Impact Of HRM Practices On Employees For Efficacy And Engagement

Describe about the Impact of HRM Practices on Employees for Efficacy and Engagement?

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Human resource management for the travel and tourism it is an integrated part of the HRM. The definition is that it is a process of recruit and develop the employee. For that case, this process is valuable for the organization. In the human resource management also focused on the recruitment process, planning, salaries; etc. English Riviera Tourism Company is the best travel company in UK. As the HR in this travel company it the responsibility for employee selection process. HR also focused on the industrial relation. HR management is a management process (Purce, 2014). Every travel and tourism company has an HR for management the process in the company. HR maintains the training and development process and maintains the recruitment process. The tourism activity on which the study is based on is Sporting Interests.

For difficulties in the management, some problems arise in the recruitment process related to the sporting interest. Most manager of the company not maintains the actual process of the selection.  For that case, the wrong person can be recruited by the company (Breaugh, 2014, July). For preventing this kind of problem, the company recruits HR for management the company policies.

Method of Recruitment and Selection

When arises vacancy in the company then manager take a step towards the recruitment process. Management decides some criteria for the employee. This process also handles by the company HR. HR tries to maintain the following criteria (Hotter et al. 2013) that a person may have an interest in sporting they got the first opportunity. That is-

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•    Position of the company should be needed. The position is for the sporting person who likes adventure.

•    Position in the company is either permanent or temporary.

•    Mention the responsibilities of the work.

•    Also mention the duty of the work and days per week.

•    Tell for the reporting structure and which person should be reported.

•    Mention the skill and knowledge should be required. Also mention the experience.

•    Mention the support needed for this position.

•    Also mention the job description, responsibility of the job.

•    Who applied for this job they also mention the personal specification, skill and experiences.

•    Skill should depend on the sporting interest.

Advertising for the position

This part is for advertising and marketing for the vacancy of the company. The company should be careful for the position and company want a right person for least cost. The company also attracts the person by the advertisement.  The company was also telling the person about the labour market and condition of the labour market. In the advertisement should be based on the sporting person only.  This is the essential things for understand by the person. In the advertising, many methods is used that is-

Method of Recruitment and Selection

•    Advertising internally.

•    Centre of the job.

•    Recruitment by the agencies.

•    Consultants.

•    Advertise in a newspaper.

•    In professional magazine.

•    On the internet.

•    The recruitment process in school and colleges.

Advertisement should be attracted and presented of the design. Advertisement should presented as an attractive way. For that reason person should be attracted. Advertisement should be displayed in the newspaper also on the internet. The company also give the advertisement in the website and the person should be attracted by the designed advertisement.

Forms of application

The application form is another part of the selection and recruitment process. This should be followed some process. That is-

•    The request of the information should be in the same format. This is important for the comparison one person to another person. 

•    Through the application form company chose the perfect person for the interview.

•    They also mention which they provide the basis for the shift (Riley, 2014).

•    They also identify the perfect person for based on the application form.

•    They also select the person through the writing of the application and presentation of the job.

•    The company also selects the person for based on the qualification, skills and throughout the experience.

•    The HR department also chooses the person based on the application form.

•    They overview the application form, and they select the person for the interview.

In the application, the method also has some difficulties. That is-

•    One application form is not used for another job.

•    The application form is not enough for the judge the person (Mello, 2014). 

Selection Method

There are many different kinds of the method available in the company for the selection procedure. Arrange the interview, arrange test, presentation, which role should be playing in the company and also maintain the team exercises (Martin-Rojas, Garcia-Morales and Mihi-Ramirez, 2014).

Interview preparation

•    The manager of the company must be sure about the legal right of the person who want to work in the UK travel company.

•    The company also check the candidate residency proof also check the various evidence.

•    Plan the interview question that naturally ask by candidate

•    Also avoid some question carefully (Gunnigle, 2013).

•    Clear the candidate specification the area of the job.

Conducting the interview

•    In interview should maintain the silence and no interruption.

•    Provide the candidate working environment and view them the working culture.

Advertising for the Position

•    Show the candidate about the accommodation and also mention the adjustment.

Select the right person

•    Write the notes after the interview

•    Call the entire candidate and give them the opportunity for an interview.

•    The method of selection is that scoring system that is based on the interview.

•    After complete the interview process informs the successful candidate.

•    Send the offer letter to the successful candidate and tell them for accepting the offer letter.

•    Offer  letter accepted by the candidate after that inform the unsuccessful candidate

•    Give the unsuccessful candidate positive feedback.


Reference is given by the existing candidate or employees. It is the legal procedure in the company. Reference should be the previous office employee and for the fresher’s candidate reference should be the professor of the college. From the reference, the company must be sure about the person.

Forms and letter

The company provides the candidate different application forms for knowing the skill of the student and this form provide by the senior manager. Provide the cover letter about the description of the company and also mention the contract information (Lengnick-Hall et al. 2011). The company provides all the form through the selection process to recruitment to the candidate.

Manager guide and procedure

In the company also mention the management guide and procedure of the company and give the idea to the candidate about the procedure.

Recruiting the most talented and experienced candidates is not enough until the candidates have clear idea about the roles and responsibilities adequately. Training and Development is specialized HRM activity that not only helps the organizations to provide clear idea about the job roles, but also to enhance the competency level and productivity of the employees (Agarwal and Kapoor(Kohli), 2013).

