Impacts Of Apprenticeship In Workplace Organizations
Concept of Apprenticeship in the Workplace
Workplace implements a number of strategies for the betterment of the employees and also to make profit out of the existing and the new employees in the conventional manner. The concept of Apprentice in the workplace structure is one of the major aspects as due to the concept, the organization can save the additional cost of including and introducing a teacher or mentor in the organization (Sterelny 2012). Apprenticeship is defined as the process and method that is being used by which the new and the beginner employees can learn the methods of trade and work from an already skilled labour who is there for prolonged period for a specific time span at a low wage structure (Belshaw 2014). The concept of apprenticeship is there to make sure that the organization has the required amount of skilled labour in the organization without the cost of employing an extra mentor for the same (Sterelny 2012).
The purpose of the research is to analyse the impacts of the concept of Apprentice on the business of an organization and how the concept has its impacts on the various strata of people in the workplace (Krause and Semadeni 2013). The research analyses the various types of implications that the research has and also recommends facts for the improvement of this type of culture.
The aim of the research is to find the concept of apprentice and the impact of the concept on the workplace organization. The various positive and negative impacts of the concept of apprentice is there along with the recommendations for the same in the process.
The objective of the research is as follows –
- To analyse the factors of Apprentice in the workplace situation
- To analyse the ways and means in which the concept of Apprentice works in an organization in United Kingdom
- To review and analyse the positive and negative impacts of the concept of Apprentice in the workplace.
The workplace organization comes to a situation at times when the expert workers of the organization have the pressure from the authorities and the higher management of the organization to give certain amount of training and monitor the new entrants of the organization (Krause and Semadeni 2013). In addition, the new entrees of the organization are also entitled to work and get trained from the people who are present there much before the place for a stipulated period with a mere salary provided to them. The various problems that the industries have been facing in the modern times and the variations that each industry has faced due to apprenticeship has made the researcher conduct the research (Anthony, Tian and Barber 2017). The research aims primarily to analyse the problems and get a solution to it.
- What are the factors that has affected the Apprentice in a workplace situation?
- How does the system of Apprentice works in a workplace of United Kingdom?
- What are the positive and negative impacts of the concept of Apprentice in the workplace?
Purpose of the Research
The concept of Apprenticeship is there in the workplace as well as in all the social matters of the world as with the help of this concept, a number of organizational work can be done without spending any extra amount of money (Hinz 2016). The concept of apprentice is defined as the process of training and monitoring a new set of people who are going to work for the organization in the prolonged period with some regulated on-job training session and if required, classroom work and field study for the same. The whole concept of apprentice is to make sure that every individual of the workplace gets the required amount of experienced training and help from the people who are there in the organization for a specific period (Rhodes 2012). The whole theory of apprenticeship is done by the specific people of the organization who have a better knowledge of the work done by the system making the training process worthy while they are performing their daily jobs within the organization. This helps the person who is doing the task to learn a lot from the process which in turn helps the organization in the future time (Wolter 2012). The tenure period of the organization is generally for three to seven years after which they are given their specific role in the job. The whole theory of Apprentice started in the middle ages and was considered a form of cheap labour in place of the actual labour that required extra amount of money. The whole concept of apprenticeship is therefore historic and has its roots in the earlier times (Neu and Szepesvári 2012).
The concept of Apprenticeship is supported by the Educational Theory of Apprenticeship which forms one of the base of the theory and the concept in workplace consideration. The educational theory of Apprenticeship states that the process should be concerned with the methods of physical integration in the learning process and should concern itself with the subject that is being considered (Wendrich 2013). The theory states that by the development of this theory in the workplace situation, the field trainees will be able to know the basis of the work and will understand the strategies that have been implanted for the same. The mode of awareness can also be created by the theory and will enable the people to have a better idea of the whole situation in the due course (Schoenbach, Greenleaf and Murphy 2012). The basis of the theory states that there are two types of training that are given in the process of Apprentice which are categorically divided into formal and official training and the informal and the unofficial training process. The formal training is given by the training session that is being done by the employee organization whereas the informal training session is being done by the members of the expertise that can give the new entrants some amount of loopholes in the whole formal training with the strategies and the tactics provided in the practical approach (Ainley and Rainbird 2014).
