Impact Of H&M Ad Campaign On Consumers: Attitude, Decision-making, And Ethics

Background of the Company

Promotion and the branding os one of the essential tool which is generally used for the creation of the unique brnad images and the products that are associated with the brand and in the minds and prefernces of the customers. The adverstisemnet and the promotion helps the clothing brands to provide proper information regarding the products initiating the customer stimulation and the intention of the customers towards buying of the product (Nguyen 2018). The assignment focuses on the brand H&M with a very different oerspectives and concepts in relation To the advertisement and the promotion. Together with the case study of the organization, the process of communication that is applicable to the advertisement and promotion has also been provided. The report illustrates the scenario of an advertising agency and how they win the approval of the board of the directors for the chosen product, apparel or clothes of women. The assignment furthermore highlights the proper application of the theories of consumer behavior and principles which are essential in relation to the promotion and branding of the product of the company. 

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Fast fashion is one of the phenomenon of escalation in the apprael insutry through out the globe. The thorough development of the fast fashion tends to have immense impact on the clothing industry in verios of the dmain that anges from the the manufacturugm, the supply chain management , the information system and retailing. Founded by Erling Persson in the year 1947, this Swedish multinational clothing retail organization is basically known for some of the fast fashion appreal or clothing of men, women, teenagers and children. The company encourages the promotion of the exclusive collection by fashion designers and initiates in the promotion of the exclusive range of clothes and appreald (Godey et al. 2016). Famous for women apperals and designs, this band has been one of the growing internation clothing brands hd its stires located internationally with the expansion of the market through out the globe.

The compny engages in the promotion and sale of clothing, accessories, costemics, footwear, underwear, jewelleries. Fragrances, watches and other home textiles. The product range varies from inner garments, cosmetics including make ups, skin treatments, hair therapys and body rejuvenating treatments, sports wear and other fashion apperals for women (Solomon et al. 2014). The company offers its brands of apperal through Cheap Monday, Monki, H&M Home and COS. Headquatered in Stickholm in Sweden the company aim towards the promotion of its product of women apperal in the current compatatve market ranges.

H&M has lots of objectives while initiating investments in the advertisement campaigns. The objective of the advertisement of the company tipically targets and relates to the stage of the business and the evolution of the product together with the current position of the company in the marketplace. The following assignment targets the advertisement of the women apperals of H&M towards the increase in the share of the market and the increase in the awareness of brand (Wu et al. 2015). The assignment aims to target the advertisement campaign for the introduction of the new product range for the extention of the product in line with the women winter collection dress and apperals in the company.

Target Audience

Some of the marketing issues and opportunities that targets to address to campaign of H&M includes the lack of the brand awareness amog the cosmuer, the non effective current advertisement campaign of the company. The fashion retailer H&M aimes to close some of its stores due to th pooe sales in the last years. With the fall of the reveue , the Swedish retailer still aims to expand its physical presence and move awy from the strategy of rapid expansion. The advertisement campaign of the assignment aims to include adressal for the racially incensitive product image of H&M in the past days. The issue includes the company featuring a black child with a green hoodie with the phrase the coolest monkey in the jungle. This issue has been one of the highest debatable tpic of concern for the company whch furthermore resulted in the dowtur of the sales in the company.

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The targeted customers and the audience for the advertisement campaign belong to the teenager group of girls who seek fasion and trendy cloth wears. The advertisement campoagn furthermore aim to target the aidinece belonging to the group of trendy and fasionable customers who generally see shopping at H&M as a trendy social activity that provides pleasure in their daily life (Bradford, Harden and Yen 2018). The segmentaatiion strategy of the company basically approaches to the subdivision of the market or the poplation in various of the segmentation with the same chharecteristics. In case of the stated assignment, the psychographic and demographic segmentation is being used fir the H&M for reaching all the targetd customers for the product range as stated above through out the world. The company tarets many of the culture, religions and lifestyle while initiating the segemetatoin strategy.

The segmentation by the family life –  Mainly the college goers and the teenagers female, single entrapreneurs, young women without children

Segementation by class – the strategy of the company is to offer high fashion at a very low price and hence the advertisement campaign aim to taet the working class and the students.

Segentation by the age  – The most essential and popular segmentation that the adverstsemnet campaign of H&M aim is the women aging among the range 16 to 38 years either working or belonging from a well to do family structure.

In connection to the influences to the consumer behavior and principles regarding the purchasing, it is to be noted that the company takes a note on the social, cultural , personal and the psychological impact that furthermore results in the personality and the lifestyle of the consumer. The aimed customer group for the advertisement campaign buy their clothes each of the season and follows the trend for being up todate. As pr the maslow’s hoerrachy of the needs, these targetd customers of H&M wouul d fit perfectly in the social stratification of love and belongingness.

