Impact Of Leadership Style On Employee Job Satisfaction: A Case Study Of Marks Nigeria Limited

Literature Review

Research topic: ‘to what extent does leadership style impact on employees’ job satisfaction: in context of Marks Nigeria Limited’

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In existing business period, the organizational atmosphere is rapidly changing due to the economic and social instability. Thus, only those firms could persist, which are capable of dealing with changing the atmosphere, and capable to maintain motivated employee (Saleem, 2015). A leader could face major problem at the time of changing the policy of organization. An effective organization could be created by both management approaches and good leadership. There are many problems which could be faced by leader in the execution of task. Therefore, it can be said that role of a leader is very complex at the working place (Goleman, 2017).  There are certain leadership styles that are used by leaders in the working place like transformational, laissez-faire, and transactional leadership styles. These leadership styles could play an imperative role in the organization success. The team member, manager, and leader could play an imperative role in an organization (Mathieu, Neumann, Hare, and Babiak, 2014). Furthermore, it is also analyzed that when team member used transactional leadership style then they could consider reward and punishment structure. In this, team manager provides reward to encourage the performance of the employee and punish them for bad behaviour. This leadership styles could lead the employee in the right direction for completing the organizational goal (Nanjundeswaraswamy and Swamy, 2014). This study demonstrates impact of leadership style on employee’s job satisfaction level.

The working culture of Nigerian is collectivistic and concentrates on making an effective relation with employees at the working place. The research subject is to address the degree of leadership style impact on the employee’s job satisfaction level: a case of Marks Nigeria Limited It is obligatory for the organization to enhance their understanding about leadership styles for getting a competitive benefit (Leroy, Anseel, Gardner, and Sels, 2015). It is complicated for leader to improve growth of business at the global level. It could aid an organization to make a distinguish image in the consumer’s mind. Moreover, an effective leadership style could support to inspire workforces towards their work as it would help to enhance financial performance of company (Demirtas and Akdogan, 2015).  Many companies imply different leadership styles to motivate workforces and enhance their abilities for improving the firm productivity. Moreover, leadership style could be effective as it enables workforces to gain their new learning towards their working acts. It could aid workforces to accomplish their task in targeted time and cost (Laschinger, Wong, Cummings, and Grau, 2014).  Furthermore, leadership implication could enable workforces to improve their capabilities to obtain a large amount of profit. In the current period, company uses leadership style in their working place to create an effective communication for controlling unexpected occurrence. The organization could be supportive of inspiring workforces for improving their job satisfaction level (Collins, Burrus, and Meyer, 2014).  Moreover, a company could be capable of develop their internal capabilities to manage the unexpected situation and improve competitive benefit in the marketplace (Wang, Tsai, and Tsai, 2014). In addition, it is also evaluated that leadership is significant concept by which a company could improve their profitability. There is lack of research on the role of leadership styles in improving the employee job satisfaction level. Furthermore, there are many reasons that inspired research scholar to chosen this research problem like significance of research, data availability, and lack of study on this particular concern. It will support research scholar to obtain reliable and valid data in limited time and cost. This research enable reader and researcher scholar to gain their knowledge towards leadership style in employee job satisfaction.                 

Research Methodology

The main problem of this research is to determine the impact of leadership style on the employee job satisfaction level. In the existing business scenario, it is complicated for a company to enhance the job satisfaction level. The research study would support the research scholar and reader to gain their awareness towards the different kinds of leadership style on the employee job satisfaction level. Inappropriate use of leadership style could create an issue for the company to enhance their performance and inspire the workforces towards their job (Bateh and Heyliger, 2014). In addition, there are certain elements that could influence the organization performance. Moreover, effective leadership style could support the research scholar to increase the employee job satisfaction level inadequate time and cost. Furthermore, lack of knowledge about leadership style could create the major issue for the company to motivate the employees towards their goal as it would support to improve organizational performance (Men, 2014). The systematic execution of leadership style could favorably impact on the improvement of organizational performance. It is effective for the company to accomplish the specified goal and objectives. Moreover, leadership style could support the organization to accomplish the targeted task. The employee inspiration could be supportive in the perspective of business. The changes could be raised due to inappropriate organizational performance. Lack of job satisfaction could also force the leaders to make changes in the organizational rules (Keskes, 2014).  

Marks Nigeria Limited is a retail organization that established in 2002. It mainly concentrates on retail and advertising promotional products. It has more than 400 employees in their organization. It expands their business at the international level. The mission of this company is to provide premium product and services to their consumers with specified budget and time. Besides this, the vision of this company is to become a part of customer’s life.           

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The main aim of this research is to address the degree of leader5ship style impact on the employee’s job satisfaction level: a case of Marks Nigeria Limited. The following objectives will be accomplished to complete the specified research aim:

  • to explore the types, meaning, and the concept of leadership styles
  • to identify the impact of leadership style on employees’ job satisfaction: in context of Marks Nigeria Limited
  • to recommend the strategies to improve the leadership style, which can impact on employees’ job satisfaction: in context of Marks Nigeria Limited

This study critically analysis theoretical data towards the impact of leadership style on employee satisfaction, which support to gain understanding of reader and researcher. It is effective for an organization to enhance their knowledge and select an appropriate strategy in the context of the leadership impact on the employee satisfaction level. The leadership style plays an imperative role in the organization (Bateh and Heyliger, 2014). The best knowledge of leadership style could help to improve the organizational performance by inspiring the employee towards their specified goal. It could also imperative for the purpose of professional aim. A huge quantity of information is accessible about the research concern as it would also be imperative for reader and researcher (Collins, Burrus, and Meyer, 2014). This research concern could be imperative for research scholar in case researcher want to make their profession in HRM department (human resource management) in future.      

Data Analysis

The dissertation structure is used to complete research in an effective way. The dissertation structure is described as below:        

The first chapter of dissertation presents information about certain components like research background, research topic, research aim and objectives, research rationale, research background, research questions, and dissertation structure. It will support to gain understanding towards research concern. This section is crucial for demonstrating the research limitation that is faced by the research scholar during research (Herr and Anderson, 2014).  This part aids researcher to complete research aim and objectives and get a reliable outcome.    

The literature review parts helps researcher to critically analysis research issues and obtain accurate information. It could also critically analysis the research issue by applying models, concepts, and theories. The literature review could enable the researcher to collect theoretical data regarding research concern (Demirtas and Akdogan, 2015). A researcher has studied many books, articles, and journals as it helps to create conceptual knowledge about research concern. It is also crucial for the researcher to determine gap and build a base for using primary data collection method.             

