Impact Of Leadership On Engagement And Wellbeing Of Employees At ICICI Bank

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The title of this project is “Impact of leadership on the engagement and wellbeing of employees at Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India bank”.  

ICICI Bank Limited (Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India) is an Indian multinational banking and financial service organization, which headquarter is established in Mumbai, Maharashtra. It is located in Vinukonda that is a town in Guntur district of the Indian state of Andhra Pradesh. In the year of 2014, it was the second largest bank in India with respect to assets and market capitalization. It provides a higher range of banking products as well as financial services for retail customers and corporate through a variety of delivery channel as well as particular subsidiaries in the field of venture capital, non-life,and life insurance, investment banking, and asset management. The bank presently has a network of 14417 ATMs and 4867 branches across India and has availability in 19 nations including the Indian nation. There are 81,548 employed in 2018 (ICICI Bank, 2018). 15 members of team has been working at this branch. I have selected this branch as here; I have done my internship in the past.  

The research field is associated with leadership that is sub division of human resource management. This field is selected due to my interesting topic. This research focuses on the key concern that leadership has an impact on the employee engagement and well-being of employees. It is assessed that there are different roles of a leader such as encouraging employees and provides the higher extent of satisfaction to them at the workplace. There is fact that leadership can help to engage the workforces via motivation and encouragement as well as offering the different benefits like training to improve their understanding and awareness (Ghosh, Rai, and Sinha, 2014). It is also addressed that leadership contributed to team work, coordination and effectively attain the task.

The problem is identified in ICICI bank is the lack of communication, lack of well-being initiative that affects the employees to engage in the workplace. This problem can directly affect the performance of the company (Popli, and Rizvi, 2015). Thus, this research would aid to understand the impact of leadership on the management of diversity within the workplace of ICICI Bank in Andhra Pradesh, India.

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The research aim is to evaluate the impact of leadership on the management of diversity within the workplace of ICICI Bank in Andhra Pradesh, India.

Research Problem

Research question(s)

RQ1: What is conceptual understanding about the leadership at the workplace?

RQ2: How leadership affects the wellbeing and engagement of employees at the workplace in the case of ICICI bank?

RQ3: What are the roles and responsibilities of a leader in ICICI bank?

RQ4: How leadership can be improved to engage and offering wellbeing tothe employees at the workplace?

According toUgwuOnyishi and Rodríguez-Sánchez (2014), leadership is intended to engage the workforces and also helps in their well-being at the workplace. However, there is a need to focus onthe goals of the companyand the industry. Furthermore, the structure of the company could be distinguished considerably in industry. Leadershipinvolves building affirmative action initiatives, offering to back to employees within an organization and addressing conflicts of workforces as per their traits and characteristics.

In support of this, ZareenRazzaq and Mujtaba (2015), leadershiphighly emphasizes on offering sensitivity training to workforces as it would aid to appreciate a workforce in a business environment. An organizational leader takes different steps and makes effective policies at the business atmosphere. Thus, a leader of the corporation plays a vital role in any type of training session. Workforces want to understand the state of the corporation. Hence, a leader plays a vital role to provide the direction to employees as it would lead to engaging the employees at the workplace.

According toNasomboon (2014), good leaders have significant verbal and written communication skills. It enables them toattain their accountabilities to interact with the workforces on a regular basis on diverse extent. A leader uses this proficiency for brainstorming, set objectives, share data, makes projects, become an effective manager, and leads the meeting.

In opposed to this, Stander De Beer and Stander (2015) evaluated that a leader can enhance the environment of creativity that could lead to innovation. For instance, when telling a workforce what needs to be done, the team leader can provide the resilience to permit the workforces in order to evaluate the techniques used for attaining task within the reason. By completing so, leaders can develop a new procedure that would be in favor of the well-being of employees.  A leader can empower the employees for making their own decisions. It builds the strong morale by motivating their workforces, supporting them, develops efficiently, and attains individual pre-determined goals as well as objectives.  

In the view ofPlatisReklitis and Zimeras (2015), a leader can solicit input, offers evaluation and feedback as well as provides positive criticism while required. In addition, an effective leader would support workforces in troubleshootingwork concerns, dealing with challenging customers and supporting them to focus on a favorable aspect of their performance. A leader can directly persuade the employee engagement by demonstrating concern for the well-being and health of employees.  It may also allow their workforces to interact openly and voice their ideas and praising employees to effectively perform the job.

Research Aim

On the other side, Nguyen Mai and Nguyen (2014) evaluated that there are different leaders who focus on resolving interoffice issues among employees. It can entail the accountabilities of listening to the concern of employees, supporting staffers in order to resolve the workplace and documenting the problematic areas. Leaders are essential to make the liaison between customers and employees while problems create, supporting for mitigating damage and smoothes over customer service concerns.

According toDoorley and Garcia (2015), leaders are charged with disciplining and reprimanding workforces while requiring. The procedure generally involves the accountabilities like setting enhancement goals, counseling and following up on problem field. In the case of the chronic extent of unprofessional behavior and poor performance, the leader can terminate the workforces while required.

In contrast to this, Mittal and Dhar (2015) argued that an effective leader leads their employees by giving example, and modeling the behavior that they expect to see from their employees. It involves the setting a workplace code of conduct, treating colleagues, behaving in ethical issues, customers and workforces with esteem. Good leaders follow their own policies, timely to work and appointments, meet the tasks on deadlines and also contributed to their best of their competency. A good leader would support others in order to build their talent and professional skills. It also involves the job shadowing, mentoring and delegating properlyincreasing level of accountabilities to proficient workforces. Moreover, a strong leader will act a sounding board for workforces, sharing information and advice as well as supporting continuing education as well as professional development.

