Impacts Of Climate Change On China: Mitigation Strategies And Cooperation Requirements
Identification of the impacts
Climate issue is one of the biggest problems in the current time every country around the world is getting affected by this. In this is case, one of the major countries being affected is China. They are highest emitter of pollutants in the world and thus the impacts are also severe on the Chinese people (Rohde and Muller). China is facing the worst air pollution in the recent time with their majors are choked with smog. This is mainly due to the reason that China is having the highest consumer of coal and coal based energy, which is the major source of air pollutions. Already China is facing issues such as average increase in temperature and rise in the sea level. This situation is further increasing the threat of natural disasters and China already faced a number of disasters such as drought and flood.
In this essay, the specific impacts on China due to the change in climate will be discussed along with discussion on the requirements for the local population. In addition, this essay will also discuss about the funding requirements for mitigating the identified issues. The role of the government and other international bodies in this case will also be discussed.
One of the major impacts to get emerged from climate change in China will be the rise in temperature in the Tibetan Plateau. This will lead to the increase in sea levels and will cause flooding in the coastal regions. The intensity and impact of the coastal flood will be more due to the reason that major cities of China such as Shanghai are located in the coastal regions (Cheng et al.). It is also reported that rise in the sea level will lead to displacement of more than 60 million people. On the other hand, it is also reported that climate change will have different and diverse impacts on northern and southern China. This is due to the reason that Northern China will face from lack of water resources due to increase in temperature and southern China will face extreme rainfall, which will lead to flooding situation. This should also be noted that flooding and drought situation will be the root causes for other natural disasters in the long term.
The major requirement for the local population in adjusting with the climate change is displacing from their native place. This is due to the reason that coastal areas will be the first regions to get affected from the climate change. They will be required to change their native place a take a safer shelter (He et al.,). However, it should also be noted that this will cause to huge movement of the population and change in the demographics. Another major adjustment for the population will be use of safety in reducing their exposure to the pollutants. It is also reported that a major portion of Chinese population are opting for face mask and air purifier in fighting with the issues. On the other hand, they also have to adjust with the different climatic factors such as frequent change in the weather and temperature. It is reported that some of the Chinese regions are facing unnatural rainfall and thunderstorms, which will be more in the coming time. Thus, the population will have to adjust with this phenomenon. The population will also have to face health issues in terms of both mental and physical state (Zhao et al.,)). This is due to the reason that climate change will cause change in weather that will further led to mental and physical disturbances.
Requirements for the local population
The climatic issues identified in the above sections in China are having the requirement for extensive level of funding. This is due to the reason that climatic issues in China are having huge impacts and intensity and also these are long rooted problems. Thus, funding will be required from the local level, regional level and international level. In terms of the local level, funding from the local authorities will help in proper mitigation of the issues according to the ground level requirements (Lu et al.,). On the other hand, in the regional level, government will play the role of allocating fund for different schemes, which will have larger impact in mitigating the climatic issues. In terms of the international level, the financial assistances from the international bodies are also helpful in mitigation process of climatic change. Bodies such as World Bank and international monetary fund are having dedicated funding process for the environment related issues (Chen et al.,). This will help in seamless flow of the funds for the different schemes and activities of mitigating the climate change factors.
Apart from the funding, cooperation between the local and international power is important due to the reason that issues of climate change are not limited to China or any other specific countries. The challenges being faced by China due to the change in climate are also being faced by other countries. Thus, initiation of the mitigation measures only by the Chinese government and authoritative bodies will not be enough in the global terms (Fajersztajn et al.,). Thus, the more effective will be the cooperation between the local, regional and international bodies, the more holistic will be the mitigation measures in the global scenario. In addition, it should also be noted that cooperation between the different authoritative bodies is important due to the reason that the mitigation strategy for the issues of climatic changes will only be successful and effective if these strategies are universal and having singular approach (Lu et al.,). This is due to the reason that if the migration measures of any government are causing adverse impact on the climate of China, then the entire mitigation process will get diluted. On the other hand, it is also to be seen that mitigation efforts of the Chinese government should not have any negative impacts on other countries.
Initiation and existence of cooperation between the local, regional and international bodies will help in determining the needs and situations being faced by different countries and building the mitigation measures in consensus manner. In addition, cooperation between the different bodies will ensure that the root cause issues faced by the local bodies will be effectively communicated to the national and international levels and funding process will be done accordingly (Foster and Garduno). It is not possible for the international bodies in determining the local reasons in different regions and how these regions are getting affected by the change in climate. On the other hand, the local bodies are not having capability in terms of resources to mitigate the climate change issues (Brauer et al.,). Thus, it can be concluded that the proper cooperation between the different bodies will help in enhancing the effectiveness of the entire process of mitigation for climate change issues.
This essay concluded that China is facing one of the worst scenarios of impacts from the change in climate. This is mainly due to the reason that they are the largest polluter in the world and thus impact on them is also. In addition, in this essay it is also identified that the impact of the climate change on the Chinese population are huge and may cause displacement from their native place. In accordance to this issue, this essay concluded that as of now, Chinese government is curbing on the vehicular movement, banning older diesel vehicles, promoting electric mobility and halting the construction projects mainly in the winter season. This is causing minimal impact on the entire issues. In addition, China is also targeting to reduce the use of coal gradually, which will help in reducing the pollutants.
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