Impact Of E-Commerce On Customer Buying Behaviour

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Discuss about the Impact of E-Commerce on Customer Buying Behaviour.

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With the increasing development of internet and its usage in the business and other perspectives are impacting on the behaviours of the customers who uses the internet to purchase products. Business organizations are spending more and more in order to acquire larger segment. The internet can help the business organizations to enhance the buyers purchasing behaviours more proficiently and adequately than different other channels to fulfil their requirements related to specific product (Raghupathi and Fogel 2015). Through the diverse search engines  available on internet the consumers  can spare time to access to find out the product related data, and which data with blend of videos, sound and  picturesand extremely point by point content portrayal to help purchaser learning and picking the most appropriate item from the most appropriate online platform.

Individual customers buy services and products from the physical or online store depending on their level of trust in that item or services and dealers/sellers of the product in the store or online. On the web trust is the fundamental and basic component for building a long lasting with clients. Different researches in the recent times demonstrates that online trust is bring down level than the trust in the personal connections in the physical store.

The online stores or the e-commerce gives the most important thing convenience to their customers as the principle reason behind the online purchases of the buyers concurred by the majority of analyst and researchers. Due to the element of Internet, it enables client to shopping on the web whenever and anyplace, which implies customers can peruse and shopping on the web 24-hours per day, 7 days seven days from home or office, which draws in some time-starved customers come to Internet for spare time to seeking items in physical store (Huang and Benyoucef 2013). Furthermore, Internet offers a few great approaches to spare cash and time without too much physical effort  which  is required in case of the physical stores.

According to the author Hajli 2015, the customer behaviour is mainly impacted by the two factors which are, internal and external factors. External variables on the customers are originated from the environmental conditions, and internal factors are for the most part from the buyer’s mind and perception. There are many variables could impact buyer’s practices on the online platform (Ioan?s & Stoica 2014). As indicated by the external factors that impacts on the buyer behaviour could partition into five parts: Demographics, socio-financial aspects, public policies, use technology; culture; sub-culture; reference and marketing of the online stores. The impact due to the internal factors are assortment of psychological processes in the buyers mind, which incorporate learning, perception about the store, motivation to buy products etc.

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The reliability of E-commerce sitesis extremely depending on the how much protection or securitycan the site provide to the user’s personal and financial data shared with the site and the user. For instance, a very specialized SSH channel to transmit data can be a factor to impact the reliability of the site (Mittal 2013). As specified over that the web vendor can give outsider confirmation to E-business site, and keeping in mind that this protection and security procedures are utilized, clients will think their E-commerce  exchanges through Web are secure and therefore the webpage is more dependable to them. Close to this point, if the Ecommerce site can give the data about their client services,contact details, and a help a tool on the site. This could likewise build their trustiness to the clients or customers.

The process of making decision for the customers are similar regardless the consumer is online or offline.  In the present scenario the major factors that makes the difference in the purchase behaviour are the marketing of the products and the services as well as the purchasing environment (Hoban and Bucklin 2015). In case of the traditional customer decision making model, Consumer purchasing choice normally begins with requirement awareness, search for the information, elective assessments, choosing to buy lastly, post-purchase behaviour by the customers. 

As far as online communications is concerned affecting the behaviour of the users, when the customers observes online promotions on the internet platform, they attracts the customer’s attention and stimulates their interest for specific items or services on a specific e-commerce platform. Before they choose to buy, they require extra data to help them out in determining the trustworthiness of the site for which they had observed the promotion.  In case the customers do not have enough data/information about the service or product, they will look through online channels to collect the required data. Such asonline indexes, sites, or web search engines. Whenever clients have enough data, they analyse those selections of items. In the inquiry organize, they may search for the expert product reviews or the customer reviews who had bought or used the service from the same platform. After exploring the data collected they willdiscover which e-commerce organization offers them the best option for their desired product or service. Amid this stage, efficient site design and its usability are essential things to induce purchasers to be occupied with purchasing products on a specific site. Besides, the data sources inclination may impact purchasing behaviour of the customers.