The research methodology section aids researcher to gain their understanding about various techniques that will support to complete particular research aim and objectives. Moreover, there are certain techniques that are considered in the research methodology like research philosophies, research methods, data collection method, research strategies, sampling method, data analysis method, ethical consideration, and research limitation (Goleman, 2017).  It could be imperative for enhancing the rationality and consistency of research outcome. Moreover, the research methods could help researcher to meet their research aim and objectives.                 

This section helps researcher to examine collected data and obtain a reliable outcome. It enables researcher to segregate gathered data and identifies them for each objective. It also aids the researcher in managing data by considering an effective data analysis technique (Bateh, and Heyliger, 2014).  In this, the researcher will be able to demonstrate the information to get a valid outcome.             

Conclusion and Recommendation

In the dissertation, conclusion and recommendation is last section that aid researcher to summarize the whole study on behalf of findings. It develops a connection between research aim and objectives to obtain valid and reliable outcome (Demirtas and Akdogan, 2015).  It presents strategies for attaining the research aim and objectives. This chapter is significant to identify practical effect for directing future research study.

The literature review section supports researcher to enhance their knowledge towards the research matter by discovering new information (Blais, 2015). An effective literature review includes many sources like Journals, magazines, books, online and offline sources (McCleskey, 2014). Furthermore, literature review helps to determine data about the leadership style impact on employee job satisfaction level. It also develops knowledge towards relationship between leadership styles and employee job satisfaction level. This chapter also examines strategies that could support to improve the leadership styles to enhance the employee job satisfaction level. Furthermore, it is also examined that literature review section supports to offer the summary of the whole literature review.        

Conclusion and Recommendations

In the view of Urick and Bowers (2014) the leadership style is determined as a set of behaviours that team leader perform during teamwork. The leadership style could enable the organization to make an effective communication between team leaders and employee or subordinates. A leader could control, direct, and lead employee towards their work to attain their specified goal systematically. It is also stated that there are many factors that could be supportive to determine the leadership styles of leaders like a leader and subordinate characteristics and organizational atmosphere. In addition, it is also identified that personal traits of leaders like knowledge, values, experience could shape the feelings of an individual about leadership. It could also support to select appropriate leadership style in an organization. In addition, it is also found that different employee has different skills and knowledge as it would influence leadership style. Hence, an effective leader could understand the perception of an individual and imply the leadership style appropriately.

On the other side, Northouse, (2017) examined that leadership is also influenced by different factors like organizational values, climate, type of work, and composition of the work team. The leader could select their leadership style to direct their team member or subordinates as per the situation. Leadership is social inspiration procedure by which a leader could supervise subordinates to accomplish the organizational goal. An effective leader could be determined as the person who has ability to attract others for accomplishing specified goal. In the current scenario, the organization needs an effective leader who critically analysis the obstacles of the fast-changing international atmosphere. If the aim is highly structured and team leader has an effective relationship with subordinates then then could be capable to complete the specified aim and objectives and obtain a favourable result. Moreover, it is seen that democratic leaders involve group member in the discussion or decision making as it would enhance morality and interest of an individual.

In support of this, Keskes (2014) stated that a laissez-faire leader is unable to supervise the team member and fails to continue providing feedback to their team member. The highly experienced employees are slightly influenced by laissez-faire leadership style. Moreover, this leadership style declines productivity of workforces. The laissez-faire style demonstrates lack of efforts from managers and top executives as it could lead to poor construction, higher cost, and absence of control.  

Day, Fleenor, Atwater, Sturm, and McKee, (2014) argued that autocratic leadership style permits managers to make the decision independently without inputs of team members and employees. In this leadership style, administrator forces subordinates to blindly follow their instruction. It is also found that no one has power to change and deny the decision of autocratic leaders. This leadership is beneficial for those employees and team member who believed on close supervision. But at the same time, the creative employees detest this leadership style.                

According to Daft (2014), the participative leader gives values to their subordinates for making an effective relationship with them. They involve input of subordinates and peer to make an effective decision. This leadership style boosts morale of team member and subordinates because they are able to contribute to the decision making of the company. This leadership style demonstrates their respect towards the opinion of subordinates as it would be effective for making effective relationship with them. Moreover, if organization want to bring a change in policy and working culture of organization then participative leadership could be more effective as compared to another leadership style to accept changes. When an organization desires to make short-term changes in the working place then this leadership style could be more effective.   

In support of this, Sethuraman and Suresh (2014) examined that the transactional leadership is crucial for the organization because it facilitates to make a link between leader and subordinates for attaining the targeted goals. The transactional leader would demonstrate the relationship between performance and reward as it could support to encourage the subordinates to perform better at the working place. This leadership plays an imperative role in exchanging the relationship between administrative and employees. The transactional leadership inspires the employees by considering the reward structure, rule enforcement, and corrective actions. The leader could imply this leadership style to receive task to act and offer the reward and punishment to the employee as per their performance outcomes. The leader and team member could determine a goal, and the workforces agree to follow way and leadership style of the employee to complete the targeted task. The team leader possesses authority to review outcome and lead the employee when they fail to attain objectives. A leader could award their employee by monetary and non-monetary method to enhance their moral for accomplishing organizational task.        

Day, Fleenor, Atwater, Sturm, and McKee (2014) examined that transformational leader could concentrate on the enhancement of followers range. Managers who believe on transformational leadership style focus on improving the productivity of employees by enhancing their motivation level. They also concentrate on enhancement in moralities of employees as it would be supportive to get a positive outcome. The transformational leadership styles enable the leader and employees to raise one another for obtaining higher level of motivation and inspiration. It is also stated that transformational leadership styles also facilitate to make an effective communication among team members and leader for accomplishing the targeted goal. An effective communication and perceptibility could enable the leaders to gain the motivation level of employees and obtain positive result.  This leadership style considers the management to meet the organizational goal. A leader could motivate the employees of the organization as it would be supportive to improve the existing situation of the organization.     

According to the Daft (2014) job satisfaction is positive emotional state that is achieved by employees from their last job. It is defined as the attitude and feelings of individuals towards their occupation. Moreover, if an individual has a positive attitude towards their job, it demonstrates the job satisfaction. Beside this, when an employee has a negative feeling about their work then it shows job dissatisfaction. An effective leader could use certain methods to create job satisfaction at the working place. A leader could offer the flexible atmosphere in the working place to inspire workforce towards their work and enhance interest of people to accomplish their allocated work. The organization could use a reward system to inspire the workforce to work appropriately and accomplishment of organizational objectives.         

Blais, (2015) argued that the job satisfaction level could be affected by certain factors like personal, social, environmental, organizational, cultural factor. Furthermore, intrinsic factors and extrinsic factors could also support to classify the job satisfaction cause in the working place. The extrinsic and intrinsic factor, individual’s perception, social relationship, employee’s skills, and management quality could direct impact on the job satisfaction.      

