Impact Of ISO 9000 On Company Performance

Literature Review

A number of companies were not capable of ISO adaptation because they depend on the institutional environment. Thus, being involved in structural remorms, and organizational rationality with technological processes was the new law. These requirements have been numerous over the last ten years, especially as the economic importance of the quality system could be achieved by adopting. The system to measure the quality of the companies’ existence and the very competitive position in the installation of these systems of complete identification was capacity.

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The regulatory requirements of the International Organization (Terziovski, & Guerrero, 2014) have undergone a screening of the quality management system requirements of the resolution, currently around 900 000 ISO standard 9000-control companies (in 2007 (Cycle 17)) were certified worldwide (Christmann, & Taylor, 2006). Thus, an object-oriented institutional quality certification of ISO 9000 quality processes of institutional economic literature was to gain legitimacy and effectiveness as the most important thing. However, a limited number of studies with Chine firms have been done for ISO 9000 certification.

Interestingly, even at these levels, many companies have yet not received ISO 9000 certifications. However, the implications and output of the companies that adapt ISO 9000 were not equally comparable in all areas. Given that customer service was inconvenient for the management of product quality, which could improve the quality of monitoring services. the original development policies were more favorable to manufacturers. As a result, the logic of long experience in manufacturing companies will benefit from the experience of quality control.

Literature Review

However, the earlier study of ISO 9000 identity was based mainly on the manufacturing industry and was based on a relatively small number of companies. The innovation in the paper has been the comparitive analysis with all the aspects of the firms from different manufcaturing sectors (Hikichi, Salgado, & Beijo, 2017). The scholar has experimented with an original Chinese database that allowed to test ISO 9000 certification status and differentiation of the results was apparent in categorical grade of ISO.

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Quality, customer satisfaction, and competitive position were essential elements. Unfortunately, time management was rare, limited resources and the quality of knowledge was a barrier to maitain the quality of in a small company. As a result, supposition of small businesses reaching world-class quality often gets hit by practicality. By contrast, large companies and certified firms could invest in a proper way. Perrini, Russo, Tencati, & Vurro (2011) argued that large companies will continue to improve their value compared to small firms due to level of compact design.

Empirical Findings

The affordable cost provides competitive advantage over contenders, according to Fonseca (2015) quality control was based on the traditional economic model (ECL). There was a balance between the cost of prevention and assessment and the internal and external costs of failure. From a point of view, the optimal ECL has a marginal cost, the marginal faulty cost was equal to the value. In the said work the survey trends were reflected, which indicated that  ISO compalint firms increased gradually within the time period of 1993 to 2013.

Source: Fonseca, 2015

The impact of the 713 sample performance for the Spanish manufacturers on the company was valuated. Preliminary methodological were utilized to investigate the effectiveness of structural education, and it was concluded that ISO 9001/2000 certified companies were less effective than certified ISO 9000/1994 or non-certified companies. However, it was found that ISO 9001/2000 certified companies use TQM systems at a higher level than ISO 9000/1994 certified companies, but were not sure whether they work better (Martínez-Costa, Choi, Martínez, & Martínez-Lorente, 2009).

The source data on the research of French companies was utilized to analyze the existence of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 9000 certification between the manufacturing sector and the tertiary sector. Through an empirical approach, results reflected that ISO 9000 determinants differ significantly from production and service companies, in particular by examining the characteristics of improving quality, cost reduction, and innovation.

However, it was also proved that the characteristics of the company and the satisfaction of their external strategies play an important role in the ISO 9000 certification (Pekovic, 2010). In the manufacturing sector, the estimated impact of the independent attributes on firms for ISO and  non ISO compalince has been presented in Table 1. The differnce in early and new ISO adopters was also estimated by the siad researck by Pekovic (2010).  

Source: Model of Pekovic, 2010

Note: ‘***’ denote that the corresponding values were significant at 1% level of significance.