Objective of the Research
The Educational Theory of Apprenticeship often involve that the informal and the formal training combination involves ways and means that can help to develop the mental structure and the features of the combination and can also help the individuals to understand the process that is being followed by the office and the workplace (Halpern 2013).
There are many ways in which the workings of the process of apprenticeship works in the organization process. One of the major ways is to work under the skilled and trained person in the working process to have a better knowledge about the various strategies and ways that the workplace works in a particular organization (Ryan 2012). The classical method of apprenticeship always did not involve the monetary benefits to the trainees as they did not find it important enough to be granted the same (Halpern 2013). On the other hand, the modern apprentice system makes sure to involve monetary benefits in the apprentice process and also to make sure that the trainees who are getting the influence of the skilled employees are learning the practical approach to work for the organization and also to make sure that each of the individual in the workplace has the situation adhering to that person in the longer run (Göggel and Zwick 2012).
The typical way of conducting the process of apprenticeship is done in the name of On-job training in the modern day where a person is trained under someone experienced and knowledgeable to make sure that the new person who is just a learner have enough to look forward to in the learning process (Ryan 2012). The job target is to conduct a specific job that has been assigned to the person with building the trades in the process and also to make sure that the person is enough trained and adjusted to do the required (Göggel and Zwick 2012).
The modern apprentice technique makes sure that the employee who is assigned the training process is given the required amount of first-hand information about the job role and also made adequate payment for the same manner (Parey 2016). The process of apprentice is very important in the modern day world where the process saves both the time and money of the organization as well as giving the worker a reason for working in a better way under the senior guidance for the same. The junior employees who need guidance of the senior employees are getting the same and in turn makes sure that the employees get the required amount of benefit for the same (Abdel-Wahab 2012). The benefit of having the apprentice policy is to make sure that the organization gets the required amount of benefit from the experience of the other employees who are there in the organization for the prolonged period of time span (Müller and Schweri 2015).
Educational Theory of Apprenticeship
Every policy that is considered in the workplace has some of the positive and negative impacts that are there on the workplace situation. The process of Apprentice measures that there is a specific level of impact, both positive and negative on the workplace situation and this measures to a number of issues in the workplace of a certain situation (Fuller and Unwin 2014). The impacts of the workplace in the presence of the situation of Apprentice can be seen in the following two ways of positive and negative level of apprentice situation –
One of the major positive impacts of the apprentice is that the new joiners or employees can learn a lot about the workplace and the work that he/she is supposed to do. The new joinee when joins the workplace is majorly tensed and nervous about the whole situation which makes it one of the major ways to make sure that the process of apprentice is there for the process (Müller and Schweri 2015). The process of apprentice makes sure that the work is clear to the employees and also they have the apt knowledge about the workplace.
Another major positive impact is the savings that the organization has in terms of segregated training and employment (Zimmermann et al. 2013). The organization, if employs a separate training employee for the employees who are newly appointed to the firm, can cost a major amount to the organization which is not desirable by the people at any cost. The benefit of apprentice is the fact that that the cost of training for the employees decreases majorly (Eichhorst et al. 2012).
Thirdly, the major positive impact of the apprentice situation is the capability of the employee to earn wages while they are learning the whole task which makes the new employees get attracted to the job and work (Müller and Schweri 2015). Money being one of the major motivations for the employees can affect a lot of ways in the positive ways and can make the employees have better ways in the same manner.
Fourthly, the concept of apprenticeship gives motivation to the employees to earn which can trigger the wish of the employee to work more. Motivation is one of the major positive aspects that is required by the organization of the modern world making it one of the basic factors which is required by the employees for the working for the same in any major organization (Eichhorst et al. 2012). The apprentice concept makes sure that the employees are motivated for the job which they are assigned.
Working of the Process of Apprenticeship
Fifthly, the concept of apprentice helps the new employee to have a better future as they have a better knowledge of the tasks and the work which they are going to do due to their training process (Müller and Schweri 2015). The training and the apprentice process makes sure that the employees have a better future stored for them which can enhance their careers in the major run.