As per the view of Goleman, (2017) leadership is the procedure where team leader attracts behavior of subordinates to accomplish the organizational objectives and goal. There is a positive relationship between leadership style and job satisfaction. The relation between job satisfaction and leadership style could be different from individual to individual. Moreover, an effective leadership styles enable the leader to enhance the level of job satisfaction among employees. In this way, employees are capable to perform better and could contribute to improve the existing situation of the company. In addition, it is also found that a leader who has aware to appropriate leadership style and believe in the leadership they could be capable to easily inspire their employee and enhance their job satisfaction level. As a result, the company could also be capable to improve their productivity and obtain a reliable result.

In support of this, Men (2014) explained that an organization could adopt effective leadership style to influence the productivity, commitment, and satisfaction level of employee. When an organization provides advancement and offer the opportunity to the employee for improving their skills then it would be supportive for workforces with respect to feel a higher level of satisfaction. In addition, an effective leadership is crucial for leaders because it enables employee to make a positive perception of the leaders and contribute their innovative ideas for the accomplishment of the organizational task. Leadership is observed as a crucial predictor of the job satisfaction. It transforms needs, goals, and interest of employees by inspiring them for targeted goal rather than concentrating on their individual objective.   

 In opposition to this, Nanjundeswaraswamy and Swamy (2014) stated that organizational culture could also influence the job satisfaction level of workforce. When an employee seeks that they are part of the team then it could be easier for the leader to directly lead them for accomplishing targeted task at specified time and cost. But at the same time when an employee is working in the individualistic cultures then leader give independence and opportunity for completing their task on their own way. Thus, it could enable the leaders to make an effective relation with them. The leadership framework could support to determine relationship between job satisfaction and leadership style.

According to Vermeeren, Kuipers, and Steijn, (2014), positive attitude of employees towards their team leader could support to get higher job satisfaction level. In addition, leaders concentrate on focusing on determining factors that could affect job satisfaction. Consequently, it could support to easily influence employees towards their work and get a reliable outcome. Moreover, the leadership behavior is positively related to the job satisfaction hence employee needed to select appropriate leadership behaviors for improving it. The leadership style directly impacts on certain factors like performance, stress, job satisfaction, and turnover intention. It will be imperative to the success of the organization. Furthermore, it is analyzed that inappropriate leadership style could affect the success and failure of the business. It is recommended that autocratic leadership directs to the lower level of job satisfaction.

In the view of Strom, Sears, and Kelly (2014) autocratic leadership style could lead to lower level of job satisfaction level while Democratic leadership supports to obtain higher job satisfaction level. Moreover, it is also addressed that the laissez-faire leadership style could also decline the inspirational level of employee. Moreover, laissez-faire leadership style could impact on different factors like high stress, a low commitment by followers, and low satisfaction as it would decline the performance of the company. An organization is needed to gain their understanding towards the different leadership styles to effectively implement it in the working place. It could also be supportive for easily inspiring the employee and gain their morality. Moreover, the higher morality and motivation level of an employee could influence the level of job satisfaction. Further, it is also found that every executive has their own style. Hence, every manager has used different leadership styles complete the task in the working place.

In support to this, Collins, Burrus, and Meyer (2014) stated that risk-taking, high-level ambition, and achievement of leaders are based on leadership style. In addition, it is also analyzed that leaders could consider many factors like trust, loyalty, high regard for relationships, and compassion for improving the situation of employee and lead them appropriately. Workers will perform better when they are positive, motivated by their leader. In addition, it is also addressed that moral integrity and humor is also crucial for an effective leader. Leader improves their skills for inspiring employee and accomplishes the targeted aim and objectives.

In opposition to this, Demirtas and Akdogan (2015) examined that there are three kinds of skills that are considered by effective managers like human, conceptual, and technical skills. These skills would help the manager to categorized characteristics of human skills for attracting the employee and obtain a favourable result. Moreover, it is also found that job satisfaction comes from the favourable experience of an employee with any job. The job satisfaction is measured by the work-related value of an employee. It is also found that when skills of employees fitted with the work act then it could enhance the job satisfaction level. The job satisfaction is also influenced by working atmosphere of the company.       

According to the Herrmann and Felfe, (2014), the leaders should need to develop their understanding about religious, families, and diverse cultural for attaining the specified goal of the company in targeted time and cost. The team member should also gain their awareness towards the leadership style, communication method, and presentation method due to mitigating the misunderstanding about the team. Moreover, adequate knowledge towards organizational culture could make enable the company to accomplish the organizational goal and get a reliable outcome.

In opposition to this, Al-Asfour and Lettau, (2014) explained that A leader of an organization should contribute their best in making a positive image in the working place without any biases. It is also examined that each member has different leadership style hence leader should be capable to manage with diverse culture of people for obtaining a realistic outcome. Leaders should use comprehensive approach for management as it would be effective to create additional skills regarding the development of trust, and relationship. Through this, leaders inspire the employee and obtain a favorable outcome. The leader should also imply the logical skills to directly attract workforces. As a result, employees could be capable to create a high level of managerial assurance and improve productivity level.

In support to this, Goetsch and Davis (2014) illustrated that the leader should also gain awareness about the role of leadership style on employee its importance for developing an effective vision for the future of each employee. Furthermore, leaders should be self-confident as it would be effective to boost the engagement of workforce at the working place.

Cooper (2015) argued that the organization could offer a vision to workforce and inspire them to accomplish the task of improving the productivity of workforce in the company. Leadership is a type of power in which an individual has the capability to attract the beliefs, attitudes, values, and behaviors of others. An individual who has used strong leadership style would a good role model at the working place. It could also support to motivate the employees towards their work (Day, Gu, and Sammons, 2016). The company could be capable to obtain a reliable outcome in targeted time. It is also found that a person who has a strong leadership style to attract others to achieving the objectives and goal of the company. It is also stated that the personal traits and characteristics of an individual could also support to determine the leadership style for an organization.

According to the McCleskey (2014), an effective leader has always given a clearer direction to their workforces and directs them to commit their work as a team to accomplish the organizational objectives and goals. Further, an effective leader has always a clear vision and mission for the company that will be supportive to eliminate the obstacles of organization and employees. In this way, an organization is capable to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of employees and firm for getting the positive result. It will also aid an organization to retain their position in the marketplace (Ramchunder and Martins, 2014).      

From the above discussion, it can be summarized that this chapter determines the role of leadership styles on the employee’s job satisfaction. It will help the organization to get competitive benefits. Moreover, it is also addressed that effective leadership style could favorably impact on improving employee job satisfaction level. It can also be concluded that different leadership styles could influence the performance of organization.

This chapter is supportive for offering depth understanding about methods, techniques, approaches to perform the research in an effective manner. This part is imperative for the researcher to accomplish specified research aim and objective with help of specified candidates. It would also support to obtain feasible outcome (Aaker and Joachimsthaler, 2012).  

