Impact Of Racism On Healthcare Among Indigenous Populations

Factors of health in Indigenous populations

Discuss about the Indigenous Health Perspectives for Cultural and Historical Context.

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Conventional frameworks of population health typically implicate a range of social, environmental and economic aspects to determine the factors of health. However due to the presence of dispossession, discrimination and most importantly racism, there exists a mental and physical health issue amongst the Indigenous population due the following factors. Racism however can be the cause of serious mental health issues as per the citation of international literatures. It is addresses and also acknowledged as a crucial factor in the form of health disparities.

It can take much kind of forms and can be expressed at interpersonal systematic levels. It is stated that racism can impact mental health and the indirect effects includes unequal access to human needs like medical, social and economic resources which are required for a healthy lifestyle. Poor health in a child is sometimes linked to various racial experiences that he or she faced in school. It can also be stated that racism sometimes is direct impact from parenting practices. There has a been a lot of studies regarding racism over the years and most of them shows that the racism mentality in a person normally develops from an early childhood, it is not only the factor of parenting that causes the effect but also the environment where the child grows up that also matters. The social circle where the child normally spends time, he or she might get wrongly influenced if they possess discrimination towards someone from a different race. Studies also show that young people are the most vulnerable to the effects of racism. These effects can lead to long term negative outcome to general health like depression, behavioral problems, and addiction towards smoking, drugs or alcohol. This shows that racism can wrongly influence the various stages of life. Most of the studies that impact racial discrimination is experience in United States and is among the Black, Latino and the Asian culture. In Australia racism discrimination is shown towards the original inhabitants of the country that is the Aboriginals and the Torres Strait Islanders. This study will discuss the four articles that states the different aspects of racism and the impacts it causes.

The racial discrimination in the society is one of the most important social issues present in the society today. The Australian aboriginal society is affected by a number of different factors such as the overcrowding and the increased lack of homelessness and sanitation issues. One of the most important factor in this context is the incarceration from the society due to which they fail to avail the benefits that are available to the civilians (Dudgeon et. al., 2010). The different issues that have been highlighted in the society in this context is the fact that they may be affected by the different local infections among the children in the aboriginals. Ottis media or a kind of the middle ear infection is a very common disease among the different children of the aboriginals. It is a common infection among the children having cold and is easily treated among the common children who have access to healthcare, but is a persistent issue among the healthcare leading to the permanent hearing loss among the aboriginal children in most cases (DiGiacomo et al., 2013). The healthcare unavailability and the overcrowding has led to the hurting of the issue. The racism is cited is as another cause which has led to the rise in the healthcare neglect in the aboriginal society (Zubrick et al., 2010). The racism is rampant in the society and it is seen that the locals are said to be on the receiving end of the racism.

Forms of racism and their effects on mental and physical health

The rise in the healthcare issues among the natives is the result of the large amount of the homelessness and the racist attitudes that the people face in the society. The understanding of these aspects of the society in the development of the different issues among the natives after the colonization of the area has led to the rise in the racism which lead to the lack of the facilities from reaching out to the common natives in the society (Cunningham& Paradies, 2013). The different rituals and the delineation from the different parts of the society has led to the increase in the issues among the aboriginals in the society.  The rise of the racism is the result of the various issues faced by the individuals in the society and overall negligence from the authority’s side.

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Concurrently it is seen that very few of the social health determinants are being followed in the society due to the fact the racism is widely prevalent in the society so that they may be affected by the overall implementation of the different socio cultural benefit programs. The different strategies employed by the people and the society is affected by the individual outlook of the aboriginals who choose to avoid the facilities that are provided by the government for their welfare (Panaretto et al., 2014). The radical discrimination and ideological difference between the aboriginals and the authorities have led to the increase in the divide in the thoughts of the people and the society which has led to the increased health issues especially among the children in the society.