Sixthly, the concept helps the employer to test the capability and retention prospect of the employee without hiring him/her in the payroll process. The organization sometimes doubt the capability and the retention rate of the employees in the process which can be done by the process of apprentice (Eichhorst et al. 2012).. The process makes sure that the employees have their capabilities and work ethics tested before they are enrolled in the payroll sector. The payroll of the company is a major aspect which the company is not supposed to mess with the employees who do not have the capability to make a major difference in the employment of the organization (Müller and Schweri 2015). The work of the apprentice process is done so that the organization can check the pressure and the working type of the employees in the longer run.
Seventhly, the concept helps the employees to have a better understanding of the work under the guidance of the senior employee. The senior guide can give the employee a better overview of the work and the tasks that are assigned to the new employees and also made sure that each of the employees have a good understanding of the tasks done in the same manner (Göranzon and Josefson 2012). The senior employees of the organization help to make sure that the new employee is comfortable in the new job.
Eighthly, there is no debt in the process which means that the employee has no monetary implications in the process (Gospel and Edwards 2012). The whole process of apprentice measures that there is no problem of monetary loans to gather that knowledge in the scene and also to make the worker understand making sure that the process of debt is not a part of the apprentice process.
Ninthly, there is practical experience in the whole process which enables the workers to have a better understanding of the work in the manner (Gospel and Edwards 2012). The practical experience that the employee gathers in the course of time enables the employee to have a better knowledge of the course work and the task measures for the same process.
Positive Impacts of Apprenticeship
Lastly, the concept of apprentice helps the guide to have a monitoring experience that can count in their appraisal times which can benefit the guide in the longer span of time (Stevens 2014). The process of apprentice is not only beneficial to the employee and the organization but also to the guide who is helping the student in the due course of time. The appraisal process is greatly influenced by the work that is done by the employee on the overall basis which enables the guide to have better amount of appraised money in times of requirements.
The negative impacts of the process of Apprentice process in the workplace organization is there as follows –
Firstly, there are certain careers that cannot be gained through the process of Apprentice. Apprentice is the process which involves the training wherein the work is done involving the process of salary and there are certain career options that cannot be gained by just the under-training process (Fuller and Unwin 2014). The work process needs proper educational qualification which needs to be addressed both by the organization as well as the employees making the process not applicable for most of the matter in the process (Fuller and Unwin 2014).
Secondly, the employees who are doing the apprentice portion are missing out on the formal university training which means that if the workers are willing to change the job or get employed in a different firm or organization, then the formal training is required in the process (Yidong and Xinxin 2013). The lack of such a degree in university makes the employees have less amount of knowledge in the process and also to make sure that they feel left out in certain cases and certain situations in the same manner.
Thirdly, there are serious amounts of responsibility in the whole process which means that the employees who are given the responsibility in the same manner are to adhere to the task without their full knowledge of the same (Yidong and Xinxin 2013). The responsibility amount that is to be given to the employees are to make sure that the employees are gaining responsibility without any permanent security of their job. This makes the effort of the employee lost if they do not secure a permanent job in the process (Yidong and Xinxin 2013).
Fourthly, the payment is done on a partly basis whereas the work assigned is whole. The payment on the apprentice period is done on the partly basis as the apprentice employee is not assigned a proper post or position in the workplace and therefore is not entitled to get the fixed amount of payment that is to be done in the manner (Parey 2016). The amount of payment that is given for the employee in the apprentice period is therefore lesser than the normal payment which is to be assigned in the normal time though the task which is given is like a normal employee making the whole process shaky and not to the point (Parey 2016).
Negative Impacts of Apprenticeship
Fifthly, the low pay structure is one of the major disadvantages which is again one of the major demotivating factors of the apprentice process. The low pay structure of the employees is given as the employees undergoing this process is not serious and as per the permanent employees of the organization (Wolter 2012). This is one of the major factors that many of the organizations as well as the employees do not like the concept of apprenticeship.
Sixthly, the work limitations of the employees is another major problem of the course. The work assigned in the course of the apprentice process is not diverse and limits to specific aspects of the subject or the work process given (Parey 2016). This makes that the employees are given limited work which is boring at times to do (Wolter 2012). This makes sure that the employees do not find anything interesting in the working which again demotivates the employees in the longer period.
