Impact Of Politics And Media In Public Health: An Analysis Of Cannabis Legislation In New Zealand

Norms and values in the regulation of drug use in public health

Summary of the legislation of Cannabis

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Public health determines the behaviour developed by people in the country. Government policies on the prescription and use of various drugs are important. Legislation of cannabis use in New Zeeland is important in protecting a healthy wellbeing of the citizens (Oates, 2012). This paper analyses the impacts of politics and media in public health and their relationship. Norms and values like social justice, autonomy and equality are pivotal in the regulation and of the drug use in the public. Legislation of cannabis has been one of the issues in the media, therefore, a corporation between public health groups, the media and government are crucial in ensuring a considerate application of health determinants. The health approach considers some of the symptomatic problems affecting the physiological functioning of body organs. The legislation of cannabis is meant to reduce social crises (Decorte & Pardal, 2018). The regulations focus on improving its medicinal use in the country. The health sector is one of the cores components of each country because it determines the well-being of the public. Public health is politically pivotal because its major concerns determine the exercise of public authority in the society and management of social health. Across the continents, political leaders are becoming expert health policymakers (Barry, Eboh & Gollust, 2012)..

The legislation of cannabis involves some issues that must be incorporated to ensure quality health status of the people in the country. This is because cannabis use affects the behaviours of users when misused. Some media sources have provided some of the considerations to be included in the government policies regarding the use of cannabis. The media represents the interests of the public in the health policy-making process (Wyn, 2009). Over a decade, political leaders have been accusing the health policymakers of their incompetence, therefore, they have taken over the role. The issue concept of autonomy is observed when the political agencies provide legislation against cannabis and their related negative impacts to the users, therefore, avoiding harmful uses of the drug. Good policies are important in the promotion of healthcare and other related practices (Wyn, 2009). Government is also responsible for funding most of the public health operations. 

Proposed Policy on Cannabis Legislation

The best policy to be applied in cannabis legislation is legalizing medicinal use of the drug only (Barry, Eboh & Gollust, 2012). The policy does not allow people to smoke loose leafy cannabis in public. The government is responsible for making policies that regulate the sale and use of harmful substances in the country (Oates, 2012). The policy also considers the existing laws against cannabis both locally and nationally.

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Importance of government policies on prescription and abuse of drugs

Currently, healthcare is the cornerstone in all aspects of life (Barry, Eboh & Gollust, 2012). The necessity for quality healthcare is becoming a desire of every human being, therefore, it is an obligation of the government to ensure consistent provision of health services to its citizens. The public health is to determine by the activities and behaviours of the people (Oates, 2012). Healthcare comprises several services and activities performed by the political agencies and health facilities to the public (Booth & Donelle, 2012). Political parties oversee the formulation and incorporation of the health-related policies. The political actors in that participate in health policy-making include legislature, executive, judiciary and bureaucrats. Political agencies determine how public health prospects are achieved. This ensures dynamic and gradual changes that contribute to prosperity.

Health sector comprises any group of individuals and representatives from both local and national government. In New Zeeland, healthcare policies are made by political elites directed by the national government (McElrath & O’Neill, 2011).. Political agendas are the main ideas incorporated in any political system and governance. Some policies made by the government does not consider public opinion. The failure to include the interests of their people in health policymaking is one of the factors that lower the progress of the country in terms of healthcare (Oates, 2012). For example, the views of the people on the legalization of cannabis for medicinal purposes.

Under the ministry of Health, the government of New Zeeland is has decided to legalize smoking of pot by the identified patients. The policy will allow only those patients with end of life pain because cannabis reduces severe pain on patients. The identified patients will not be prosecuted for smoking (Buckley-Hunter & Shapiro, 2010). This may lead to other illegal uses and social problems in the country. In some cases, political platforms are important in ensuring the smooth running of public health operations in the country. Political forums are essential in overseeing all events and pronouncements to be undertaken in the public health sector. Health policies are among the political agendas of the country (Oberlander, 2010). The need to improve the health conditions of the people has raised an alarm on the government, therefore, making sound health policies for the public health sector. On the other hand, the involvement of the political groups in public health has resulted in more influences that hinder performances.  The policies made by the political groups may interfere with medical care provided to the public, therefore, lowering overall performance in the health system (Fijnaut & De Ruyver, 2015). 

