Impacts Of Technology On The Banking Industry: Advancement And Key Benefits

Advancements in Technology in the Banking Industry

A bank in a banking industry refers to a financial institution that takes deposits from the people and provides money to the people when they need it upon credit. All the monetary transactions are performed by the bank. In this way, all the money related activities are performed by the banking industries throughout the country. The banking industry plays a key role in every nation with its fundamental concepts of letting the public withdraw money and deposit them. Apart from the withdrawal and deposition of money, the banking institutions perform various actions for the public. They give money on the basis of credit, they provide lockers, and they give interests upon the money which has been deposited by the people at large. Al these facilities give the people a sense of facilitation and they feel aided. The system of convenience by the people is seen by the banking institutions to a great extent (Ganguli & Roy, 2011).

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A computer game is usually played in the computers over a particular video game console or any specific arcade machine. In the contemporary era, with the advancement of science and technology, the computers have evolved to be better with the passage of time. So are the games on computers. Moreover, downloading them in the computers have become very easy. Downloading them anywhere and everywhere is the latest trend in the country. The primary factors of a personal computer game include a wide variety in the inputs, processing, and functioning of the data and the output in the form of a video (Shaikh & Karjaluoto, 2015). The market of the computer games is not well coordinated due to the absence of the usage of the physical media. However, I have seen that computer games are quite common in the banking industry. In fact, the latest reports reveal that the gaming industry holds the third largest category when compared to the other forms of technology. Having a high compatibility feature, computer games can be easily accessible in almost every computer. The revenues from the digital games have increased in the past years.

The impacts of computer games on the banking industry are diverse in nature. The banking industry has advanced with the advancement of computers in the contemporary era. There are plenty of banking actions which are performed online and it is done with a lot of convenience for the people across the globe. The gamification in the banking industries is not new. The only distinction is that it is growing in recent times of technology. The research of this assignment includes how the process of gamification has given shape to the banking industry of the modern day world. Most of the banks opt for this system presently. With the advent of the gamification procedure, the banking industry has undergone various changes in the modern world. The technology of the computers and in the games have affected the banking industry to a great deal. There are various ways whereby the banks have developed but there also pitfalls in this technology. The technology has advanced the banking industry by making it fast, smooth and simple. The banks have become easily accessible to the people all around the world. The technology has brought the industry in one of the most desirable places across the globe.

Positive Impacts of Technology in the Banking Industry

Since the 18th century, there have been various changes in the banking industry due to the advancement of technology in computers. It is considered as one of the oldest business across the globe and it had developed with the passage of time to a great deal. There have been considerable changes brought about the banking industry with the advent of the technology. The changes are positive and have made the process very easy. It has smoothened various procedures in the banks and most importantly, it has given the public accessibility to perform banking functions across the globe very easily. Various changes have been discussed here:

With the advent of the gamification and the technology from the computers have replaced all manual procedures with the computers. Hence, all the tasks which were performed by the people are now conducted by the machines. The fundamental change brought about by the technology in the banking sectors is the replacement of manual labor with mechanical labor. As a result of this, there is a decrease in the probable errors which would be caused by humans. There are security and protection of the data stored. The functions of a man have decreased and the technology has been the banking process very easy. The frequency of the commission of mistakes has reduced to a great deal. There are minimum errors in the calculation procedure as well. There is security in the transactions of the people. This change is a welcome alteration for the people across the globe. They are benefitted worldwide. The technology, when compared to other industries, other than the banking sector has brought about considerable changes in them too. Apart from the computer technologies, there is no other technology across the globe which has brought such remarkable changes in the modern era.

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Another major alteration brought by the gamification and the technologies in the banking sector is the development of intelligence in the business to increase and regulate the profit-making. The business intelligence includes various procedures which aid in the advancement of the business. They are the adoption of those smart measures which help in the expansion and the smooth functioning of the business. It also adds a great deal to increase the profit-making of business actions in the banking industry. The business intelligence serves with measures and provides information with regard to the past, current and future events. It helps in the taking of the right decisions in relation to the banks. As a result of which there is an overall increase in the productivity of those banks adopting these measures in the banking industry. This measure has not affected the public at large but definitely, it has increased the productivity of the banks. Consequently, when the banks improve, the people get better facilities from them. In this way, it can be stated that people become benefitted. Upon a comparison, there are no other technologies which run parallel with this technology in the banking sectors in the modern era.