The research onion framework includes many factors like research strategies, theories, and approaches that facilitate to select appropriate technique to collect feasible data towards current research concern. Moreover, the onion framework is applied for creating the depth understanding about the research modes (Dinh, et al., 2014). It could also support to gain the understanding about time horizons and data collection method as it would help to get the feasible data. The onion structure helps to build the knowledge with regards to a large number of research techniques and also aids to get the reliable result.

With the intention of this dissertation, an onion framework of research is implemented by an investigator to choose the feasible research technique and get an appropriate result. In addition, this structure could aid an investigator to assess the different methods and tools of research in depth.  

Research philosophy aids an investigator to develop their knowledge regarding research concern. The choice of the appropriate philosophy of research aids an investigator to assess the technique of evaluation, data collection, and execution of investigation process (Goleman, et al., 2013). There are certain sort of research philosophies, which has been used by a researcher named positivism, interpretivism and realism philosophy of research. In this way, a positivism philosophy is implemented to gather the factual information as per the observation. It also enables an investigator to consider the truth according to statistical information. Moreover, the realism philosophy is focused on the belief of a person and a reality, which is presented in the atmosphere (Nahavandi, 2016). The interpretivism philosophy aids an investigator to generate the deep understanding with regards to research concern by pooling the beliefs and ideas of respondents. It is also support for a research scholar to arrive at the valid conclusion associated with research issue.

It is also stated that epistemology is a tool to gather data associated with research issue. It is based on question i.e. ‘how do we understand’. It considers the validity of senses, nature of aspects, logical reasoning, building concepts, all mental things, emotions, memories, ideas, and thoughts. It is also associated with how the mind of people is related to reality and whether these relations could be valid or invalid (Northouse, 2012). For this research, interpretivism research philosophy is used as it improves the quality of research. The key cause of practising this philosophy is that it is associated with logical situation of idealism. This research concern also relies on subjective nature as an investigator has used this strategy to create theoretical data (Selznick, 2011). As opposed to this, positivism research philosophy has not been used by an investigator due to subjective nature of research.   

The research approach is significant to determine specified research methods and design for accomplishing research objectives. Research method enables the researcher to present their data in an effective way (Wheatley, 2011). The research approach considers two kinds of methods like deductive and inductive approach. It will enable the researcher to justify the use of specified data collection method to conduct the research. Hence, it is essential for the researcher to obtain depth understanding about research methods. The inductive approach is used to access conceptual data towards research matter that is appropriate with interpretive philosophy. In contrast, a deductive approach is implemented to develop the research hypothesis in the context of research matter (Johannsdottiret al., 2015). This method enables the research scholar to accept and reject the research hypothesis on behalf of research issue by including appropriate theories. The inductive approach is flexible as compared to deductive approach because there is no need to develop any hypothesis in the context of research issue. For this research study, the deductive approach is implied over the deductive approach, because this approach aid researcher to collect conceptual information about research matter. For this, research scholar is capable to obtain reliable and valid research outcome. The deductive approach is suitable with positivism philosophy that is not appropriate for this research study (Klettner, et al., 2014). In this, there is no need to develop hypothesis hence the researcher has used inductive approach rather than deductive approach.       

The research design plays a crucial role in conducting the research study. There are different methods that are included in the research study such as exploratory, causal research designs, and descriptive (Bryman, 2013). The research design could also support researcher to make effective research structure. The research design supports research scholar to conduct a research study. It also assists the research scholar to make an effective plan about research issue and facilities them to response several questions towards research matter. There are two kinds of research design that are considered in the research study of qualitative and quantitative research design (Daft, 2014). Qualitative research design concentrates on getting factual information by considering statistical technique. Qualitative research design enables to obtain views and opinion of research participants towards the research issues. This method also helps researcher to obtain depth understanding about research matter. In this research study, the researcher has practiced mixed data collection method to conduct the research and obtain the reliable result in the context of current research issue. From this way, the qualitative research method will be used by the researcher to obtain conceptual information about the styles of leadership and its impact on the employee satisfaction level. Besides this, the qualitative approach is effective for obtaining statistical information about research matter. Through this approach, researchers attain their specified research aim and objectives in limited time (Dubrin, 2011).    

The research strategy support research scholar to evaluate the data collection process as it enables to conduct research matter. There are many methods that are considered by the researcher to collect appropriate information like survey, literature review, case study, and focus group (Dubrin, 2012). In this study, the researcher has used survey through questionnaire method to obtain opinion and understandings of research candidates about research concern. Through this strategy, the investigator will be able to get accurate data with respect of research concern. Moreover, this approach is used to evaluate the targeted research concern within the borders of organization (Exantus, 2012). In this research study, the researcher has used the descriptive case study as its supports to assess the cause and effect relationship between leadership styles and employee satisfaction. It will support to evaluate the key problem about the research study. Apart from this, the researcher has also used literature review to attain the objectives of the research. From evaluation of literature review, the researcher will use many sources of literature review such as offline sources and online websites, reference book, journal article, offline sources, books, and magazines (Fairhurst and Connaughton, 2014). This method allows the researcher to create conceptual understanding towards leadership styles and its impact on the employee’s satisfaction. Through this method, research is capable to get a reliable result in the context of specified research issue.

The data collection method enables the research scholar to choose suitable tools and techniques in the context of the research matter. The data collection method facilitates researcher to develop depth understanding towards research concern. It will also support to get a reliable summary about research issue (Hackman and Johnson, 2013). The data collection method considers certain methods like primary and secondary data collection method. The primary data collection method supports researcher to obtain fresh information about current research matter. In this, researcher practiced certain methods such as observation, interview, and survey method. But at the same time, secondary data collection method enables the researcher to get information from existing sources. The secondary data collection method considers many sources to obtain the accurate information about research issue like academic journals, books, online and offline sources, magazines, and academic. This research is based on “role of leadership style in the employee’s satisfaction (Hargreaves and Fink, 2012). The research scholar uses both data collection method like primary and secondary data collection. It will enable the researcher to obtain a reliable result. The primary data collection method supports researcher to create direction with the research participants with respect to comprehend their opinion towards the impact of leadership styles on the employee satisfaction. Apart from this, the secondary data collection method is crucial to creating depth knowledge about the issue (Humphrey, 2013). In this, research scholar is unable to improve the accuracy of research result. The primary data collection method is crucial for getting the opinion of research participants towards the role of leadership style on the employee’s satisfaction.                                        

The sampling method helps to identify approved sample size for conducting a research study and get a reliable outcome. The research participants are selected to obtain their opinion about research matter. It aids the research scholar to get favorable outcome (Iqbal, 2011). There are many sampling methods that are considered by the research scholar to obtain favorable results like probability sampling and non-probability sampling method. These techniques help researchers to get reliable and valid research result in the context of research matter (Jeon, et al., 2015). The probability sampling method facilitates research scholar to choose research candidates for conducting a research study. This approach enables research scholar to obtain a favorable outcome. In contrast to this, non-probability sampling method enables the researcher to choose the research candidates on the basis of gender, age, education, and experience (Kano, 2013). For this research study, research scholar will use probability sampling method with random sampling as it allows to get a reliable result. Moreover, this method eliminates biases from the research study. The probability sampling method supports the research scholar to choose the research participants for the performing online survey (Kouzea, et al., 2012).  In this dissertation, 50 workforces of Marks Nigeria Limited are selected to collect their opinion towards the role of leadership styles in the employee satisfaction. This method permits the researcher to directly converse with employees and obtain valid data to accomplish the targeted aim and objectives of research matter.    

