Impact Of Illicit Drugs On Different Cultures: A Comparative Analysis Of USA And Russia
ANTH 1104 Introduction to Anthropology
ANTH 1104 Introduction to Anthropology
Illicit Drug Use and Societal Conflicts
The topic of the following essay is to discuss about the impact of the illicit drugs on the cultures of the several countries. It must be mentioned in this context that the intake of the illicit drugs has become a very complicated problem indeed. Most of the countries all over the world are experiencing the rise of the crime rates and the issues like the domestic violence in the societies. The impact of the illicit drug taking in different countries and cultures will be evaluated in this essay. The impact is directly felt on the youth of the several countries. The immediate cultures of these countries are directly affected. The most significant of the illicit drugs on the youth is the fact they are going into severe depression (Degenhardt and Hall 2012). These facts will be discussed in this essay with the reference to two countries. The racial and religious issues are also included in this context as well.
The usage of the drugs has been very important on the youth of the current society. This has negatively impacted on their health and well being in diverse ways as well. The young section of the society has been the primary targets for the drug traffickers all across the world. The two countries that have suffered the most in the case of illicit drugs are USA and Russia (Frone 2013). The violence has been caused in these countries in the rampant ways indeed. This is why the administration of these countries and the World Health Organization (WHO) is very much concerned for the children and the young people. The instances of taking of the illicit drugs have been increasing in the culture of USA and the culture has thoroughly deteriorated. The banned drugs like Marijuana have been imported from the South American countries and the import of these drugs has been much rampant (Degenhardt and Hall 2012).
Several diseases have been caused by the illicit use of such drugs indeed. The addicts of the drugs become so much enthralled in the use of the drugs that they cause severe harms in their organs. The problems have been caused in their health due to the overdose of such drugs like marijuana and others (Frone 2013). The use of drugs like marijuana dates back to the 1990s when it was used by many minority groups like the farm laborers of Mexico, black people of the Southern states of United States of America and Filipino immigrants. The matter of the export of such drugs can be used in a way as several Mexican people had to escape to the USA due to the Mexican revolution (Chakravarthy, Shah and Lotfipour 2013). The wealthy merchants of the region gave them some lucrative offers but ultimately they finished with working at lw wages. According to some of the critics, this had been the major cause for the downfall of the American society in a huge manner (Bachman et al. 2013).
Impact of Illicit Drug Use on Youth
The racist politicians of the USA had targeted the dealers of marijuana as it became very easy for them. The politicians began to attack these Mexican farmers as ‘un-Americans’ and this made a huge upheaval against the groups who were involved in this. In contrast to many critics, some have opined that these social conflicts were just an outcome of creating some political disputes (Bachman et al. 2013). The only target was to gain some major political advantages by the ruling parties. However, this had created a negative image on the society as well. The steps had been taken against some minority groups and minority subcultures. This is why the indication is that the implicit use of drugs has been a wide problem in the USA for a long time. The negative impact of using the drugs had been reflected in the several newspapers, magazines and many journals as well. It has indeed become a multi-faceted problem indeed (Mowen and Visher 2015). Some authors have even argued that the use of the drugs in deteriorated the cultures of the society as well. The societal conflicts between the government and the minority groups have reflected in the moral down fall of the people. Several public issues had been reflected in relation to the intake of drugs by the people of USA (Ersche er al. 2012).
The illicit use of drugs has also been much impactful in Russia as well. The illicit use of drug trafficking and its effects on the society has also been a huge concern for the Russian government as well. The authors have highlighted the fact that the several opiates are available in the Russian markets at relatively low costs and it has affected the health of the people. However, it has also been said that these types of illegal opiates are imported into Russia from several Central Asian states like Afghanistan and others (Mowen and Visher 2015). The borders that are used for the import and export of these drugs are mainly the Russia-Kazakh border and the main reason for this is the poverty in Afghanistan and the Central Asian states (Walters 2014). This has affected the overall opportunities for the import of these illicit drugs. The Afghanistan drug traffickers have found out that the opportunities for gaining more money is only possible in Russia since the economy of Russia is higher than the other European countries and the market is quite lucrative indeed (Kaplan 2013).
