriate actions to know the rate, technique and scope of WHSIS review from the perspective of the users.

NOTE: Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) as well as Work Health and Safety (WHS) are equivalent and generally can either be used in the place pf work. In prerogatives where the National Model (WHS) Legislation has not been implemented RTOs are encouraged to situationalize the unit of competency by referring to the existing State/Territory OHS legislative requirements.

James, Phil. “Occupational health and safety.” The Social Dimension. Macmillan Education UK, 1993. 135-152.

Stellman, Jeanne Mager, ed. Encyclopedia of occupational health and safety. International Labor Organization, 1998.

Parmigiana, Luigi. Encyclopedia of occupational health and safety. Third (revised) edition. Vol. 1 AK; Vol. 2 LZ. International labor office, 1983.

Stellman, Jeanne Mager, ed. Encyclopedia of occupational health and safety. International Labor Organization, 1998.

Spurgeon, Anne, J. Malcolm Harrington, and Cary L. Cooper. “Health and safety problems associated with long working hours: a review of the current position.” Occupational and environmental medicine 54.6 (1997): 367-375.

Robson, Lynda S., et al. “The effectiveness of occupational health and safety management system interventions: a systematic review.” Safety Science 45.3 (2007): 329-353.

Quinlan, Michael, Philip Bohle, and Felicity Lamm. Managing occupational health and safety. Palgrave Macmillan, 2010.

Cohen, Jonathan. “Social, emotional, ethical, and academic education: Creating a climate for learning, participation in democracy, and well-being. “Harvard educational Review 76.2 (2006): 201-237.

Council, First Peoples’ Cultural. Annual Report 2012/13. First Peoples’ Cultural Council, 2013.

Nall, Linda. “Support work health and safety courses.” Building Connection Summer 2012 (2012): 64.

Bogna, Frank, Access Education, and CQUniversity Australia. “Qualifications in WHS: Developing Trends in the VET sector.” (2015).

Bahn, Susanne, and Llandis Barratt-Pugh. “Health and safety legislation in Australia: Complexity for training remains.” International Journal of Training Research 12.1 (2014): 57-70.

Robertson, Kate. “A settings approach: [email protected] Work—a model of a health promoting workplace.”

Smith, Andrew, and Geoff Hayton. “What drives enterprise training? Evidence from Australia.” International journal of human resource management 10.2 (1999): 251-272.

Lamb, Stephen, Michael Long, and Jeff Malley. Access and Equity in Vocational Education and Training: Results from Longitudinal Surveys of Australian Youth. ACER Research Monograph No. 55. Australian Council for Educational Research, 19 Prospect Hill Road, Camberwell, Melbourne, Victoria 3124, Australia. 1998.

Pidd, Ken. “The impact of workplace support and identity on training transfer: A case study of drug and alcohol safety training in Australia.” International journal of training and development 8.4 (2004): 274-288.

Hall, Richard, John Buchanan, and Tanya Bretherton. It’s not my problem: The growth of non-standard work and its impact on vocational education and training in Australia. Leabrook SA: National Centre for Vocational Education Research, 2000.

Snell, Darryn, and Alison Hart. “Vocational training in Australia: is there a link between attrition and quality.” Education+ Training 49.6 (2007): 500-512.

Bogna, Frank, Access Education, and CQUniversity Australia. “Qualifications in WHS: Developing Trends in the VET sector.” (2015).

InsPECtors PraCtiCaL, Licensed Electrical. “This course provides licensed electricians with the skills to design, install, set-up, test, fault find, repair and maintain grid connected photovoltaic systems and the associated equipment.”

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