Impact Of Digital Media On Society, Culture, Economy And Future Humans’ Life
General Introduction
Social media is currently the largest growing piece of technology .It has become very important and impactful in our lives over the years. The use of social media has continued to connect continents hence transforming the world into a global village .This has led to sharing and changing of cultures, networking among countries, sharing of information and has created a social platform for the youth to be able to express themselves.
Having said that, the question remain what is social media impacting on our society today. Most importantly what impact does it have on our future generations and how is our present lifestyles affected .It is really important to stop and ask ourselves whether in the long-term social media will have positive results or will it be counterproductive.
This particular topic has been very sensitive since social media is at its peak season we see that up to 40 percent of the population are social media users. Therefore it is urgent to thoroughly look into this issue and come up with viable solutions and recommendations hence the purpose of this research, Anderson (2013).
When I was starting this research, I expected to find both positive and negative impacts social media has had on our global village to my surprise, the negative ones seemed to bare more weights than the positive especially on the future generations. It has proven evident that the future is at risk because the youth especially the teenagers have been over whelmed by the superficiality and the entertainment that comes with social media and as a result they now think less and focus less.
We will definitely find out how and why social media has become poisonous to the future generation and how it has destroyed any form of creativity in them. We shall also look at the impact of social media on our current lifestyle, culture, economy and society at large.
Youngsters are currently spending more than expected hours on these long-range informal communication locales to look for stimulation, glancing through updates, downloading pictures, and talk with companions to continue being associated with each other. Internet-based life has turned into a dependence on the youthful age thus thinking that its troublesome for them to focus on profitable exercises and lean toward signing in starting with one web-based life website then onto the next. Some have really profited out of these destinations though most have really turned out to be scholastically tested because of the utilization of these online networking locales.
According to Baker & Hesmondhalgh, (2013), as we assess the measure of research that involves the utilization of internet-based life locales in our training framework, it is basic to see it or not, these destinations have prompted any positive effect on understudy commitment and accomplishment. This report will have the capacity to audit the accessible writing to study and present the effects of web-based social networking on the highest sought after fragment age gathering of our general public (The future age).
Although I will be focusing mainly on the negative effects of Social media it is only fair to recognize that social media has brought many platforms that are of benefit to the business world and the society at large ,this benefits include marketing platforms ,job opportunities ,networking and revenue generating models even to our youths .Social media create platforms for like-minded people to network by creating a group and work together. Social media also has networking sites that helps students to improve on their performance in school, through connecting with one another on assignments and coming up and working on group projects outside of class. Actually Facebook has created a platform for students to come together outside the class environment and share ideas about assignments. Some schools have fully embraced social media as teaching tools for example some use blogs to teach which has improved English skills and creativity.
Social media sites have also been used to communicate faster than the past news outlets or other form of media for example the amber emergency alerts that we actually receive in our phones everyday containing reports of people missing with photos on social media sites .The amazing fact is that the news comes from the victims firsthand hence giving a voice to the victims of this tragedies. Though the social media platforms has brought about all these benefits, this sites have have proven to have a very dark side to it .The social media has brought about very negative side effects to the society. Throughout the report I am going to mainly discus on five main points that I encountered throughout my research: psychological impact by social media on the young generation, criminals using social media as a tool to influence and manipulate innocent young minds especially the teens into joining criminal and radical groups. This has robbed the society of its young people who could have otherwise made a positive deference in the society. Where did things really go wrong, looking at the history of how social network sites started, we take a look back in the early years of Wikipedia, YouTube and Flickr, the user communities actually invested so much time and effort in making sure that their channels are clean from any pollution by filtering out any sort of pornographic and racist content. The hope of self-regulation and surveillance worked so well because the platforms were small and had uniformity on their user base.
Literature Review Based on Culture and Society
As user bases began to explode after 2005, the investment that was required from users became too immense, hence diluting the focus of most platforms. Many platforms were then taken over by big media corporations or were otherwise incorporated; the spirit of “nonmarket peer-production” soon dwindled. During the ensuing years, between 2005 and 2008, corporate owners remained cautious about exposing their profit motives to user communities, and in many instances kept nourishing the image of platforms as peer-production structures that put users before profits
This section aims at reviewing the relevant literature in both the theoretical review and the empirical review to form basis of the study.There have been many research of this kind done before.Baring in mind that everyone is a citizen on social media this has exposed our upcoming generations to a very hazardous and an unhealthy environment that has greatly affected the health of their minds due to their competitive nature and desire to explore. Michael Hamm, a researcher from the University of Alberta carried out a study that showed how social media has been used as a platform to bully and the effects this type of bullying has had on our young minds most especially the teenagers. Michael Harm research has proved that 23% of teenagers have reported being targeted and 15% have confessed to having bullied someone on social media.
