Impact Of Unionization In GMFC Corporate: Strategic HR Plans For Nonunion Plant Management

Strategic HR plans for plant management

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Labor relation and the concept of unionization are two important aspects for the development of the organization. Labor is the most crucial part of the organization, which guarantees the improvisation of organizational objectives. This report is providing the impact of Unionization in GMFC Corporate.

GMFC Corporate is facing many problems due to various labor issues within their company. The organization has decided to develop a strategic HR plan for preventing this unionization of the manufacturing plants. GMFC Corporate is situated in Smalls Ville, KY. The organization has the intention to build up a nonunion plant with 400 employees within it. The strategic plan is comprised of the following issues: staffing of employees in nonunion manner, establishment of wage and nonwage policies for the nonunion line employees and the recommendations for the other nonunion and other employee relation initiatives.

Staffing of the non-line employees        

The staffing of the HR professionals is considered as the top critical function within the role of Human Resource Management. The labor issues rose within the organization due to lack of recruitment programs and skilled staffs within the organization. Therefore, GMFC Corporate takes the decisions of staffing of non-line employees. The major benefits from nonunion companies are the low cost involved in pay and benefits. Therefore, the GMFC Corporation is wishing to establish their new branch free from union (Bryson et al., 2013). The first step for establishing this kind of system is to design a staffing system where there will be no union. These would require the following steps to be introduced by the organization within it:

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A caring attitude towards the employees: There are so many giant companies those who focus on the behavior of the organization towards their employees (Bamberger et al., 2014). The GMFC Corporate should establish some loyalty program for their employees to maintain a good bonding with them. It is the responsibility of the top management of the GMFC Corporate to add innovative programs and events, which will motivate their employees and make them, realize that they are equally important and valuable for their company as their top management team (Cristiani & Peir, 2015). These aspects will not only satisfy all the needs of their employees but also it will make them feel comfortable within the organization.

Considered surroundings: There are several situational factors, which are important for developing an effective personnel program. This will be providing the encouraging climate to the employees of the organization (Bryson et al., 2013). These factors involves sensitive work culture, emotional bonding among each other of the employees and plant structure etc. GMFC should consider two main factors for establishing their nonunion branch in Smalls Ville: area of the plant, careful attitude towards the traditionally union work (Dobbins & Dundon, 2014). If the place selected for the new branch provides influences for the labor union practices then it will help the growth of the labor union. On the other hand, GMFC Corporate should put more focus on their sensitive work culture. This idea is to bring the organizing drive less likely. If the employees of the GMFC corporate work sensitively within the organization then need for the union will be demolished automatically, as the employees will be busy with their work and the management will be providing them facilities according to their work (Kaufman, 2013).

Staffing of the non-line employees

Employment security: Most of the organizations like to reduce their number of workers for the security reasons about their future employment. GMFC Corporate should also focus on this part. In this aspect the company should their employee’s important facilities according to their needs. The satisfaction of the employees leads to the comfortable climate within the organization (Kaufman, 2014). The worker will feel more secure within the organization and will not leave the organization for any reason. Employee dissatisfaction is another reason for the growth of the union within the organization. So, this aspect will help the entrepreneurs for building up a union free branch.

Figure 1: Staffing of the non-line employees

(Source: McCarthy, 2014, pp- 300)

The labors are facing the problems regarding improper distribution of wages. They are receiving low wages and even they are not receiving the wages on time. Therefore, GMFC Corporate takes the strategic HR plan to implement new wages and non-wage policies within their business (Cristiani & Peiro, 2015). There are several wage and nonwage policies for developing the nonunion line employees. These policies are individually discussed as follows:

Salary and career growth opportunities: This policy can provide the employee rewards for their dedication in their work field. If the GMFC Corporation provides the monetary rewards to their employees, not only the dedication of the employee will increase but also the chances of formation of union will be reduced (LeRoy, 2014). Next the career growth opportunities are most of the time attractive to the employees, as everyone wants to develop themselves within a specific time span.