In the view ofAmankwaa and Anku-Tsede (2015), a transformational leader applies their belief in the company’s vision in order to encourage the diverse staff for becoming more productive and work with respect to the goal of the company. The key cause of the transformational leader is to address the method in which a leader can get the whole employees on board with corporate planning as well as strategy. When the company is on the same page with the company vision, then it could attain the vision easier.

In support of this, Li Zhao and Begley (2015) assessed that the idea of a transformational leader is to arrive at each workforce and select the best one from them. An encouraging leader spends more time with theirevery employee to make employee’s task easier as well as supporting to generate plans to build the career of employees. This employee’s attention that is provided by transformation leader may aid to generate strong liaison between managers and workforces as well as helps to decline the turnover of employees.

Research question(s)

As per the view ofBelias and Koustelios (2014), while a leader encourages workforces to give their opinions on corporation concerns, then they will get a wide range of solution to select a feasible option. For involving in the decision making the procedure for the company, employees should be intimately entailed in how the company deals. Apart from this, participative leadership empowers workforces to use their creativity in order to build more productive work procedures and makes the company more effective. A leader can acquire a high range of solution to concern and enhances the feeling of teamwork at the workplace by practicing the transformation leadership style in order to get involve the employees in the decision making.

In contrast to this, De Spiegelaere et al. (2014) evaluated that business leader should keep them in against the discrimination and significantly provide the well-being to employees by executing and publishing workplace protocols and rules that are the same for every grievance. Workforce handbooks should clearly illustrate the company health well-being policies and anti-discriminatory policies. They should also provide employee’s protocol to follow while they feel there is a breach of the policy. Research should be unbiased with actions and documentation while required.

In support of this,Klettner Clarke and Boersma (2014) determined that a leader should demonstrate appreciation for employees as it would engage them at the workplace. Enhancing supportive atmosphere permits the workforces with special consideration in order to feel that managers remain sociable in the case of religious events, family emergencies, and other times of personal importance. Moreover, a leader can design the events that showcase the well-being and health of employees and can expand the understanding regarding the background of the company’s employees. These companywide events could support workforces to make feel more relaxed with observed difference within an organization. These events can motivate workforces to share their personal customs, insights as well as ethnic cultural backgrounds with fellow employees.

In this investigation, mix research design will choose for attaining the objectives of the investigation. Since, this investigation entails the features of both designing of the investigation. Quantitative research design would be implemented to assess the response of respondents. Moreover, to explain the association between leadership, and engagement and wellbeing of employees at ICICI bank, an investigator will implement a qualitative research design. Mixed research design will make competent an investigator for avoiding the obstacles of investigation that occurred at the time of the investigation. Since, this design would rely on theoretical as well as practical knowledge regarding how leadership engages and provides well-being of workforces at ICICI bank (Visser, and Tolhurst, 2017). Hence, mixed research design would feasible for assessing the association amid leadership, and engagement and wellbeing of employees at ICICI bank.  

Literature review

Under this investigator, the explanatory investigation is practiced for assessing the research concern over distinguish variable. It is also implemented for exercising the cause and effect association amid different variables that are essential for accomplishing the objectives of the investigation.

In this research, both techniques will be chosen by an investigator because of appropriateness to assess the impact of leadership on the engagement and wellbeing of employees at ICICI bank. Primary information will be gathered through conducting the survey with respondents. This type of information will have taken longer time,however, offers accurate as well as reliable information. Moreover, secondary data is gathered through a literature review (Klettner, Clarke, and Boersma, 2014). It will have taken minimum time as well as a researcher will gain in-depth knowledge regarding research issues.

In this research, 50 workforces from ICICI bank will be selected as a sample size. By using the email, an investigator will be sent the confirmation letter to each workforce to get the consent of respondent regarding research issue. After this, the questionnaire format will be sent to all respondents through e-mails. An investigator will appeal to each respondent to provide the responses within the specified time period (Belias, and Koustelios, 2014). It would support an investigator for acquiring the reliable and valid outcome regarding research issues.

Under this investigation, a probability sampling technique is chosen by an investigator to select the respondents to conduct the survey and to increase the depth knowledge about research concern. In such a sampling technique, a simple random sampling method would be selected where all participants would be selected on a random basis. This technique would be beneficial for offering equal chances to all respondent in the investigation (Amankwaa, and Anku-Tsede, 2015).

Under this dissertation, survey through questionnaire technique will be used by an investigator for gathering the belief of research respondents about the impact of leadership on the engagement and wellbeing of employees at ICICI bank. Furthermore, close-ended survey technique is significantly beneficial for an investigator to gather the information that supports to decline discrimination in work and increases research quality via pooling valid and reliable information. Moreover, survey technique is time and cost consuming;however, it provides more reliable and accurate results that make competent to an investigator in improving the validity of research outcome (Klettner, Clarke, and Boersma, 2014).

Under this investigation, a literature review is implemented as it demonstrated the views of different authors regarding the leadership and its impact on engagement and wellbeing of employees at ICICI bank. Moreover, this secondary data focuson different concepts and reasoning that are beneficial to address the outcomes. This approach has also enabled an investigator to assess eachaspect related to research concern. It is beneficial for acquiring a positive research outcome (Belias, and Koustelios, 2014).

An investigator maintains the privacy and confidentiality regarding participant’s data to avoid the ethical concerns from this research. In addition to this, guidelines of university and approaches associated with the code of conduct are implemented in this research that avoids ethical concerns. For eliminating the ethical concern related to plagiarism and manipulation, an investigator has collected the data from secondary techniques. This investigation is written by an investigator in their appropriate in-texting (De Spiegelaere, et. al., 2014).  


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