From the above discussion it is seen that the different partof the society of the aboriginals is affected by the negligence by the different parts of the society. The aboriginals and the society are on the different terms among themselves and the society due to their ideological divide. I think a more collaborative approach and a better outreach to the people in the society is needed for the better implementation of the governmental policies in the society often aboriginals. It is to be understood that they have to live by their lifestyle and follow their traditions.

The racism issues is one of the main causes of the lack of health care among the Torres island native residents. The lack of belief among the doctors and the different paramedics due the preconceived notions and the stereotypes leads to a large amount of racist behaviors among them. It is very evident in the fact that though the local aboriginals have a lwer rate of cancer occurrence they are more prone to dying from the disease in contrast to the common people in the society one of the major causes in this cases is that the locals do not treatment they are entitled to due to the increasing cases of the racism in the society (Parker & Milroy, 2014). It is common complaint by the local aboriginals that the medical facilities do not provide them pain relief as they think that the locals feign pain to get the painkillers to uses them as intoxicants. The stereotype rampant among the local society that the local aboriginals have a higher pain threshold in comparison to the local population so they should not be given the pain killers. In most cases the results are excruciating pains for the patients and often death (Aspin et al., 2012). There have been a number of cases are dying in the hands of the people who are supposed to care for them. The negative and the unwelcome behavior of the different healthcare personnel leads to a number of issues in the overall acceptance of the medication by the local people in the society (Paradies, 2016). It is not only common in the remote areas but the native people in the cities are also discriminated against in the society.

Unequal access to resources required for a healthy lifestyle

The different issues that are seen in the case are mainly due to the stereotypes about the local native islanders in the society. One of the major issues that have to be highlighted by the different part of the article is the fact that the different parts of the society have to focus on the development of the aboriginals along with their overall behavioral patterns in the society to understand them better. The lack of the facilities due to common stereotypes that the aboriginal people are addicted to the different kinds of drugs leads to the issue of the people stereotyping against them (Thomas, Bainbridge& Tsey, K. 2014). The indigenous problems faced by the different aboriginals in the society is the result of the misconceptions of their lifestyle where people face difficulties in comprehending them.

It is commonly seen in the different societies that the discrimination is tha major cause of the rising discrimination and the racism is the stereotypes in the society. The ideological stereotypes that are deeply inculcated in the minds of the people which makes them think that the locals are inherently drug dependent and are conning them for getting easy access to the drugs (Herring et al., 2013). This is so deeply inculcated in the people that they choose to overlook the obvious signs of the needs of the medicine in the society. The lack of understanding of the local culture and the limited interaction can be said to be its cause.

Therefore it is seen that the different aspects related to the overall development of the Torres Islander’s healthcare and their development is hindered by the stereotypes. I think the stereotypes are accultured by the society itself and they affect the health of the patients who are at the receiving end of the discrimination among the people. One of the major factors that are affected are the health and development of the local islanders who are misunderstood by the mainlanders dur to their different lifestyle.


Therefore it can be seen that the rise in the lack of Healthcare provide the tourist islanders is a result of a number of social factors and inhibitions propellant in the society. The local people have their own culture which is quite different from the usual Australian society which makes the massively misunderstood. The Healthcare providers in the Australian society are affected by a number of different factors such as the stereotypes that is a cultured into them. The stereotypes due to the formation of an ideology which makes them think that the tasting islanders use drugs and are off very sturdy build having high threshold of pain. This makes them over look then the need of providing the necessary medical attention as they think that the people are failing sickness to get access to the drugs that are being provided. This is a wedding strongest conception but it negatively affect the health of the Torres Strait Islander their psychological development. It is to be understood that a common people who are coming for health care assistance need the access to the medicines and the health providers need to be acculture to the normal customs of the area so that they don’t misunderstand the customs of the Torres Strait Islanders. Overall it can be said that the Torres Strait islander can have access to proper medical attention only if the government chooses to have a overseeing body of the behavior of the different Healthcare personal. The common believe mom them affect the health phone number of people and has led to death in a number of cases. It should be taken into consideration that being the residents of Australia the Torres Strait islander have the equal rights as the common citizen of the place.

