Impact Of Organizational Stress On Workplace Behavior

MN506 System Management01

MN506 System Management01

Organizational stress and their issues

Organizational stress depends on the environmental conditions and the psychology of employees. The stress factors can create a profound effect on company production and create worrying situation for employee. Sometimes, employees are unable to meet the target and due to that reason they have taken extra initiative to cope up with the target and that creates pressure in workplace. A healthy organization behavior cannot support these kinds of stress as employees’ health issues start from those stress conditions. Stresses like mental, physical and emotional stress are the concern issues in the workplace. Excessive dependency on a particular person and imposing extra pressure on that person is the reason behind the stress factor.

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Workplace stress also evolves in a certain situation when employees are unable to understand the work culture or they do not have the knowledge to overcome the problem situation every time, this may be a factor of stress. There are certain pressures situations when employees are under challenge; they need to find out the way in which they can get rid of that. But in most of the situation employees are in stress and their mental and physical exhaustion have started (Siegrist 2016). There are issues like work pressure, poor management, extra work, less opportunity, monotonous work, aversive tasks, badly designed shift timings, lack of participation in shift timings, long and unsocial hours, lack of variety in task, inflexible working schedule which are the major reasons of workplace stress. These are the issues that keep harming the workplace balance and employees’ retention is a challenge for this occasion. Job insecurity is another key organizational stress the employees have to face (Laschinger et al. 2014). If they find that they are not habituated with the process then there is a chance of termination, this is another reason for concern that affects production as well. The low social value in the workplace is harmful to organizational environment and employees are not feeling safe due to that condition. In an unhealthy workplace, it is not easy to sustain for the employees. Management sometimes has a poor relationship with their workers and employees are not expressing their feeling to the management, so big distance is created by both sides.

Organizational behavior changes when the environmental condition in workplace, unusual behavior andwork-life balance is not maintained in a proper way. Employees feel tired, exhausted and anxious due to stress. Different disease can happen due to that and all kinds of disorders are liable for this stress issue. In case of productivity and market position, company cannot make their mark as employees’ mental conditions are not stable and they are providing less productivity in their organization (Jacobs et al. 2014). Organization needs to determine those stress problems so that they can mitigate those stress issue on an urgent basis. A controlled problem-solving leader is essential for the organization and those control situations influence better work process and provides employees a healthy environment to work on (Sonnentag and Fritz 2015). Customers also complain about the service and new staff are not getting recruited in this unhealthy environment. Organization image damages and workers are not getting emotionally attachedto the organization. Employees’ absenteeism rate will be on higher side and they try to skip days as they are not well-accustomed with the environment and pressure. Work targetmeeting is one of the primary targets that every employee has to meet, but other than this some extra work or work on holidays or works for long hoursare affecting thework-life balance of an employee (Luthans, Luthans and Luthans 2015). This is the major concern for that and staff turnover ratio has increased. Economic factors, reduced man management, lack of clarity in understanding, difficult expectationfromorganization – all these situations are connected with stress factors and have an impacton the organization. There are some other organization issues like favoritism, authoritative leadership andwrong decision making in important situations whichimbalancethe situation that employees have to face indifferent organizations (Aikens et al. 2014). In respect of mitigating that situation, better theory of manmanagement and certain stress-related models can be followed by the effective use of those models and theories. But at the end, organization has to pursue certain model for changing their organizational structure to mitigate stress from their workplace.

Impact on organizational behavior due to stress

In case of employees, there are loads of physical and mental problems that may confront them. Employees’ suffer from physical problems like heart palpitation, tension, headache, aching muscles due to stress. Their focus has become disorientated and in terms of long-term stress they even lose their confidence in work and their sleep. Psychological consequences like mood swing, continuous worry, depressed, pessimistic thoughts and feeling, low esteem, loss of motivation are possible problems that employees have to suffer if organizational stress occurs in very high manner (Laschinger and Fida 2014). Mental consequences like confusion in mind, concentration problems and poor memory may evolve in employees and they are not providing their best in the organization. There are some behavioral changes as well in employees and these behavioral changes lead to low productivity for the organization.  Employees arriving late at work, change in eating habits, change in sleep timing, within the office schedule they feel tired, more than normal absenteeism, increased use in drug, nicotine and alcohol consumption are the behavioral changes that employees may confront in case of adverse situation in organization (Landy and Conte 2016). Organizational stress has a limit and this limit is set by determining the potential of the employees, demand in production, company’s market position and productivity level of the employees. But increasing level of stress is not the solution that company must put in front of their employees; this is not a relevant way to increase their production also. Rather good organizational condition is needed for the management so that employees can get a healthy environment and behavior from the organization (Kurtessis et al. 2017). Poor psychological and emotional outcome sometimes impact on whole life of employees and they are not involved in any kind of job-related tensions in future. Performance level decreases for this extra tension issues and the level of violence between employees and management rises up which is a negative aspect for the company to stage their establishment in the competitive business market.

There are some ways in which stress can be mitigated by the organization. At the level of primary prevention, environmental design is important. Work timing, shift timing and balance in the workplace are important and management needs to make a chart for this so that every employee has some time for their own to spare. Some of the employees are under stress due to lack of knowledge about the work process, the organization needs to provide training and workshops to their employees so that they can adjust with that job and company gets better production. Job description and understanding of that job needs to be clear for employees so that the person can only concentrate on that section and try and innovate new ways to sharpen the performance (Scott and Davis 2015). Better Communication level is needed for management and employees. Communication can mitigate adverse situation and misconception regarding any kind of work and this is the reason behind stress relief. Reasonable social environment motivates teamwork. Team bonding and better production can be drawn from better social environment that certainly helps to motivate every individual for better production. Emotional dealing sometimes mitigates stress, though this is not applicable in case of no emotional touch with organization but in most of the cases, this emotional touch help employees to take those responsibilities for the sake of the organization (Fiksenbaum 2014). The organization uses different theories of stress mitigation like Selye’s theory or Coping theories (Frydenberg 2017). In most of the cases, these leaders or management bring in some new strategy so that employees’ retention cannot be effective. Coping theory is related to a better relationship with management and employees. Provide a different process to employees so that they can cope up with the organizational structure and deliver the expected production for the organization.

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Consequences of that stress


Therefore it can be concluded that organizational stress is not good from the employees’ perspective. Production level, employees’ engagement with the organization can face a huge problem due to that issue. Most of the situations are very common in workplace and employees are the only targeted option for management. Psychological, mental, physical and behavioral changes happen for stress and long-term effect of these problems are directed towards massive loss of employees. The organization needs to implement some innovative way so that stress problem can be mitigated or employees have the power to bear that extra stress. In this paper, the issues of stress have been discussed. Organizational stress adaptation, tolerance and work culture are not equal for every employee and thus everyone has different procedure to do that work. In that situation if organization imposes extra pressure on that employee, natural flow diminishes and the expected production also is not found from that employee. So to avoid this behavioral change, modification in organizational process is important so that good flow of work culture and environment remains.


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