The two equations of the model were as follows,

The empirical results also showed that the ISO 9000 certification has good performance compared with the companies implemented by the controlled non-certified companies. The comparison of non-certified peers related to list activities was also one of the highest performance and Prototype technologies certified manufacturers. In addition, the recommendation indicates that the other evidence companies have begun to receive the impact of the certification period.

In addition, the analysis of revisions 2000 and 2008 contributes to the analysis of ISO 9000, which actually shows the static performance (Lo, Wiengarten, Humphreys, Yeung, & Cheng, 2013). In Table 2 the estimated coefficients of hierarchical linear modeling (HLM) by Lo et al. (2013) has been presented. The analysis was performed for four models, and the results reflected significant impact on the firms post ISO adoption.

Benefits and Challenges of Implementing ISO 9000

Table 2: HLM Analysis ROA Model

Source: Lo, Wiengarten, Humphreys, Yeung, & Cheng, 2013

 In another literaure data from 149 service and 160 production departments and general surveying organizations was collected. Experimental results showed that there was no statistically significant difference between group the companies with respect to time and cost. There were significant differences between the groups in terms of the benefits obtained and the management practices associated with this specification (Singh, Feng, & Smith, 2006).

Collectively evaluation of the application of ISO 9OOO in United Arab Emirates organizations, based on the use of business processes or equipment processes to determine the effectiveness of the rules was done. Specifically, the purpose was to analyze the standard benefits, and implementation factors. The quantitative study to achieve research objectives was still 51% of the 100 certified companies in the United Arab Emirates. The preliminary conclusion demonstrated that the organization with standard implementation has a positive impact (Magd, & Nabulsi, 2012). The researcher also proposed the model for continous improvement of QMS (quality management system) with value added activities and final information from the customers.

Figure 2: Conceptual Model Process Based Quality Management System

Source: Magd, & Nabulsi, 2012

In another study results explained that the leaders of the coastal Coast of Ivory were not aware enough of the facts and authenticity of the ISO 9000 quality control. However, it was the continuation and received the ISO 9000 system of quality control systems recognized by businessmen at the Ivory Coast. As for the benefits, they said that the main advantage of buyers was the “Quality control system” of the ISO 9000. As a result of the change, the main change was the actual control system of the ISO 9000 and certificate quality (Anoye, 2015).

A number of specific factors and sub-factors were proposed for the development of the ISO 9001 standard. Moreover, the concept of concealment was clearly obvious, as was the conclusion of other previous Greek national literature, that the organization does not use ISO 9001 as an isomorphic person. Representatives of academia suggested that the specific content of the road should be categorized as appropriate for our future work (Siougle, Dimelis, & Economidou, 2018).

The analytical research of select Chinese certification company ISO monitors the level of compliance based on customer preferences, customer and checking the flow of customers. What was find that it affects effective self-regulatory system based on the level of certification, and research-based business, with suppliers to obtain the certificate of quality (Chou, 2009).

Recommendations for Companies

Literaute results showed that companies will benefit more from businesses with low efficiency, high competition, and. The research offered a useful test for 9000-review, depending on the reference to the citations. including costs and specific resources, the operation was important for administrators who could benefit from their results before the implementation of 9000 processes (Dahlgaard, Khanji, & Kristensen, 2008).

Another researcher compared ISO 9001 and 14001 ISO development. The results showed that the number of ISO 14001 certificate more regularly on the African continent. The number of certificates of higher 9000 ISO to 14001 ISO, but inequality withdrew the level. This work offered an interpreter by the director in the Council of Ministers, aimed at entrepreneurs, professionals, and organizations (Heras?Saizarbitoria, 2011). World-wide firms that adopted ISO norms till 2009 has been provided in Figure 3. The trend reflected that number of ISO firms increased considerably from 1995 to 2009. From 2001 onwards ISO 9001 trend was only considered.

