Impact Of Employee Engagement, Wages, And Workforce Performance
Problem Statement
Employee engagement, wages, and the workforce performance is the vital activity in the firm for their development and productivity enhancement within the business. The primary purpose of the paper is to provide an effective view of the impact of employee engagement and the workforce performance in the firm. The paper will discuss regarding the problem statement then the research aim and objective and also regarding the conceptual framework of the research paper.
The employee engagement, ages as well as the workforce performance is crucial for the organisation as this help the firm to ensure that the employee is working hard to achieve the mission as well as the organisational objectives. Employee engagement then the workforce performance allow the firm to enhance their business within the market. Furthermore, it provides the complete professional development of the employees to enhance their business and their working function within the market. The impact on the employee engagement along with the wages and the workforce performance is being effectively discussed within the research paper as this is the major problem within the recent world where people have numerous issue with the employee engagement and also the performance level of the firm. Employee engagement within the firm has become the popular concept for the last 2 decades. The organisation always is in the process to figure out the employee engagement within the workplace and also the process for how to make them engage with the working function within the business. Numerous organisation is developing the numerous process to enhance the employee engagement than the workforce performance like the reward system then the career development for the employees in the workplace.
Research aim
The aim of the research paper is to understand the impact on the employee engagement, wages and the workforce performance within the organisation. The research is also essential for understanding the process and the effectiveness of employee engagement within the firm and its impact on the workforce performance and the wages of the employees.
Research objectives
The objectives of the research are as follows;
- To understand the impact of employee engagement within the organisation
- To understand the impact on the workforce performance and wages within the organisation
- To estimate the various factor of employee engagement within the firm
- To determine the relationship between the employee performance as well as employee engagement within the firm
Research questions
The primary research question of the project is;
- Is the employee engagement has an impact on the wages and the workforce performance within the organisation?
The secondary research questions of the project are;
- What is employee engagement?
- What is workforce performance?
- How the employee engagement and performance could be measured?
- What is the impact of employee engagement on the organisation?
- How to enhance the employee engagement and workforce performance within the firm?
- How the personal development, interpersonal skill and reward system in workforce help to enhance the employee engagement and performance?
The research topic effectively provides the view on the development factor and the impact on organisation performance due to employee engagement as well as the performance level. This project is important for the organisation and also for the employees to understand the value and the need for employee engagement within the business. The research will effectively help the management to understand various ways that could be utilised for the development of employee engagement within the field. This also helps in the identification of numerous problem within the workforce that have been faced due to the lack of employee engagement within the organisation. The concept of employee engagement within the field even provides an effective view on the employee satisfaction regarding the working function in the business. The project also provides the potential output regarding the facts of engagement of the employees within the business.
Research Aim, Objective and Research Question
In the organisation, there are numerous reason and process that could create a huge impact on the employee engagement, wages as well as the workforce performance level. According to Anitha (2014), payment and reward system has the impact on employee engagement and their performance level. Employees always need the motivation and the inspiration to perform their task in the workplace because they are the one who needs to provide their best for the development of the business. In most of the cases, it could be seen that employees are primarily motivated by the help of the reward system. In the words of Barrick et al., (2015), reward system and compensation help to inspire employees by giving them the appropriate amount for their service. It shows a concern among the employees that they know they will get pay for their service. If the compensation or the wages are not appropriate then it became quite difficult for the organisation to maintain their workforce. From the view of Demerouti, Bakker, & Leiter (2014), it can be also seen that the appropriate wages to the employees help to reduce the employee turnover within the firm. It is the most effective and conceptual process which effectively provides the view that business process needs to be developed with the help of valuable process. As per Van De Voorde, & Beijer (2015), workforce performance allows the firm to develop an understanding regarding the employee need and satisfaction level within the firm. To improve the workforce performance level the most crucial activity is to understand the need of employee and their level of satisfaction within the business.
According to the view of Chadwick, Super, & Kwon (2015), employee engagement within the firm represents the level of awareness and the commitment that the employees feel towards their job and their employers. It can be seen that the higher the level of engagement the more employee will perform and go extra mile for their organisation. From the definition of Demerouti, Bakker, & Gevers (2015), it can be viewed that the employee engagement is the energy as well as the passion that allow the people to perform their work with extra effort and also by giving their 100 percent within the field. The organisation has the huge impact on the employee engagement as the management need to maintain the staff members and inspire them for performing their best. Engaging the employees within the workforce and developing their performance level is quite a challenging task for the management. From the view of Boxall, & Macky (2014), it is clear that an organisation have diverse staff members and each of them has the diverse interest in motivation. It is the fact that some of the people get motivated and inspired by the increased amount of wages or the reward system but there is some employee who gets inspired by appreciation and also some employees who always seek for the career growth. According to Dane, & Brummel (2014), wages can effectively create the sense of employee engagement and the level of job satisfaction among the people. It is a general fact that people work to get proper salary and wage and for that with the enhancement of wage the job satisfaction level is also improved for the staff members.
Justification and Potential Output of Research
In the recent world, millennials are the one who will take over the organisational working function. It is estimated that till the year 2020 one-half of the organisation. This millennial are generally titled with the self-centred as well as lazy in term of baby boomers and the other generation within the workplace. From the view of Breevaart et al., (2015), job satisfaction and employee engagement within the firm has no big difference within the generations. The level of satisfaction that the baby boomers had is same with the millennial. The only difference is that millennial can achieve their milestone in the very short period of time with their innovation and their capability. Millennial is the next generation employees and they always seek for the better opportunity and if that is provided to them then they have the potential employee engagement within the firm. As per Pulakos et al., (2015), the millennial are quite friendly and for that motivating them regarding the employee engagement is quite easier as most of them only required appreciation from the seniors for their activity. It is the general fact that employee engagement in the working function helps to enhance the performance level of the workforce. In the words of Shin, & Konrad (2017), millennial are generally freckle minded and for that continuous process of employee engagement is required within the firm. Maintaining and motivating the millennial is apparently quite difficult for the management but once they are satisfied with the job then they can provide their best in the field.
