Impact Of Organic Food Vs Conventional Food On Human Health
ESAL 0580 Academic Writing
ESAL 0580 Academic Writing
Thesis statement
The present study provides an overview on the impact of organic food and conventional food on human being health. The organic food relates to food that is manufactured by methods, which comply with organic framing standards. Organic foods are not generally processed by using industrial solvents, irradiation and food additives (Goetzke, Nitzko & Spiller, 2013). Conventional food manufacturing is done using farming systems that involve use of fertilizers, genetically modified organisms, pesticides. The conventional food manufacturing practices include the utilization of number of chemicals and pesticides that have devastating impact on environment and residues of chemicals in the food products have huge impact on human health. The avoidance of chemicals in production of organic food makes it highly environment friendly than that of conventional food manufacture. (Reganold & Wachter, 2016).
Consumption of organic food is better than conventional food for overall health of consumers.
First article summary
Over the past few years, organic food sales in UK have increased to double over the last few years. Wee et al., (2014) has found out that organic foods are more nutritious than conventional foods. For this reason, the consumers across the globe prefer having organic foods to that of conventional foods. The systems of organic production are structured to manufacture optimum production of high quality food by adopting the management practices that target to avoid utilization of agro-chemical inputs and reduce damage to environment. The concerns of consumers over quality as well as food safety are considered as primary reasons for rising demand for organically manufactured food. The organic farming process avoid use of fertilizers and pesticides that contains less agrichemical residues than the conventionally grown crops. The pesticides assessed to assure that they do not pose risk to human health (Lee & Yun, 2015). In fact, the organic foods are more nutritious than non – organic foods. Due to high nutritional content within organic foods, it benefits the human health. Recent evidences also reflect that organic feed have some beneficial impact on animal health.
The evidences from few articles reflect that the customers who prefer the organic food have better dietary patterns than that of conventional food. In fact, the consumers having organic food have reduced risk of diseases in comparison to those people having conventionally manufactured food. Lee and Yun (2015) found out that, organic food consumer have moderately low dietary exposure to the pesticides and thus provide health benefits to humans. Few articles review that pesticides exposure from production of conventional food mainly constitutes health concern. One vital issue is that the early – life exposure is main concern particularly parental exposure might harm human brain development. The pesticides given the conventional food adversely impacts on human nervous system. Recent evidences reflect that conventional food have led to crucial diseases namely, Parkinson’s disease and diabetes. In regards to the nutrition, the organic foods have high content of omega-3 fatty acids in comparison with fatty acids. Since these products have high source of fatty acids, the nutritional significance is higher these foods. The development as well as upscaling of the rearing systems in use of antibiotic might be vital contribution of the organic agriculture to sustainable food system.
First article summary
This article is focused on health human beings and to analyze the impact of organic as well as functional food. In this article the consumption rate is also observed. In this article a survey has been conducted in two parts. In first part some samples were collected to explain the desires of social health. The result described that wellness of occupation is vital. In dissimilarity to the cerebral-demonstrative level of well-being as well as health, there is no exemplary that openly de?nes the performances fitting to the interactive level of happiness and health. Also, no consistent article cordless could be viewed from the prose that was appropriate for the research. Consequently, we collectively changed item series to measure the self-absorbed health performances. The survey asked the question about the frequency of consumption of organic as well as functional food. The regression test done on the sample gave the outcome about the social desirability. Furthermore, inferior Cornbrash’s alpha standards are justi?ed where there is a minor amount of substances per element, such as in the event of tobacco and caffeine discount and risk performance in this analysis. The article describes about Cognitive-emotional happiness plays a supplementary vital character for the feasting of functional food other than for organic food. Concentrated psychological-responsive happiness growths the prospective covering of eating functional food. Various experimental revisions designate the propensity to eat as appliance to legalize undesirable emotional states. The outcomes of a study deliver alternative method to clarify the overtone among practical food feasting and social happiness. The feeding of functional food is related with a moral recompense, and it is categorized by a high grade of social suitability. In the view of functional food consumers, this feasting decoration appears to be linked with satisfactory impress in social backgrounds. Most readings equating organic and conventional underdone ingredients in positions of content of secondary metabolites have unrushed total polyphenols, deprived of difference between separate compounds having its place in this group. Regarding fitness behavior, social promise shows a smaller character in functional food consumption than it does inorganic food consumption. Social communal participation is the solitary forecaster that is mutual in both feasting representations. There as on overdue the position persons abode upon functional as well as organic food consumption be able to, conceivably be clarified in that they do not only ponder about themselves but normally worried about others. The factor of social public participation comprises two declarations in the background of the idea of assistance. I contribute in volunteer actions providing advantage to others and I donate period or cash to municipal developments. The third declaration used in this influence, on the other side, signifies more the entertaining features I vigorously seek to develop familiar with persons in my public. The feasting of functional and organic food is related with social commitment. However, it can be presumed that there is a alteration in how the set employed of feasting can be considered by their social assurance-connected performances. As conservational worries and environmental defense are vital reasons for organic procurements.