The consumer decision maing procedure that the expets to be followed in case of the promotion and the advertising strategy of H&M includes the proves of recognition, researching for additional information, evaluation of the iformation for the purchase decision. This encircles a routine response behavior targeting the consumers to buy low cost services (Oishi 2018). The company H&M aims to focus on these consumers for their habit of purchasing on ongoing sales in overall low price range.

Consumer Behavior and Principles

The adverstisement campaign will includes the domin of Magazines,  Cable TV and Billboards for the effective implementation. The advertisements are expected to be ready within a week for magazines, 14 days for the digital promotion in the channels at the Cable TV and web banners. Furthermore another of the media types or domain that will be one of the most effective in case of the advertisement promotion is the billboards. The frequency of the advertisement campaign will run for the freqyuncy of 2 to 4 weeks in magazines, web banners and billboards and 18 months for Cable TV. The measurement of the results for the effectiveness of the advertisement will be measured by the number of views, number of queries and the ofcourse the rate of shopping both at the online and the offline store of H&M. Some of the other promotional activities that will tie up with the campaign includes the sporsorship of a sporting event targeting 100 mts flat race of women to promote active participation of the women in the current world who can be both fashionable and active at the same time to lead the nation.

Budget –

Media Types



Cost for one

Total Cost

Cable TV

Average Cable Unit


$5,000 per commercial


Cable TV

ESPN Sportscenter


$30,000 per commercial


Cable TV



$20,000 per commercial


Total Cost


Media Types



Cost for one

Total Cost


Small City

1 month

$500 per billboard (month)



Average City

1 month

$2,000 per billboard (month)



Large City – Major Spot

2 month

$50,000 per billboard (month)


Total Cost


Media Types



Cost for one

Total Cost


USA Today Color

5 days

$60,000 per ad (per day)



Small City Local Paper

1 day

$4,000 per ad(per day)



Large City Local Paper

7 days

$35,000 per ad(per day)


Total Cost


Media Types



Cost for one

Total Cost



2 days

$75,000 per ad(per day)





$85,000 per ad (per day)



Rolling Stone

7 days

$65,000 per ad(per day)




2 days

$65,000 per ad(per day)



Teen People


$45,000 per ad(per day)





$65,000 per ad(per day)





$65,000 per ad(per day)



Average Major Magazine(1)


$50,000 per ad(per day)



Average Major Magazine(2)


$70,000 per ad(per day)


Total Cost




Why will plans be effective –

The targeted customers of H&M generally belong to the group of the trendy and the fashionable oe which give them immense pleasure in their daily life and wants to follow the fashion ternd without the investment of lots of money. The learning process of the comsumer can be affected by the learning experiences of the consumer regarding the targeted product of women aperal which the company aims to launch as the new winter collection. The advertisement campaign as stated in the assignment furthermore aims to address the values, the needs and the goals of the targetd customet. Teeanger girls of the current generation aim to look trendy and follow the fashion of the bolloywood divas as a very affordable price. The goal of the them is to look fashionable socially. The need of the customers include their divergent array of the winter collection ranging from the leather jackets, furry boots, trendy handstiched hanbages and couches, fashoionable stilettos and customeized cut gowns which are on the pop in the recent era (TAKAHASHI, MORIKAWA and OTANI 2017). The advertisement campaign furthermore aims to address the choice, value and the need of te customer after the rigorous research method targeting the mens –end approach to influence the sutomers to choose the product and the brand over any other options. The advertisement campaign of the company tends to affect the attitude of the consumer also. The theory that has been applied whle trying to persuade the comsumer for this advertisement campaign includes the persuation theories in the advertising and the consumer behavior. Introduced in the year 1994, the persuation knowledge model illustrates the way the marketers tactics of persuation of the knowledge tends to affet the response of the consumer. 

Furthermore in the context of the decision making procedure of the consumer regarding the purchasing of the product, the process is basically the method including 5 individual stages that demonstrates the recognition of the problem or the need of the product b the cosumer, the research related to the product in the specific brand of the company, the evaluation by the customers regarding the other alternative competitive brand of H&M like Zara, GAP ane more (Ohlsson and Riihimäki 2015). Next is the purchasing procedure fllowed by the post purchase satisfaction by the customer. The advertisement campaign furthermore address all the ethical considerations taking care of the racial and religious boundaries for cartian countries and communities in the world. Two of the factors that the advertsemnt affects are the ad to the children and the emotional tactics of promotion of the women apperal of the winter collection.  


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