Comparison of Illicit Drug Use in USA and Russia
The experts have always expressed their concern over this matter and they have asked the administration to focus more on this and find out some important way outs to remedy this situation. The trafficking of drugs like heroin has seemed to be one of the biggest threats from this country and this has been done by some of the famous organized crime groups indeed. The terrorist networks active in Central Asia have been very much active in exporting these drugs to Russia (Kaplan 2013). This is why the instances of criminal activities and domestic violence have been increasing lately in these countries. Such incidents should be stopped or the moral degradation of the society will go on. The export of heroin has indeed become a common factor in Russia and the young people have become addicted to this. The criminal activities in countries like Ukraine and others can be seen as an indirect impact of these things indeed (Hart, Ksir and Ray 2013).
The entire society and most importantly the young people have been harmed very badly indeed. Some of the national governments have been very much aware in stopping this evil practice to save the youth. This impact is not only felt on the individuals but also on the families and friends and the businesses run by those individuals. The individuals who use the drugs are affected at their individual level, business and communities at large. The illicit drugs that have been mentioned here are heroin and marijuana (Hart, Ksir and Ray 2013). Both these drugs have been extremely unhealthy for the users and this has increased the domestic violence according to the critics (Bachman et al. 2014).
The use of these illicit drugs has increased the brutality and rates of crime in the peaceful societies. The matter of gun violence should be stated in this course since the incidents of gun violence have been increasing in USA lately. It has also been observed and covered by the sociology experts that several people have become mentally unstable because of using the illicit drugs. In the recent times, the drug abuse arrests have increased very much in some of the states if United States of America including Los Angeles. The impacts of using marijuana at an increased rate have outcomes in the violent crimes (Bachman et al. 2014).
The doctors and psychologists have said that there are some other outcomes of using the illicit drugs as well (Volkow et al. 2014). These negative impacts are the mental health disorders, road traffic accidents, psychosis, overdose of the drugs, bacterial and viral infections borne by the human blood like HIV and Hepatitis, suicides and death. Some critics have also said that the deaths caused by the overdose of drugs are mostly unintentional in nature. The swelling in brain is also caused in the human body by the overuse of drugs (Miller 2013). This is why the social conflicts are regular outcomes of the use of drugs in the countries like USA and Russia. The terrorist activities are also being caused by the global terrorist groups from certain parts of the world.
As per the above discussion, the essay can be concluded by saying that the drug abuse has been one of the most intriguing problems in the current society. The countries like USA and Russia are very badly affected because of the drugs all over the world. The increase of the criminal activities, instances of domestic violence and the homelessness is also increasing due to these things within the society. The global terrorist groups have been very much active in the Russian borders to export the illicit drugs like heroin. Apart from that the import of marijuana in USA has also deteriorated the culture of the countries as well.v
Bachman, J.G., O’Malley, P.M., Schulenberg, J.E., Johnston, L.D., Bryant, A.L. and Merline, A.C., 2014. The decline of substance use in young adulthood: Changes in social activities, roles, and beliefs. Psychology Press.
Bachman, J.G., Wadsworth, K.N., O’Malley, P.M., Johnston, L.D. and Schulenberg, J.E., 2013. Smoking, drinking, and drug use in young adulthood: The impacts of new freedoms and new responsibilities. Psychology Press.
Chakravarthy, B., Shah, S. and Lotfipour, S., 2013. Adolescent drug abuse-Awareness & prevention. The Indian journal of medical research, 137(6), p.1021.
Degenhardt, L. and Hall, W., 2012. Extent of illicit drug use and dependence, and their contribution to the global burden of disease. The Lancet, 379(9810), pp.55-70.
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Frone, M.R., 2013. Alcohol and illicit drug use in the workforce and workplace. American Psychological Association.
Hart, C.L., Ksir, C. and Ray, O.S., 2013. Drugs, society & human behavior. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
Kaplan, H.B. ed., 2013. Drugs, crime, and other deviant adaptations: Longitudinal studies. Springer Science & Business Media.
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Mowen, T.J. and Visher, C.A., 2015. Drug use and crime after incarceration: The role of family support and family conflict. Justice Quarterly, 32(2), pp.337-359.
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Walters, G.D., 2014. Drugs, Crime, and Their Relationships. Burlington, MA: Jones & Barlett Learning.