Second article summary
The outcome of reading regarding the component of carotenoids in organic and conventional plant products had given the various results. (Manjunath et al., 2017). (Kazimierczak et al., 2014). The higher packing victims of vegetables developed with inorganic fertilizers might be accompanied with a higher contented of liquid captivated by the plant organized with readily solvable mineral mixtures. (Moubarac et al., 2013).
While doing the critical review of the article it was felt and even authors advised about prevailing awareness regarding the organic food among the consumers in the world. The study pointed out that the awareness was well known among the consumers living in Western Europe as compared to other places in the world. North America consumers had reasonable knowledge about the organic food. Conlon & Bird (2014) noted that there was some misunderstanding persists between the customers in UK.
Thus, the above thesis statement highlights that organic food is better consumption than conventional food for betterment of consumer’s health. In case of organic agriculture, utilization of pesticides are prevented while remainders in the conventional food constitutes major source of human exposures. The consumption of organic food can decrease risk of diseases while consumption of conventional food might adversely affect human health. Overall, production of organic food has potential benefit on human health as well as huge application of manufacturing methods in the conventional agriculture.
Conlon, M., & Bird, A. (2014). The impact of diet and lifestyle on gut microbiota and human health. Nutrients, 7(1), 17-44.
Goetzke, B., Nitzko, S., & Spiller, A. (2014). Consumption of organic and functional food. A matter of well-being and health?. Appetite, 77, 96-105.
Kazimierczak, R., Hallmann, E., Lipowski, J., Drela, N., Kowalik, A., Püssa, T., … & Rembia?kowska, E. (2014). Beetroot (Beta vulgaris L.) and naturally fermented beetroot juices from organic and conventional production: metabolomics, antioxidant levels and anticancer activity. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 94(13), 2618-2629.
Lee, H. J., & Yun, Z. S. (2015). Consumers’ perceptions of organic food attributes and cognitive and affective attitudes as determinants of their purchase intentions toward organic food. Food quality and preference, 39, 259-267.
Manjunath, M., Yadava, R. B., Rai, A. B., & Singh, B. (2017). Microbiological analysis of fresh amaranthus from organic and conventional production. International Food Research Journal, 24(3), 950.
Moubarac, J. C., Martins, A. P. B., Claro, R. M., Levy, R. B., Cannon, G., & Monteiro, C. A. (2013). Consumption of ultra-processed foods and likely impact on human health. Evidence from Canada. Public Health Nutrition, 16(12), 2240-2248.
Reganold, J. P., & Wachter, J. M. (2016). Organic agriculture in the twenty-first century. Nature plants, 2(2), 15221.
Wee, C. S., Ariff, M. S. B. M., Zakuan, N., Tajudin, M. N. M., Ismail, K., & Ishak, N. (2014). Consumers perception, purchase intention and actual purchase behavior of organic food products. Review of Integrative Business and Economics Research, 3(2), 378.