Impact Of Motivation And Rewards On Employee Performance: A Case Study Of STRATFORD PRIMER INN HOTEL

Concept of Motivation and Reward

Motivation and reward system is very important for the industry to guide and direct the staffs towards the goal of the industry. In an organisation there can be number of employees performing their duties at different levels. Therefore, providing motivation and giving rewards to the efficient staffs can help in increasing the productivity level of the employees that can add higher value to the industry also to the customers by supplying highest value quality service. Therefore, the manager of the industry has to direct the staffs by giving better instruction that can motivate them for doing the work in the best of ability for the growth of the employee and foe the industry as well. Thus, providing motivation and rewards can make employees to get accustomed with the change in the business environment.

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In the particular dissertation study, the researcher has focused in understanding the impact of motivation and reward systems on the employee performance of Stratford Primer Inn Hotel. The researcher has applied the primary and secondary sources and also used quantitative techniques for explaining the topics of the research work. The researcher has tried to list down the number of recommendations on the basis of the outcome of the study that can help the hospitality industry in adopting better techniques for motivating and giving rewards to the staffs for ejecting best performance from staffs.

Conducting this research has been one of the most enriching experiences of my life. The contribution of this research to enhance my knowledge base and analytical skill has been paramount. It gave me the opportunity to face challenges in the process and overcome them. This would not have been possible without the valuable guidance of my professors, peers and all the people who have contributed to this enriching experience. I would like to take this opportunity to thank my supervisor ———————– for the constant guidance and support provided to me during the process of this research. It would not be justified if I did not thank my academic guides for their important and valuable assistance and encouragement throughout the research process. I would also like to thank my friends who had provided me with help and encouragement for collecting primary data and valuable resources. Finally, I would like to thank the professionals from the retail industry who have participated in the research survey and provided with valuable inputs into the subject. The support of all these people has been inspiring and enlightening throughout the process of research in the subject.

Heartfelt thanks and warmest wishes,

Yours Sincerely,

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1.0: Introduction

1.1: Research Aim

1.2: Research Objectives

1.3: Research Questions

1.4: Background of the Topic

1.5: Background of the Company: STRATFORD PRIMER INN HOTEL

1.6: Rationale of the Study

1.7: Purpose of the study

1.8: Summary

2.0: Introduction

2.1: Concept of Motivation and Reward

2.1.1: Dimensions of Motivation

2.1.2: Importance of Motivation

2.2: Motivation Methods

2.3: Theoretical Models of Motivation

2.3.1: Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

2.3.2: Herzberg’s Two Factor Theory

2.4: Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivations

Research Methodology

2.5: Conceptual framework

2.6: Summary

3.1: Introduction

3.2. Method Outline

3.3: Research Onion

3.4: Research Philosophy

3.4.1: Justification for selection of the chosen Philosophy: (Post-positivism)

3.5: Research Approach

3.5.1: Justification for selection of the chosen approach: (Deductive)

3.6: Research Design

3.6.1: Justification for selection of the chosen design: (Descriptive)

3.7: Data collection procedure

3.7.1: Data Sources: Primary

3.7.2: Data Techniques: Quantitative

3.8: Population and Sample

3.8.1: Sampling Technique

3.8.2: Sample Size

3.9: Ethical Considerations

3.10: Research Limitations

3.11: Time Horizons

3.12: Summary

4.0: Introduction

4.1. Quantitative analysis

4.2: Summary

Chapter 5: Conclusion and Recommendation.

5.0: Conclusion

5.1: Linking with the objectives

5.1.1: Objective 1: To identify the motivations of staffs working for Stratford Primer Inn Hotel

5.1.2: Objective 2: To identify the staff reward systems employed by the hotel and how staff perceive it

5.1.3: Objective 3: To understand to what extent the reward employed by the hotel influence their choice of working there

5.2: Recommendations

5.3: Future Scope of the Study

Reference List: Error! Bookmark not defined.


List of Figures

Figure 1: Three Dimensions of Motivation

Figure 2: Motivation Methods

Figure 3: Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

Figure 4: View of Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction

Figure 5: Worker Motivation Tools

Figure 6: Conceptual Framework

Figure 7: Research onion

Figure 8: Research Philosophy

Figure 9: Research Approach

Figure 10: Research Design

List of Tables

Table 1: Gantt chart

Table 2: Engagement of employees in the hotel

Table 3: Satisfaction of employees in the hotel

Table 4: Functions of the hotel on employee motivation

Table 5: Hotel Manager’s participation

Table 6: Functions of the HRM for current market basis

Table 7: Reward system of the employees

Table 8: Reliability of the reward system of the hotel

Table 9: Satisfaction of employees

Table 10: Performance of management

Table 11: Strategies of the hotel management

Table 12: Effective factors to influence employee to work in the hotel

Table 13: Reward system of employee retention

Table 14: Management performance

List of Charts

Chart 1: Engagement of employees in the hotel

Chart 2: Satisfaction of employees in the hotel

Chart 3: Functions of the hotel on employee motivation

Chart 4: Hotel Manager’s participation

Chart 5: Functions of the HRM for current market basis

Chart 6: Reward system of the employees

Chart 7: Reliability of the reward system of the hotel

Chart 8: Satisfaction of employees

Chart 9: Performance of management

Chart 10: Strategies of the hotel management

Chart 11: Effective factors to influence employee to work in the hotel

Chart 12: Reward system of employee retention

Chart 13: Management performance

Motivation is an effective tool in enhancing the desire in the employees by the management of the company that helps in increasing the productivity and effectiveness within the employees. The motivation can increase the desire in the employees of the company to be more engaged in bringing highest productivity to the company. The motivated employees feel inspire to carry out the activities of the business that can result in bringing positive outcome for the business. The manager of the company has to chalk out the factors that can motivate the staff in performing task effectively and efficiently. Therefore, the highly motivated staff can be rewarded handsomely as they can provide productivity that can help in the growth and development of the company.

Quantitative Analysis

The following project has been developed for analyzing and identifying the motivational factors in enhancing and stimulating the staff of Stratford Primer Inn Hotel that can provide growth and development to the business of the company. The following research work will present guidance to the researcher in knowing the importance of motivation and reward systems that can be implied on the staffs of the hospitality industry.

The particular study focuses on the analysis of staff motivation that can add value to the growth of the company. The topic will throw light on deep analysis of the motivation level on the staff of company that can result in earning high reward. The researcher has opted Stratford Primer Inn Hotel as the case study so that the impact of motivation on the staff of the company can be known. With the assistance of various theories and models, the researcher will try to explain the affect of motivation on the employees of the Stratford Primer.

In the light of the research aim, the research objectives will be carried down that can help in better explanation of the research topics that will be chosen for this particular study. The research objective will guide in dividing the research topic that will help in better division of the broad topics in correct manner. The objective of the research has been listed below that will help in successful completion of the research work.

  • To identify the motivations of staffs working for Stratford Primer Inn Hotel
  • To identify the staff reward systems employed by the hotel and how staff perceive it.
  • To understand to what extent the reward employed by the hotel influence their choice of working there.

The research questions can be helpful in analysing the topic that can assist in understanding the topic in detail manner. The research question will highlight on the selected topic for the research work for gaining the significant knowledge about the research study. Therefore, for the particular case study, the question has been listed below:

  • What is the affect of motivation on the working staffs of Stratford Primer Inn Hotel?
  • What is the role of staff reward system in motivating staff?
  • How reward systems stimulate staff in increasing performance?

