Impact Of Organizational Behaviour On Modern Day Organizations: A Case Study Of Intercontinental Hotels Group, Canada


The modern day organizations are facing significant amount of difficulties in surviving in the industry due to the intense competition among the market leaders of the concerned industries. The organizations are observed to follow the strategies like the reduction in the operational costs and creating additional workload. However such strategies are observed to be ineffective in the modern organizational context as all the other organizations are following the cost cutting tactics. Hence the organizations are in need to restructure the organizational culture of the organizations with effective follow up of the organizational behaviour in order to increase the organizational effectiveness. The paper is focused in analysing the organizational effectiveness with a precise focus on the organizational culture and behaviour of the employees. The paper will cover the mentioned aspects on the basis of a chosen organization in the form of Intercontinental Hotels Group, the Canadian division.

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According to me, the organizational behaviour is a prescribed form of operations for the employees that is accepted by the higher authority of the organizations. This is significant for the organizations in order to adjust the variety of the background of the employees. The organizational behaviour provides detailed information to the employees regarding their operations, presentation of themselves in the organization along with specific focus on the elimination of conflicts generated from the usual operations. The organizational behaviour consists of three different perspectives which are the open system perspectives, learning perspectives and the stakeholder perspectives.

The open system perspectives has great significance among the organizations regarding the best practices for the organizational behaviour and is considered as a system which is a combination of different parts that are independent.  IHG is observed to achieve great benefits by using the open system perspectives as the behaviour of the employees gets changed in such a manner that they be able to solve their operations oriented problems with higher degree of effectiveness, the leadership gets improved, the communication among the employees and the various level of managers becomes significantly effective. Apart from that, the open system model is significant for IHG as the employees and the management both are observed to have an improved capability of effective planning where they be able to decide on the expected outcomes and plan for the goals with better efficiency. Along with that, the open system perspective has great significance for IHG in order to design the projects, services and their products with higher degree of perfection. In my opinion, one of the major issues of the organization is the founder’s syndrome. The operation of IHG gets influenced by the personality of the founder member instead of the mission or specified objective of IHG. The open system perspective is notably helpful in order reduce this issue with a precise focus on the better understanding of the organizational structure.

In my opinion, the organizational behaviour has great significance in providing the chance to the employees of learning the desired behaviour inside the organization. It helped the employees of IHG to conduct their operations in ethical manner. The organizational learning perspective specifies that the effectiveness of the organizations is largely influenced by the organization’s capability of acquiring, storing, sharing and using valuable insights. The knowledge acquisition is achieved when information is inherited from an external source or environment. The acquisition is able to create a process of generating creative ideas, experimenting and realising new innovative ideas. On the other hand, the knowledge sharing is a process of distributing the knowledge among the members of the organization. With the introduction of the knowledge acquisition, the usage of the knowledge is significantly important for the employees of the organization. It is the only possible method by which the employees of the IHG improved the effectiveness of the organization. The organizational culture needs to be in perfect alignment with the usage of knowledge where the managers will not pose any sort of restrictions to the experiments of the employees on the newly developed knowledge. This form of knowledge sharing was significant for IHG in making sure that the employees of the organization develop their skills and knowledge regarding the operations in the organization. This resulted in increment in the number of customers for the organization.  

Open System Perspectives

However, the modern day organizations are observed to block the ability to acquire knowledge, usage of the knowledge and the distribution of the knowledge as well for their benefits. The IHG’s major resource is the intellectual capital in the form of human capital. The human capital is the collection of the skills, knowledge and abilities of the employees of IHG.  I feel this is a significantly important concept for the IHG as with each separation of a key member of the organization, the company loses a large share of the company’s stock of knowledge that could have made the organization more effective.

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According to me, the stakeholders are a section of individuals which is affected by the organization’s objectives and the actions or affects the same. The stakeholder section in the organization includes the employees, customers, shareholders, communities, labour unions, suppliers. The impact of the operations of the member of the organizations on others along with specific focus on the management of the interests of their stakeholders is described as the stakeholder perspective. It is visible from the stakeholder’s perspectives that the stakeholders relations are dynamic in nature and can be managed and negotiated in special cases. The Canadian division was observed to manage the organizational behaviour in such a manner that the employees of the organization be able to achieve the desired growth rate specified by the shareholders.

The workplace culture provides significant information regarding the ways in which the employees of the organization interacts with others along with the process of function for the organization. It is significantly important for the organizations in order to get the best out of their employees and make them connected to the organization for a longer period of time. Work culture is a linkage between the thought processes, beliefs and the attitudes of the employees of an organization and principles and ideologies of that particular organization. I think it will be justified to state that IHG has strong work culture as the employees of the organization are observed to follow the rules and regulations and align their activities with the prescribed guidelines of the organization.

I observed that the work culture of IHG was able to increase the satisfaction of the employees and was instrumental in increasing the productivity of the organization. It made sure that the employees of IHG are having a good relationship between each other and are cordial to others in their response. Apart from that, the healthy work culture of IHG was able to reduce the biasness of the employees or managers towards a specific section of the employees. It helped the employees to have such a sense of recognition which was significant in making sure that the employees or the managers are promoted only in exchange of the good work that they contributed to the organization. From the management’s point of view, it is important to recognize and appreciate the improved performances of their employees in order to make sure that they remain motivated. The employees of IHG were observed to be encouraged for innovative discussions in the workplaces in order to make a healthy work culture.

  • The management of IHGmust not block the channels of communication for the employees of the organization.
  • The management of IHG must introduce effective team building or employee engagement activities in order to make sure that the bond between the employees is strong enough for the quality team operations at adverse conditions.
  • The Canadian division of IHG is in need to focus on the generation of the policies which will be benefitting for the employees so that their involvement to the organizations remain intact.
  • IHG is recommended to have such an environment where the employees will be able to speak without any sort of fear.
  • The management of the IHG is in need to make sure that the employees are involved in the decision making process in a significant manner as that will make sure that the employees are not lacking any sort of motivation. This is significant for the organization as the solutions from the ones facing the issues will be best suited for the organization.
  • The management of IHG must concentrate on the evaluation of the challenges through the employees as their inputs will be significant for the organization in their formation of strategic changes.


On a concluding note, I think the employees of every organization including IHG is in need to make sure that their activities do not violate the specified code of conduct of the organization. The specified organizational behaviour of IHG needs to be used as a guideline for the employees of the organization. Along with that, the ethical and appropriate conduct of the employees are observed to create a better working environment for the others inside the organization and that plays a significant role in the influencing the employees’ intention of staying connected to the organization.

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