Impact Of Technology On Human Resource Management: An Annotated Bibliography


Stone, D. L., Deadrick, D. L., Lukaszewski, K. M., & Johnson, R. (2015). The influence of technology on the future of human resource management. Human Resource Management Review, 25(2), 216-231.

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According to this author, information technology has impact on procedure of human resources as well as practices. The author states that there are different limitations related to existing system such as use one way for communication system, impersonal and passive, do not permits for interpersonal communication and creates artificial distance amid individual and organizations. In my point of view, existing system is also good because there is fewer chances for miscommunication and data theft because information technology may create the cyber threat such as create risk for theft of confidential data as well as chances of occurring miscommunication.

Yes, title of the article is appropriate and clear. Yes, the abstract specific, representative of the article, and in the correct form. Yes, the purpose of the article made clear in the introduction. No, I did not find errors of fact and interpretation. Yes, all of the discussion is relevant. Yes, the author cited the pertinent, and only the pertinent, literature that provides a balanced perspective. No,ideas of articles have not been overemphasized or underemphasized. Yes, some sections of the manuscript be expanded, condensed or omitted. Yes, the author’s statements are clear. In addition to this, study design and methods are appropriate for the purposes of the study. Yes, the procedures have been presented in enough detail to enable another researcher to duplicate the study. 

Lievens, F., & Chapman, D. (2010).Recruitment and selection. The SAGE handbook of human resource management, 135-154.

This investigation paper was a writer by Lievens, Filip, and Derek Chapman and their goals are to depict the idea of recruitment and choice and how HRM utilizes these procedures in the association. Analyst featured that recruitment is frequently seen as the conventional procedure utilized in the human resource and it is properly demonstrated that the recruitment procedure is an essential strategy that includes in the human resource. In my opinion, recruitment procedure should be used by company as it helps to fill the vacant position. For recruiting, organization should use proper selection procedure as it would be beneficial for choosing the right people at the right time and right place. With the assistance of this paper, consumers can comprehend the idea of recruiting and determination process yet scientist did not include the quantitative procedure and information examination strategy that make an issue for consumers and readers.In my opinion, company should develop the plan before recruiting the person such as requirement, position, and skills required for position. This would be beneficial for filling the vacant position in an effective manner.

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Yes, title of the article is appropriate and clear. Yes, the abstract specific, representative of the article, and in the correct form. Yes, the purpose of the article made clear in the introduction. No, I did not find errors of fact and interpretation. Yes, all of the discussion is relevant. Yes, the author cited the pertinent, and only the pertinent, literature that provides a balanced perspective. No, ideas of articles have not been overemphasized or underemphasized. Yes, some sections of the manuscript be expanded, condensed or omitted. Yes, the author’s statements are clear. In addition to this, study design and methods are appropriate for the purposes of the study. Yes, the procedures have been presented in enough detail to enable another researcher to duplicate the study.

Anosh, M., Hamad, N., &Batool, A. (2014).Impact of Recruitment and selection of HR Department Practices. European Journal of Business and Management, 6, 31. 

The objective of this exploration is to assess the effect of the recruitment and choice process in HR. The specialist evaluated that the determination or selection is one of the normal procedures which is utilized in the sector of HRM that individuals do consistently as training.In my point of view, selection procedure should be used after recruitment as it would be beneficial for choosing the expert within an organization.

In this examination, the researcher shows the essentialness of both enrollment and selection methodology in HRM. In my opinion, psychological and aptitude test is more important as compared to survey technique. This would help to select the right candidates for right position.

Yes, title of the article is appropriate and clear. Yes, the abstract specific, representative of the article, and in the correct form. Yes, the purpose of the article made clear in the introduction. No, I did not find errors of fact and interpretation. Yes, all of the discussion is relevant. Yes, the author cited the pertinent, and only the pertinent, literature that provides a balanced perspective. No, ideas of articles have not been overemphasized or underemphasized. Yes, some sections of the manuscript be expanded, condensed or omitted. Yes, the author’s statements are clear. In addition to this, study design and methods are appropriate for the purposes of the study. Yes, the procedures have been presented in enough detail to enable another researcher to duplicate the study. 

Eva, T., P. (2018). Recruitment and Selection Strategies and Practices in the Private Sector Commercial Banks of Bangladesh: Evidence from Human Resource Practitioners. European Business & Management, 4(1),28-38.