Thus, the above listed research question will support the research topics for evaluating the appropriate data and information.

A staff motivation and reward system is the core point for conducting the research study. Albrecht (2010), mentioned that the supply of incentives, inspirations and positive surroundings to the staff can help in motivating the employees to carry the job in superior manner. Further Buchner (2008), discussed that the manager of the company has to assign the job that is fruitful and complicated to the employees that are self motivated as they can finish the work with much pleasure. The motivation of employee in hospitality industry is very important for providing best service to the customers that can help in building image of the company. The hospitality industry holds different categories like resorts, pubs, restaurants, nightclubs, hotels and travel businesses. Therefore, the efficient employees have to be motivated that can help in carrying the various services of hospitality industry.

The concept of motivational factors and reward systems can help in enhancing the skills of the staff of the company. According to Hawley (2009), the manager of the company has to effectively manage the workers for carrying out the tasks. Therefore, the managers have to increase the capabilities and productivity of the employees that can help in increasing the outcome of the company.


Based in UK, Stratford Primer Inn Hotel is a hospitality industry that provides services related to gift cards, baggage service, kids services, shop mobility and hotels to the customers. The industry has a budget of over 650 hotels provide quality service and accommodation at reasonable hotel prices that suits the customers. The hospitality industry has over 43,000 efficient employees and satisfying the millions of customers through greeting cup of coffee, memorable meal, etc. The industry has added 137 hotels, 96 restaurants and 1535 coffee shops in recent times. Stratford Primer Inn Hotel has 2800 hotels, restaurants and coffee shops in UK.

The Stratford Primer Inn Hotel has an efficient and helpful staff and the industry is keep on focusing on improving the quality of the employees. The industry is focusing on motivating the employees and providing better reward system to the staffs for influencing the employees to enhance their performance and bring higher productivity to the hospitality industry. The industry is providing great staff for providing great service to the tourist or customers.

The particular research work has been chosen for knowing and analyzing the importance of motivation and reward systems on the employee of the company in performing the job. The study focuses on the staff motivation in the hospitality industry that is Stratford Primer Inn Hotel. It can be known that the decline in the economic condition can affect the spending strengths of the customers therefore; managers have to promote the workers through motivation and reward that can provide quality service to customer as quality service can positively influence the customers to spend comprehensively. The manager of the company has to take into account the occurrence of change and trends in labour market for effectively motivating the employees and effectively managing the employee’s behaviour. Therefore, the needs and demands of the staff have to be take care by the human resource management of the industry. The employers of the hospitality industry can use various recognition schemes, team building events, staff awards, prizes and vouchers for rewarding the efficient employees that are most involved in the growing the structure of the industry. Thus, the rewarding the staffs can motivate the employees to give the best performance that can satisfy both the customers and management of the hospitality industry.

The motivation tool and reward systems are very profitable approach for the growth of the hospitality industry. The lack of motivational approach and reward to the employees can increase the staffs’ turnover and thus, it can affect the hospitality industry in losing the efficient and experienced employees. Therefore, the absence of motivation factors nay not provide job satisfaction to the employees and the staffs can leave the industry that can lower down the growth and customers base of the industry. Thus, the dearth of motivation and reward systems can decrease the productivity of the staff and decrease in the loyalty of the staffs that can affect the culture and quality of the management of the hospitality industry. Thus using the motivation and reward systems is essential for the growth of the staffs and for the industry.


The selected research topic will be focusing on the need of motivation and reward system to the employees of hospitality industry. The hospitality industry tries to enhancing the performance of the staffs in order to provide better service and gaining high earning. The particular research focuses to understand the benefit of stimulating motivation in employees. In the current study, the researcher will highlight on the importance of reward and motivation with special reference to Stratford Primer Inn Hotel so that effect of motivation on staff can be known.

The concept of motivation and reward systems in the hospitality industry is beneficial in enhancing the performance of the staffs and bringing higher income and customers to the industry. As recognized in the current chapter, the role of motivation is very crucial in making the decision for noting the various reward systems for the staffs that can help in providing the best services to the customers and enhancing the growth of the hospitality industry. However, the present chapter describes the composition of the research topic in brief manner via various sub headings such as research aim, research objectives and research questions. This current chapter will be the main basis for conducting the next chapter of literature review that comprises different theories, concepts and models relating to the motivational factors and reward systems in the hospitality industry. On the basis of the subject mentioned in the chapter, the following chapter will be explained through detail description of the concepts to provide clear understanding to the researcher as well as readers.

According to Kourdi (2009), the staff motivation and reward system is very effective for the success of the hospitality industry. The staff can be motivated by providing the financial reward and job security that can make the staff to perform the task in better way. In the words of Filep (2014), the professional human resource management has to stimulate the workers to give their best effort to the industry so that best services can be provided to the customers that can increase the earnings of the hospitality industry and best customer satisfaction to the customers. Apart from that, Huang and Hsu (2009), the management of the hospitality industry can adopt implement various resources like striking pay packages, flexible working time schedule and well structured career expansion and development programmes for attracting the experienced and quality full staffs for enhancing the productivity of the hospitality industry and supplying quality service to the customers.

The specific chapter will try to highlight on designing the academic knowledge groundwork in relation to the motivation of the staffs and reward systems in performing the task of the hospitality industry. The researcher and reader will focus on the enhancement of the research topics with the help of the established groundwork in much more brief manner. Thus, the researcher will be able to understand the critical composition of the research topics. The theories and models will be laid down in this chapter that can be helpful for carrying the analysis of the research topic in forward chapters.

Future Scope of the Study

As commented by Ip et al. (2011), the motivation and reward act as a positive influence for rewarding and encouraging the staffs for their hard work in the industry. Therefore, the employees can be effectively made dedicated and focused to productively performing the job. Jackson (2010), also mentioned injection of motivational techniques and reward systems can enhance the skills and capabilities of the employees in providing quality and best service to the customers. The motivation and reward boost up the degree of energy, creativity and commitment in the employees for carrying out the particular job. In the context of Keshavarz and Nejati (2010), the ideal atmosphere can be helpful in stimulating and motivating the employees for higher contribution to hospitality industry. He also mentioned that the tangible and emotional reward can help in retaining the skilled and experienced staffs in the industry. Apart from that, Ritchie et al. (2011), pointed that implementing flexibility in the job structure and reward systems can result into increased durability of the staffs and enhance productivity.

Motivation of the staffs holds different forms of aspects that helps in enhancing the productivity of the employees. Therefore, the motivation has a direct relation with the tangible and intangible rewards that can be offered to staffs for their performance (, 2014).

  • Intensity: Mathenge (2013), discussed that the industry has to focus on the intensity level of the staffs that are employed by the employees for increasing the productivity of the hospitality industry. Therefore, the effort of the staff has to be recognized for providing recognition to the efficient employees.
  • Persistence: The human resource management of the hospitality industry has to highly on the working behaviour of the staffs in order to enhance the skills of the employees for better production for the industry. Therefore, motivating employees can increase the stamina of the workers comprehensively.
  • Direction: Lee and Way (2010), opined that via adopting motivational techniques the staff can be effectively guided towards achieving the goals of the industry. Thus, motivation makes the staff more focused and more productive for the organisation.

As per Karatepe and Olugbade (2009), the motivated staffs can generate a feeling of job satisfaction that can make them to perform better and giving higher productivity to the industry. The industry can apply negative reinforcement and positive reinforcement for motivating the staffs. The positive support can encourage the workers to provide higher production and enhanced quality work. For instance, the efficient employees can be rewarded as the employee of the month that can help in motivating other staffs to perform better. In other context, the negative reinforcement can help in controlling the bad attitude and behaviour of the workers. For illustration, the industry my raise written warning scheme to the staffs for performing the job in right manner.