Consumers can purchase anything at any time without traversing to the different physical stores so that they can find the similar product at lesser price by comparing different e-commerce sites simultaneously.Since on the web stores offer clients with assortment of items and administrations. It gives the customers more choices toanalyse cost from various sites and discover the products with lesser costs than purchasing from physical stores. Few sites, such as EBay for instance, offer customersauction alternative, so they can make a decent pricing for their desired products or services they want to buy.

The impact of consumer behaviour is one of the most common matters that are being studied by the marketers, entrepreneurs and the researchers from the past and still going on. The researchers study about the different aspects about how the behaviour of the consumer changes due to e commerce. The overall performances of the enterprises have become a key factor in understanding behaviour of the customer. The rises in competition in the industries that are retail have mainly leaded to understanding the reasons for raising the impact of customer behaviour in Australia. This research study deals with all the areas of research background that deals with consumer behaviour which addresses works of marketers and researchers. There are mainly five different impacts of making consumer behaviour more effective in related to e-commerce.

 The study of behaviour that is related to consumer buying is taken as the part of marketing and the main motive is about the way to learn all the possible way on how the individuals, buy use, dispose goods, and the choose of organizations and factors related to taste, price, branding and experience are the factors that the consumers takes decision on purchasing some products. Such one of the studies that is related with behaviour of consumer buying is conducted by Lim et al. 2016. The study aims to this study is to get the impact of experiences that were studied previously. The study of e- commerce is divided into four different categories that are considered as the characteristics for selling and buying parties. The categories that comes under the e- commerce category are B2B (business to business), B2C (business to consumer), C2C (consumer to consumer) and lastly C2B (consumer to business).

The online marketing e- commerce comes under the category of consumer to business marketing. With the increase of internet, companies reach to the rooms of customer easily. The transactions that are made by the buying and selling of products are also done online. Online tractions are very much protective and secure methods for buying products online. There are also many sites available that gives same services and same products at different rates. For instance- a website named as provides the companies to get tickets of airline, hotel room, salon’s appointment to the customer very easily. The internet can help the business organizations to enhance the buyers purchasing behaviours more proficiently and adequately than different other channels to fulfil their requirements related to specific product. Through the diverse search engines  available on internet the consumers  can spare time to access to find out the product related data, and which data with blend of videos, sound and  pictures and extremely point by point content portrayal to help purchaser learning and picking the most appropriate item from the most appropriate online platform. The most advantage of using e-commerce as a media for buying and selling is that a particular product or service gets the feedback very soon.  It is not possible in offline transaction. 

Role of the marketing in influencing the purchase behaviour

The purchasing decisions that are made by the customers are mostly done online in this present day. The technology of website is making the internet social and customers that creates content that has increased the time of development. If the customers do not have enough data/information about the service or product, they will look through online channels to collect the required data. Internet offers more approaches to spare cash and time without too much physical effort which is required in case of the physical stores (Zhang, Gupta and Zhao 2014). The social media is the new way of promoting the products and services over the internet. The evolution of social media has created deep results in the world of marketing. Now a day the marketing teams of a business are putting their businesses add on the social media to promote their products more spontaneously. For instance, a company that deals with flowers has put their advertisement on the Facebook creating an online social media platform for the company.

The factors that influence the customer behaviour in purchasing products and services are described below:

Purchasing Power: For increasing the customer behaviour, purchasing power plays an important role in the marketing sector. The purchasing capacity of the customers are analyzed by generally by making decisions that are related to the products that are needed for buying and selling of product. Even if the product is very good, the purchasing power of customer is not known, den the sale of the product goes down. The customers are segmented in the basis of their purchasing product; it is easy to determine the eligibility of the customer.

Marketing Campaigns: Marketing is the most important factor that helps in making the decisions of the customers. The marketing campaigns help to shift the market shares in the industries that are competitive by increasing the decisions of the customers. The campaigns that are done for increasing the sale of the products of services are all done on a regular basis. The transactions that are made by the buying and selling of products are also done online. Online tractions are very much protective and secure methods for buying products online.