Seventhly, there is the concept of Gofering which is like any trainee and intern of the process (Parey 2016). The concept of Goffering is a humiliating agenda which makes sure that the employees who are given the tasks of apprenticeship are getting the lowest and unwanted of the tasks that are being assigned to them (Wolter 2012). This makes for the fact that the apprentice employees are being taken for granted which can hamper their morale and effect the working in the longer period.
Finally, the guides are given immense pressure from the organization to train and develop the apprentice employees making the pressure too hectic on the guides which can hamper their business and course of action in the longer period (Mincer 2012). The pressure can eventually decrease their own profitability and also impact their quality of work which in turn can affect the organization as well as the new employees in the span.
The following section highlights the various methods and ways that are employed in the process to make the research mentionable in the whole context. The various forms of research and the data collection process is being mentioned in the whole manner and also given an outline of the research along with the subdivisions mentioned in each of the course (Hinz 2016). The methods are implemented to make sure that each of the process are separately dealt.
The researcher has used many of the famous and well-accepted methodologies for the conduction of the research in the branch of study. The method that are being conducted in the research of the assignment is Interpretivism (Wendrich 2013). The process of Interpretivism is defined as the process of the research mechanism that helps to interpret the mechanism of elemental principle of human interest into the study of the topic. The researcher has also chosen the approach of Deductive method for the study of the topic. The theme of deductive approach is defined as the design which helps to develop the hypothesis based on the theory given in an organization and also the research designs that help to test the theory given in the same manner (Wendrich 2013). The analysis of the aims and objectives of the theory has utilised the concepts of Descriptive Design which is defined as the process of research study that describes the situation without making predictions and the defining cause and effect. There are three kinds of descriptive study namely – observational method, case-study methods and survey methods out of the survey method is taken.
The research philosophy is defined as the logic that is being applied in the research of the individual. The philosophy of the research makes sure that the essence of the research is viewed with the four types of research philosophies that are being implemented by the researcher – pragmatism, positivism, realism and Interpretivism (Ainley and Rainbird 2014). The concept of Interpretivism refers to the research philosophy that has small and in-depth samples aligned to them and also to investigate the qualitative methods in the process of research.
The research process that has been considered in the research process is the Interpretivism research process which helps to link the theories with the literature review by taking small and eventful samples in the process of the same (Ainley and Rainbird 2014). The use of the philosophy is to make sure that each of the philosophies of research are conducted in the appropriate manner. The other research philosophies are not appropriate in the method.
The design of the research philosophies is defined as the different forms of methods that are conducted in the process of research. The research designs may be of the several times namely descriptive design, explanatory design and the exploratory design (Grollmann et al. 2017). The form of design chosen in this data analysis is the descriptive form of design which helps to analyse the strategies of the research and to incorporate all the elemental analysis of the same. The research conducted is in-depth and makes sure that the other research methods in the process is not apt for the process in the sector. The process will make sure that the research is conducted in the manner that analyses the data that is present in the organization as well as the previous employees.
The approach of research is defined as the ways that will be implied to conduct the set of research. The two types of research that is being conducted is the Inductive and Deductive set of research. The inductive set of research is defined as the process in which new theories are being established whereas the deductive research process is there to deduce conclusions from the hypothesis and other findings.
In this research method, the deductive approach is being used as through the process that researcher will have an idea about the previous theories mentioned by the other researcher and also draw conclusions from the same manner. The evaluation of the strategies is being done in the process linking to the facts.
Out of the three data collection plan that can be implemented in the research process, the researcher has chosen the qualitative data collection plan which will help to evaluate the data that has been selected in the data collection process. The data is based on the analysis of the questions that has been provided in the questions in the next section and also the answers to the given questions.
The sampling technique used is the non-probability random sampling method which is to be utilised by the researcher in selecting the three samples that have been selected in the process. The selection of the random samples is done by the Convenience method that helps the researcher to carry out the process in the effective manner.
The thematic analysis of the whole situation is undertaken to have a better knowledge of the employees and having an in-depth analysis of the whole situation in the manner (Barron, Black and Loewenstein 2013).