Phillips (2012), discussed that the manager of the industry can reward the best workers by praising for their job completion for effective and efficient manner. Thus, the management of the industry has to build strong relationship with the staffs that can generate a sense of trust towards the industry and the management of the industry. Therefore, the good relationship can make workers to feel appreciated and honoured in the working atmosphere.

In the words of Kozami (2008), there are number of methods that can be applied by the management of the industry for motivating the employees and providing rewards for their hard work. The motivation by the managers of the industry can help the employees to competitively perform in the global business environment that can ensure better income and earnings to the staffs. The management of the organization can adopted the method that can best suit for motivating the employees in order to gain higher productivity from the staffs and workers.

Hoskisson (2009), discussed that the employers of the industry can provide the employees of the industry with higher responsibility and authority of decision making that can boost the employees to have a better control over the job. Therefore the employees can effectively erase the feeling of frustration that can help in producing better performance. Thus, the employees’ energy and effort can be better utilised for the growth of the industry and accomplishing the task in improve manner. Hodg (2009), opined empowering the employee with higher authority can make the employee to use the power for own benefit that can affect the business of the industry that can decrease the number of customers too.

As per Fifeld (2012), the industry that are suffering to run their business activities can involve the employees for creating and developing innovative ideas for the sake and growth of the industry. Therefore, involving staffs into structuring the industry activities can help in designing better and flexible work force that can help in better allocation of human resources for carrying out the major activities of the industry. Charnan (2008), pointed that creativity of the employee can guide the industry to effectively adapt to the market changes and have a better sustenance in the market place.

The management of the industry has to impart knowledge to the staffs that can increase the skills of the employees for supplying better production to industry. Farid and Setiawan (2013), illustrated that the management can adopt accreditation and licensing programs for the staffs that can enhance the growth and knowledge in the workers for carrying the particular activities. Therefore, the management can register improved changes in the behaviour of the employees in providing better services to clients or customers. Thus, providing the better learning to employees can comprehensively motivate them to give their best in the industry.

Beck et al. (2009), mentioned that the management of the industry has to incorporate flex time, condensed workweeks and job sharing can be helpful in focusing on the efficient employees. Therefore, better rewards can be provided to effective employees that can enhance the quality of the private life of the staffs. Nickson (2012), pointed that the adoption of flexible worker arrangements can help the industry in gaining the motivated workforce that can enhance the performance of the industry.

According to Altinay (2010), the monetary is a major motivational factors that influence the employee to perform better. The industry can share their part of profits as incentives to the workers that can positive influence the employees to develop quality product, supplying quality service and enhancing the quality of process in the industry. Thus, the management of the company can be able to boost the employees for higher productivity and making the acceptable reduction into absenteeism of the employees. Shields et al. (2009), mentioned that if the employees’ are provided the right incentive then the industry can register a fall in the employee performance and decline in the growth and development of the industry. Thus, the hospitality management has to provide correct incentive to the workers that can make the employee to keep on performing in effective manner and adding higher value to the industry status.

Buchner (2008), opined that the motivation models can be segmented into rational economic, social, self actualisation and the complex method. Therefore, it can be helpful in motivating the employees for gaining higher productivity from them. Fifeld (2012), discussed that due to high increase in the competitive pressure, the management of the industry has to focus on the growth and development of the employee so that they can be effectively motivated for attaining the objective of the industry and meeting the necessary requirements of the staffs. Therefore, the employers have to determine the new methods for enhancing the added value of the employees by making them to put their best effort and hard work so that the performance and productivity of the employees can match up the standard performance (, 2014).

In the terms of Karatepe and Olugbade (2009), the industry’s management has to positively inject the motivational factor in the staffs as it can help in decreasing the costs of labour to a minimum level. Therefore, the reduction in the costs can increase the profit earning capacity of the hospitality industry. Thus, the management of the industry has to opt out the right techniques that can assist the industry in motivating the employees that can help in ensuring the industry in attaining higher employee performance and reducing the level of labour costs. However, Huang and Hsu (2009), explained that the effective motivation model that can be adopted by the management of the hospitality industry can be summarised as Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, Herzberg’s Two Factor Theory and Intrinsic Motivation and Extrinsic Motivation.

Gregory (2013), pointed that Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is a composition of self actualising model. Therefore, the model aims in explaining the specific time within that the staffs of the industry will try to satisfy and attain the set of inherent needs. In context to that, Altinay (2010), the manager of the industry has to determine the needs of the individual workers in order to provide and motivate the employees that can satisfy the need and wants of the employees. The manager has to focus on satisfying the lower level needs of the employee that can be related to physiological requirements and safety and then meeting the higher level requirements such as self actualisation or fulfilment

Schneider et al. (2009), illustrated that the esteem needs, social needs, safety needs and physiological needs can be considered as deficiency needs and self actualization need can be regarded as being needs.

Hawley (2009), defined that the physiological requirements are considered as the basic needs that are required for the sustenance of life. Therefore, the needs are seen as food, water, shelter, nourishment and freedom of movement. Thus, when the employees meet all these employees it positively motivates the employees to perform the work in better and productive manner. Apart from that, Houldsworth (2008), showcased that when there is shortage in the supply of basic needs then the employee can be feel distressing tension that can affect on the performance of the employee and largely on the outcome of the industry. Therefore, a balance has to be made by the manager of the industry so that the employee can be able to achieve the basic requirements of life in order to survive in the cunning world. Thus, the employee can be highly motivated in giving their best performance to the industry.

Charnan (2008), opined that safety and security needs are sought by the employees when the physiological needs are attained by the employees. The managers of the industry has to provide safety to the workers in the working environment, medical insurance, job security and financial reserves to the individual workers that can make them feel safe and secure that can be helpful in increasing the productivity of the employees and thus best service can be transferred to the customers as well. The manager of the industry has to provide better wages to employees that can generate sufficient funds that can help the staffs in meeting future physiological needs (, 2014).

Ellis and Levy (2009), discussed that the staffs can feel motivated when they treated with love, affection, companionship, friendly behaviour from the employers of the industry. Therefore, the managers can prefer applying team work, arranging formal or informal get together, etc that can assist in developing and attaining social requirements.

The esteem requirement is related to gaining respect and recognition in the workplace (Ryan, 2007). The ego of the staffs can be satisfied through treating employees with regards or respect that can motivate them to give their best shot in the productivity of the industry and providing quality provision to the customers. In the same context Gregory (2013), mentioned that the ego satisfaction is very strong non monetary incentive that can help in enhancing the attitude of the staffs in positive direction. Thus, the efficiency level of the employees can be measured by the management of the industry. Self actualisation Needs:

Mathenge (2013), discussed that the self actualisation requirement is felt when the staff is clear about their desires and aim of the life. Therefore, the managers can encourage the staffs to develop higher level of aspiration that can help the staffs in performing better and managers can also provide the chance of participating in the management to the staffs. Therefore, the employees can further feel motivated and job satisfaction that can help in setting new goals in a much more defined way.

Frederick Herzberg developed the Herzberg’s Two Factor Theory of motivation in order to make differentiation between hygienic factors and motivation factors in the place of work (Biles and Holmberg 2007). The manager of the industry has to inject their energies into supplying avenues for satisfying the personal needs of the employees in order to realize best effort from the staffs. According to Gomez-Mejia et al. (2009), the employees can seek two kinds of needs that can be related to hygiene needs that relate to the environment in which the work force works and motivator needs relates to the method that can be adopted for making the staff doing the job in better way.