It is significant for the researcher to examine gathered information by including suitable data analysis method. It is significant for collecting reliable outcome about research concern (Latham, 2014). There are certain methods that are considered in the data analysis method such as disclosure analysis, conversational analysis, thematic/content analysis, and statistical analysis in order to make a reliable summary in context of research matter. The researcher has used the statistical method in order to examine the collected data (Lussier, and Achua, 2015).  For this research study, MS-excel software is used by researcher through different bar diagram, pie charts, and graphs.  It is crucial for attaining the specified research aim and objectives (Miner, 2015). This software supports researcher to develop a better understanding about the role of leadership style on the employee satisfaction level.   

The researcher focuses on the specific elements to meet targeted research aim and objectives of the research. These elements are like resources, cost, and time (Mokhtar, et al., 2015).  Furthermore, the specified time period make a boundary for the researcher to complete their task as it would impact on the quality of research outcome. But at the same time, it can also be said that lack of cost and resources could and influence the outcome of research. Hence, it can be said that research has concentrated on such factors to obtain the reliable result (Northouse, 2012).       

In the research study, ethics means accomplishing research objectives. The research scholar is used norms of the university to get a valid outcome. This approach also helps the researcher to choose suitable behavior in terms of attaining the research aim and objectives (Parks, 2013). There are certainly ethical issues that could be faced by researchers such as data manipulation, copyright act’s violation, and plagiarism. It will directly impact on the quality of research outcome. In contrast, the researcher is implied specific language for evaluating their gathered data as it could be effective to mitigate the probability of similarity in the research (Ricketts, and Ricketts, 2010). Through this, research scholar is able to gather responses from their targeted research participants to accomplish the research aim and objectives. In this, the research scholars used ethical norms and keep the validity and reliability of data. Through the ethical norms, researcher maintains confidential information of research participants during the research as it would support to make a robust relation between research participants and researcher (Schein, 2010).        


From the above discussion, it can be concluded that the research methodology aid researcher to collect appropriate data towards research matter. In this, the researcher used many techniques, approaches, and strategies in order to determine the role of leadership style on employee’s satisfaction. In this, the research scholar would be able to get reliable data in terms of research matter. Apart from this, ethical norms could enable the researcher to conduct their research in an appropriate manner.

Survey through questionnaire is obtained on 50 employees of Marks Nigeria Limited. In this survey through a questionnaire, research scholar asked questions related to demographic factors and research objectives for accomplishing the aim and objectives of the research.    

The survey through questionnaire is gathered from a different workforce of Marks Nigeria Limited, which has different age, experience, and gender. The following outcome is obtained by survey through a questionnaire:

Table 1: Gender       


No. of responses





Chart 1:

From the above chart and table, it is stated that researcher is selected equal members of participants to conduct their research. Research scholar selects a combination of gender due to eliminating biases form research study as it supports to obtain a reliable result.    

Table 2: Age


No. of responses







41 or more


Chart 2: Age

From the above chart and table, it is analysed that 22 out of 50 participants are selected from the age group of 26-30 that is the highest number of participants. Researchers also select 4 out of 50 respondents who have more than 41 years of age group.  

Table 3: Experience


No. of responses

Less than 1 years


1-5 years


 5-10 years


 10 years and above


Chart 3: Experience

From the above table and chart, it is stated that 21 out of 50 respondents have more than 5-10 years of experience in same industry. The researcher has selected 5 respondents who have less than 1 year of experience in the same industry that is the minimum amount. Researcher mainly concentrates on employees who come between 5-10 years due to getting a reliable and valid result.

In this survey through a questionnaire, the researcher asked the questions related to meaning and concepts of the leadership style. In this, the researcher asked to participants towards the role of leadership styles in the employee’s satisfaction and strategies that could support to select appropriate leadership style in the organization. The following outcome is obtained by survey through a questionnaire:

The following chart and table demonstrate respondent’s responses which could be related to the initial objective of the research study. In the survey through a questionnaire, the researcher asked to research participants towards the leadership styles. The following result is obtained by this question:

Table 4:

leadership style

No. of responses

Strongly Agree








Strongly disagree


Chart 4:

From the above table and chart, it is analyzed that 20 out of 50 respondents are agreed with the same statement. They believed that the leadership style is determined as a pattern of behaviors that team leader display during performing the task by others. Besides this, 21 out of 50 participants disagree with the same statement.  

Table 5: Intrinsic factors and extrinsic factors   

In this survey through a questionnaire, the researcher asked to research participants that intrinsic factors and extrinsic factors could support to classify the job satisfaction cause in the working place. The following outcome is obtained by survey through a questionnaire:     

intrinsic factors and extrinsic factors affect job satisfaction

No. of responses





Chart 5:

From the above table and chart, it is stated that 40 out of 50 respondents seeks that intrinsic and extrinsic factors could be major factors that impact on job satisfaction in the working place. While, 10 out of 50 research participants disagree with this statement. Hence, it can be examined that extrinsic and intrinsic factor could be an important factor that will influence satisfaction level of employee. It would also support to improve the performance of the organization.      

Table 6:

In this questionnaire, the researcher asked to the research participants related to the significance of leadership in the employee satisfaction. The following outcome is obtained by survey through a questionnaire:   

leadership is social inspiration procedure

No. of responses

Strongly Agree 








Strongly Disagree


Chart 6:

From the above table and chart, it is analyzed that 31 out of 50 respondents seeks that the leadership is social inspiration procedure by which a leader could supervise subordinates to accomplish the organizational goal. Besides this, 19 out of 50 respondents disagree with this same statement. Hence, it is evaluated that leadership is an asocial inspirational way by which a leader could inspire the employee for accomplishing the organizational goal.   