The validity and reliability of the data is one of the major aspect of the data collection process as without proper validity and the reliability of the plan, the data collected cannot be processed and the reliable factor of the data is given (Adhikari 2015). The validity and the reliability of the data is to be assigned in the adequate manner to help the researcher in the research process.
The findings of the research design is to measure the key themes of the matter and also to make sure that the themes of the analysis is related to the facts of motivation, The themes that has been drawn from the portion of the literature review are focussed on the certain issues mentioned like motivation to work, earning wages while learning and also to have a practical experience under a senior which can prove beneficial in the longer process of time (Hinz 2016). The negative aspects of the whole process is also being taken like payment of less wages and the theme of Gofering which is imposed on the people who are new to the whole process (Jimenez et al 2016).
Below are the interviews of the three employees who are taken as a sample for the above process and have been interviewed on their apprentice process and the themes of the apprentice procedures.
The questions that has been done in the interview process and their answers given are as follows –
Q1. How would you describe your learning experience during your Apprenticeship programme?
Employee 1 – The learning experience during the period of apprenticeship was pretty informative and organic. I got to know many things in this process which has helped me in my future work in the organization. Moreover, I got a mentor who was very cordial and made me understood the work in a practical and good manner.
Employee 2- The learning process during my apprenticeship period was not something I am very fond of sharing. My mentor made me do the works which she felt was not upto the mark for her own capacity. I was forced to overwork for the organization at a limited pay which is not worthy of mentioning in the fact.
Employee 3- I had a mixed experience in my apprentice period as most of the days the work pressure was really high while at some other days, the work pressure was limited. I go to know many things during the period but the overall impact was mixed as my work was only limited to the will of my mentor.
If you had to describe to someone what completing an Apprenticeship programme was like, what would you say?
Employee 1 – The apprentice programme is one of the best ways to learn and have a practical knowledge in the overall matter. The apprentice programme when conducted under a good mentor helps to make sure that the knowledge in the employment sector is adequate.
Employee 2 – The process of apprenticeship is one of the means which is absolutely not required by the employees as the process makes sure to impose burdens on the employees and also to have the mentor have their means over the person.
Employee 3 – The apprentice process has a mixed effect on the employee as with a good mentor, it is possible to gain substantial results whereas without a proper mentorship, the whole apprenticeship process is not sufficient for the new employee.
Q3. What difference has completing an Apprenticeship made to your life?
Employee 1 – The apprenticeship theory has made the whole system of the working flexible and have the desired effects on the social order in the stipulated period of span. The apprenticeship period has made my tenure period acceptable and also have made the working period more flexible and worth.
Employee 2 – The apprentice period has only taught me to be patient with the work and also to take every aspect that comes with utmost confidence. The apprentice period has not affected by working style given the type of mentor that I had.
Employee 3 – The mixed feeling of the apprentice process makes sure that the process has no effect on the employees and their mode of working. The process of apprentice is one of the major processes that has been made to help the employees which is dependent on the type of mentor that the candidate gets.
Q4. What are your goals for the future?
Employee 1 – The goals for the future is to gather all the knowledge in the apprentice process and then make plans for the future according to the goals of the organization.
Employee 2 – The goal is to learn new things and also to let the future people of the organization have the basic goals for the same.
Employee 3 – The future goals involve to plan for the better opportunities and to implement the knowledge given by the mentors and my own knowledge.
Q5. What would you say to anyone thinking about undertaking an Apprenticeship?
Employee 1 – I would encourage the person to take help and learn new things in the apprentice process of workplace.
Employee 2 – To anyone taking an apprenticeship solution, I would highly say to look for good mentors while conducting the process of apprenticeship.
Employee 3 – The apprenticeship is a valuable means to make sure that the new employee is getting all the means for the working and also to make sure that the employees have all the features for the processing. The apprentice programme is worth if put to action in a decent manner.
The system of apprentice have a long history in United Kingdom where Industry Training Boards after being set up in 1964 allowed the implementation of apprentice in the process. The various types of apprenticeship process made sure that the employment and the apprenticeship programmes had a tremendously levelled impact on the process of the trainess in the same manner (Toner 2015). The four types of apprenticeship in the process included the Intermediate Apprenticeship, Advanced Apprenticeship, Higher Apprenticeship and Degree Apprenticeship to make sure that the level of apprenticeship is determined by the process of the training given to the employees.