This article is totally founded on the enlistment and selection process that goal is to examine the impact of selection methodologies and practice in the HR. In this article, the writer incorporated the secondary information process and substance investigation system for upgrading the viability of the paper.In my point of view, effective selection technique should be used by company for recruiting and selecting the employees within an organization such as reasoning test, and language test.

Yes, title of the article is appropriate and clear. Yes, the abstract specific, representative of the article, and in the correct form. Yes, the purpose of the article made clear in the introduction. No, I did not find errors of fact and interpretation. Yes, all of the discussion is relevant. Yes, the author cited the pertinent, and only the pertinent, literature that provides a balanced perspective. No, ideas of articles have not been overemphasized or underemphasized. Yes, some sections of the manuscript be expanded, condensed or omitted. Yes, the author’s statements are clear. In addition to this, study design and methods are appropriate for the purposes of the study. Yes, the procedures have been presented in enough detail to enable another researcher to duplicate the study.

Elnaga, A., & Imran, A. (2013).The effect of training on employee performance. European Journal of Business and Management, 5(4), 137-147. 

The motivation behind this examination article is to talk about the effect of the training procedure on the execution of customers and representatives in an association. The author investigated that numerous vast business enterprises are utilizing the preparation or training procedure so as to build the performance of the individuals. In my point of view, training has favorable impact on performance of employees as it provides proper guidance about the activities that would be performed in future.  This would be beneficial for increasing the productivity of company.

Yes, title of the article is appropriate and clear. Yes, the abstract specific, representative of the article, and in the correct form. Yes, the purpose of the article made clear in the introduction. No, I did not find errors of fact and interpretation. Yes, all of the discussion is relevant. Yes, the author cited the pertinent, and only the pertinent, literature that provides a balanced perspective. No, ideas of articles have not been overemphasized or underemphasized. Yes, some sections of the manuscript be expanded, condensed or omitted. Yes, the author’s statements are clear. In addition to this, study design and methods are appropriate for the purposes of the study. Yes, the procedures have been presented in enough detail to enable another researcher to duplicate the study.

Vinesh, A. (2014). Role of training & development in organizational development. International Journal of Management and International Business Studies, 4(2), 213-220.

This research study depends on training and improvement and the specialist gave their perspectives on this topic. This paper objective is to clarify the role of training and improvement in association advancement. The real advantage of this paper is that the analyst diminished the scientist holes in the past examination and gave inside and out an investigation about preparing and improvement. In my opinion, training and development plays fundamental role in development of an organization. Furthermore, training helps in supporting the employees for completing the task so that, they can complete the task inminimum time and costs.

Yes, title of the article is appropriate and clear. Yes, the abstract specific, representative of the article, and in the correct form. Yes, the purpose of the article made clear in the introduction. No, I did not find errors of fact and interpretation. Yes, all of the discussion is relevant. Yes, the author cited the pertinent, and only the pertinent, literature that provides a balanced perspective. No, ideas of articles have not been overemphasized or underemphasized. Yes, some sections of the manuscript be expanded, condensed or omitted. Yes, the author’s statements are clear. In addition to this, study design and methods are appropriate for the purposes of the study. Yes, the procedures have been presented in enough detail to enable another researcher to duplicate the study.

Richman, N. (2015). Human resource management and human resource development: Evolution and contributions. Creighton Journal of Interdisciplinary Leadership, 1(2), 120-129.

The significant aim of this examination is to assess the commitment of the development in the area of HRM. The creator estimated that the high association performance can’t exist without assessed esteem put on the human resource advancement.In my point of view, company can take feedback of employees for making transformation at the workplace and developing the favorable environment for employees because this would be effective for increasing the productivity of business.

Yes, title of the article is appropriate and clear. Yes, the abstract specific, representative of the article, and in the correct form. Yes, the purpose of the article made clear in the introduction. No, I did not find errors of fact and interpretation. Yes, all of the discussion is relevant. Yes, the author cited the pertinent, and only the pertinent, literature that provides a balanced perspective. No, ideas of articles have not been overemphasized or underemphasized. Yes, some sections of the manuscript be expanded, condensed or omitted. Yes, the author’s statements are clear. In addition to this, study design and methods are appropriate for the purposes of the study. Yes, the procedures have been presented in enough detail to enable another researcher to duplicate the study.

Hameed, A., &Waheed, A. (2011).Employee development and its effect on employee performance a conceptual framework. International journal of business and social science, 2(13).