Table 7:

In this survey through a questionnaire, the researcher asked to respondents that an effective leader could be determined as the person who has the ability to attract others to act so as to accomplish the specified goal. The following result is obtained by survey through a questionnaire:   

an effective leader influence others

No. of responses

Strongly Agree 








Strongly Disagree


Chart 7:

From the above table and chart, it is analyzed that 36 out of 50 respondents seeks that effective leaders could be a person who has the ability to attract others for accomplishing the organizational goal. Apart from this, 14 out of 50 respondents were not agreed to this statement. Hence, it is illustrated that an effective leader has the ability to inspire their team member or employees for accomplishing the organizational goal in limited time and cost.        

Table 8:

positive relationship amid leadership style and employee satisfaction

No. of responses

Strongly Agree 








Strongly Disagree


Chart 8:

From the above table and chart, it is analyzed that 40 out of 50 respondents are agreed to this statement that there is a positive relationship between leadership style and employee satisfaction. Besides this, 8 out of 50 respondents disagree to the same statement. Thus, it is addressed that appropriate leadership style could enhance the performance of employee while inappropriate leadership style could dissatisfy the employee that could negatively impact on employee and organization. Thus, it demonstrates the relationship between employee’s satisfaction level and leadership styles.       

Table 9:

In this survey through a questionnaire, the researcher asked to research participants that the effective leadership style is significant for retaining current employees and influence productivity, commitment, and satisfaction level of employee. The following outcome is obtained by survey through questionnaire method:

effective leadership style is significant for retaining current employees and influence productivity, commitment, and satisfaction level of employee

No. of responses

Strongly Agree 








Strongly Disagree


 Chart 9:

From the above and table and chart, it is analyzed that 38 out of 50 respondents seeks that effective leadership style is imperative for the retaining existing employees and improve their productivity, commitment, and satisfaction level of employees. Besides this, 12 out 50 participants disagree with this statement. Thus, it is analyzed that effective leadership style could enable team leader to satisfy their team member, which will be supportive to retain employee and improve their productivity in limited time and cost.   

Table 10:

In this survey through a questionnaire, the researcher asked questions to the research participants that positive attitude of employees towards their team leader could support to get higher job satisfaction level. The following outcome is obtained by survey through a questionnaire:

the positive attitude of employees towards their team leader

No. of responses





Chart 10:

From the above table and chart, it is analyzed that 70% of respondents seek that positive attitude of employees towards their team leader while 30% of them disagree with this statement. Thus, it is analyzed that if a team member has a positive attitude towards their leader or team member as it could support to get higher job satisfaction level.      

Table 11:

In this survey through a questionnaire, the researcher is asked questions related to factors that could be considered by the team leader to influence employees. In this, the researcher asked that which factors could be considered by team leader like human, conceptual, and technical skills to attract the employees of the organization. The following outcome is obtained by survey through a questionnaire:

A factor considered by the leader to influence employees

No. of responses

Human Skills


Conceptual skills


Technical skills


All of the above


Chart 11:

From the above table and chart, it is analyzed that 23 out 50 respondents seek that human, conceptual, and technical skills could support the team leader to easily influence the employees for accomplishing their task. Hence, it is evaluated that human, theoretical, and technical skills are significant to attract the employees of an organization to attain organization goal.

Table 12:

In the survey through a questionnaire, the researcher asked a question related to the ways by which employee’s satisfaction could be improved at the working place. The researcher asked that a leader of an organization should contribute their best in making a positive image in the working place without any biases. The following outcome is obtained by survey through a questionnaire:     

a leader of an organization should contribute their best in making a positive image in the working place without any biases

No. of responses





 Chart 12:

From the above table and chart, it is analyzed that 35 out of 50 respondents seeks that a leader of an organization should contribute their best in making a positive image in the working place without any biases. While only 15 respondents disagree with the same statement. Hence, it is evaluated that this method could support leader to attract them in the least time and attain task of organization.     

Table 13:

In this questionnaire, the researcher asked that effective leadership style could influence satisfaction level of employees. The following outcome is obtained by this method:

effective leadership style could direct impact on the satisfaction level of employees

No. of responses

  Strongly agree








Strongly disagree


 Chart 13:

From the above table and chart, it is analyzed that 36 out of 50 respondents believed that effective leadership style could direct impact on employee satisfaction level. While, 14 out of 50 respondents disagree with this statement. Hence, it is evaluated that effective leadership could lead the employee in the right direction as it would satisfy employees towards their work. Consequently, it will help to improve the productivity of employees.      

Table 14:

In this survey through a questionnaire, the researcher asked to participants that an effective leader always gave a clearer direction. The following outcome is obtained by the same statement:    

an effective leader always given a clearer direction

No. of responses





Chart 14:

From the above table and chart, it is analyzed that 30 out of 50 participants seeks that an effective leader always gave a clearer direction to their team members for accomplishing their specified aim and objectives. While, 20 out of 50 research participants disagree from this statement.


From this questionnaire, the researcher asked to the participants that adequate knowledge towards organizational culture could impact on employee’s satisfaction. The following outcome is obtained by survey through a questionnaire:

adequate knowledge towards organizational culture

No. of responses

  Strongly agree








Strongly disagree


Chart 15:

From the above table and chart, it is analyzed that 40 out of 50 respondents believed that adequate knowledge towards organizational culture could direct impact on the employee job satisfaction level. While, 10 out of 50 research participants disagree with this statement.

Hence, it is evaluated that the adequate knowledge towards organizational culture could enable the team leader to lead the employees as per the norms of the organization. Consequently, it will help to enhance the satisfaction level of employees.

This section helps to determine findings that are collected by survey through a questionnaire. It enables research scholar to identify the findings for accomplishing the research aim and objectives (Zehndorfer, 2013). It could also support to identify the relationship between leadership style and employee job satisfaction. Furthermore, this section also supports to examine the collected data by considering MS-Excel software as it would be supportive to improve research outcome quality. It presents many questions with respect to demographic factor and research objectives. Moreover, it is found that collected information is measured by literature review for accomplishing the research aim and objectives.         

As per the data analysis, it is addressed that a large number of the research participants believe that leadership could be a way of behaviour that is presented by team leader on the front of the team during the teamwork. These findings are supported by the view of Schein, (2010) as it is stated leadership style is identified as the pattern of behavior that is performed by the leader in the team for accomplishing the goal. The leadership style could also provide an effective communication way to directly communication with team leader and employees to accomplish the task of organization. The organizational atmosphere and subordinates characteristics could influence the leadership style.         