Iun and Huang (2007), stated that the hygiene factor can be important in the industry for motivating the staffs in working environment. Apart from that Riketta (2008), pointed in absence of the hygiene factors at working atmosphere then this can lead to dissatisfaction in the employees that can affect the operation of the hospitality industry. Therefore, the positive hygiene aspects can be favourable in avoiding the dissatisfaction among the employees. The hygiene aspects can include various factors like:

Pay: The manager has to declare the pay or salary to the employees and that has to be suitable and reasonable that can motivate the staff to highest value.

Company and Administrative Policies: Scott (2007), opined that policies framed by the administrative or company has to fair and clear that does not lead to rigidity. Therefore, clear policies can provide better flexible working schedules, breaks or vacations, etc. Thus, it can highly motivate the staff to give best results to the industry.

Fringe Benefits: The manager can offer better medical benefits, aids to the family members of the employees and help programmes for the employees can effectively motivate the staff for giving best service to the industry.

Physical Working Conditions: Macey and Schneider (2008), observed that safe, clean and hygiene working condition has potential enough to stimulate the staff to give best effort and productivity. The updated and well managed equipments can provide much assistance in carrying the job that can result into higher productivity.

Interpersonal Relations: The peer or superiors of the industry has to continuously communicate with the employees as it can support in building strong relationship. Therefore, the employees can address their difficulty effectively to seniors and it can help in performing task efficiently (Ryan, 2007).

Job Security: Krausert (2009), opined providing a feeling of job security in the employees can enhance their performance and industry’s performance can also be increased that can help in better service to the customers.

Cooksey and Gates (2008), mentioned that motivational factors can be effective in yielding positive satisfaction to the employees. Therefore, the manager can register a superior performance from the staffs due to implementation of motivational factors. Thus, the motivational factors can be further explained as:

Recognition: The superior management of the industry has to praise the staffs and also recognize their efforts that are injected successfully by the employees for accomplishing the job (Evanthie et al. 2009). Therefore, praising can influence the staff to give services to industry and customers too.

Feeling of achievement: The design of the job has to be in such a way that can be understood by the employees in order to successfully achieve the objective of the particular job. Therefore, sense of achievement can comprehensively motivate staffs to carry future job in effective manner.

Growth and Promotional Opportunities: As per Hohman (2007), the manager can highly motivate the working group through providing growth and advancement opportunities that can influence them to perform efficiently. The most efficient employees can be promoted to higher position or incrementing the salary can have a positive impact on the performance and productivity of the employees.

Responsibility: The responsibility has to be provided to the staffs of the hospitality industry in order to carry the task without having much pressure (Yuskel et al. 2010). Therefore, the manager of the organisation can give right of ownership of the job to the staffs that can make the employees more responsible to finish the job in scheduled time and in higher productivity.

Meaningful job: According to Kuvaas (2009), the particular work has to comply with meaning, interesting and challenging in order to motivate the employees and bring out the best performance from them.

In the terms of Nickson (2012), knowing the own potential can be effective for motivating own self. Therefore self motivating can be regarded as the intrinsic motivation. For instance, the person has to behave in a way that can direct them to achieve the desired targets (Altarawmneh and Al-Kilani, 2010). The inside force can influence the employee to turn up to work as the job can be the major source for income generation. Therefore the external factors such as rewards, recognition feeling, appraisal, pay package, promotions and bonus can largely influence and motivate the employees in positive direction in order to perform the work. Jackson (2010), mentioned that the absence of incentive and appreciation can dissatisfy the workers on the part of the jobs assigned. Other author Krausert (2009), mentioned that the intrinsic motivation can make the employees to adapt challengeable task and have a better control over the attitude while performing the job. The current or personal aim of the employees can be satisfied through developing intrinsic motivation that can assist them to carry the job in detail and right manner.

In the words of Hoskisson (2009), the extrinsic motivation is concerned with receiving the external reward or outcome by employee via performing the job. The extrinsic factor is concerned with praising; promoting and rewarding that certainly influence the staff’s inner needs and wants. The money or grades can motivate the employees to give their best in the success of the industry and providing quality service to the customers that can provide satisfaction to employees, customers and the management of the industry. Charnan (2008), discussed that the extrinsically motivated employees can energetically and effectively perform the work even if the employees is least interested in doing the job. Thus, the employees can be able to gain pleasure from the work and accomplishing the task. The extrinsic motivation can also focus on performing activities that can help in eliminating the punishment that can help in inspiring the employee to perform job in right manner. The employee can be motivated through providing better salary, fringe benefits, promotion, security and working condition therefore the industry can note a considerable change in the working behaviour of the employees (, 2014).

Therefore, the manager of the hospitality industry has to focus on making connection among intrinsic and extrinsic factors. Thus, via a strong connection the manager can inspire and motivate the workers to put in best effort for the growth of the industry and achieving growth in the customer base. Thus, the level of performance of the staffs can be improved through relating the intrinsic and extrinsic motivation (, 2014). The manager has to try to fulfil the personal requirements of the staffs and employees that can satisfy the workers in perform the specific assigned job in efficient and productive way. The manager may need to identify the interest and welfare of the workers that can be essential for motivating the employees to apply their best effort at work. Therefore, the manager can effectively measure the performance and productivity of individual workers (, 2014).

The conceptual framework will help the researcher in segmenting the different headings of the theories and models that can better assist in conducting the topics in effective manner. Motivation and reward scheme and its effect on the staffs of hospitality industry will be regarded for better understanding the theoretical concepts in brief way.

As determine in the above diagram, motivation and reward systems is very important factor for the growth of the industry through quality production and quality services. The motivation and reward holds the potentiality for enhancing the performance of the staffs that further helps in increasing the customers and providing customer satisfaction that leads to the growth and development of the hospitality industry. Therefore, the researcher will focus on analysing the relationship of motivation and reward on the staff of the hospitality industry.

As extracted from the particular chapter of the research work, the researcher was able to abstract the relevant information and knowledge and detailed material for stimulating the employees for performing task. The role of motivation and reward system has been effectively considered for enhancing the efficiency of the staffs. Motivation has been regarded as one of the criterion for improving and increasing the performance of the staffs in order to gain higher productivity and providing better services to the customers and adding value to the industry. In this chapter various motivational models have been adopted that is helpful in analysing the needs and desire of the employees. Therefore, recognizing these needs helps the manager in structuring the best techniques by that the employee can be motivated and can meet their respective desires.

Research Methodology helps the researcher to analyse the total research work effectively. The research stated that the motivation and reward system of the Stratford Primer Inn Hotel. Through the research methodology process the researcher can able to make a brief outline of the research process (Corbetta, 2009). The researcher has chosen the philosophy, approach and design to explain it properly.

The application of the research methodology will help the student’s about the human resource management of the Stratford hotel in competitive market. The difficulties and limitation of the research reflects the work process of the researcher. As stated by Bryman and Bell (2011) despite of all the difficulties, the researcher has able to provide all the current explanation and analysis of the study and apply the process of research methodology to provide the market a brief analysis of employee satisfaction in Stratford Hotel.