Taking various graphs and charts that show the process of Apprenticeship in the United Kingdom –
the apprenticeship system in United Kingdom is being said which is seen to be variant from the years of 2014 to the year 2018. The graphs show that the number of apprenticeship system have decreased in the second and the fourth quarters of the years and have always been on the higher level in the first quarters of the year. The analysis shows that the beginning of the year have always shown tremendous increase in the apprenticeship business and have considerably reduced in the next quarters.
it is being shown that the amount of apprenticeship in the different sectors of United Kingdom is increasing at a rapid rate. The rate of increase have been more galloping in from the years of 2007-08 to the years of 2012-13 with a more consistent rate from the years of 1996-97 to 2006-07 (Jimenez et al 2016). This shows that the rate of increase in apprenticeship has increased manifold in the whole matter and has made that the growth of the apprenticeship in the matter at a massive rate. The growth has been massive in the recent times as more companies are making the process of Apprenticeship one of the major in the system of industry.
the apprenticeship in the major industries of the major industries of United Kingdom is shown in the figure. The different sectors of industries in the United Kingdom have a scope for the apprenticeship business which makes the industry process one of the most effective strategies to incorporate a number of industry sector (Jimenez et al 2016). The figure clearly shows that the amount of apprenticeship in the different business sectors of the United Kingdom is to make sure that each of the industries in the sector is given the apt presence of the apprenticeship business.
the rates of apprenticeship in United Kingdom have fallen to a great level in the different sectors of the world. The Department of Education of the United Kingdom have mentioned that with the increase in the educational qualification and the greater number of companies appointing new and fresh candidates to the business, the rates of apprenticeship have fallen to a great extent in the United Kingdom which has affected the business of the organization at a large level. There has been a tremendous decrease in the level of apprenticeship in United Kingdom in the year 2017 contrary to the year of 2016 (Stevens 2014). The level of apprenticeship in the business sector makes sure that the United Kingdom industry is getting all the incentives and the training purpose from the firms in United Kingdom.
In Figure 5, the apprenticeship system in United Kingdom has different aspects to the whole phenomenon as many a times the industry consider the process of apprenticeship to be beneficial to the overall industry of the country as about 69% of the people in the United Kingdom who have the industry and have been undergoing the theme of apprenticeship have made it compulsory to have the process of apprenticeship in the industry process (Parey 2016). The industry assumes that the staff will be more valued and the company revenue will increase to a major extent with the implementation of the apprenticeship system in the whole phenomenon.
The various themes that are implemented in the United Kingdom of the apprenticeship practises are mainly stuffed to the practical experience that the trainee or the new joinee gathers when they join the business in the profound sense of the term.
For the new joinee, there is a level of nervousness and lack of experience that can hamper their performance and their understanding of the work in the longer period of time (Adhikari 2015). The lack of understanding and the utility of the people in the task is one of the major issues that are faced by the enterprise that directly affects the organization in their sales and profit in the longer period of time. The new employee is not always comfortable with the trainer and the other serious interactions of the organization which leads them to the generalised assumption of the whole work in the matter of time (Barron, Black and Loewenstein 2013). The new employee therefore gains a lot from the apprenticeship theory.
In the opposite case, the implementation of the apprenticeship system saves a lot of money that the company had to incur if they had to employ a trainer in the system to train the staff (Cairo and Cajner 2018). The organization is a business firm with an aim to reduce the cost of the employees and to make sure that each of the employees in the firm gives their maximum amount of effort to the company that can in turn raise the profit of the company in the longer time. The implementation of the apprenticeship policy makes sure that the senior employees act both as a mentor and an employee so that both the purposes can be solved in the one purpose. This makes sure that each of the employee of the firm have their aims fulfilled.