Economic Conditions: The economic situations that are that are present in the market plays important roles in decisions that are spend by the customers. This is most effective for purchasing houses, vehicles and appliances of other household products. An economic condition that is positive is considered to make the customers more willing and confident to buy the product. This does not depend on the financial liabilities of the person who are buying the products.

Personal Preferences: The customer behaviour is motivated by different shades of dislikes, likes, morals, values and priorities at this personal level (Kim, Wang and Malthouse 2015). The style of fashion, personal care and food depends on the each customer and all are different from each other. The products that are shown to the customers are shown according to the preferences that are made by the customers. The internet can help the business organizations to enhance the buyers purchasing behaviours more proficiently and adequately than different other channels to fulfil their requirements related to specific product. Personal preferences are defined by the personal requirements.

Group Influence: The decisions that are made by the customers are also affected by the group influence. The group influence mainly comes from classmates, relatives, family members and influential group that are secondary (Chiu et al. 2014). The secondary group that influences customers consists of acquaintances and the neighbours. There are many examples of influence of group such as foods that are homemade are liked by all groups of people. The group influences to changes the decisions of a person. This is also an important factor for influencing the customers in the e-commerce sector.


From the above literature review of the authors, it is known that the consumer buying is taken as the part of marketing and the main motive is about the way to learn all the possible way on how the individuals, buy use, dispose goods, and the choose of organizations and factors related to taste, price, branding and experience are the factors that the consumers takes decision on purchasing some products. The impact of consumer behaviour is one of the most common matters that are being studied by the marketers, entrepreneurs and the researchers from the past and still going on. The researchers study about the different aspects about how the behaviour of the consumer changes due to e commerce.

The overall performances of the enterprises have become a key factor in understanding behaviour of the customer. The rises in competition in the industries that are retail have mainly leaded to understanding the reasons for raising the impact of customer behaviour in Australia. This research study deals with all the areas of research background that deals with consumer behaviour which addresses works of marketers and researchers. The study of behaviour that is related to consumer buying is taken as the part of marketing and the main motive is about the way to learn all the possible way on how the individuals, buy use, dispose goods, and the choose of organizations and factors related to taste, price, branding and experience are the factors that the consumers takes decision on purchasing some products.


Chiu, C.M., Wang, E.T., Fang, Y.H. and Huang, H.Y., 2014. Understanding customers’ repeat purchase intentions in B2C e?commerce: the roles of utilitarian value, hedonic value and perceived risk. Information Systems Journal, 24(1), pp.85-114.

Hajli, N., 2015. Social commerce constructs and consumer’s intention to buy. International Journal of Information Management, 35(2), pp.183-191.

Hoban, P.R. and Bucklin, R.E., 2015. Effects of internet display advertising in the purchase funnel: Model-based insights from a randomized field experiment. Journal of Marketing Research, 52(3), pp.375-393.

Huang, Z. and Benyoucef, M., 2013. From e-commerce to social commerce: A close look at design features. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 12(4), pp.246-259.

Ioan?s, E., & Stoica, I. (2014). Social media and its impact on consumers behavior. International Journal of Economic Practices and Theories, 4(2), 295-303.

Kim, S.J., Wang, R.J.H. and Malthouse, E.C., 2015. The effects of adopting and using a brand’s mobile application on customers’ subsequent purchase behavior. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 31, pp.28-41.

Lim, Y., Osman, A., Salahuddin, S., Romle, A. and Abdullah, S. (2016). Factors Influencing Online Shopping Behavior: The Mediating Role of Purchase Intention. Procedia Economics and Finance, 35, pp.401-410.

Mittal, A., 2013. E-commerce: It’s Impact on consumer Behavior. Global Journal of Management and Business Studies, 3(2), pp.131-138.

Raghupathi, V. and Fogel, J., 2015. The impact of opinion leadership on purchases through social networking websites. Journal of theoretical and applied electronic commerce research, 10(3), pp.18-29.

Zhang, H., Lu, Y., Gupta, S. and Zhao, L., 2014. What motivates customers to participate in social commerce? The impact of technological environments and virtual customer experiences. Information & Management, 51(8), pp.1017-1030. 

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