There are two fundamental methods of training and development that are on-the-job methods and off-the job methods. On-the-job training methods are the methods, where the employees are trained, while they are working. Off-the-job methods are the methods, where the employees are trained outside the organizations (Berman, 2015). The outside trainings are usually given towards the activities regarding sporting interest such as fishing, golfing etc. The management of English Riviera Tourism has been following both training and development methods largely for the activities regarding sporting interest such as fishing. Almost all the methods are proven effective for the company, but there are certain limitations too. The current study will recommend various strategies to minimize such limitations in order to enhance the effectiveness of the training and development methods of English Riviera Tourism (Bhurtel, 2015).

Forms of Application

Under on-the-job training, the management of English Riviera Tourism has appointed various supervisors or training assistants to help the new recruitments to understand the job roles and responsibilities, especially in terms of the activities regarding sporting interest. These supervisors have the potential to become active managers in the future. The management is rotating the new employees to various different departments in order to help them understand the overall goals and objectives of the organization in terms of the activities regarding sporting interest (Sigala, Christou and Gretzel, 2012). The management is also allowing the new employees to perform independently and to share their ideas. The supervisors are instructing the new employees with critical evaluation and demonstration; this will help the new employees to perform effectively (Harzing and Pinnington, 2015).

However, there are certain limitations of on-the-job training. Most of their methods are time-consuming, especially to learn them about the activities regarding sporting interest such as fishing and golfing. As the methods are time-consuming, the management of English Riviera Tourism has been getting various issues, while performing their operational activities, especially during the peak seasons (Meijerink et al. 2015).

Under off-the-job training, the management is conducting various training activities such as role playing, organizing conferences, outdoor training, coaching and mentoring. The leaders and the managers of English Riviera Tourism are arranging various conferences, coaching and mentoring sessions to motivate and to educate the new employees regarding the activities related to sporting interests (Thakore, 2013). As a result, most of the new employees are highly motivated and focused. These methods have also enhanced employee retention rate of the organization. As the company is a tourism organization, various outdoor training related to the activities regarding sporting interest is given by the management to their new employees.

Off-the-job training is more effective than on-the job training for the company English Riviera Tourism, but they usually have to invest more for off-the-job method. During the off-the-job training, the management is unable to attain revenue from the new employees. In addition, in case if a new employee decides to leave the organization after training, it may become loss for the organization (Bhurtel, 2015).

Setting Up Clear and Effective Training and Development Objectives and Goals about Sporting Interests

The management of English Riviera Tourism does not have clear and concise objectives and goals for the training and development, especially about the activities regarding sporting interest such as fishing and golfing. This is why they are mostly unable to utilize the effectiveness of training and development methods. Therefore, the management should setup clear and effective goals.

Selection Method

Targeting the Needs

Most of the training and development methods of English Riviera Tourism are too generic. The even organization can assist the tourism company to select alternative methods, which are target-oriented. One of the key needs of the company is to promote and to utilize sporting interests.

Tracking Outcome

The management of English Riviera Tourism should analyze the outcome of their training and development activities using the help of the event organization in order to enhance the effectiveness of the methods and to avoid the non-effective methods.

Human Resource Management (HRM) has various significances, especially within the current organizational environments, which is changing constantly. Competition and the intention to enhance profitability have made the organizational environments more challenging. HRM is helping the organizations to deal with these challenges effectively through various HRM activities such as Recruitment and Selection and Training and Development. The current assignment helped me to gain overall idea about the Recruitment and Selection and Training and Development processes by analyzing the current context of English Riviera Tourism. I have learned about all the aspects, benefits and limitations of such HRM activities through critical analysis of the HRM practices in English Riviera Tourism.

I have learned that there are needs of both on-the-job and off-the-job training to perform effectively within the tourism organizations. However, the key approach must be to select the best possible training and development method based on the needs and requirements of the tourism business. I have learned that off-the-job trainings are most effective but costly too, while on-the-job methods are time-consuming. Therefore, I will have to carefully consider the training and development methods, while operating within a tourism industry. On the other hand, I have also understood and have gathered adequate knowledge regarding the recruitment and selection processes within a tourism organization. I have the knowledge regarding the skills and expertise required for operating within the tourism organization that I must consider during recruitment and selection.

I have evaluated that the there are various skills and competencies required for operating the HRM activities effectively within a travel and tourism company. First of all, it is essential to understand all the business operations involved within a tourism company to analyze the roles and responsibilities of each position. The tours and tourism industry is largely customer-oriented. Therefore, I have analyzed the skills and competencies required for performing within the tourism organization. In this way, the analytical and critical thinking skills are essential for performing the HRM activities successfully within the tourism companies. In addition, there are various skills such as communication, coordination etc, that are essential to carry on the HRM responsibilities successfully in the tourism organizations. These skills are essential as most of the business and operation of the tourism industries largely depend upon how they are responding towards the customers.

Interview Preparation

However, there are various other areas, where I need to concentrate more for enhancing my HR skills. In order to become a successful HR manager, I must also provide key priority towards the technical HR skills. On the other hand, the entire HRM concept is becoming technologically advanced as many leading companies have already started implementing advanced and sophisticated technologies within their business and operation. Therefore, it is essential for me to understand those technologies and their usage. Coordination and team work is also essential for enhancing the tourism services. Therefore, I must focus upon those aspects for improving my HR skills in order to perform efficiently within a tourism organization.


The current assignment concludes various aspects of HRM, where the key focus are given towards the HR skills and competencies required for performing effectively within a tourism organization.

Reference List

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