Impact Of Workplace Bullying And Harassment Stress On Employee Performance And Turnover

Workplace Bullying Definition

The report brings about the discussion of the research on the topic ‘Impact of bullying and harassment stress on the performance turnover of the employees, and the critical analysis. Workplace bullying is verbal, physical, social, or any psychological behaviour at the workplace by their managers or leaders in the organisation. Workplace bullying is considered as one of the major aspects of mistreatment of employees or staff in the organisation, which influences their performance and productivity in a negative manner, thus it must be managed (Galperin, 2014). Workplace bullying can occur in any type of the workplace, from the corporate offices, to the shops, restaurants, cafes, workshops, community groups and the government firms and organisations. Thus, the assignment consists of the description of the theme with the review on the research papers, and analysing the impact on employee performance and rate of turnover (Anand and Monika, 2017).

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The report in the later part will include a research question, which will be based on the gap identified through the research, from the multiple perspectives of different authors on the workplace bullying and the influence on the staff performance in the organisation (Sansone and Sansone, 2015). The topic is worthy to the readers, as it gives them an understanding of the workplace safety and healthy environment. In addition, a reader as an employee or an individual acquires knowledge about the standards and employee rights, which describes how an organisation or the managers can prevent such things, and enhances the organisational performance in the long-term (Astrauskaite et al., 2015).

Workplace bullying is a common issue that refers to the persistent pattern or form of mistreatment of employees by the managers, leaders, or superiors at the workplace. It can be of any form, and can occur at any place. Harassment differs in the meaning, as it refers to the illegal discrimination, and offensive conduct that adversely influence the terms and conditions of the employment (Essen, Esquivel and Jha, 2014).

Workplace bullying is affected and influences the employee stress levels that hamper their performance and productivity. Factors, which lead to the workplace bullying and harassment stress to the employees in the organisations, may be described at individual level, such as gender, education, and status and the organisational factors, such as complexity of the task, employee involvement, compensation, and others (Glambek et al., 2018). According to the Raja Lakshmi and Gomathi, (2015), it has been stated that an individual is influenced through workplace bullying, and the effects are observed on some of the factors, which affects the performance of the individual. In addition, the organisational factors such as power and self-esteem of the managers, leads to the bullying of their sub-ordinates and employees in the organisation (Duffy, 2018). The authors has discussed that the bullying affects the physical, psychological, and the professional factors of the staff working in the organisation.  The employees who are bullied often face the issues of cardio-vascular and depression, i.e. physical factors. In turn, it includes the impact on the physical and mental health of the person, and this further leads to the negative impact on their professional life, as unhealthy body and mind will affect their productivity (Keskin et al., 2016).

Factors Influencing Workplace Bullying

The factors and the aspects of the workplace bullying establish a cause and effect relationship in every organisation. Lewis, Megicks, and Jones (2017) are of the view that workplace bullying often leads to the work stress in the employees.  Work stress or job stress affects their productivity and performance. The authors has discussed through their research on the British small scale and large firms, where in it was found that a Workplace Employment Relations Survey has been conducted in the British firms, both small and large (Glambek, Skogstad and Einarsen, 2018).  It has been also stated by the authors that the higher emotional intelligence amongst employees will reduce their stress levels, and vice-versa (Higgs and Dulewicz, 2016).

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The organisations in the UK were assessed as the experience of the employees in the larger firms was compared with the SMEs, and it was revealed that the workload, job-insecurity, and the slow rate of promotion, and poor communication negatively affected the performance of the staff in the British firms. In addition, it has been analysed that the components of the job such as excessive job demands, resource inadequacies and the lack of autonomy and the control over job leads to several bullying situations. Some organisational factors, which are responsible why employees are bullied, in the organisations, these include power, self-esteem and the differences, perceived threat, and organisational culture. The research findings also led to the aspect that the people might bully each other due to the dissatisfactory organisational arrangements or change in the working methods (Henning et al., 2017).

 A positive relationship between the job stress and the workplace bullying, as the job-stress is found high in the employees who experience workplace bullying and harassment in the organisation. The aspects of the job-stressors and the workplace bullying are interrelated in a positive way. According to the Akar, (2013) the concept of job stressors and workplace bullying been analysed that through the surveys conducted in the healthcare services on a 300-health service staff which included both junior-doctors and nurses, in Turkey (Attell, Brown and Treiber, 2017). Nurses in the healthcare settings were found to be bullied and experienced higher job stress than the junior doctors. Job-stress amongst the nurses led to the serious negative impacts on their psychological factors in the healthcare, such as causing anxiety, depression, and burnout on the health of the staff. The authors explored about the job-stress, but they did not discuss the methods to deal with the situation.  Hence, it has discovered that the workplace bullying is the phenomenon triggered by the job stress and causes job stress (Strandmark et al., 2017).

Impacts of Workplace Bullying

Discussing the factors influencing the workplace bullying and harassment stress in the employees at, it has been realised that there are some of the major impacts of the concept in the organisations. Harassment or bullying of the staff at the workplace may lead to the critical impact or influence on a number of factors, such as physical health problems. According to the Oladapo, (2013) the impact of the management bullies has been greatly identified and analysed on the employees performance in the organisation  (Giorgi et al., 2016). The findings through the research from the author’s perspectives on the topic, has created an understanding that bullying of an employee’s affects their morale, influencing their ability to work hard in the organisation, hampering their job-satisfaction. Decreased job-satisfaction and low productivity of employees affects the financial performance of the organisation. The data has been collected through the research surveys conducted revealed that around 75% of the participants reported about witnessing the ill-treatment of the co-workers throughout their careers., 47% being bullied during their career and some 27% has been admitted to be a target to be bullied (Powers, 2017).   