As indicated by the author, the worker is the key factor of an association and achievement and disappointment of the association totally relies upon the representatives’ execution or performance. In my opinion, company should focus on training and development program for development of employees as it would direct impact on their performance within an organization.

Yes, title of the article is appropriate and clear. Yes, the abstract specific, representative of the article, and in the correct form. Yes, the purpose of the article made clear in the introduction. No, I did not find errors of fact and interpretation. Yes, all of the discussion is relevant. Yes, the author cited the pertinent, and only the pertinent, literature that provides a balanced perspective. No, ideas of articles have not been overemphasized or underemphasized. Yes, some sections of the manuscript be expanded, condensed or omitted. Yes, the author’s statements are clear. In addition to this, study design and methods are appropriate for the purposes of the study. Yes, the procedures have been presented in enough detail to enable another researcher to duplicate the study.

Qureshi, A., & Hassan, M. (2013). Impact of performance management on the organizational performance: An analytical investigation of the business model of McDonald’s. International Journal of Academic Research in Economics and Management Sciences, 2(5), 54.

The significant motivation behind this examination article is to evaluate how performance managementassists organizations with increasing the efficiency of the purchasers and representatives. In my point of view, organization should use rating scale performance management system to measure the performance of workforces as it would be beneficial for improving their performance at the workplace.

Yes, title of the article is appropriate and clear. Yes, the abstract specific, representative of the article, and in the correct form. Yes, the purpose of the article made clear in the introduction. No, I did not find errors of fact and interpretation. Yes, all of the discussion is relevant. Yes, the author cited the pertinent, and only the pertinent, literature that provides a balanced perspective. No, ideas of articles have not been overemphasized or underemphasized. Yes, some sections of the manuscript be expanded, condensed or omitted. Yes, the author’s statements are clear. In addition to this, study design and methods are appropriate for the purposes of the study. Yes, the procedures have been presented in enough detail to enable another researcher to duplicate the study.

Abduli, S. (2013). The role of human resources in performance management of SMEs: The case of the Republic of Macedonia. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 3(4), 223-236.

In this paper, the writer explained the basic idea of performance and the job of this methodology is to expand the general performance of the workers. In my point of view, company should implement effective performance management system to measure the performance of human resources as it would encourage them for improving their efficiency.

Yes, title of the article is appropriate and clear. Yes, the abstract specific, representative of the article, and in the correct form. Yes, the purpose of the article made clear in the introduction. No, I did not find errors of fact and interpretation. Yes, all of the discussion is relevant. Yes, the author cited the pertinent, and only the pertinent, literature that provides a balanced perspective. No, ideas of articles have not been overemphasized or underemphasized. Yes, some sections of the manuscript be expanded, condensed or omitted. Yes, the author’s statements are clear. In addition to this, study design and methods are appropriate for the purposes of the study. Yes, the procedures have been presented in enough detail to enable another researcher to duplicate the study. 


Abduli, S. (2013). The role of human resources in performance management of SMEs: The case of the Republic of Macedonia. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 3(4), 223-236.

Anosh, M., Hamad, N., &Batool, A. (2014).Impact of Recruitment and selection of HR Department Practices. European Journal of Business and Management, 6, 31.

Elnaga, A., & Imran, A. (2013).The effect of training on employee performance. European Journal of Business and Management, 5(4), 137-147.

Eva, T., P. (2018). Recruitment and Selection Strategies and Practices in the Private Sector Commercial Banks of Bangladesh: Evidence from Human Resource Practitioners. European Business & Management, 4(1),28-38.

Hameed, A., &Waheed, A. (2011).Employee development and its effect on employee performance a conceptual framework. International journal of business and social science, 2(13).

Lievens, F., & Chapman, D. (2010).Recruitment and selection. The SAGE handbook of human resource management, 135-154.

Qureshi, A., & Hassan, M. (2013). Impact of performance management on the organizational performance: An analytical investigation of the business model of McDonald’s. International Journal of Academic Research in Economics and Management Sciences, 2(5), 54

Richman, N. (2015). Human resource management and human resource development: Evolution and contributions. Creighton Journal of Interdisciplinary Leadership, 1(2), 120-129.

Stone, D. L., Deadrick, D. L., Lukaszewski, K. M., & Johnson, R. (2015). The influence of technology on the future of human resource management. Human Resource Management Review, 25(2), 216-231.

Vinesh, A. (2014). Role of training & development in organizational development. International Journal of Management and International Business Studies, 4(2), 213-220. 

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