Impact On Pupil Achievement And School Performance

Impact on pupil achievement and school performance

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There is a deep thought to be given into the fact that could enhance the pupil’s performance at school. We know that human capital investment is a key factor that increases economic growth. There is also an increasing focus so that all the resources can be efficiently used and allocated in the schools itself. There are various key determinants that help in success of earnings and employment like years of schooling, grades obtained, test scores, exam results, etc. It is also seen that in many schools resources are allocated so that the differences in the family could be minimized. There has been a debate raise on the topic that to check the effects of school resources on pupil achievement. Also a link is been tried to built upon so that a link could be seen in terms of school resources and school performances. The main objective was to find out that whether school resources could have modest effects on test scores of pupils. The parents do believe that school authorities may direct some additional resources to the students whose performance level is low. Therefore there are parents who chose neighborhoods for their children’s future.

Schooling has a direct and overall impact on children’s education and future career development as well. They help them to acquire knowledge in various sectors such as literacy acquisition, gaining scientific knowledge. The school helps to develop some basic skills that help to develop foundation knowledge on various related subjects later on. However apart from these subjective knowledge there are other cognitions and feelings that are also influenced by the school and these also help later on in building intelligence within an individual. Apart from these there are certain motivational determinants also that exert influence on individual development also (Hossain, Mendick and Adler, 2013).

Curriculum that is being followed in the schools matters a lot in shaping the performances of the students in the later stage. Children always plan out their work in advance so that work can be accomplished in small teams. Sometimes the children represents the skills which their tutor has inbuilt within himself. Because the student is used to within that boundary and is been accustomed to such skills since childhood. This also aids in shaping motivation, building self efficacy and representation of better ideas and skills that helps them to develop in a better way in the future. This also helps them to build on more nurtured learning orientation so that they can enhance leadership and cooperative ability in the future and this can form as an effective extrinsic skill.

An extensive research have found out that there are some schools that promote positive effects whereas there are some schools that promotes negative effects. Even there are evidences that prove that it is actually the capacity of the pupils and the schools are not responsible for it. Iot is the human minds that how much they can actually intake in terms of capacity from their teachers and also from the schools. There must be some self determination also so that the pupils are actually interested to take the maximum from the school authority because in a school there is a blend of good as well as bad pupils. The school needs to develop a point of segregation so that some standardized evaluations can be created and that would act as a benchmark to check the behavior of the pupils in a school. Another method can be executed by the schools so that the effectiveness of schools is maximized. This sis mainly done by collecting behavior on the characteristics of the individuals or the pupils those are involved and check their level of attendance, attainment and class participation, their attitude towards the teachers, attitude towards other class room members. These are the internal factors. External factors includes test scores, occupation of their parents etc that are equally responsible to determine an individuals level of performance (Houser and An, 2014).

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Understanding teachers impact on Student’s Achievement

There are many people those who emphasize on being a good teacher so that the quality of being a teacher can be enhanced. There is a common perception that there are some teachers who are more effective and this can be highly expressed through the subsequent test scores of pupils.

Among school related factors it is considered that teachers matters the most in contributing to a student’s academic performances. It is estimated that a teacher have two or three times impact than any other factors that can be brought into consideration (Hinay, 2010). It is seen that the amount a teacher gives to a student on a one to one basis that is said to be the most effective impact on the students mind other than any other factor that could be brought under consideration.

It is believed that there are certain characteristics that have four to eight times impact on the overall achievement of the students. But it is generally argued because personal factors and family circumstances generally vary from individual to individual.

It is believed that the best way to determine a teacher’s effectiveness depends on common perception and that is their effectiveness on job performances. This includes the work they perform in the class room and what they seek so that the effectiveness of the students are increased and it is made sure that that the student perform well in their achievement tests as well. This also acts as best evidence about the students learning (Kilic, 2013).

It is measured that a teacher’s impact on the student’s achievement tends to remain the same even if the school is changed. It hardly matters even if the new school is better in terms of providing advantages than the old one.

Schools, parents and community are the three most important determinants that should work together. This would help to promote health and the well being of the students and as a result learning of students would be enhanced. All three determinants are mainly interrelated to each other in the context of learning and development. Families usually help to foster partnerships among schools and other community groups also. This partnership helps in utilizing resources to the maximum.

The influences of these communities and families are regarded as the key determinants that would result in achieving high quality of results for the children. These outcomes mean catering to both academic and social development as well. There are complexities found out because in a country there are great variants found out in terms of family processes, its attributes, other factors of community as well.

Family attributes indicates to the cultural and ethnic aspect that are directly linked to the children’s development. Income of the family is a key attribute and it acts significantly to the growth for children. It is proved from evidences that children from low income groups tend to score low marks in the tests and this affects the growth of the children drastically. There are various levels of material resources available within a family that leads to children achievement. It is estimated that children who live in high pedagogy and guidance of their parents receives more knowledge and access to educational qualifications as a whole.

Home language is another aspect that is related with development of children. Children those who have English as their main language is expected to be prone to greater achievements. Also the structure of the families greatly affects the quality of education and not the quantity as such.

Also a community factor such as social networks provides necessary opportunities to the children so that they can go for further learning and gain knowledge. It also provides strong endeavor to increase the support from the parents as well. The peer groups at the secondary level can positively or negatively impact to the school children’s development.


It can be concluded that there is always a negative relationship between teacher-pupil ratio. There must be initiatives taken up by teachers to estimate some added value models so that the relationship persists. Also it is necessary to achieve better results after seeking the characteristics of the school and the students also.


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