Studying the impacts of the workplace bullying and harassment of employees, the major impact was observed on the physical, mental, and the other health problems of the staff in the organisations. However, there are some of the organisational implications also caused by the workplace bullying. Bullies do not run good organisations; as it has been observed that the organisations with bullying behaviour will encounter high rates of staff turnover at higher rates and sick leave, and low morale and productivity of employees (Salin and Notelaers, 2017).

From the perspective of Yahaya et al., (2012) it has been studied that there is a relationship between workplace bullying of employees and work performance. It has been a conceptual research that defined the concept of the bullying from an organisational point of view. It stated that when the morale of employees is affected, it leads to an impact on the financial performance of the organisation. Bullying results in an increased cost to the employee as well as the organisation, as the management team of the organisation need to replace the staff members who left the organisation because of being bullied. Work efforts also gets displaced as the staff cope with bullying incidents, as there is a deviation of efforts of individuals away from work productivity. Thus, it affects the supervisors at the bottom line, and hampers the financial stability of the organisation by increasing costs due to the bullying (Salin and Notelaers, 2017).

Resolution and Strategies to Prevent Workplace Bullying

Discussing and analysing the factors, causes, and the impacts or consequences of the workplace bullying, it is essential to devise strategies or the resolution to these problems in the organisation. Every organisation must incorporate some internal methods to resolve the problems arising due to the workplace bullying and harassment of employees. According to Fapohunda, (2013), it has described that the concept of Workplace bullying is increasingly attracting the recognition, and has become an issue of concern for the HR managers of the organisations. The data has collected through the study on 280 participants selected from different organisation, in departments of education, finance, communication, and health sectors. The author stated that, a victim of workplace bullying can use different ways to resolve the issue in their organisation. First thing is that they can take advices and suggestions from their mentors who have experienced these situations earlier. Bullies must make sure that they their jobs or work is done well, so that they are not isolated from their colleagues. The targets or bullied employees must report to the top management if the situation becomes out of control (Woodrow and Guest, 2014).

The research gap in the literature refers to the concepts or idea that has left unexplored by the researchers or authors, or an inappropriate response to the concepts discussed throughout their study. Although a significant gap in the literature has identified related to bullying, the research is unanimous in reporting the devastating health effects workplace bullying has on targets and bystanders and the negative financial implications. The researchers through their study have described about the factors, impacts, and the resolution to the bullying behaviour in the organisation; but there have been some gaps. The gap that was identified as that the authors exclaimed that if an employee has higher emotional intelligence, then the person becomes able to handle the stress of bullying behaviour of their superiors, in the organisations, but have not mentioned the opposite situation. If an employee has lower EI (Emotional intelligence), then how they will cope with the stress of harassment. In addition, the authors in the above research papers have not discussed the importance of developing interpersonal skills in the organisation. Interpersonal skills are significant in maintaining healthy relationships amongst organisational members, which reduces the possibility of any conflicts in the organisation. Thus, it further prevents the situations or issues of workplace bullying or harassment of employees and their negative impacts in the organisations.

Research Gap

1. How does the concept of Workplace bullying and harassment is prevalent in contemporary organisations influencing the employee performance?

2. What is our duty of care in relation to bullying and harassment to the employees?

3.What is the possible role of emotional intelligence in eliminating undesirable behaviours at work?

4. How does low emotional intelligence in employees affects workplace bullying at workplace?

The research conducted through the information collected from different perspectives of the authors, it has been analysed that workplace bullying, leads to the negative consequences to employees in the organisation. The practical implications of this study have been covered but there should be a survey based on large-scale organisations. In addition, several authors have covered the employees in the organisations, in few sectors only. Workplace bullying, refers to the repeated and unreasonable behaviour towards the employees or staff in the organisation, therefore managers must devise effective strategies to manage or deal with the situations. Thus, the study has some limitations defining new methods to overcome the bullying and harassment at workplace.


To conclude the above discussion it has been analysed that Workplace is a systematic undermining of an employee or target’s wellbeing, and a psychological distress that is found in organisational culture. The report included the aspects and views from several authors, through their study conducted in different scenario, discussing about the prevalence of workplace bullying. The impact of bullying behaviour of the managers, leaders or supervisors, in the organisation is highly influential to the performance of staff and the turnover rates. Thus, an organisation or management must ensure effective communication with their staff to derive solutions to their issues, and prevent conflicts, thereby reducing the possibilities of workplace bullying or harassment in the organisations.

Here, the above report is carried out in a group of five people, which are my batch-mates. I headed the responsibility of being a leader of our group/team. We performed the task of collecting information on the topic of the assignment, ‘A study of the Impact of Workplace Bullying, and Harassment stress on the staff performance and turnover’. Being, the leader of the group, I had the responsibility of uniting the efforts of all group members thus; through the social media groups we communicated our doubts and issues in finding information. Other members also represented their effective leadership and communication skills, while completing the task, as they worked together with harmony, cooperation, and coordination. The material discussed with each-others in the group was 60% helpful to be incorporated in the report. On the other hand, teamwork was very effective rather than individual contribution as the group members had different views about the topic, which provided a multi-faceted perception about the issue and the resolution. The group members highlighted their participative leadership skills, along-with my contribution and commitment towards completing the assignment timely.


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