Figure 3: ISO Certification Trend

Source: Heras?Saizarbitoria, 2011

4.1 Data Collection

In addition to the ISO 9000 conjecture, the Chinese national data statistics bureau was motivated by the concentration of non ISO complaint sectors. Information on 5717 Chinese firms was collected from the statistical bureau. The sampling was done based on the secondary data, and no primary information was collected. Among the firms, 5257 were non ISO complaint and rest 460 firms were found to follow the ISO 9000 compliance rules.

4.2 Design

Extensive exploratory analysis was performed on the database of the firms. Descriptive measures were analysed for proper scrutiny of the ISO effects on firms. Comparative inferential analyses were conducted with the help of independent t-test, ANOVA (single factor), Pearson’s correlation, and Chi-Square test of independence.

4.3 Variables

Four continuous variables were contextual with the present study. Difference in firms’ output was investigated for the effect of binary control variable, ISO certification. In the last stages on inferential investigation employee status (number, educational fields) was tested for independence based on ISO certification status.

4.4 Hypotheses

The hypotheses of this exploration implicitly tried to check the structural similarities of the firms, which were measured in this article to present the competitive picture. The scholar emphasized for the adoption of the ISO 9000 standard for working within the business competitive environment. The assumed hypotheses have been presented in the following tabular form. This document has been written in four layers to outlay the effects of ISO 9000 affiliation.


In addition, it was important to bridge the literatures related to ISO complaint organizational structure. The ISO 9000 directory of the developed countries mainly attracts researches from the developing nations, but the statements provided here reflected the need to investigate disputes and they could occur in a collection of different categorical information. Therefore, the difference in the state of adoptive and yet to be implemented, has been focused on (Cao and Prakash, 2011).

Table 3: Null Hypotheses of the Present Literature




Sales (Revenue) of the company is independent of ISO certification


Profit of the company is independent of ISO certification


Return on sales is independent of ISO certification


Return on assets is independent of ISO certification

Data Analysis

5.1 Exploration of Data and Descriptive Analysis

Information was collected during financial survey by the National Agency and has been published in the database for the present research. Hence, the database was considered credible for the study. A descriptive detail of each variable was explored and has been summarized in Table 3 and Table 4. A supporting ethics depends on the company’s turnover and the reliance on commercial research. The comparative monitoring has shown that the average employee number of high-level training for the ISO was higher than the non-ISO 9000 firms. The other important areas were sales, profit, corporate investment, and foreign direct investment.

Presence of ISO certfied firms were only 8.05% in the entire sample. Distribution of revenue, profit, ROS, and ROA were found to be rightly skewed due to the major presence of  non ISO firms in the database.

The number of ISO complaint firms (N = 5257, P =91.94%) in China was comparatively less to firms adopted ISO 9000 norms (N = 460, P = 8.04%). Industrial scenario reflected that firms were still not aware about positive effect of ISO certification.Percentage average revenue of ISO firms was higher comparative to non ISO firms. Positive effect of ISO on revenue of firms was apparent.

Revenue distribution for ISO and non ISO firms were studied after removing the outlier values. The outliers were determined by the cutoff limit points evaluated from the quartiles of the respective distribution. Distribution of revenue for both ISO and non ISO complaint firms were found to be right skewed, which implied that most of the firms were either small or medium scaled.

Percentage average profit was way greater compared to non ISO firms. It was possible to infer that average profit of non ISO firms could have been due to small scale business. Hence, ISO 9000 adoption was an essential requirement for future growth of profit.Profit distribution for ISO and non ISO firms were studied after removing the outlier values. Distribution of revenue for both ISO and non ISO complaint firms were found to be right skewed, which implied that most of the firms were either small or medium scaled.

Return on sales exhibited a linear trend for non ISO firms, whereas right skewness was apparent from histogram of ROS of ISO firms.ISO Firms average return on sales was lower compared to that of non ISO complaint firms.  Figure 13 represents the comparison in ROS for the firms Comparative analysis of percentage of average ROA for certified ad non certified firms has been provided in Figure 16. Average ROA for non ISO companies was better than ISO complaint companies.

