Impact Of Social Media Marketing On Consumer Buying Behaviour: A Study Of GGI Retail, UAE

Evidence of Initial Literature Review

The purpose of this investigation is to analyze the impact of social media marketing on consumer buying behaviour. In the current business phenomenon, online business is employed by different users such as existing users and new commercial users. The social media can play a significant role to build the relationship amid marketers and consumers. It is identified that information structure leads the decision-making process of consumers regarding product’s assessment. Moreover, social media can permit an organization to practice new method for acquiring the data regarding goods and services through peer interaction.  In addition, the social media facilitates to target the customers who want to buy the products and services from GGI Retail, UAE (Solomon, et. al., 2014).  

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It is also analyzed that the customer is encouraged by psychosocial features such as availability, purchase motivation, presentation of the company, retail stores types, mode of payment, purchase motivation, and their income. It is also assessed that this research focuses on the impact of social media marketing on consumer buying behavior in case of GGI Retail, UAE (Godey, et. al., 2016).  

In the existing business phenomenon, GGI Retail, UAE uses social media in order to make liaison with their upcoming consumers and attain their targeted objectives in a specified time as well as cost. Although, number of research is associated with social media marketing and consumer buying behavior in previous years, but there are inadequate investigations regarding effects of social media marketing on the consumer buying behavior with regards to GGI Retail, UAE (Ioan?s and Stoica, 2014). 

To assess the factors which, may influence the consumer purchasing behaviour

As per the view of Kumar et al. (2016), there are some elements that may persuade the behaviour of consumer such as emotional, cultural, and behavioural with social factors. Culture acts as primary element to evaluate attitude of the consumer. In such manner, culture is an essential factor to persuade the behaviour of an individual that involves culture of a person, the functions that culture acts and its ritual, norms with custom. Cultural requirements should be vastly evaluated, which may influence the consumer’s attitude. In opposed to this, Schivinski and Dabrowski (2016) illustrated that there are some social factors that may affected the attitude of consumers. Under social factors, reference group is sub-factor to persuade the behaviour of consumers.

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According to Erkan and Evans (2016), an organization emphasizes on small quantity of individual who has a high level of reliability in a specific trade as, it can effortlessly persuade purchasing verdict of consumers. Moreover, consumers access frequently to social media platform to make buying judgment. Hence, it is stated that social media marketing may positively impact on the consumer buying behaviour. Their decision can be demonstrated by interacting with their friends and other influences.

Introduce Academic Theory

In opposed to this, Hajli (2014) argued that the behaviour of consumers is expanding and dynamic in the digital age. Hence, there is requisite to consider the taste of consumers and influence their behaviour. GGI Retail, UAE can focus on the imminent trends because it could be effective to maintain the transparency and relevancy of their brand along with, aids to encourage the customers with regards to their brand. It is assessed that there is a high quantity of people who have maintained their presence through online. At the same time, there are large amount of customers who purchase goods and services via accessing internet.

To investigate the innovative ideas regarding digital marketing to the world

According to Hajli and Sims (2015), in the digital business scenario, social media plays a fundamental role in the marketing procedure. Social media is significant to develop the awareness among customers, developing products, engaging customers and acquiring new customers with regards to their brands.

In contrast to this, Dessart Veloutsou and Morgan-Thomas (2015) evaluated that social media has made annoyed with intolerant to consumers as, they want instant satisfaction. They desire spontaneous reaction of services so; the corporation should offer concurrent practical negotiation with customers concerning their brand. It should also deliver prompt facilities as compared to making a delay in services. As a result, this can persuade the buying behavior of consumers.

Introduce academic theory

Stephen (2016) assessed that the Howard-Sheth Model is a recognized theories regarding consumer purchasing behaviour. This theory exercises the aspect of influencing the reactions with illustrates preferences of shopper buying over time period. This theory contains some elements like input variable, output variable, construct variable, hypothetical and exogenous variables.   

In contrast to this, Zhang and Benyoucef (2016) evaluated that learning model is another model that aids to gain awareness regarding purchasing behaviour of consumers. It is highly influenced by the need for learning with satisfaction. In addition, customers have a high propensity to buy products that would meet needs together with desires without disagreement.

In the view of Swani et al. (2017), there are some theoretical understandings that assess affect of social media marketing on purchasing behaviour of customers. Social cognitive theory illustrated that the customer is active together with, focuses on developing joint communication with individual experience along with actual condition. It is explained that social ecological factor assesses the purpose of customers with regards to purchasing the products and services.

Conceptual Framework

From the above conceptual framework, it can be stated that there are different factors affecting the consumer buying behaviour. These factors are a dependent variable that depends on social media i.e. independent variable.   

This research is essential for an investigator and readers to improve their theoretical understanding with regards to a factor affecting the consumer buying behaviour. It is significant for an organization to improve their understanding regarding impact of social media marketing on purchasing behaviour of consumers in the perspective of GGI Retail, UAE. The social media play an effective role to make liaison with the bulk of customers by using one single channel in minimum time with costs (Balakrishnan, Dahnil, and Yi, 2014).

The depth of knowledge with regards to consumer buying behaviour and social media marketing activities can aid the company to easily persuade the upcoming customers and retain them for the longer time period. This investigation will also be effective to meet the aim of professionals. A high quantity of appropriate data exists with regards to current research issue. This research could be beneficial for research scholar to make their professional career in the marketing field. Since, this investigation will provide the awareness regarding impact of social media marketing on purchasing behaviour of customers. This research would be imperative for GGI Retail, UAE to make innovative ideas regarding digital marketing to the world. Thus, it is assessed that a research scholar can get advantages from the research process particularly with the intention of career, pursue in the Marketing field (Xiang, et. al., 2016).  

