Impact Of Job Satisfaction On Employee Performance: A Research Methodology Approach
Research Philosophy
What Is The Advances School Effectiveness And Practice?
Research methodology is the systematic and theoretical analysis of method that is applied to the field of study. In order to conduct a specific research successfully, the researcher has to use methodological tools. Impact of job satisfaction on employee performance is the primary concern of this very specific study. In quest of collecting appropriate data and information about the importance of job satisfaction for motivating the employees towards good performances, the study used appropriate research philosophy, research approach and research design, sampling technique and sampling size. It has been observed that organizations have to face large number of employee turnover due to the lack of proper employee motivation. In this very specific research methodology chapter the study focused to collect appropriate data from the respondents. Respondents provided their own opinion why job satisfaction is needed for rendering the success of business. Different data analysis tools have been used for providing accurate and clear findings about the research issue.
In this very specific research, three primary tools have been used which are discussed below:
Research philosophy is the systematic method on how data is accumulated, evaluated and utilized. Based on the basic facts, knowledge and concept the research issue is evaluated by applying keen observation. Research philosophy is primarily constituted with three types including positivism research philosophy, realism research philosophy and interpretivism. Realism research philosophy is chosen in case of limited sample size. In interpretivism research philosophy, the researcher gets the scope of interpreting facts and concepts collected from keen observation (Neuman, 2013). This very specific study has focused to evaluate positivism research philosophy for evaluating data and information.
As per the views of positivists, observation is repeatable but the phenomenon is isolated. With the help of repeated observation, the researcher had evaluated the research issue from different perspectives (Lewis, 2015). In other word, with the help of this specific research philosophy, collected information was cross checked. Employees’ performance is highly based on their job satisfaction level. In order to evaluate this research issue the study focused to make keen observation by implementing positivism philosophy on how motivational factors can increase the performance level of employees.
Research approach is primarily based on theoretical database, be it existing theory or non-existing theory. Research approach is of two major types including deductive research approach and inductive research approach. Deductive research approach is highly dependent on existing theories and inductive approach is based on non-existing theory (Brinkmann, 2014). However, in this very specific study, the researcher has used deductive approach.
Research Approach
This very specific research issue includes the impact of job satisfaction on employee performance. With the help of deductive research approach, the study has evaluated research issue based on existing theories discussed in literature review (Flick, 2015). In addition, those specific theories help to identify the factors that affect on employee performance.
Research design is the systematic method of arranging the entire data collection technique in a systematic way. Research design is primarily constituted with three major types including descriptive research design, explanatory research design and exploratory research design. Based on the data collected from different resource explanatory research design helps to evaluate data and information from different perspectives (BNS & HV, 2013). Exploratory research is very much effective in evaluating information after exploring research issue. In this specific research design the researcher, get the scope of interpreting research issue. However, this very specific study has focused to select descriptive research design.
Descriptive research design helps in evaluating the research issue based on the collected data and information without any interpretation. This particular research design did not give the scope of interpreting data in different ways. Research did not give own opinion on the various components of research issue. Based on the collected information the research issue is described. Descriptive research design enables an individual to produce appropriate data and information without analyzing it. The researcher does not have that scope of interpreting necessary data from various perspectives. Panneerselvam (2014) stated that research findings and analysis should not be interpreted as it is not based on fact but on data.
Population is the set of element that is constituted with common characteristics. While collecting appropriate data and information researcher intends to involve those participants who are involved with the research issue. In order to identify the group of people associated with research issue the researcher has decided to use population for involving the respondents in order to gather information (Bauer, 2014). Sampling technique is the systematic method gathering appropriate data amidst large number of population. Sampling technique is of two major types including probability sampling technique and non-probability sampling technique. In this very specific study, non-probability sampling technique is used.
With the help of this specific sampling method, selective group of people directly associated with the research issue were involved for gathering information. In order to gather appropriate data only one supervisor from a particular hotel was selected. The point of view of this specific supervisor was collected on how job satisfaction leaves a major impact on the overall performance of employees (Choy, 2014). Supervisors are directly associated with the employees for directing them towards reaching the business goal. Therefore, this very specific research study has focused to use non-probability sampling technique for directly involving the supervisor.
Research Design
Data collection is the systematic method of gathering appropriate information and data from various resources. Data collection method is primarily constituted with two major ways that include primary data collection method and secondary data collection method. Primary data collection method helps the researcher to collect relevant information directly from the participants (Roberts, 2013). As a result, an immediate response can be gathered from the concerned respondents. On the other hand, secondary source of data collection technique acquires necessary information from different books, journals, websites, and magazines and so on. However, in this very specific study, primary data collection method is used for gathering direct response of the participants.
The most important reason of choosing primary data collection technique is to get an immediate response from the participants. Among quantitative and qualitative form of research work, the study has focused to use qualitative research work for making an in-depth interview session with organizational manager (Gale et al., 2013). Total 15 interview questions related to the research issue is prepared by involving 1 organizational manager. As per the approach of Spradely, interview questions should be directly associated with the research question. The researcher while forming the interview questions should focus on research objectives and research question primarily for evaluating the research issue from different perspectives.
Data analysis is the procedure of providing data findings with the help of appropriate analytical tools (Tong et al., 2012). In order to evaluate qualitative data analytical tool the study has focused to use open coding and axial coding. Open coding is the systematic data analytical method based on observed data in order to make an in-depth qualitative analysis (Reynolds et al., 2014). On the other hand, axial coding is the digression of core themes at the time of qualitative data analysis. With the help of inductive and deductive approach, this very specific study by using axial coding has analyzed core themes of research issue from different perspectives.
While conducting the entire study researcher had to follow proper ethics and values. While collecting appropriate data about the research issue the researcher did not force the respondents for providing information. In addition, data protection act is strictly followed throughout the entire research process. Without taking permission of the respondents, the researcher should not disclose any personal detail of the participants. Moreover, while selecting respondents the researcher took an unbiased decision by implementing anti-discriminating act.
Research process is not devoid of some of the major limitations. This particular study is not exceptional to that. The researcher due to the lack of time has focused on conducting qualitative form of research only. In order to make in-depth research method, the study could have focused to conduct an effective survey as well to gather immediate response from the participants. In addition, positivism philosophy is based on keen observation. The researcher could have used post positivism philosophy, which is based on observation with proper evidence.
As an effective research instrument, 15 interviews questions were made in order to communicate with the organizational manager directly. By communicating with the manager, the study has focused to evaluate on how job satisfaction is important for improving the performance level of the employees. (15 interview questions are attached in the appendix)
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