5.2 Inferential Analysis

Usage of statistical software SPSS was done for inferential analysis. The complete data set of scale variable was found to be reliable for analysis. The reliability was collected by the Cronbach’s Alpha (α= 0.74) which was reasonably high for any statistical analysis.

Independent t-test was performed to compare the means of the variables for non ISO and ISO complaint firms. For the first hypothesis on revenue, ISO adoption was found to be a significant (t = -7.45, p < 0.05) impact factor. ANOVA for the ISO certification also established the alternate hypothesis (F = 152.12, p < 0.05). For the hypothesis H02 profit was found to significantly dependent (F = 52.87, p <0.05) on ISO adoption. The difference in profit for ISO and non ISO firms was significantly different (t = -5.71, p <0.05).  Return on sales (ROS) (t = 6.72, p < 0.05; F = 45.56, p < 0.05) and return on assets (ROA) (t = 7.37, p < 0.05; F = 37.24, p < 0.05) were found to significantly dependent on ISO adoption. All the null hypotheses were rejected and significant effect of ISO compliance was apparent from the inferential results of the researcher (Table 6).

A correlation between the four contextual variables was critically examined for their association with each other. Revenue and profit were highly correlated, and ROS and ROA were found to be positively and significantly correlated. These correlations were self explanatory in nature and useful for any future analysis with regression model for revenue or profit as the dependent variable. The following Table 7 reveals the association levels among the four variables of the current work.       

Further observation was done for employee status of the firms. Pearson’s Chi-Square was used to find difference between ISO and non ISO firms for different level of educational qualification of employees. A significant difference was observed for qualification levels and ISO adoption status ( ). Hence, ISO 900 complaint companies were found to be posses diversily skilled employees (Table 8 in Appendix).


As far as the quality of the organization, ISO 9000 has been the most profitable proposition so far. ISO 9000 expands with strong knowledge examines the track the profit identification techniques and discusses the most errant audit issues (Dahlgaard, Khanji, & Kristensen, 2008)

Usually the complexity of the guidelines of the ISO 9000 (Chou, 2009) were concerned about the results of the expected prosperity. Current work reflects the support of many factors, including the qualification of employee resources and qualification levels for the company. In the absence of ISO 9000, the impact on revenue and sales were adverse. In addition, small capital companies also got affected by not adopting ISO certificate. Profit and direct sales were related to compliance with ISO (Christmann, & Taylor, 2006; Dahlgaard, Khanji, & Kristensen, 2008).

As a result, the overall growth of the company with the ISO 9000 certificate was noticeable. There was a significant connection between the workers’ education with the ISO status of the firms. The data was collected for the Chinese firms, which has the biggest worldwide market at present. Hence, implications of ISO adoption should also encourage companies from other countries to enroll for the certificate. A future study with regression estimated model could give a new empirical relation in the research-based on ISO (ISO 9001, ISO 14001), that was not considered (Hikichi, Salgado, & Beijo, 2017).

Limitation and Future scope

The research results of this paper have been considered in different fields and different aspects. The analyses were conducted with the structure of the publications and research questions available (Martínez-Costa et al., 2009). The continuation of the action in the current paper was short of external economic factors for the companies conformed to the ISO Certification. FDI policies require foreign direct investment over large companies. A company that uses an ISO number was more like a company with a lot of certifications. Proper control of the need and transparency of the appropriate tax system was required for sales and turnover. Effect of FDI was also excluded from the current literature.

The comparative literature (Lo et al., 2013) provided the rational for ISO impact on firm size basis. Future studies could conduct a comprehensive study of all these aspects, including the country’s tax structure. China’s rapid economic growth has continued to improve, and it’s numerous and still radical institutional reforms need to be sacrificed for the faster growth rate of the firms. After the Maoists, local government’s lack of vision about significant economic development and decision-making gave birth to a malicious process characterized by corruption. China reviewed the impact of the reform process from 2001, only after joining World Trade Organization. 


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