Use of Gamification in the Banking Industry

Another important change brought by the gamification and the technologies in the banking sector is that the world has become a smaller place to live in. in the contemporary era, there is not a single human being who is not affected by technology. With the advancement of technology in the banking sector, the people at large have derived plenty of benefits. With the evolution of online banking, it can be performed by anyone and at any place. The banking hours have increased because of the technology. Now people can access their banks easily and without hassle from their homes any time they want to. The process of net banking has done away the cheques, demand drafts and other modes of transmission of money. Payments can be made and money can be easily transmitted with the aid of e-wallets and net banking. Thus, the people have received benefits to a great deal from the technologies adopted by the banks. The technology of the computers in the banking sectors is not parallel to any other technologies of the world. The technological aspects have provided benefits to the people at large as well as to the industries.

After a close perusal of the impacts of computer technology and gamification in the banking sector, it can be stated that the banks have increased their productivity due to the advancement of the technology. The most important impact of technology in the banking sectors is the making of lesser mistakes and advanced protection of the data. The technology of the computers in the banking sectors has improved various functions of the bank. It has helped in the working of the banks in a better way. Previously, the banks used to perform their functions with the aid of the manual labor. All the calculations and other important tasks in relation to the banks were performed by the staff.

The calculation of money, storing of data and other functions were done by the manual labor. There was an accumulation of various tasks upon the people. Naturally, there were mistakes committed by the staff more and more. But with the advancement of the technology from the computers, the manual labor was replaced by the computers. All the important functions with regard to the banks are currently performed by the computers. The accumulation of work is no more divested upon the people. it does not act as a headache anymore. As a result of the computers undertaking more and more functions of the banks, not only the workload of the people have decreased, but also the functions of the banks have become devoid of human errors. The possible errors and mistakes which could be performed by the human actions have vanished now. The storage of data has become more simple in the modern world. The information can be stored in more quantities and in a more accurate way. The possibility of the errors has decreased to a great deal making the banking functions absolute.

Benefits of Technology in the Banking Industry

The advancement of technology in the modern era is the most common fact amongst the people. The technology has been adopted by many industries and the studies have shown that those industries which have adopted technologies have increased their values considerably and in a remarkable way. Hence, it becomes important to adapt to those modes which favor and aid in the technology. In this way, the banking sector would be on par with the other technologies of the world. The adoption of the technology of computers reduces the workload of the banks and makes sure that there are minimum errors to the maximum possible extent. These technologically advanced industries also contribute to the national economy of the country by making them more advanced. Thus, this factor makes the impact of lesser mistakes possible.

The second constraint is that the technologies in the computers are designed in such a way that all the functions can be performed without errors. The major distinction between humans and computers is that the latter can perform all of it efficiently without the commission of mistakes in the banks.

The third constraint with regard to this is the protection and the better storage of data of the people across the globe. People can depend upon banks with their money, past transactions, policies for the futures, storing of valuable data etc. thus technology has been very helpful to support this constraint and manage the affairs of the people at large and across the globe. The advancement in the technological sphere is well established in the contemporary era for the appropriation of the facilities throughout.

The fourth constraint in support of the major impacts of gamification and computer technology in the banking sector is ethical in nature. The people have developed trust with the banks. The banking institution offers the same with the people. the protection of the data, storing valuables of the customers in a better way fosters loyalty among the customers and from the banks to the people.

As already stated above, the banking industry has seen progress since the 18th century. Since this time, the computers have been introduced. Gradually, with the passage of time, there was development in the advancement of the process of technology. Upon comparison with the old age, the contemporary age has adopted technologies in almost every field. The advancement of technology in the computers and in the gamification process has an optimistic effect across the people of the world. With the adoption of the advancement of the technological factors in the banking sectors, plenty o banking procedures have become very easy. To add to this, quantity work can be accomplished within a limited time. The working of the banks have become very fast and easily developing within a short span of time. Human labor has been replaced. Consequently, all the mistakes and errors which were humanely possible no longer holds a stand in the modern sector.  