People’s way of life is changing due to increased use of digital media and the way they are connected and collaborative within the societal contextualization. This is at work, in civil society and even at home. Some of these impacts are positive and others are negative. This is do to communication, social interaction with the several media and the community building that bases across boundaries.
Its very obvious that there is a more common relationship between the digital media and how they impact the cultural surroundings and perceptions. Nowadays, the cultural inclination is based on the effect brought out by digital media especially the use of social media. For instance, the young generations are growing having a number of contact with several social media such as Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, Telegram, Snapshot among others (Bennett & Segerberg, 2011). They have acquired digital literacy and they live in the world that is digitally connected. The young generation’s culture has been changed by the Internet. Looking at the Children, with the introduction of digitalized televisions sets, they can watch programs that are even beyond there age. These leads to change in moral behavior. They are socializing in a virtual spaces, learn in innovative ways. Create new languages and practice multicultural values. This generation, also referred to as the ‘dotcom’ generation or culture are characterized with: independence, emotional and intellectual openness, inclusion, free expression and strong views, innovative, preoccupation with maturity, engaging in investigations, immediacy and they are also sensitive to corporate interest, they are authentic and value trust.
Several surveys have shown that there is a huge gap in terms of cultural interest and differences between children and parents. For instance, parents have inclined to the old cultural and norms while children have adopted a new culture that is mandated and enhanced by technology. There is Internet expertise among the younger generation, they are also aware of the risks due to educational programs and social media. There is also what the parents that there children are doing, which is actually what they are not really doing (Bertot, Jaeger, & Grimes, 2010).
There is also anxiety about the perception of health and the view of the way of life that has been changed by the digital media. For instance, the old traditional culture believed on reliance to the traditional medicines but nowadays, do to enhanced social media use, it has led to different perceptions and repercussions. This can be viewed in three categories; there is exposition of the unwanted materials that leads to worries, there is also online victimization and the practice of the dangerous online behaviors. This in return affect our way of life or rather our culture.
According to Bolin (2016) the digital literacy has given the young people authority, power and mandate to engage on some practices online this include the autonomy within the world. As in, what you do online, will not be controlled by anyone. For instance, children have power when using the Internet, they are there own authorities. Technological modern developments have resulted to the democratization of the family. This has affected the roles within the family, as the society is based, the family is the basic unit of the society and the father is the head of the family. Unfortunately, this has changed for even some children have more authorities of even dictating to there parents how they should live. This has been facilitated by the advancement of the Information Communication Technology. The younger generation are domesticating some digital media like mobile phones which they spend a lot of time either chatting, surfing, playing games among others.
Buckingham, (2009) observes that a high online participation or the use of Internet has led to a lot of high online risks. Children are basically not away of the high risks associated with the online participation, they are suppose to be supervised by those who are adults. Young children are vulnerable to these risks which include watching pornographic videos and some photos which are not meant for young kids. Some get into the practices of drug and alcohol consumption.
Indeed digital media especially social media has greater impacts on the cultural and societal differences and changes. People have greater access to pornographic material even at a tender age. Research shows that 57 percent of younger children aged 9 to 19 years have been able to access pornographic materials online. Also the advertisement made on the televisions and billboards tend to cause such problems.
Research philosophy alludes to the strategies utilized in completing examination work, including the hypothetical and philosophical presumptions whereupon the exploration is based (Hutchins, & Rowe,2009). This part depicts the techniques that I will take after amid the examination. These incorporate, examine the plan, the populace of the examination region, test and inspecting methods, information gathering instruments, and in addition the procedures to break down information. My examination will utilize quantitative techniques. Quantitative research techniques allow an adaptable and iterative approach amid information gathering while subjective research strategies endeavor to discover and construct speculations. That clarifies the relationship of one variable with another (Hutchins, & Rowe,2009). Framework technique is a fundamental hypothetical investigation of the strategies connected to a field of study. It involves the hypothetical investigation of the group of strategies and standards related to a branch of learning. It contains ideas, for example, worldview, hypothetical model, stages and quantitative or subjective methods.