The legislation of cannabis and its importance in protecting public well-being

Political Parties Involved in the Proposed Policy and their Suggestions

The policy formation process involved a number of political parties in New Zeeland. The parties with a lot of influence in the legislation of cannabis are analysed. Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis is one of the political parties in New Zeeland involved on the legislation of Cannabis (Donohue III, 2009). This political party recommends for legalisation of cannabis growing and consumption. Further, this political party proposes that the companies dealing with cannabis should be licensed and regulated by the government. On the other hand, United Future party is against legalisation of Cannabis and proposes for legislation on medicinal cannabis to avoid its misuse.

Cannabis has various negative impacts on the users especially the addicted people because it leads to hallucination, mental and social problems (Decorte & Pardal, 2018). National Party is another political party involved in this context to regulate the misuse of medicinal cannabis and prevent recreational use of cannabis in the country. The interventions of the media are important in the improvement of the health condition in the public (Bennett, 2012). These interventions are defined in healthcare as purposive and structured activities utilizing the privileges offered by the media to persuade, inform and motivate people in the society.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Legislation on Cannabis in New Zeeland

The legislation on cannabis has various advantages and disadvantages in New Zeeland (Bennett, 2012). The first advantage is dismantling the existing illegal markets on the sale of cannabis. The Aotearoa Legalise party advocates for the legalisation and licensing of cannabis to eradicate the illegal businesses performed by drug dealers (Buckley-Hunter & Shapiro, 2010). The New Zeeland government also support this legislation of cannabis because the number of drug dealers has increased in the country. Another advantage achieved with the legislation of cannabis is improved safety and quality control. Lastly, the legalisation of cannabis improves medical care to patients. The National Party of New Zeeland support this because the patients with end of life condition can be relived from severe pain. One of the disadvantage of the legislation is the addictive nature of cannabis. The patients using cannabis in their therapies may develop addiction (Cressey, 2015). The second disadvantage of allowing the use of cannabis is the effects on mental and respiratory diseases (Oberlander, 2010). Lastly, the use of cannabis leads to drug-related social crimes.

The partial impact that arise from the legislation of cannabis in New Zeeland depends with the policies provided by the government (Cressey, 2015).. First, international relations with other countries is interfered. For example, United States of America has banned the use of cannabis, therefore, its interaction with New Zeeland will be minimized. Secondly, the legislation enable the use of cannabis in medical field. This may lead to the commercialization of the drug if the dealers have close interactions with the authorized medical professionals. Lastly, law concentrations of cannabis are used for medical purposes but a problem may occur if the authorized pharmaceutical companies produce them in stronger concentrations in order to bring immediate response public (Bennett, 2012). This is because large consumption of the drug leads to addiction and mental disorders like hallucination. 

Proposed policy on cannabis legislation

The Media Sources on the Cannabis Legislation

The interventions made by the media are important in persuading educating and informing the general public (McElrath & O’Neill, 2011). There are a large number of media sources released on the issue of legislation of Cannabis. Some of the sources are crude while others are easy to interpret their information. The news article identified is Business Insider. This a printed article that covers all the regulations provided by the government on the use of cannabis in New Zeeland and the relations to international policies. The Business Insider identifies some of the countries like Canada where cannabis has been legalized both for medicinal and recreational purposes (Engeli, Green-Pedersen & Larsen, 2012). New Zeeland Times is one of the media editorials that convey important information regarding the legislation of Cannabis in the country. The editorial identifies some of the policies proposed by the Parliament over the misuse of medicinal cannabis. The parliament provides an amendment on the use of cannabis in medical purposes because some of the patients misuse the drug beyond the expectation of the authority.