The method outline reflects the process of the research. It tells about the basic structure of the research process through which the researcher can conduct it perfectly. The research process used the philosophy, approaches and designs to make it effective in nature (Bernard, 2011). The researcher here used the post-positivism research philosophy and the deductive approach to explain it effectively. The descriptive research design has chosen to analysis it in depth. The limitation and the ethical perspective of the research are also analysed by the researcher in this topic.

Saunders et al. (2009) stated the research onion is essential to analysis the every material of the study. The each layer of the research study reflected the value of the research. There are six layers that unfold the process and its effect in the research process. The research onion contains philosophy, approaches, designs, strategies, time horizon, techniques and procedures.

Research philosophy is the process that helps the researcher to conduct the study effective in nature. It is the concept of the study that provided the researcher and the student a clear idea about the topic. Basically the philosophy based on the research paradigm that is the epistemology, axiology and the phenomenology (Bernard, 2011). These all aspects contain the knowledge, facts and ethics of the research. It can be concluded that research paradigm is the base of the research work that help the researcher to make it by following the information, facts and maintain the ethics in it.

In this case, the research philosophy is the part of the research paradigm that helps the researcher to analysis all the facts and findings in a proper way. Positivism, Realism and Interpretivism is the pillars of the research philosophy. Magilvy and Thomas (2009) reflected that positivism deals with the knowledge of the research while the realism state about the real facts.

On the other hand, Interpretivism reflects the logic behind the research work. In this case, the researcher has chosen the post positivism research philosophy to analyse it effectively. The post-positivism is the party of the positivism research philosophy. It helps the researcher to analyse it and cross check it to provide the reader a clear idea about the research (, 2014).  

The researcher here has chosen the post positivism research philosophy to analyse the research work properly. The Positivism and Interpretivism research philosophy deals with the knowledge and the logical aspect of the topic. Realism, deals with real facts of the study. However, post-positivism has chosen to analyse the topic properly. It reflects the philosophical contents of the researcher that helps the researcher to think advance analyse all the gathered information in the basis its philosophical aspect.

The research approach will help the researcher to conduct the research on basis of the collected information from the society. The research approach is basically two types- Inductive and the Deductive (Harrison and Reilly, 2011). In case of inductive approach, the researcher will conduct it when it seems that the existing models and theories are not appropriate to conduct the current research work.

On the other hand, Deductive approach based on the existing models and theories in the society to analysis the research effectively. It helps the researcher to explain the study on basis of the existing models and theories that are appropriate for the research analysis.  

The researcher has chosen the deductive approach to analyse and conduct the research in a proper way. In the study of motivation and reward system of the Stratford inn hotel, the researcher tries to reflect the complexity of human resource management in this competitive age. Therefore, to justify the analysis properly, the researcher has chosen the deductive research approach to make the link with the existing models and theories.

Ellis and Levy (2009) reflected that, research design based on the data collection procedure from the contemporary ground. Research design is there types that are the exploratory, explanatory and the descriptive.

In case of exploratory research design, it reflected various ideas, thoughts in the society that help the researcher to analyse it in the basis of the societal factors. On the other hand, explanatory design, reflect the incidents occur in the society while descriptive indicates the detail analysis of the research work. The descriptive design will help the researcher to conduct it in a proper way (, 2014).

The researcher has chosen the descriptive research design to analysis the all necessary information of this study effectively. It reflected by the researcher that the descriptive allowed collecting all the necessary information from the market and then analyse it on the basis of the philosophical aspect. The exploratory design has not chosen by the research her as it is not appropriate in analysing the content short term basis. As the researcher has the time constraint therefore, descriptive has been chosen to analyse the subject in depth.

Data are mainly two types- Primary data and the Secondary data. According to Cameron (2009), the primary data collected by the researcher from different ground of the society. Now, the online survey method used to reach the total sector of the society to get effective information about the study. On the other hand, the secondary data collected through different sources like newspapers, magazines and others.

The researcher has used the Primary data to analyse the study effectively. The study is about the motivation and reward system of the employees in Stratford Primer Inn Hotel that reflect the critical position of the human resource management in this competitive age. Therefore, the researcher collected the primary data by surveying on hotel employees.

The researcher here used the quantitative data analysis method that based on the primary data. The researcher has collected the primary data by surveying employees of the Stratford hotel in the contemporary market. Qualitative analysis is not making by the researcher because the study is focusing upon the employee retention in the competitive age of market. Therefore, to analyse the primary data, the researcher has used the quantitative data analyse to provide a clear idea to the society about the nature and their function on employee satisfaction (, 2014).

Population means the involvement of people directly or indirectly in this research work. Here, the population is the total number of employees and customers of the Stratford Inn Hotel.

Sample can be two types- one is the probability and other is the non probability sample. In case of probability sample it is the simplest way that provides the researcher a clear idea about the research. On the other hand, in probability sample is the process through which the researcher can present the total number of population in the market (Brannen, 2009). In this research study, the researcher has chosen the probability sample to justify the study properly.

The researcher analyse the study bon the basis of the primary data. Therefore, to explain it effectively, the researcher has chose 50 sample size. It will make the study effective in nature and able to get the accurate result from the market.

The researcher should maintain the code of ethics while conducting the study.

  • In case of participant response, the researcher must focus on the voluntary participation of the employees. Any kind of the external force is strictly avoided by the researcher.
  • In case of data application process the data collected by the researcher must accurate in nature. Any type of commercial data will avoid and considered it as in academic purpose.

There are so many aspects of conducting research properly. However it is not possible by the researcher to cover the entire sector due to lack of budgeting and time constraint. This is the limitation of the study. Sometimes, the researcher faces difficulty while collecting the data because the employees are biased towards their company and in this case, it became more difficult for the researcher to collect the data properly. 


The entire research focused on the human resource management of the Stratford Inn hotel. It reflected that due to the competition in the market, companies are unable to notice on their employee satisfaction. Therefore this study is focusing on the employee motivation and their reward system. The researcher has used proper philosophy, approach and design to analyse it properly. The limitation and the ethical consideration also provided by the researcher.

Data analysis and findings is very effective to analyse the all data collected by the researcher from the hotel. It helps the researcher to conduct the research on the basis of the data collection. Only quantitative questions analysed by the researcher to analyse the data properly. Samples are the employees of the Stratford Primer Inn Hotel. The researcher has collected the quantitative data through online questionnaire process via facebook. While surveying, only 40 respondents filled the survey form properly out of 100 respondents. The data analysis of 40 employees explained in this chapter.  

Q1. How long you work in this Hotel?



T  otal respondents

  Response percentage

  Last one months




  Last two months




  Last six months




  Last one years




  Last two years





In this analysis, almost 30% employees attached with the hotel for last 3 months. Up to 50% employees are working there from 1.5 years and 12.5% employees work for last 6 months. It reflected that the hotel industry make their old employees satisfied and try to motivate their new employees to enhance their business.

It can be analysed from the above table that employees are happy to be associated with the Hotel as the Hotel are able to provide them salary and bonus on the right time. Therefore, it can be seen that 40% of the employees are not willing to leave the hotel and the number of employees that joins hotel are also benefited from the Hotel. The monetary and non monetary incentive is enhancing the performance the performance of the employee that motivate other new employees to stay with the Hotel. Thus, the employees are satisfied to work in the Hotel that is increasing the productivity and efficiency of workers with the passage of time.

Q2. How far are you satisfied with your position in the hotel?



  Total respondents

  Response percentage

  Strongly Satisfied
















  Strongly Dissatisfied





The research question reflected that almost 30% people are agree with the view on which 27.5% are strongly support the view that they are satisfied in the position of the hotel. Around 30% people provide their negative sense while analysing the view in the market. The majority view of the question reflected that employees satisfied in their position in the hotel.