Information accumulation is characterized as the precise gathering, investigation, and elucidation of information fundamental for planning, executing, and assessing. Information that is accumulated is a way of dealing with affairs using techniques obtained from the information which is sorted to obtain a unique clean total and refined information. Information gathering includes different techniques. In this undertaking, I have chosen to utilize
Meetings helped me to gather data from people through eye to eye association. The reason I pick this reality discovering method is on the grounds that it empowered me to discover, check, and clear up actualities about how online networking has influenced the general public from an individual level. Additionally, through meetings, I could recognize prerequisites and request end client thoughts and assessments about whether online life destinations are useful or destructive to our who and what is to come.
The perception was utilized when I looked to examinations how much time individuals spent on their telephones perusing through web-based social networking and how it influences them. I picked this system essentially in light of the fact that the legitimacy of information gathered through different strategies was not as exact as when done utilizing other perception techniques and on the grounds that the strategy was additionally moderately shabby when contrasted with different strategies in presence.
This report consolidates, the quantitative way to deal with really think about destinations of the examination. Examining has viably been finished During the investigation, I plan to utilize the irregular testing which includes choosing respondents from the examination populace by possibility. I will utilize an examination populace of 30 individuals who are dynamic via web-based networking media locales. The investigation will likewise utilize purposive and stratified examining techniques. Along these lines each respondent will have an equivalent shot of being incorporated into the example. Purposive inspecting included choosing a specific number of respondents in light of the idea of their web based life utilization. Then again, Stratified inspecting includes arranging the units in the populace into strata utilizing normal qualities, along these lines each individual in the chose strata had an equivalent possibility of being spoken to. Another device used to deal with the gathering of information is primarily polls where instruments, for example, pie outlines have likewise been utilized. A review was led with a specific end goal to focus on the age section (14 to 25). The example has been taken predominantly from a city in the United Kingdom. Altogether, 150 polls were really filled and gotten with an uplifting state of mind by the respondent. They were asked 20 addresses each. When they were asked which informal community they utilized the most, 80% chose Facebook this was the greatest reacted contrasted with the rest. 15% picked Instagram, 4% reacted to Twitter and just 1% picked Linkedin along these lines demonstrating that the greatest of the group of onlookers lean toward a stage of social utility that associates them with their companions and companions when contrasted with stages that gives a chance to proficient systems administration. (Figure 1).
LinkedIn consequently demonstrating that the most extreme of the gathering of people lean toward a stage of social utility that associates them with their companions and companions when contrasted with stages that gives a chance to proficient systems administration. (Figure 1).
Figure 1: Showing different Networking destinations.
At the point when respondents were gotten some information about the measure of time spent on getting to social media platforms multiple times daily, the lion’s share spent over 3 hours bearing a sum of 44%, while 37% burned through 1 to 3 hours and 18% used not as much as a hour on these destinations showing that a noteworthy piece of our childhood spends over 2 hours getting to person to person communication locales daily, in this way featuring a broad effect of long range informal communication destinations on the young on the grounds of a capacity to draw in an extensive number of populace’s opportunity (Figure 2).
At the point when respondents were gotten some information about the measure of time they spend on getting to Social Networking Sites multi day, the greater part spent over 2 hours bearing an aggregate of 45%, though 38% burned through 1 to 2 hours and 17% spent not as much as a hour on these locales demonstrating that a noteworthy piece of our childhood spends over 2 hours getting to interpersonal interaction destinations daily, in this way featuring a broad effect of long range interpersonal communication locales on the adolescent on the grounds of a capacity to draw in countless time.
With a specific end goal to think about the sort of data the adolescent as a rule gets from these person to person communication destinations, 37% reacted to refreshes from family/companions, 31% try to these locales as a wellspring of stimulation, 23% inferred data about general mindfulness and just 9% look up to them as a wellspring of occupation related data. The information obviously demonstrates the tendency of the adolescent towards an inclination of knowing regarding what goes around in their precious ones lives. This in a way keeps them associated yet all the while prompts lost concentration towards their own objectives, since just a little extent of the adolescent looks for enthusiasm for social event important data relating to employments and general mindfulness (Figure 3).
Figure 6: Showing Social systems administration locales used to manufacture relations.