The senior employees also have their aims in the apprenticeship process in the firm. The seniors have their appraisals based on the process which is affected by the good apprenticeship capabilities of them (Cairo and Cajner 2018). The senior employees when given the adequate amount of responsibility can make them work accordingly and can also make sure that each of the times that are assured a task, it gets fulfilled in the way (Yidong and Xinxin 2013). The whole process of apprenticeship policy is to make sure that their capabilities are challenged by the organization and they have the capability to showcase their front in the matter.
The factors that motivates each of the sections being therefore the practical knowledge that each of the employee gets in the process of apprenticeship business, the amount of savings that the company has when they undergo the process and the self-interest that the senior employees have when they are mentoring the juniors and the new entrants (Heckman, Ichimura and Todd 2017).
All these factors are the major themes that are addressed in the process of apprenticeship and have been there in the business of the firm (Paul 2012). The factors have their implementation in the frame and made sure that each of the themes in the process of apprenticeship business is there in the organization of the various industries of the same manner. The various problems and the benefits that the industry faces have their themes embedded in the process of the apprenticeship career options in the same manner (Green 2015).
Conclusion, Recommendations, Implementation Plan
In conclusion, it can be said that the process of Apprenticeship is one of the major aspects of the industry in any organization and this makes sure that the new entrants of the business or organization have their base stated in the same. The conclusion of the apprenticeship theory can be stated that with the increase in the amount of apprenticeship theory in the required forces that leads to the apprenticeship of the business firms is there. There are a number of pros and cons in the apprenticeship system of the industry which has benefits and problems for all the three sectors that are involved in the apprenticeship process of the same. The apprenticeship system in United Kingdom along with the graphs and charts mentioning the same can be seen in the above matters making the apprenticeship one of the major aspects of the modern times in the modern industrial scenario.
The recommendations for the system of Apprenticeship in the different industries of the United Kingdom can be seen in the following –
- One of the major recommendation is to increase the payment of the new joinees who are joining the system of apprenticeship (Noe et al. 2016). Money is one of the best motivators of the working group which if implemented in the right way can make the workers work for the better ways of the
- Secondly, to provide the new entrants the capacity to gain more task oriented knowledge by providing them with diverse work which will increase their interest in the working for the company in terms of the apprentice business (Cabrales, Dolado and Mora 2014).
- Thirdly, to totally avoid the concept of Gofering in the apprenticeship system. One of the major aspect of the apprentice system is the concept of Gofering which can hamper the overall efficacy of the employee in the course of time. Gofering measures that the new employees of the system are getting detached from all forms of the system and are getting all sorts of problems for the conduction of the employment in the process.
- Fourthly, to provide more job-oriented training other than the apprenticeship process so that the employees have a better understanding of the whole matter before they have a knowledge about the work that they are conducting in the process (Smith et al. 2015). The job-oriented training is meant to give the required number of benefit to the employee and training provides the employees with the required amount of theoretical knowledge for the same matter (Jackson and Godden 2015).
- Fifthly, to make sure that the process of apprenticeship policy is transparent and purposes to serve the overall tactics and strategies of the industries in the prolonged time. The transparency in the matter is given to make sure that each and every policy of the apprentice system is given the required benefit to be conducted on the same matter. The transparent policy of the whole matter is to be gained to make the job easier for the employee in the course of time.
The SMART Concept |
The factors affecting it |
S – Specific |
The apprentice policy is specific to the benefits of both the organization and the employee who is undertaking the plan and the concept. The Apprentice policy is specific to certain matters of the system to make sure that each of them have definite aims and objectives in the course of time. |
M – Measurable |
The Apprentice policy is measurable in the matter as the amount of profit that is delivered by the people of the organization is measures in terms of monetary gains and also made sure to have the specifics of the organization in the matter. |
A – Attainable |
The apprentice policy is attainable in the course of time as the course of the apprentice policy is measured in terms of the time that is being invested to take out all the matters related to the study. |
R – Relevant |
The apprentice policy is relevant to the whole situation as it is a mode of policy that is being assigned to the relevancy of the whole situation in the matter of time. The relevancy of the matter is being addressed in the fact that apprentice policy helps an organization to have the benefits in the matter as required. |
T – Timely |
The apprentice policy of the organization is timely in the matter as proper planning and implementation is required to make the whole matter timely and required to the whole matter in the organization. |
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