From the assessment of survey through questionnaire, it is also addressed that a large number of candidates believe that intrinsic factors and extrinsic factors could support to classify the job satisfaction cause in the working place. These findings are favoured by the opinion of Smith et al. (2015) as it is illustrated that leader create a friendly atmosphere at working place in the company to motivate employees for enhancing the interest of employees towards their work. The leader could use reward structure to motivate the employee for work appropriately and attain the organizational objectives. It is also found that the job satisfaction level of employees influenced by certain factors like social, environmental, personal, organizational, and cultural factor. Moreover, intrinsic factors and extrinsic factors could major factor for determine employee satisfaction level at the working place. The extrinsic and extrinsic factors perception of the individual, employee’s skills, social relationship, and management quality as it would influence job satisfaction level. From data analysis, it is also addressed that research participants believe that leadership is social inspiration procedure by which a leader could supervise subordinates to accomplish the organizational goal.

These findings are supported by view of Spillane (2012) as examined that there are certain factors like climate, type of work, values, and composition of the work team that could affect leadership style. The leader could select their leadership style to lead their employees for accomplishing the organizational goal. Leadership style is community inspiration process wherein a leader could motivate team member to attain organizational objectives. Moreover, an effective leader could be an individual who has the capability to influence others for accomplishing the specified objective. In the recent area, the organization needs to appoint an effective leader for operating their business activity and obtain a reliable result.    

As per the data analysis, it is discovered that research participants seek that an effective leader could be determined as the person who has the ability to attract others to act so as to accomplish the specified goal. These discoveries are supported by the observation of Stewart (2010) as it is examined that an effective leader could be a person who has the capability to easily influence others for accomplishing the organizational goal. The effective leader could support to critically evaluate problems of business at the global level. Moreover, if the goal of the organization is structured and team leader has an effective relationship with employees as it would support to accomplish the specified aim and objectives and get a positive outcome.

From the above data analysis, it is discovered that most of the research candidates believe that there is positive relationship amid leadership style and employee satisfaction with respect to both non-financial and financial rewards.

These findings are supported by the opinion of Tourish (2013) as it is examined that leadership is the process by which leaders could attract behavior of employees towards the accomplishment of the organizational goal. The relation between job satisfaction and leadership style could vary from person to person. Furthermore, the effective leadership helps to improve the job satisfaction between employees.

It is also addressed that most of respondents believe an effective leadership style is significant for retaining current employees and influence productivity, commitment, and satisfaction level of employee. It is also examined that research candidates believed that positive attitude of employees towards their team leader could support to get higher job satisfaction level.

These findings are favoured by the interpretation of Tschannen-Moran. (2014) as it is stated that positive attitude of the workforce could support to obtain higher job satisfaction level. Moreover, the leader has needed to determine the factors that could affect the job satisfaction level. Moreover, it could be supportive to simply attract the employees for accomplishing their work in the least time and cost. Furthermore, leadership behavior is associated with improving satisfaction level of employees by creating their interest. Hence, it analysed that leadership behavior could direct impact on different elements such as turnover intention, job satisfaction, and stress.        

From the data analysis, it is found that research participant believe that there are certain components that are considered by the leader to attract employees like personal characteristics, appropriate, technical skills, and appropriate leadership style.     

These findings are favoured by the opinion of Verba (2015) as it is inspected that there are many components that could be included by a leader such as technical, conceptual, and human skills. These skills could support to determine features of human skills for influencing the workforce and get a favorable outcome. Furthermore, it is also addressed that job satisfaction comes from the positive experience of an employee with their job. The job satisfaction is associated with the value of employee’s work.          

As per the data evaluation technique, it is illustrated that research candidates believed that a leader of an organization should contribute their best in making a positive image in the working place without any biases. These findings are supported by opinion of Wills (2013) as it is explained that a leader of an organization could contribute their best effort in making an effective relationship with employees without any biases. It is also found that each employee has different leadership style, therefore, it is mandatory for the leader to select appropriate leadership style for accomplishing the task of organization. It will also support to obtain the reliable and valid result in the context of research matters. The leader should also use comprehensive approach for their team member as it would support to develop trust and relationship. This approach motivates an employee for accomplishing research objectives. The leader should use logical skills to attract the employees and obtain a reliable outcome. Consequently, employees could be able to accomplish their organizational task in less time.

On the basis of data analysis, it is investigated that research candidates believed that effective leadership style could direct impact on the satisfaction level of employees. Hence, it is analyzed that leaders should use the effective leadership style for improving the satisfaction level of employees and obtain a reliable result.  

These findings are favoured by interpretation of Mackey and Gass (2015) as it is examined that the leadership is the process by which a team leader lead their team members towards their assign work to accomplish in a systematic matter and obtain a reliable result. It is found that there is a positive relationship between job satisfaction and leadership style. The individual has different characteristics hence their leadership style could also be different, which will directly impact on employee satisfaction. Furthermore, an effective leadership helps to improve the level of job satisfaction among the team members. Through this, the employee is capable to contribute their best in the accomplishment of the organizational goal. Moreover, it is also found that leaders should gain the awareness towards the leadership style for implying appropriate leadership style for motivating employees towards their work. Consequently, it will support to increase the satisfaction level of employees in the least time and cost. It will also help to improve the productivity of the company and get a reliable outcome. As per the data of survey through a questionnaire, it is analysed that that a research candidates believed that an effective leader has always given a clearer direction to their workforces and directs them to commit their work as a team to accomplish the organizational objectives and goals.

The collected information are supported the opinion of Flick (2015) as it is described that an effective leader always provides clear direction to their employees and lead them to commit their allocated work, which will be imperative to attain research aim and objectives. Moreover, an effective leader has always a clear mission and vision to their organization as it would be effective for eliminating problems of the working place. Through this, the company is able to enhance their effectiveness and efficiency of workforces for the obtaining favorable outcome. It will also assist the organization to retain their image in the marketplace and make a positive image in consumers’ mind.     

With respect of survey through questionnaire, it is also discovered that a large number of research candidates believed that adequate knowledge towards organizational culture could enable the leader to accomplish an organizational goal and get a reliable outcome.

These findings are supported by the view of Panneerselvam (2014) as it is illustrated that leaders should need to create their understanding towards families, diverse cultural, and religious as it would be supportive to accomplish the specified objective of the organization. A leader should use effective communication method to make a reliable relationship with employees and easily complete their assign work. Furthermore, adequate understanding towards the culture of organization could support to attain the specified aim and objectives. The leadership style could impact on high-level ambition, risk-taking, and attainment of the organizational goal. Moreover, it is also found that an effective leader could consider many components like loyalty, high regard for relationships, trust, direct, control, and organize behavior of employees. The leader will perform better if they are positively motivated by their leader. Moreover, it is also found that moral integrity is also imperative for the leaders to influence others and attain the organizational goal. Leader concentrates on motivating workforce to accomplish specified objectives and aim. The leader could enhance their knowledge towards the role of leadership style on workforces and their significance for creating an effective mission and vision for the workforce (Vaioleti, (2016). Moreover, the leader might be self-confident as it could be imperative to manage the activity of employees and lead them appropriately. The organization should make vision and mission to their employees discuss with them to get higher success. Leadership could be kind of power wherein a person is capable to influence beliefs, values, attitudes, and behaviors of others. A person who is used strong leadership style could be a good role model at the organization place. It would also help to inspire workforces about their work (Taylor, Bogdan, and DeVault, 2015).           