60% of the intended interest group has differ to have made more grounded contacts on person to person communication locales and 40% despite what might be expected have consented to have done as such. The information in this way legitimizes a thin line of contrast between the two alternatives set around expressing that dominant part of the respondents feel that even today this present reality exists on a bigger scale than the virtual to live in. Maybe, the confidence and trust they clutch individuals just approves and reinforces past the limits of interpersonal interaction destinations. Likewise, these locales have not affected the young to such a degree where they would construct more grounded contacts via web-based networking media than face to face (Figure 7).
Figure 7: Showing that long range interpersonal communication locales make solid connection.
Figure 8: Showing level of get-togethers.
73% being an extensive extent of the adolescent focused on have had their expert lives and calendars being unfavorably influenced through their utilization of long range informal communication locales featuring the way that individuals have not built up a mentality to organize their errands by keeping work first. Anyway clearing up that however these long range informal communication destinations have been growing to pick up energy in their notoriety yet have not influenced the young to the level of their powerlessness to organize their own timetables and acknowledge with respect to what is more vital (Fig 9 )
Figure 9: Showing level of utilizing long range interpersonal communication destinations.
On being requested to contrast the positive perspectives with the negative ones these informal communication locales bear on one’s life, a prominently 70% said it has influenced them contrarily. Thus affirming the feeling of acknowledgment every individual result of an excessive amount of utilization of internet based life and about the inappropriate use of interpersonal interaction destinations that has prompted an adverse effect in every one of their lives. The negatives perspectives along these lines weigh heavier when contrasted with the positives ones running to right around 30%.
On being requested to contrast the positive viewpoints with the negative ones these person to person communication locales bear on one’s life, a strikingly 68% of the focused on bunch picked previous to the last mentioned.
From the after effect of my discoveries, it is clear that advanced media is gradually assuming control most particularly finished our more youthful ages time and vitality. Research conducted from different secondary school, it was clear that advanced media has made understudies be scholastically tested from the way that these youthful ones are caught in the habit of using the social media henceforth finding no time or vitality to advance their studies hence leading to low performance in their studies. The greater part of them admitted to inclining toward web-based life popularity rather than spending time studying.
It is additionally clear that those studying never again need to think or be imaginative they have built up a propensity and a culture of getting information by using smartphones or ‘googling’ for example, Google subsequently restricting their inventive capacities. There is a culture that is gradually being created known as outsourced considering .where learning is from different sources rather than within.
Expanded utilization of computerized media has turned into a noteworthy. In my discoveries, I have understood that when individuals utilize advanced media unreasonably it might adversely influence their scholarly and improvement in their conduct and even their physiological well being. Overactive network and the expansion in computerized interconnection things and individuals have is fit for changing the standards of social correspondence, as online correspondence may supplant eye to eye interaction. , Talented work is at a risk due to the involvement of great innovation that can perform errands in associations, for example, banks thus has likewise prompt joblessness.
On a constructive note, the expanding utilization of computerized media has changed individuals’ employment and the manner in which they interface and cooperate in the general public everywhere, at their occupations and in common society. The effect of this expanded utilization of advanced media has additionally been advantageous to the two people and society.
The cultural and societal contextualization as changing positively and negatively due to digitization of the world. Several of the benefits are accredited to both the individual and the society. There has been a high level of communication, social interaction and community building that has cut across the boundary of time, places and social contexts. This has enable individual and society to democratize knowledge. There has been rise in the learning methodologies where new methods have arrived.
Research indicates that the use of digital media especially when in excess, affect and influence our cognitive and behavioral growth and development. This leads to change in the pattern of life and social interaction where by mostly its online communication. This might lead to trust issues especially when it comes to the families. Advancement in the technology also threatens the security of jobs.
The digital literacy has given the young people authority, power and mandate to engage on some practices online this include the autonomy within the world. As in, what you do online, will not be controlled by anyone. For instance, children have power when using the Internet, they are there own authorities. Technological modern developments have resulted to the democratization of the family. This has affected the roles within the family, as the society is based, the family is the basic unit of the society and the father is the head of the family. Unfortunately, this has changed for even some children have more authorities of even dictating to there parents how they should live. This has been facilitated by the advancement of the Information Communication Technology. The younger generation are domesticating some digital media like mobile phones which they spend a lot of time either chatting, surfing, playing games among others.
A high online participation or the use of Internet has led to a lot of high online risks. Children are basically not away of the high risks associated with the online participation, they are suppose to be supervised by those who are adults. Young children are vulnerable to these risks which include watching pornographic videos and some photos which are not meant for young kids. Some get into the practices of drug and alcohol consumption.