With the development of the net banking procedures, the banking transactions, especially the transmission of money from one person to another has become very simple. The banking hours for the consumers have increased in a big way. This is possible due to the prevalence of the net banking procedures from home at any time. The prevalence of e-wallets also helps in the transmission of money from one person to another without any hassle. The difficulty of carrying lump sum quantity of cash from place to another has been resolved now. The working of Automatic Teller Machines (ATMs) has a significant effect on society. People can withdraw the desired cash from any place without facing the hassle of visiting the banks in person. Moreover, these machines have proved to be very useful especially on those days when the banks remain closed. The process of acquisition of the technology is adopted by the banking sectors through various statutes as well. With the manufacture and the supply of the computer technology in the banks, the banks have improved to a great deal in its personnel working as well as in the contribution to the national economy of the country. Those staffs, who are well versed with the technology and have good communication skills would be recruited for making the technologically advanced banking process easier.

The process of acquisition of the technologically advanced systems goes back to the times of the past. Initially, when computers and gamification were introduced in the banks, there were hassles with its adoption. The computers were not in fashion at that time and the staff found it difficult to adjust with it. There was a lack of training of the computers among the staff. But with the evolution of time, the staff were trained with adequate knowledge in the computer technologies. Gradually, the demand for the computers was increased when the staff understood that the computers were highly beneficial for their jobs. As a result of this, the manufacture and the sale of the computers gradually increased. The technology adopted through the computers and gamification, today rules the world. The main actors during these events were the staff and the people across the globe. The outcome of the usage of technology in the banking industry is huge. It has advanced the banking industry to a great extent and has made it one of the most important business sectors of the world. It has affected all the people of the world in some way or the other. The activities and the tasks performed by the banks can function smoothly without any flaw due to the adoption of the technologies.

After a close perusal of the above facts and information about the impacts of technology in the banking sector, a video can be planned well from the above. The video would be a short one comprising of two minutes. The opening scene of the video would comprise the cover page stating the title of the video. The title can be called, “The impacts of technology in the banking sector today”. The next scene would include the narrator of the video who would reveal various information about the impacts of technology in the banking sectors. In the background of the narration in the video, the pictures of various banks across the globe can be viewed. Light, as well as a piece of rhythmic music, can be played in the background. This would enhance the presentation of the video and it would attract the audience to a greater extent.

The narration would begin with the history of banks in the world. Then, it would be stated as to how technology has evolved and how the banks have adopted these technologies. In this way, the banks have advanced themselves to a great extent. After this, the various facilities of e-banking, net banking, e-wallets etc can be explained. Interviews can be conducted of the common people and shown in the middle of the narration. The pace of the narration should be fast as well as well clear. The dialogues chose and the words spoken should be devoid of ambiguities and in simple English. The views of the people and the narration can be supported further with the help of flowcharts and statistical information.

         0.01– 0.03:

The opening scene of the video, showing the cover page. The cover page consists of the title of the video, “the impacts of technology in the banking sector today”.

0.04 – 0.10:

Followed by the cover page, the narration beings by the narrator (preferably, a lady dressed in formals). The audience is greeted and the history of the banks across the world is being narrated.

0.11 – 0.21:

(The picture of old buildings of banks, hoardings, computers, people working inside banks are shown. This is comprised with a light and rhythmic music in the backdrop.) The history of computer technology is being portrayed by the narrator.

       0.22- 0.40:

The impacts of technology in the banking sector is discussed in detail.

        0.41 – 0.60:

Continuation of the discussion of details of the impacts with proof of survey.

  • 16:

Showing of interview of the common people as to how they are benefitted with the advancement of technology.

1.17- 1.29:

Further information was given by the narrator about online banking and their benefits.

1.30 – 1.45:

The impacts of technology in the banking sectors is supported with the help of diagrammatic representation. The representation includes the improvements of the banks in the past years with help of colorful flowcharts and graphs.

1.46 – 2.00:

(Collecting of interviews of the staff of banks and the managers across the globe) These collections are inserted in the narrations to provide a presentation. After this, a conclusion is given upon the positive impacts and the importance of technology in the modern era.


Ganguli, S., & Roy, S. K. (2011). Generic technology-based service quality dimensions in banking: Impact on customer satisfaction and loyalty. International journal of bank marketing, 29(2), 168-189.

Shaikh, A. A., & Karjaluoto, H. (2015). Mobile banking adoption: A literature review. Telematics and Informatics, 32(1), 129-142.

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