With respect of above argument, it can be summarized that leadership style is identified as the pattern of behavior that team leader performs on the front of others. It is also illustrated that the leadership style enables the leader to use an effective communication method and lead them to attain their specified aim and objectives. The organizational environment and employees features could also impact on the employee job satisfaction. It can also be summarized that there are two factors that could support to the leader for determining the employee job satisfaction level like extrinsic and intrinsic factors. It is also addressed that the leadership is a social process wherein the leader could manage their subordinates to attain the organizational objective. It can also be examined that an effective leader is an individual who has the capability to influence others for accomplishing their specified goal.  

From the above, it can also be summarized that there is positive relationship between employee satisfaction and leadership style. Consequently, the financial and non-financial rewards support the leaders to enhance employee satisfaction level of employees. It is also summarized that an effective leadership style is imperative for retain current employees at the working place and attract new employees by enhancing job satisfaction of workforces. It can also be summarized that positive attitude of workforces towards their team leader could support to obtain higher job satisfaction. Consequently, it could be supportive to improve the productivity of employees. It can also be illustrated that there is a certain factor that is considered by leaders to influence other like human, conceptual, and technical skills. It could support to enhance satisfaction level of employees and get a reliable outcome.       

With respect to above discussion, it can be concluded that leaders of the company contribute their best in developing a favorable image in the organization without any biases. It can also be summarized that effective leadership style support to improve employee satisfaction level. In addition, it can also be summarized that an effective leader could always give clear direction to their employees and lead them to attain their organizational goals and objectives. It can also be found that the leaders should gain their knowledge towards the organizational culture to attain organizational goal and objectives and obtain a reliable outcome.   

On behalf of above discussion, it can be suggested that modeling behaviors are an effective way to inspire the employees towards their work and maintain professionalism in the workplace (Silverman, 2016). The standard process of employee professionalism could support to improve the performance of employees as it would support to enhance job satisfaction level of employee. Furthermore, it is also analyzed that employees would be more capable to exceed job expectations when they have a sense of superiority in their work. Moreover, leaders should praise workforces for their effort as it would be effective to attain the organizational goal (Lewis, 2015). Leaders should also offer the regular feedback to their employees as it would support to improve their leadership style and obtain a reliable outcome. Another strategy that is used by researcher is that they use reward system by which they provide a monetary and non-monetary reward to their employee who performs better at the working place. The reward structure could motivate the employees and enhance their satisfaction level as it would be effective to retain employees at the working place for long-term (Mackey and Gass, 2015). In addition, a leader should also work together with the workforces to make plans that will support to increase sets of skills and make them for a future role in the company.

The appropriate leadership style supports a leader to increase the interest of employees towards their work for accomplishing the task of organization. Moreover, leadership style could also support to improve the satisfaction level of employees by making the friendly atmosphere at the working place (Blumberg, Cooper, and Schindler, 2014). Moreover, it is also addressed that leaders should also communicate with the workforce on a frequent basis for mitigating their issues and makes a reliable relationship with them. A leader should aware employee towards their working policy, job expectations, and organizational change as it would support to eliminate problems of employees and get higher profit (Choy, 2014). In addition, employees feel unimportant if they have lack of communication skills. Moreover, the organization is needed to share their significant data to their employees for accomplishing business objectives. It also supports to exchange ideas between manager and employees. The study addressed that there are different factors that could negatively impact on the employee job satisfaction like a supervisor-employee relationship, laissez-faire leadership style, and lack of communication. It is also suggested that management of the company should need to develop a programme to engage employee towards their allocated work and enhance job satisfaction level (Gast, and Ledford, 2014). It is also found that a leader should create an effective relationship with employees as it could be supportive to decline absence of employees and the employee job satisfaction. A leader should use an effective training and development method to improve skills of employees, which could be significant to obtain a reliable outcome. It is also found that the negative experience of employees could decline their performance hence leader should use transactional leadership style as compared to another leadership style because it enables the leader to use rewards structure and motivate the employees for attaining the organizational goal (Matthews and Ross, 2014). The organization should use set examples of behavior for making a positive image in employee’s mind. Consequently, it will support to improve the leadership style at the working place. A leader could perform better on the front of employees for making positive image employee’s mind and train them appropriately. It is the best way to influence workforces towards their work. It is also suggested that leader should always listen to their employees for implementing open door policy. It is also suggested that a good leader listen to their employees and react in a fair manner, which will support to obtain a reliable result. It depends on the idea of leaders as it would critically analyze the behavior of employees. Through this, leaders will be capable to appropriately lead employees towards their work. It will also improve the job satisfaction level of employees (Smith, 2015).  

It is also suggested that leader should use moral and values to attract employees and improve their job satisfaction level. It is addressed that leader take a corrective action towards values that would decline the bad feelings of leaders. It could also support to improve the professional as well as the personal career of leader. In this, employee respects opinion and views of leaders. It will support to get higher success (Tarone, Gass, and Cohen, 2013). It is also suggested that positive attitude of leader could demonstrate a higher bright side of life. Employees are naturally influenced by leader if they have a positive attitude. The positive attitude of leader could make happier lives that will help to enhance the employee satisfaction level. The leader is also capable to attract the employees by exciting offers and possibilities.  

It is also recommended that improvement of communication skills could also support to enhance the job satisfaction level of employees. Moreover, it is also found that effective leadership could support leaders to make clear vision, and goals. It will be supportive for organization task of an organization (Taylor, Bogdan, and DeVault, 2015). It is also recommended that leader should listen to their employees for effectively deal with other. It is also suggested that leaders should improve their verbal, nonverbal, and listening skills for influencing others. An effective leader is a person who has the capability to influence others at least time and cost. It is also recommended that a leader should make a realistic plan for operating the business in a systematic way. Through the programme, an organization should comprehend the demographic profile of each individual. It could support to make better origination by enhancing the competitive benefits. It is also recommended that leaders should understand the star performers at the working place and compensated them accordingly as it would improve the morale of employee towards their work. Consequently, it will support improve the performance of employees and organization systematically. It is also found that there are two factors like work experience and education (Blumberg, et al., 2014). It will directly influence the job satisfaction level of employees. It is also found that the demographic factor could support to improve the performance of the organization. In this, the organization should consider many techniques like training and development method, recruitment of prospective employees, and performance management as it would support to improve the productivity of the organization. It is also recommended that organization should imply the managerial skills, appropriate leadership style, and retentions policy for retaining the employees and make a favorable relationship with them (Choy, 2014).  


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