In this analysis, the researcher reflect that majority of the employees are satisfied with their position in the hotel. The human resource management are able to deliver best services and training to the workers that help in enhancing their performance and capability to handle the customers. The number of employees have same opinion that the position that they hold in the hotel are effective as they can carry their work easily and comprehensively. The position to the employees are provided as per there capabilities that motivate them to carry work without seeking much guidance from the seniors or supervisor.

On the other hand, while analysing the dissatisfaction of the employees, the researcher focused on the various aspects of the study. It may be for the uncomfortable position of the employees or the dissatisfaction by the reward system from the management. The unsatisfied workers are not able to comply with their position as they think that the position is not according to their qualification and ability. On the other side, they believe that the salary associated with the position is quite low that lower down their morale while performing the job. Some other workers believes that Hotel does not care about safety of the employee which makes them unhappy with their position.

Q3. How far do you agree the approach of the hotel is effective in motivating employees?



  Total respondents

  Response percentage

  Strongly Agree
















  Strongly Disagree





The researcher has reflected at almost 50% employees are agreed with the view. 12 % employees are neutral in their stance while almost 30% employees are not agreed with that view. Majority of the employees has agreed that the management is able to motivate their employees. It indicates the qualitative function of the human resource management in the hotel.

It has been found from the table that more number of employees agrees that the Hotel is capable to provide necessary support to the employees whether it is in terms of monetary or in non monetary form. The Hotel provides training such as in house training, on-site hotel training workshops, etc that is effective in pleasing the expectation level of employees from their job. Therefore, training is helping the workers to enhance their productivity level and supply value service to the customers. Thus, it helps the Hotel in gaining better customers and better return from the market. On the other hand, some workers think that the Hotel is taking very few steps in enhancing their skills that affect their performance. They believe that Hotel is not able to succeed in providing friendly environment to the workers because of which the new customers lack in satisfying the customers. Some employees have the view that they are not rightly paid as per their service, which hampers their performance and their perception towards the Hotel.

Q4. How far you belief, hotel managers are able to inspire you?



  Total respondents

  Response percentage

  Strongly Believe
















  Strongly Disbelieve





In this view, 30% of employees agreed on which 25% strongly supported the question. 7.5% employees are remained silent and almost 30% people opposed the view. In this question, it noticed that the majority of the employee has agreed that the hotel industry is able to inspire them to their work. It reflects the good performance of the human resource management of Stratford Primer Inn hotel.  

Through the findings, it can easily draw out that majority of the employees of the hotel supported their industry and it seems that they are motivated by the inspiration of the hotel managers. It reflected that the manager of the hotel industry is able to inspire their employees by providing them comfortable atmosphere. Most of the workers have same opinion that Hotel managers’ approach is positive towards them that motivates them to keep on performing in desirable manner. The workers have opined that the managers hear the problems of the workers and try to sort it out in most effective manner.

On the other side, few employees also mentioned that managers play an effective role in setting the dispute or conflict issues among the workers. Therefore, it inspires the employees to do the work in hassle free manner that helps in increasing the performance and efficiency of the workers. On the other hand, some employees disagree that mangers of the hotel are not able to inspire them, as they believe that managers are less keen interested in understanding the expectation of employees. The managers least participate to communicate with the lower level employees to know their problems or build a friendly atmosphere. Therefore, it lowers down the confidence of the workers to their work that affects their life and working behaviour.

Q5. Do you agree that functions of the HRM of Hotel are appropriate for the current market basis?



  Total respondents

  Response percentage

  Strongly Agree
















  Strongly Disagree





This view analysed about the functions of human resource management in current market basis. In this view, it reflected that almost 22.5% employees remained neutral in their stance. Apart from this, majority of the employees are support the view that the functions of human resource management is appropriate for their employees in current market content.

The analysis that can draw throughout the view reflected that the human resource management of the hotel industry is able to satisfy their employees in order to develop the Hotel’s business and motivate them to provide good service to their customers. The human resource management effectively works in developing professional skills in the employees through leadership training and education. The HRM of Hotel also works under the laws so that employees are provided best working conditions and salary. In that case, it can be stated that the human resource management is the appropriate format of developing the strategies of the hotel in contemporary market basis. On the other hand, few disagreed employees stated that the HRM fails to understand the needs and expectation of employees as per the current market scenario that results in employee dissatisfaction and decrease in employee spirits and performance. Therefore, it can affect the earnings of the Hotel to some extent, as unsatisfied workers are not able to give their best effort in their performance.

Q6. How far you belief the hotel management provide reward to the employees properly?



  Total respondents

  Response percentage

  Strongly Believe
















  Strongly Disbelieve





The researcher find that 30% respondents are strongly believed the view while 12.5% employee believe it. 15 % employees disbelieve it while 25% employees strongly disbelieve it. 17.5% employees remained silent in their stance. It reflected that fifty percent employees support the view that hotel management provide all necessary things to satisfy their employees. The negative point may indicate the employee’s uncomfortable situation in their workplace and so on.

Most of the workers agree that the Hotel provides right reward to all the level of workers. The Hotel declares reward on the basis of performance of employees and not on the basis of experience. Therefore, it motivates the workers to carry the responsibility in expected way and the employees have a sense of relief that they are not discriminated on experience in terms of reward. Therefore, the efficient employees are able to put their best that motivates the other employee to match up with the experienced employees. Apart from that, some workers believe that they do not get right reward according to their service and performance, which makes them feel that they are neglected and discriminated by the Hotel management.



  Total respondents

  Response percentage

  Strongly Yes








  Neither YES nor NO








  Strongly No





It found that at least fifty percent of the employees agreed that the reward system is appropriate for them. 15% employee remains silent in their stance while rest of the others are disbelieve the view in contemporary context. It reflect the contradictory of view as many if are support the hotel management function while the rest of are not.

The researcher has opined from the above table that many employees of Hotel are satisfied with the reward system. The employees proposed that the management of Hotel provides right salary and merit pay and other rewards such as bonus, appreciation, recognition, etc. Therefore, it stimulates the workers to enhance their productive level to provide best and quality service to the customers and helps in decreasing the employee turnover. On the other side, disagreed employees opined that as the Hotel’s management provide different reward but Hotel does not provide in right percentage that can fulfil their other requirements. Therefore, this affects their performance behaviour to keep up with the changing global environment.

Q8. Does the employees are satisfied with the reward system of the hotel management?



  Total respondents

  Response percentage

  Strongly satisfied
















  Strongly Dissatisfied





The researcher find that 32.5% respondents are strongly believed the view while 22.5% employee believe it. 5 % employees disbelieve it while 17.5% employees strongly disbelieve it. 22.5 % employees remained silent in their stance. It reflected that fifty percent employees support the view that hotel management provide all necessary things to satisfy their employees. The negative point may indicate the employee’s uncomfortable situation in their workplace and so on.

It noticed that the hotel manger could able to provide their employees proper satisfaction and reward system. The percentages of satisfied employees are more than dissatisfied ones. The employees stated that Hotel provides accurate reward purely on the basis of performance and not on caste, culture or any other factors. Therefore, it motivates the employees to enhance their performance and bring business to the Hotel that can help in increasing the income growth of Hotel and employees too.

On the other hand, the negative view point can analysed by stating that the new employees are not comfortable with the function of the hotel management and so the human resource management can reflect their effectiveness in order to satisfy their employees in contemporary basis.