Stereotypes and misconceptions that hinder delivery of healthcare services

This article focuses on the medical sectors that show discrimination towards the indigenous people of Australia. The issue started from the time of the Aboriginals and the Torres Strait Islanders who were the true indigenous natives of Australia. They were previously locals to what is currently, the present mainland of Australia. However after the approach of the European Colonial Expansion and Imperialist Policies, particularly those of the British Empire, the Aboriginals were presented as outcasts to the outside worlds. A progression of outrages and hardships were released upon the Aboriginal individuals by the colonials that caused mass execution of the natives in a high number and ever since then they are denied of the human rights and were treated horribly. A long time of torture and segregation brought changed towards the minds of the Aboriginal society and they segregated themselves from the rest of the world.Now, the government has tried various methods to make the lives of the Aboriginal individuals better so that they would be treated with equal respect. Various methods were applied including “Close the Gap” which was a technique to enhance the living condition of the natives however it was not a success due to the fact that discrimination still exist in some people and some Indigenous people still do not trust the government of Australia because of their experience of sufferings. 

In this following assessment, Banok Rind who is one of the Indigenous people of Australia was told by her teacher that she would grow up to be a unemployed drunk because according to her teacher, that is what Aboriginal people are. This abusive comment and many more acts of racism influenced her to become a nurse and make a successful career. A per studies show Indigenous people die on an average of 10-17 years earlier than the non-Indigenous people of Australia and they have high rates of chronic illness. This is mainly due to the unequal access of medical benefits of the Indigenous people and without treatment, these people suffer a lot. During her nursing studies, Ms Rind also noticed that some of the staff deliberately ignored the easily curable or preventable health conditions of the Indigenous people. These racial discriminations are still active in many parts of the country. Ms Rind also suggested that health facilities should have more Indigenous workers so that the people would be treated with proper care and medication.

Need for collaborative approach and better outreach to Indigenous populations

According to Ms Rind, Indigenous people are the same as all others and they should be treated equally and due effectively put this action to use the health facilities and hospital should be equally justified to patients. If these communities undergo special education and training like diversity training for their staff on how to deal with the Indigenous patients properly, then the discrimination would be much less.

Closing the Gap program is still active in the health aspects and they keep track of the organizational bodies like health or safety facilities towards the Indigenous people of the country. Due to the effects of many people, now there lies a zero tolerance if a medical staff makes any kind of racial approach to a patient or any other staffs, and this is applicable to all the sectors. However, to take an extra measure, it is suggested that the government keep track and prevent any kind of racial discrimination in health sectors.


One of the successes that the Government did achieve is that the Indigenous and the non- Indigenous people have made an agreed national priority.  Therefore it can be said that the situation towards health facilities have improved a lot however it can be made even better.

The article focuses on the racial conflicts the Indigenous people of Australia faces on a day to day basis. The situation is normally not addressed towards a particular individual but towards an entire community and its families. Due to the effects of colonization the Indigenous people of Australia were segregated from the Australian community and the rest of the world. The government of Australia has taken measure to enhance the situation by improvement measures like “Close the Gap” and the overall condition have stabilized than before. The evidence that portrays this subject is from the personal opinions of the non- Indigenous people and this use is still continuing.

As per research shows, In 1972, a study of 1066 non-Indigenous individuals from NSW and VIC found that 20% idea Aboriginal Australians should remain on stores and missions; 51% dislike a relative to wed an Aboriginal Australian; and 26% suspected that if Aboriginal individuals moved into their locale, its cleanliness would diminish. In 1984, for 289 SA non-Indigenous high schoolers, more than half supported each negative generalization of Aboriginal Australians that was recorded. 84.2% idea Aboriginal individuals drink excessively. 82.2% said Aboriginal individuals are frequently in a bad position with the police. 77.3% idea Aboriginal individuals were excessively forceful. 74.1% idea they squandered cash. In 1994, 257 non-Indigenous Australians in Perth reacted to the degree that 20% would feel awkward if an Aboriginal individual sat alongside them. 45.7% idea Aboriginal individuals were messy.52.4% dislike a relative to wed an Aboriginal individual. 28.2% dislike an Aboriginal individual as their supervisor. In the vicinity of 2000 and 2010, as a feature of the Challenging Racism Project, a huge number of respondents announced that they would be concerned if a relative wedded an Aboriginal individual.