The organisational performance level is directly associated with the employee engagement in the workplace. According to the view of Boxall, Guthrie, & Paauwe (2016), there is a huge relationship between the employee engagement as well as the workplace performance like the productivity, then customer loyalty and also the safety. In every aspect of the business, it is highly essential to have an effective process for the employee engagement. It could be viewed from Chen et al., (2015), that the organisational performance level directly depends on the employees and their engagement process within the organisation. Both the management and the employees need to work effectively on the development of performance level as the employee involvement can be developed among the employees. In the words of Bradler et al., (2016), it is clear that people can only get inspired if they are satisfied with the job and also they are willing to give their best. Management cannot always motivate or inspire their workforce with the help of wages or the reward system. Job satisfaction within the firm plays a major role in the employee engagement and also for the improvement of workforce performance level. The engagement of employees helps to improve numerous factor within the workplace that is highly effective for the development of working function and activity within the system.
Conceptual Framework/Literature Review
In the words of Bullock, Stritch, & Rainey (2015), employees are the essential part of the firm to enhance the productivity and the working function of the organisation. It is the primary beliefs of the firm that the employee engagement is the dominant source of the competitive advantage for the business. According to the view of Chang, Jia, Takeuchi, & Cai (2014), the employee engagement within the firm is the positive attitude of the staff members towards their business, hence it enhances the performance level of the firm. It can be seen that the engaged employee in the business are aware of the working function as well as they try to improve the workplace performance by their job. From the view of Lazaroiu (2015), it can be seen that the communication within the business is having a huge impact on the development of employee engagement for the business. The job satisfaction is the primary aspect in term of employee engagement within the firm. It is clear from the view of Korschun, Bhattacharya, & Swain (2014) that the employees can be effectively engaged within the development process of the firm by the help of motivation as well as the inspiration provided to the staff members.
Research methodology is the way by which the progression of the project and the systematic plan to develop the project is being provided. There is two data collection method; one is primary and the other one is the secondary data collection process. Primary data is being collected with the help of field survey and interview process to the employees of the various field. In this project, the secondary data collection method is also utilised which allow the researcher to gather information from the various internet and other third-party sources that have been previously analysed and accurate in the result (Johnston, 2017). The descriptive design is being utilised within the research paper that help to provide the result and outcome related to the employee engagement within the business. Descriptive design allows the researchers to identify the verifying theories regarding the research study and also analyse it with the help of observation and critical thinking process (Cheng, & Phillips, 2014). The research approach is the process that helps to design the progress pattern for the research study and in this paper, the deductive research approach has been utilised for the project. With the help of a deductive approach, various sources are being effectively differentiated by the help of theories and observation. Suitable and effective research is being used by the researcher for providing effective result regarding the research topic.
Organisation of study
The entire content of the research topic is being divided into five chapters which will effectively describe each section of the research paper in the most synchronised way. The chapters are;
Chapter 1: Introduction
In this chapter, the research topic will be introduced and also effective research aim and the objectives will be provided within this chapter. Proper plan and scope of the research will be provided within this chapter.
Chapter 2: a Literature review
In this chapter, the researcher will effectively try to elaborate the knowledge that is associated with the study. This chapter provides the in-depth and critical analysis of the topic and also use various theories and other research to provide an effective solution.
Chapter 3: Research methodology
In this chapter, the explanation of the process that has been undertaken is eventually provided. Study of numerous methods and tools that are related with the study as well as the process for analysis of topic is performed in this chapter.
Chapter 4: Data analysis and Interpretation
Data analysis is the most crucial part of the research study to achieve success in the study. This chapter will consist of the analysis of data and information that has been gathered with the help of a research method from various sources.
Chapter 5: Recommendations and conclusion
This chapter provides effective recommendations regarding the future development of the research topic and also conclude the entire view of the research paper. Moreover, this chapter provides the achieved solution from the research paper.
The project budget is the tool that is being generally utilised by the researchers to estimate the cost that is required for the preparation of the project. This research is based on both the secondary and the primary data collection and for that suitable cost is required to perform the field survey and gather information.
Proposal title: Impact on Employee engagement, wages, and Workforce performance |
Duration of project: 42 days (6th week) from starting |
Budget |
Fees of researchers |
$ 9,500 |
Expenses |
Primary data collection |
$ 2,000 |
Secondary data collection |
$ 500 |
Another direct project cost |
$ 3,000 |
Total expense |
$ 5,500 |
Total Budget |
$ 15,000 |
Main Stages/Activities |
1st Week |
2nd Week |
3rd Week |
4th Week |
5th Week |
6th Week |
Selection of research topic and scope |
Ø |
Identification of the secondary data sources for the research paper |
Ø |
Research proposal preparation |
Ø |
Literature Review preparation |
Ø |
Research methodology identification and description |
Ø |
Field survey and interview preparation |
Ø |
Primary data gathering from the field survey |
Ø |
Analysis of the data |
Ø |
Findings and discussion of the data |
Ø |
Conclusion and recommendations |
Finalising and submission |
The paper eventually concludes the fact that the employee engagement, wages, and the workforce performance are the highly effective and valuable process within the firm. It is also evaluated that the organisation needs to maintain their employee engagement for the development of business process within the firm. It is the primary concern of the business to maintain their competitive advantage in the market and enhance the performance level of the firm.
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