In-range salary increase: This perspective is utilized to make the employee more responsible in his work field (McCarthy, 2014). The increased salary not only assures the employee a bright future but also it ensures his increased responsibility towards GMFC Corporate.

Annual performance and salary review: Staff members of the organization are allowed to have merit increase annually (Bryson et al., 2013).  The increase of the salary of the member is dependent on the previous year performance of the employee accordingly with the tough situations within GMFC Corporate (McCarthy 2014). This aspect also makes the employees more responsible towards their work.

Impartiality and Market based salary adjustments: It is the duty of the management to adjust the inequality of distribution of the salary within every department (Bamberger et al., 2014).  The equity should be maintained within each department of the GMFC Corporate to have satisfied employees within the organization.

Establishment of the wage and nonwage policies for the nonunion line employees

Figure 2: Wage policies

(Source: LeRoy, 2014, pp- 33)

The nonwage policies are described as follows:

Developmental increase: Developmental increase is considered for the developmental perspective of those employees, who are continuously improving themselves in their work field. GMFC Corporate should recognize the employees who are giving their best effort to their company and provide them rewards (Rauch & Hatak, 2016).

Promotional increase: GMFC Corporate can reduce the union formation within the organization by utilizing promotional increase for the employees (Dobbins & Dundon, 2014).  There may be two types of promotional events available within the organization: promotion based on the market and the promotion based on the contribution level of the employees.

Incentive programs: GMFC Corporate can increase dedication of the employees by introducing the incentive programs among the employees (Roche & Teague, 2014). This aspect will make the employee ready to do extra amount of work for their organization, which in terms increase the capability of the organization.

Performance appraisal: GMFC Corporate needs to develop their structure for performance appraisal of their employees. The employees find their personal benefit in this policy, which make them more responsible at their work (Tuckman & Snook, 2014). This aspect kept he head more effective towards their subordinates and the subordinates are also become focused in their work.

Figure 3: Nonwage Policies

(Source: Rauch & Hatak, 2016, pp- 500)

The recommendations for the other employee relation initiatives are as follows:

Proper training: The supervisory management should be reminded of the providence for training to their employees in repetitive manner. The GMFC Corporate should train and provide proper education to their managers who will guide their employee according to the needs of the organization and demands of their customers. This aspect will create a union free atmosphere as there will be no unsatisfied demands of the employees with GMFC Corporate. Union prevention can be done only by the good management efforts. Employees only get their benefits from the trained higher authority. This trained higher authority provides the employees proper guidance to do their job properly.

Review and adjust policy: There are several aspects which should be handled by the organizational head. GMFC Corporate should establish a system with proper organizational heads, which will recognize the situations and policies that must be renewed and revised by time to time. These policies needed to be renewed by each year or in a monthly basis as the needs are changed accordingly the organizational demands or customer demands.

Wage policies

Compensations and benefits; Compensations and benefits are very essential for the development of the organizational culture. These aspects encourage the employees to find more interest in the job field. Unaddressed employee accusations are the main cause behind the union formation within the organization. GMFC should put ore focus in this aspect to prevent this kind of influences within the organization.

Maintenance of destructive argument resolution system: Most of the time the campaigns related to the prevention of union formation within the organization utilizes the resolution systems for preventing destructive argument.

Survey of employees: The employees of GMFC Corporate should respond to the yearly survey for making the authority understand about their conditions and problems they are facing within the organization. This aspect will prevent the formation of union.

Recruitment of skillful organizational head: Skillful organizational heads can supply proper skills and guidance to the employees of the GMFC Corporate. Understandings of the labor laws are very important as these reflect their influences on the issue of union formation. Supervisory guidelines are important for the development of the organization.


This report is explaining the impact of union within the GMFC Corporate. The strategic plan for establishing nonunion environment within the organization is described with the recommendations for improving the situations of the employees with GMFC Corporate. Several implications of the non-union set up within the organization are discussed with their affect in GMFC Corporate. There are nonwage and wage policies which are discussed for utilizing the nonunion facilities within the organization.


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