The Guardian is another media providing important information regarding the issue of cannabis legislation in New Zeeland. This source has posted its information on the famous social networking platforms like twitter and Instagram. The social networking like Facebook, Telegram, Instagram and Twitter play a crucial role in the public health because people are able to communicate and discuss issues affecting them in the country (Oberlander, 2010). The people are able to interact and share ideas on how to solve public health-related problems and appropriate interventions for these problems. For example, the problems related to legalisation of cannabis for medical purposes because this may lead to misuse of the drug. CNN provides both audio and video data on the legislation of cannabis in the world (Donohue III, 2009). The information obtained from CNN identifies the leading countries whose governments have legalised the use of cannabis and provides the negative impacts of the same action on the health of the people.

Analysis of the Media Sources

The New York Times focuses on the Asia Pacific news. New Zeeland is one of the best tourist’s attraction country in the world. The legislation on the use of cannabis in the country has an impact on local and international consumption of the drug (Engeli, Green-Pedersen & Larsen, 2012).. The New York Times quotes some of the information provided by one of the ministers in the country. The main idea obtained from this newspaper encompasses the legalisation of the drug in the country (Frijns, Lombi, Trautmann & van Laar, 2013). This is wrong because the Parliament of New Zeeland has not passed a law allowing the legalisation of cannabis, rather, some amendments have been provided to avoid misuse of medicinal cannabis. The information provided by the Guardian does not meet the objectives of the parliament on the regulation of the medicinal cannabis. The Guardian reveals that the New Zeeland’s business organization shall be allowed to manufacture and sell cannabis in local and global markets. This information does not consider the demands of the legislation policy provided by the government under the New Zeeland’s Parliament (Buckley-Hunter & Shapiro, 2010). The Guardian contains misleading information to the people because it encourages patients with end of life pain to smoke pot without any fear of prosecution. This may affect the behaviour of the people in Aotearoa because the media has great influences on the moral development of the people in the country. 

The role of healthcare in New Zealand

CNN provides recorded video clips and audio describing the impacts of the cannabis use in the country (Cressey, 2015). The information in this media source is important for consideration because it cautions people on the health-related problems caused by misuse of medicinal cannabis. The misuse and abuse of medicinal cannabis in Aotearoa has increased, therefore, arousing tension from the public. The government should consider the information presented by CCN channel because it provides policies and regulations to be incorporated in the legislation process (Decorte & Pardal, 2018). Some of the policies included by the CNN enables the local authorities in Aotearoa to oversee the exploitation of medicinal cannabis within their jurisdiction, therefore, minimizing it misuse. CNN emphases on the provision of identity cards to patients undergoing therapies with severe pain and involving the use of cannabis in relieving pain (Buckley-Hunter & Shapiro, 2010).. Business Insider majorly focuses on commercialization of cannabis use for both recreational and medicinal purposes (Decorte & Pardal, 2018). The source is not effective in the legislation of the drug because the goals of political agencies and the government is to eradicate misuse of medicinal cannabis and its social use in Aotearoa and the entire country.

Recommendations for Policy Submission

Effective legislation of cannabis in New Zeeland should comprise relevant policies against the abuse and misuse of the drug. The policies provided by the concerned political agencies and the government should aim at restricting the use of the drug for appropriate medicinal purposes. Advertising of the medicinal cannabis should also be restricted to authorised pharmaceutical companies and health facilities. The policy to be submitted for implementation and adoption in Aotearoa and entire country should consider the wellbeing of the residents. The sources provided by the media should be analysed before implementing the policy in the country. This is because the operations the media focus on framing the opinions of the public and pressuring the government to accomplish a particular task to the governed.  It is also pivotal to consider some of the international laws on the legislation of cannabis, for example, Commonwealth Regulation of 2017. This law directs public health agencies and the government to regulate the use of cannabis in medical practices. The law enforcement agencies and all police departments should take part in ensuring affective implementation of the policy in Aotearoa. The promotion of medicinal use of cannabis should limit the circulation of the drug to wholesales and other commercial organizations. 


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