Q9. Does your management able to motivate you to perform in a best way?



  Total respondents

  Response percentage

  Strongly Yes
















  Strongly No





27.5% respondents are strongly believed the view while 22.5% employee believes it. 22.5 % employees disbelieve it while 22.5% employees strongly disbelieve it. 5% employees remained silent in their stance. It reflected that majority of the employees agreed with the view that the management is able to motivate their employees towards their system.

It reflected that the hotel management is able to motivate their employees as they satisfied them by providing them all necessitates. The management support the new employees to understand the nature of work that helps in boosting the morale of new workers. On the other hand, management seeks advice from the workers in building strategies that encourages the workers to take initiative in positive way and the employees have a feeling that they are the important part of the Hotel. The disagree employee proposed that the management gives less attention as they remain busy in making money and doesn’t take care about the well-being of the employee.

Q9. Does your management able to motivate you to perform in a best way?



  Total respondents

  Response percentage

  Strongly Yes
















  Strongly No





27.5% respondents are strongly believed the view while 22.5% employee believes it. 22.5 % employees disbelieve it while 22.5% employees strongly disbelieve it. 5% employees remained silent in their stance. It reflected that majority of the employees agreed with the view that the management is able to motivate their employees towards their system.

It reflected that the hotel management is able to motivate their employees as they satisfied them by providing them all necessitates. The management support the new employees to understand the nature of work that helps in boosting the morale of new workers. On the other hand, management seeks advice from the workers in building strategies that encourages the workers to take initiative in positive way and the employees have a feeling that they are the important part of the Hotel. The disagree employee proposed that the management gives less attention as they remain busy in making money and doesn’t take care about the well-being of the employee.

Q10. Do the strategies of the hotel management provide satisfactory results to you?



  Total respondents

  Response percentage

  Strongly Yes
















  Strongly No





This view analysed about the strategies of hotel management in contemporary scenario. In this view, it reflected that almost 7.5% employees remained neutral in their stance. Apart from this, majority of the employees are support the view that the strategies of the hotel management is appropriate for the employees.

The quantitative analysis has conducted over the employees and it identified that the employees are satisfied the management strategies for them. It also reflected that they all are aware about the strategies that also indicate the liberal role of the management system. It is clear that, through the liberal role of the management, they can allow the employees to participate in their decision making process. Therefore, it helps the Hotel in generating better customer base and earnings. It also helps the hotel management to identify the problems and demand of the employee’s in contemporary basis. The unsatisfied employees opined that some strategies of Hotel management affect their salary as the management cuts the salary in order to save more for the future expansion of Hotel.

Q11. Does the monetary factors is effective to influence employee to work in the hotel?



  Total respondents

  Response percentage

  Strongly Believe
















  Strongly Disbelieve





The researcher find that 30% respondents are strongly believed the view while 27.5% employee believe it. 20% employees disbelieve it while 10% employees strongly disbelieve it. 12.5 % employees remained silent in their stance. It pointed that many of the employees are the support the point that the factors or the tools that the management used for motivating their employees are effective in nature. The analysis of this view provided in detail.

It stated that the monetary factors that the researcher has mentioned in the analysis are all effective to judge the nature of the management and employees perfectly. In this case, it must notice the management has taken all the efforts of employee motivation or employee retention only to enhance their business in this competitive era. Therefore, the management must focus upon their performance through the employee appraisal. The monetary factors support the family of employees and the employees can be financially stable. Therefore, it makes the employee to stick with the hotel and helps the Hotel to achieve objective. On the other hand, few employees believe that only monetary factor does not motivate them, they require respect and recognition in the Hotel as well.

Q12. How far you belief reward system is positive for employee retention?



  Total respondents

  Response percentage

  Strongly Believe
















  Strongly Disbelieve





The researcher find that 32.5% respondents are strongly believed the view while 22.5% employee believe it. 17.5% employees disbelieve it while 22.5% employees strongly disbelieve it. 5 % employees remained silent in their stance.

It reflected that the reward system that provided by the hotel management is appropriates for the employees and the findings reflected that majority of the employees satisfied with this view. The reward system can help the employees to fulfil their necessary requirements and meet their basic needs.

In case of negative aspect, it can state that, as the hotel contains both their new and old employees, therefore, the motivation is not being proper for the dissatisfaction ones. The employees pointed that they need increase in their salary as well so that they can lead a standard and respectful life.



  Total respondents

  Response percentage

  Strongly Believe
















  Strongly Disbelieve





Through these findings it noticed that 25% respondents are strongly believed the view while 12.5% employee believes it. 17.5% employees disbelieve it while 22.5% employees strongly disbelieve it. 22.5 % employees remained silent in their stance. It reflected that majority of the people satisfied by the performance of management. Almost 22% employee remains neutral in their stance, as they do not want to talk their view or not want to participate in the survey process.

The analysis reflected that, the employees are satisfied by the performance of the management. As the researcher conducted the question through online media survey via facebook, it reflected that the employees provided satisfactory answer about their management performance. The employee opined that the performance of management has motivated them to improve their performance and bring quality productivity to Hotel. The management played effective role in seeking advice from employees, sorting employees’ issues and providing effective training helped in increasing the performance of management and employees. The other employees stated that the management does not care of the new employees and least communicates with them that affect their performance and trust over management.

In this chapter, the researcher has noticed that almost majority of the employees satisfied by the function of the hotel in the contemporary market. In the case study of the Stratford Primer Inn hotel, it noticed by the researcher that due to the global competition, the nature of the market became complicated. Therefore, the human resource management is not able to work properly. It means to not properly identify the needs and provide employee retention in the contemporary market. In this situation, the hotel management properly notice on these factors and provide all the necessary kinds of employee satisfaction to their staffs, it will help them to enhance their business in contemporary position.

Chapter 5: Conclusion and Recommendation

5.0: Conclusion:        

The researcher conducted the research to analyse the motivation and reward system to the employees in the hotel Stratford Primer Inn. In this research, it is clear that the hotel is now able to motivate their employees in order to gain their market objectives. The motivation and the reward system will help the management system of that hotel to inspire their employees in performing more effectively in contemporary ground. The data and theories mentioned in second chapter reflected the proper research process of the researcher. The researcher has liked all these theories while analysis the performance of hotel in contemporary market. Through the conclusion part, the researcher properly draws that now the hotel is able to motivate their employees in their system.

The real application of those data will help to draw a proper conclusion of the research work. The aim and objectives that is the pillar of this research also linked with the methodologies and models. The objectives of this research reflect a proper path to the researcher to conduct the research in an effective way. The achievement of hotel industry is base on their effective staff performance. It reflects the hotel can achieve their reputation in this competitive market by reflection their effective performance of their employees. The better performance and attraction of the staffs will attract the customers to attach with the hotel and boost up its business in this competitive market.

The researcher wants to identify the motivations of staffs working in the hotel. In this research work, the researcher has linked this objective with primary data question 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 of quantitative analysis. The researcher briefly explains the performance of the staffs and their problems while analysing the data. It reflected that the staffs are more or less satisfied by the performance of the managers. The research reflected that there are two groups of staffs. One is the new and other is the old ones. Therefore, as the old staffs also helps the management to motivate the new employees. The old employees can try to understand the problems of the employees and try to solve out that. In this case, they can take help of the manager’s or point it to the mangers to solve out it as soon as possible. The proper identification and solving nature pointed the growth of the company.