Indeed digital media especially social media has greater impacts on the cultural and societal differences and changes. People have greater access to pornographic material even at a tender age. Research shows that 57 percent of younger children aged 9 to 19 years have been able to access pornographic materials online. Also the advertisement made on the televisions and billboards tend to cause such problems.
It is obvious that now the world has now developed into a worldwide town. Once upon a time individuals lived and kicked the bucket while never meeting even only one outsider. It is presently an alternate story today it’s now conceivable to speak with people who live from different nations and mainlands on an everyday premise. Individuals are presently visiting, trading jokes, talking about legislative issues, and adapting significantly more around each other. Eye to eye collaboration presently occurs by means of computerized media. Endeavors to sow inconvenience and division through psychological warfare bomb as computerized media gives a stage for the acculturated greater part to talk up and reproach such acts. Computerized media enables individuals to become acquainted with additional about exceptionally touchy and passionate experience of individuals from various religious convictions and networks wind up loaning each other a hand even in the danger of death. Computerized media has introduced a selective possibility for humanity to go for a really acculturated and tolerant society.
Computerized media has rendered physical separations superfluous. An offspring of separated from guardians can see, talk, and interface with the two guardians independent of who has been conceded authority. Grandparents can see and converse with their grandkids once a day. Photos and recordings can be traded consistently between urban communities, nations, and even mainlands. While advanced media can’t influence individuals to remain nearby, it is an incredible channel for the individuals who are anxious to have a nearby and satisfying association with their companions, relatives, and relatives.
Digital media has impacted the economy in several ways. One of the ways in which digital media has resulted to is through democratization of information. Initially before the advancement of technology and the digital media at large, most people had to pay to get information about one’s business. This challenges have been solved by the advancement in the technology where every person and organization have their own media brand hence, reaching people is very easy. This has enabled the small and start-ups brands to gain such profits. Before the use of smartphones and social media adoption, it was bit challenging to get such information that facilitated reaching people more easily.
The other one is enhancement of platform economy. Digital media such as social media, has been seen linked to a several platforms such as Facebook, Youtube, Google, LinkedIn among others. These social media platforms enhances distribution of vital information through advertisements and spreading of contents. The third one, is the introduction and emergence of the new ecosystems. These platforms, have provided a new ecosystems especially for entrepreneurs which in turn leads to development and growth of the economy.
Advanced stages are recasting the connections between clients, specialists, and managers as the silicon chip’s span pervade nearly all that we do—from purchasing staple goods online to finding an accomplice on a dating site. As figuring power enhances significantly and an ever increasing number of individuals around the globe take an interest in the computerized economy, we should ponder how to devise arrangements that will enable us to completely misuse the advanced unrest’s advantages while limiting occupation disengagement.
Advancement of technology increasingly shape the way we engage with media and more information. They also affect the process of interaction and connection with others collectively. Some of the the areas that will change due to advancement in digital media include; Data and privacy. With the introduction of the Internet of Things (IOT), we will have to rethink on the privacy techniques. Estimations show that by the year 2020, about 20-30 devices and sensors will be connected to the Internet. There will be need to reconsider the means of privacy. For instance, Smart sensors in homes, most cities and countries will reduce the use of energy, will also monitor the safety of infrastructure and maximize the way roads are being maximized. For this to be realized, a lot of data will be collected. These data set will be analyzed by artificial intelligence techniques. Will will lead to improvement in health care and medical diagnostics. Patients information will be needed for this to be enhanced thus implying breaching of the privacy.
The other change that will be realized will be to do with policing and criminal justices. There will be an enhanced predictive policing due to advanced digital media. The law enforcement agencies will be able to gather huge data and use artificial intelligence to identify and predict any planned crime scenes.
There has been ways in which workers advocate for their rights. For the highest paying companies like Uber are changing the their employment relationships with the employees in terms of payment. As the economy grows, employment rights are becoming weak. Employees are making a better living by working for some of the organizations which legally they are not considered to be their employers. This is because, employees who work its difficult to come into direct contract with their employers. They enjoy few rights which regular employees enjoy. This has been facilitated by the increase in technology. In addition, with the advanced technology, humans compete with machines working on similar jobs. This is because most of the jobs have been automated.
We can also note that there is a tendency of the rise in inequality due to increasing technology. There is a growth in global development indicators, poverty, undernourishment and mortality rates are falling. However, education and access to clean water rising. Technology will make the life of people to be more comfortable, however, a new social class will be created. This is likely to create instability in politics
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