The key purpose of this investigation is to analyze the impact of digital marketing on consumer purchasing behaviour. The given below objectives of research will be used to accomplish key purpose of the investigation:

· To examine factors affecting buying behaviour of consumers

· To determine the academic theory regarding social media marketing

· To evaluates the impact of social media marketing on purchasing behaviour of consumers

· To recommend the innovative ideas about digital marketing to influence the buying behaviour of consumers

Research Question

· Which factors can affect the consumer purchasing behaviour?

· What are the academic theories regarding social media marketing?

· What is the impact of digital marketing on consumer purchasing behaviour?

· What can motivate the buying behaviour of the customer?


Research strategy

With the purpose of this research, both literature review and survey through questionnaire would be applied by a researcher in order to attain key purpose and objectives of investigation. Survey through questionnaire strategy can be imperative to gather the views and beliefs of research participants regarding research concern. In addition, the literature review strategy will be used to support the primary data. The literature review will enable the research scholar to obtain the conceptual understanding regarding impact of social media marketing on purchasing behaviour of consumer (Kim and Johnson, 2016). These strategies will aid an investigator to enhance the reliability together with validity of investigation outcome.

Research design

With the intention of this investigation, a mixed research design will be selected by an investigator to complete the investigation in targeted time duration. Since, this investigation contains the features of both quantitative and qualitative research. In such a way, qualitative research will be beneficial to evaluate the association amid social media marketing and consumer purchasing behaviour. This investigation design will enable the researcher for eliminating the limitation and barriers of investigation that may create during the investigation (Severi, Ling, and Nasermoadeli, 2014). Since, this investigation is depending on constructing conceptual understanding and increases the practical aspect with respect to the impact of social media marketing on purchasing behaviour of consumer.

Research tools

The data gathering technique plays a fundamental role to pool facts concerning impact of social media marketing on buying behaviour of consumer. Under this investigation, an investigator will implement both primary and secondary information gathering techniques. The primary information gathering technique will aid an investigator to gather the fresh information regarding research concerns. It will help an investigator to pool the valid and reliable outcome with regards to research issues. In opposed to this, secondary data gathering technique will be used by an investigator to gather the non-numeric data with regards to existing research concern (Nadeem, et. al., 2015). Secondary data would be accessed via different sources such as government sources, company websites, academic journals, offline sources, company websites, academic publication, and textbooks.

Primary research with details of sample size

With the intention of this investigation, probability sampling strategies will be selected to choose the sample from a large number of populations. It provides equal chances of being selected by the participants. Simple random sampling method will be chosen to select the participants on a random basis. It declines the chances of biases from the selection procedure (Xie, and Lee, 2015). In this research, 55 customers will be selected from different geographic areas of UAE. It would be beneficial to pool the fresh information regarding research concern.

Under this investigation, an investigator will practice the statistical data assessment technique in order to resolve the research issues. In addition, an investigator will practice the Ms-excel software in order to demonstrate the data via tables, charts, and graphs. It would be significant in order to develop the understanding with regards to findings of investigation matter (Saboo, Kumar, and Ramani, 2016).

The outcome of this investigation would aid to increase the awareness regarding factors influencing purchasing behaviour of customers. It is also assessed that research proposal can aid to generate new knowledge regarding strategies which would be supported by management in order to resolve the existing research issues. This report will aid to build clear image regarding research concern and will aid to address actual data associated with research issues (Boateng, and Okoe, 2015). In addition, there are certain factors that may affect the social media like quality, relevancy, timing, voice, and user-generated content. These factors may directly influence the superiority of investigation results.

The required budget for this investigation would be about AED2100 in order to accomplish the targeted aim and objectives of investigation in targeted time duration.

The given below resources will be used by an investigator in particular time framework:

An investigator will spend AED700 in order to attain the literature review. There are certain sources, which would be practiced by a researcher such as online resources, editorial, academic journals, and textbooks. It could be expensive as compared to primary data gathering techniques (Bai, Yao, and Dou, 2015).  

For gathering data from GGI Retail, an investigator will spend about AED700 as it would be essential for feasibly gather the information.

To identify the data for information analysis, making graphs, and tables, and developing a financial plan, an investigator will spend about AED700 as it would be beneficial to attain the aim and objectives of investigation (Javornik, 2016).

The given below table depicts time plan for specific investigation issues:

From the above table, it is assessed that several research activities would be considered inan investigation like choose research concern, the design of investigation aim with objectives, select data gathering techniques, and designing of the questionnaire. Other practices are choosing the appropriate sampling technique and size of the sample, choice of data gathering methods, proof readings and final report submission. It is assessed that an investigator has projected ten weeks in order to accomplish the investigation (Keinänen, and Kuivalainen, 2015). For gathering the information, an investigator has projected 9 weeks for adequately meeting these practices. It could be superior rather than other undertakings.  

An investigator will involve different elements that may directly affect the outcome of results. There are different research limitations like time, cost, and resources. Along with this, the targeted time can enable the researcher in order to accomplish aim and objectives of this investigation (Goodrich and De Mooij, 2014).

Ethics is used to complete the research procedure in a methodical way. An investigator will practice university instruction in order to avoid the possibilities of ethical concern from research. An investigator will focus on certain factor for avoiding the ethical concern such as copyright act’s violation, data manipulation, and plagiarism. Under this investigation, an investigator will practice ethical norms by securing the confidential data of research participants (Keinänen, and Kuivalainen, 2015).


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