Therefore, it can easily draw by the researcher that, the management function is able to motivate their employees towards their work. Maslow’s Hierarchy of need theory and Intrinsic and Extrinsic motivation model will help the researcher to make proper application and analyse it in contemporary basis.

The researcher wants to identify the motivations of staffs reward system employed by the hotel and employees perception to take it. In this research work, the researcher has linked this objective with primary data question 6, 7, 8 and 9 of quantitative analysis. The researcher here linked this objective with Herzberg’s two-factory theory. It tells that the positive and negative aspect of individual satisfaction. In this case, it noticed by the researcher that the employees will perceive the reward system by their own way.

It reflected that every employee has their own individuality and they want to fulfil their demand according to their self-satisfaction. In this case, it reflected that, the employees of the hotel will perceive the reward system by their own way. If the reward is not able to satisfy them then, it seems that they will become de-motivated in the management. Therefore, it is the duty if the management to identify the basic need s and demands if the employees and act according to fulfil it properly.

If the managers are able to fulfil it then it will bring them new opportunity to develop their business otherwise, the business will go to downturn. Therefore, the step taken by the management must seem positive according to the current nature of the employees as well as the market. If the management found that the employees do not perceive their strategies properly then it must change to satisfy their staffs.

The researcher wants to understand the reward employed by the hotel influence their choice to the employees or not. In this research work, the researcher has linked this objective with primary data question 10, 11, 12 and 13 of quantitative analysis. The researcher here linked this objective with the theory Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs to explain it properly. It reflected the inner need of the individuals in a situation. In this purpose the researcher make its social application to analyse the objective properly. It mentioned that the employees work in the hotel industry must are the main resource of the management. Therefore, the management should keep notice on the needs and satisfaction of their employees. It can possible by providing them good qualitative atmosphere to work, friendly behaviour and liberal stance of the managers. It will help the employees to work properly in the contemporary market and motivated by the inspiration of hotel management.

Through the data analysis process, the researcher is able to draw a sense that reflect majority of employees satisfied with the point of their management performance and the rewards provided by the management also satisfactory form them. The negative point’s that the researcher had found that is for the uncomfortable situation of new employees. It is the duty of the management to overcome all the barriers, which de-motivate the new staffs and make it effective in nature to expand their business.

The researcher has jotted down the possible suggestions on the basis of the conducted analysis and the resulted outcomes that can help in maintaining the efficiency level and productivity level of the staffs through motivation and reward techniques. In the context of the research study, the researcher has suggested certain models that can help the management of the hospitality industry in inspiring and motivating the employees.

» The management of the industry can provide quality training programmes and development programmes for enhancing the skills of the employees or staffs. Therefore, the management can notice a positive change in the working behaviour of the employees thus it can provide growth to the industry and increasing the customers for the industry.

» The employee recognition programmes be adopted and implied in the industry by the management. Therefore implementing the programme can help the manager in recognizing the best employee that give best productivity to the industry. Thus, the management can promote the efficient employees that can motivate them to perform better. Hence, giving respect and recognition can make employees to build trust on the management of the hospitality industry.

» The employee participation in the management process can effectively motivate the staffs to present their views and opinions that can benefit the hospitality industry in chalking out the best strategies for the growth and expansion of the industry. Therefore, including the employee in the decision making can boost up the morale of the employees and that can be figured out in the performance and productivity.

» The management can adopt flexibility in the job formation and reward system that can make the employee to stay in the industry for longer period and it can also improve the productivity and morale of the staffs to add higher value to the financial position of the hospitality industry. Therefore, the suitable job design for the staffs can make them bring their best effort and productivity to the industry and thus, it can result into higher income and increase in the base of the potential customers. The flexible reward system can make employees happy that can be positioned at various levels.

» The management has to provide opportunities to grow that can stimulate the staffs to give their best to the industry. Therefore, the managers has to analyse the workers on the basis of efficiency and inefficiency of the employee in order to draw the best opportunities that can provide growth in the capabilities and performance of the number of staffs in hospitality industry.

The scope of the research study could have been better explored to highest level if there may not have been any restrictions while conducting the research study. In addition to that the research topic can be explained in better way by analyzing two hospitality industries in spite of focusing on one industry. Therefore, it can provide good understanding of affect of motivational factors and reward systems on the employees and thus better comparison can be made in the efficiency level of employees in one industry and other industry. The Mcgregor’s Motivational theory can be used for the research study. Thus, other theory can also be implemented like Acquired Needs Theory, Cognitive Evaluation Theory and Expectancy theory for better development of the research work. Further, the comparative study can be helpful in enhancing and observing the various methods that can be applied in the other hospitality industry.

Survey Questionnaires:

Dear Participants

I am a student form ­­­­­___________. As a part of my research in STAFF MOTIVATION AND REWARD IN HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY about this hotel, I need your responses. So please give few minutes in the below questionnaire. Your survey responses do not contain any identifying information about. The survey data will be treated anonymously. Thank you very much for your assistance.



Employee Name:                                                                Age:

Contact No.                                                                       Location:

Email ID:


Q1. How long you work in this Hotel? (Please tick a mark)

  1. Last one months
  2. Last two months
  3. Last six months
  4. Last one years
  5. Last two years

Q2. How far are you satisfied with your position in the hotel? (Please tick a mark)

  1. Strongly Satisfied
  2. Satisfies
  3. Neutral
  4. Dissatisfied
  5. Strongly Dissatisfied

Q3. How far do you agree the approach of the hotel is effective in motivating employees? (Please tick a mark)

  1. Strongly agree
  2. Agree
  3. Neutral
  4. Disagree
  5. Strongly Disagree

Q4. How far you belief, hotel managers are able to inspire you? (Please tick a mark)

  1. Strongly Believe
  2. Believe
  3. Neutral
  4. Disbelieve
  5. Strongly Disbelieve

Q5. Do you agree that functions of the HRM of Hotel are appropriate for the current market basis? (Please tick a mark)

  1. Strongly Believe
  2. Believe
  3. Neutral
  4. Disbelieve
  5. Strongly Disbelieve

Q6. How far you belief the hotel management provide reward to the employees properly? (Please tick a mark)

  1. Strongly Believe
  2. Believe
  3. Neutral
  4. Disbelieve
  5. Strongly Disbelieve

Q7. Does the reward system of the hotel is appropriate in contemporary scenario?

  1. Strongly Yes
  1. Yes
  2. Neither YES nor NO
  3. No
  4. Strongly No

Q8. Does the employees are satisfied with the reward system of the hotel management? (Please tick a mark)

  1. Strongly satisfied
  2. Satisfied
  3. Neutral
  4. Dissatisfied
  5. Strongly Dissatisfied

Q9. Does your management able to motivate you to perform in a best way?

  1. Strongly Yes
  1. Yes
  2. Neutral
  3. No
  4. Strongly No

Q10. Do the strategies of the hotel management provide satisfactory results to you? (Please tick a mark)

  1. Strongly Yes
  1. Yes
  2. Neutral
  3. No
  4. Strongly No

Q11. Does the monetary factors is effective to influence employee to work in the hotel?

  1. Strongly Believe
  1. Believe
  2. Neutral
  3. Disbelieve
  4. Strongly Disbelieve

Q12. How far you belief reward system is positive for employee retention?

  1. Strongly Believe
  2. Believe
  3. Neutral
  4. Disbelieve
  5. Strongly Disbelieve

Q13. How far you belief the employees are satisfied by management performance? (Please tick a mark)

  1. Strongly Believe
  2. Believe
  3. Neutral
  4. Disbelieve
  5. Strongly Disbelieve

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