Impact Of Employee Behavior On Company Performance: Critical Analysis
Impact of Employee Behavior on Company Performance
Discuss about the Impact Of Employee Behavior On The Performance Of The Company.
This essay demonstrates the critical analysis about the impact of employee behavior on the performance of the company. Moreover, it also discusses how attitude, performance, corporate representation, and interpersonal skills affect the performance of the organization. In addition, it also critically analysis challenges that will be faced by the managers at the time of managing employees behaviors in an appropriate manner. Further, it demonstrates the approaches to overcome challenges of managing employee behavior in a systematic manner.
Employees are important elements of an organization which plays an imperative role in the dynamic business working place. When employees of an organization have a positive attitude and performs professional behavior then it can be supportive to improve the performance of an organization in long-term. Beside this, it can be said that in case nature of employee is not satisfactory then it can be harmful to growth of the workforce. At the same time, it is also stated that such kind of employee behavior can decline the performance of a company in long-run (Dodgson, et al., 2013).
Along with this, it can be said customers attract by the behavior of employees and representative who presents the goods and services of the company in front of buyers. A representative and workforce who gives their extra effort to solve the query of consumers, make a distinguish image in the customer’s mind. As a result, it will be supportive to improve the productivity of a corporation.
Beside this, a consumer who has a query regarding the product and services of the company and an employee conduct a bad and uncaring attitude with the consumer then it will create the negative image in the customer mind. Therefore, an employee should conduct ethical behaviour with the customers (Gagné, et al., 2014).
In addition, it can also be illustrated that customers never forget to those companies where employees treat beyond their exception. Further, it can be stated that when knowledgeable workforce has attended the consumer then there will be more probability of gaining the productivity of an organization (Haslam, et al., 2014).
The code of conduct can directly influence the business as well as employees because in case employee performs better then they will obtain positive outcome otherwise they can decline the productivity of an organization. Moreover, the higher effort of the top level management can also directly influence profession of the employees in long-term. Along with this, the interpersonal skills can also impact on the performance of an organization as well as the career of workforces (Hogg, et al., 2014).
Challenges to Face in the Process of Managing Employee Behavior
Moreover, in case any employees have a good relationship with their colleagues, executives, and clients then it shows that employees have excellent interpersonal skills. At the same time, an effective interpersonal skill shows the effective communication skills, problem-solving as well as work with the group in an appropriate manner. It will be supportive to make a positive and productive working place. Workforces, who show behavioral issue related to the anti-social and noncommunicative, can decline the productivity of an organization (Lammers, et al., 2013).
Moreover, it is illustrated that bad behavior can direct impact on the personal lives of employees as well as depress the colleague’s moral. Along with this, it can be exhibited that corporate representation can influence the performance of company in long-run. It is because workforces can influence the organization image at the time of working and non-working period.
For illustration, in case, a customer has attended any seminar or conference and they get dissatisfaction because of the unprofessionalism of representative and public alcoholism. So, it can be said that such kinds of activity can negatively impact on the both employees as well as business in long-run. Thus, it can be said that manager should deeply understand each activity before present any service on the front of the consumer (Lee, et al., 2013).
The workforce diversity becomes a major issue for an organization because it creates problem to successfully manage the employee behavior. In addition, it can also be said that a corporation cannot effectively deal with the employee who has a different culture. It can directly impact on the productivity as well as performance of an organization. In the current scenario, most of the companies are becoming progressively multicultural (Lubienski, et al., 2013).
Moreover, organizations are becoming heterogeneous in context of ethnicity, gender, and race. Furthermore, it can be said the Brahmin, Muslim, schedule cost and Sikh have different norms, which can create the major problem to successfully deal with them in long-run. In addition, employee privacy is another additional problem that can create complexity within an organization for significantly managing the behavior of employee. In the existing situation, employers have started to interrupt and violate the personal lives of workforce. So, executives or managers have needed to deal with such kinds of issues in a systematic manner such as making a robust relationship with employees in long-term. There are certain practices used by the company, which may affect the employee behaviour named random drug tests, a Random check of phone calls, check on internet surfing, Tapping the phone lines, and check the background of potential staffs (Mora, 2013).
Solutions to the Challenges Identified
Additionally, it can be illustrated that such kind of practices can create the issue for the manager to manage the behavior of employees in an appropriate manner. Moreover, the expectation of employees is changed with modification in the employee’s demographics. Classical motivation method named attractive pay package, job securities, and additional perquisites cannot retain the today’s employees. In the current scenario, employees want empowerment and desire to attractive status with the administration. There are some significant ways that can be used by the manager such as offer flexible working hours, and working place, work from home facility to attract the employees as well as successfully deal with the issue of employee’s behavior management (Ohemeng, et al., 2013).
Moreover, it can be stated that organizational challenge in terms of ethical behaviors and community accountability can also be a major problem for an organization. It is the responsibility of today’s executives to develop ethical and positive atmosphere at the working place for their workforces. The flexible environment can support to enhance the productivity in an appropriate manner. Community responsibility is the administrative, responsibility to defend and contribute to community atmosphere wherein they perform. In the existing situation, the leadership culture and community norms can be significant to manage the employee’s behaviors in an appropriate manner (Truss, et al., 2013).
There are different alternative solutions that can be used by the managers to overcome the issues of employee management. The positive reinforcement can support to make positive working place together with improving the productivity of employees in long-term. Moreover, by using this approach, organization rewards those employees who perform better for continuing betetr performance at the working place (Westwood, et al., 2013).
The reward can be in the form of monetary and non-monetary. The non-monetary can be in the form of quality status. But, the money can be regarded as an in the form of tangible things. Hence, it can be said that the positive reinforcement can support to easily improve the performance of workforces in long-term. In addition, it is stated that the other factor is discipline, which supports to successfully manage the employee’s behavior in the working place.
Through this approach, the employees are enabled to perform better behavior with the customers, which will be appropriate to make a robust relationship with clients in long-run as well as managing the personal issues of employees related to the code of conduct. Extinction is the third significant strategy of the employee behavior management wherein an organization can eliminate those all policies that prevent employee capability and communication skills to do the job efficiently. It will be significant to overcome the issues of organization related to the productivity. Moreover, appreciation is forth a strategy that can be used by the manager of company wherein a manager appreciate the employees in front of the organization who perform better as compared to other, as it will be significant to make a positive image among the employees.
At the same time, it is also stated that an organization should also give the value to the opinion and views of the employees due to making a strong relationship with them. The strong relationship can be effective to improve the productivity of employees as well as the organization in the upcoming period. Moreover, overburden strategy is also supportive for an organization, because this strategy enabled the manager to clarify roles and responsibilities of each employee. It will help to overcome the burden of employees and make healthier environment at the working place. At the same time, it can also be said that it will be also supportive to enhance the productivity of an organization in the upcoming period (Wilson, 2013).
From the above discussion, it can be concluded that an employee’s behavior can directly impact on the performance of the organization. At the same time, it can also be summarized that workforce diversity, workforce privacy, and ethical behavior can create the problem at the time of managing the behavior of the employees in working place. Moreover, an organization should use different kinds of strategies to overcome the challenges of the organization in the upcomingperiod.
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