Aboriginals in Australia and healthcare issues

In the 2001 NSW/QLD review, 28.2% of individuals asked said they would. In the 2006 Victorian investigation, about 25% concurred. In the 2007 SA overview, 31.6% conceded they would be concerned.

Racism is not an innocuous measurement. For some Indigenous individuals prejudice is an everyday lived involvement. A 2015 Darwin-based investigation reviewed 474 Aboriginal Australians, and over 70% said in the past a half year they were affronted or treated unreasonably on the grounds that they were Aboriginal. 46% of Aboriginal Australians overviewed by the 2016 Australian Reconciliation Barometer contemplate experienced supremacist verbal or physical manhandle over the most recent a half year.

The effect of Racism on Indigenous kids and youth must not be overlooked. Tossing some learned or ideological shroud over racism, in spite of the proof for it, strengthens the shameful acts that have focused on Indigenous people groups since attack started. Imagining bigotry doesn’t exist; moving the fault for prejudice to its casualties; overlooking the calamitous harm that prejudice does to us and our groups – this can just twisted us progressively and feed the blazes of racial pressure.


All Australians must face up to the truth of racism, and they should ceaselessly rally against the individuals who decline to do as such. For turning a visually impaired eye to racism is one approach to exemplify prejudice itself. Therefore from the above discussion it can be stated that the effects are still underdevelopment but the conditions have improved and it can still improve even more.


Aspin, C., Brown, N., Jowsey, T., Yen, L., & Leeder, S. (2012). Strategic approaches to enhanced health service delivery for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with chronic illness: a qualitative study. BMC health services research, 12(1), 143.

Cunningham, J., & Paradies, Y. C. (2013). Patterns and correlates of self-reported racial discrimination among Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander adults, 2008–09: analysis of national survey data. International journal for equity in health, 12(1), 47.

DiGiacomo, M., Davidson, P. M., Abbott, P., Delaney, P., Dharmendra, T., McGrath, S. J., …& Vincent, F. (2013). Childhood disability in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples: a literature review. International journal for equity in health, 12(1), 7.

Dudgeon, P., Wright, M., Paradies, Y., Garvey, D., & Walker, I. (2010). The social, cultural and historical context of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians. Working together: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander mental health and wellbeing principles and practice, 25-42.

Herring, S., Spangaro, J., Lauw, M., & McNamara, L. (2013). The intersection of trauma, racism, and cultural competence in effective work with aboriginal people: Waiting for trust. Australian Social Work, 66(1), 104-117.

Panaretto, K. S., Wenitong, M., Button, S., & Ring, I. T. (2014). Aboriginal community controlled health services: leading the way in primary care. The Medical Journal of Australia, 200(11), 649-652.

Paradies, Y., 2016. Beyond black and white: Essentialism, hybridity and indigeneity. In Handbook of Indigenous Peoples’ Rights (pp. 44-54). Routledge.

Parker, R., & Milroy, H. (2014). Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander mental health: an overview. Working together: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander mental health and wellbeing principles and practice, 2, 25-38.

Thomas, D. P., Bainbridge, R., & Tsey, K. (2014). Changing discourses in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health research, 1914–2014. Med J Aust, 201(1), S1-4.

Zubrick, S. R., Dudgeon, P., Gee, G., Glaskin, B., Kelly, K., Paradies, Y., …& Walker, R. (2010). Social determinants of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander social and emotional wellbeing. Working together: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander mental health and wellbeing principles and practice, 75-90.

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