Impact Of Cultural Diversity On Global Business Operations – Essay Analysis

Identification and critical analysis of different types of cultural frameworks

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Cultural diversity critically creates a great impact on the execution of the global business operations. The personal culture of an individual is mainly shared with the help of individual’s skills, knowledge, traits or the personality residing within the concerned environment (Berardo and Deardorff, 2012).  As per the past researchers, different types of the cultures reveals desired facts about different cultures. The researchers have critically formed three cultural models consisting of three cultural influences within the international market. These are personal culture, organizational culture, and the national culture. Diversity reveals the desired facts related to the different behavior, attitudes, values and beliefs of the different people coming from all over the world.  

The personal culture of the people coming from different countries revealed their attitudes, behavior, traits, qualities and skills within a particular field. The personal culture of the people generally comes from the context of his or her family or friends or from the educational environments (Bryman, 2011). Different types of the people coming from different cultures have a specific culture with them.

National culture is that particular culture which generates from the values, beliefs, behaviors and attitudes provided by the heritage of the concerned country (de Castro Campos, Kool and Muysken, 2013).    Different nations throughout the country have different beliefs and they encourage different cultures throughout their country.  The individuals throughout the nation have wide ranges of beliefs that highlight their national culture.

Corporate culture is merely the combination of the shared institutional values, beliefs, organization’s philosophy which is revealed in the mission and vision of the concerned organization. Just like the national culture, the corporations view their organization’s culture differently (Chen, 2011).  It has been seen that different types of the people have their own beliefs and cultures that prevail within the organization (Croll et al., 2010). The ideas and culture of the different people within the organization helps in bringing out the desired innovation techniques and creativity in order to enhance the efficiency of the work processes (Neuman, W. L., 2011).

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Communication processes between various employees are considered to more important as it helps in understanding the values and beliefs of the different employees associated within the organization.  It has been seen that in different industry sectors, the values and beliefs of the people are quite different (Eide and Nikunen, 2011). There are different types of models for the communication process which helps to understand the particular situation in a better way. These models are the linear model, interactive model, and a transactional model (Rose, 2012). 

Cultural models including modes of communication and behaviors

The linear model represents the one-way or the linear process in which the listener listen and the speaker speaks.  The next is the interactive model which also highlights the one-way process but the listener never listens and speaks only. The main fact resides that both the listener and the speaker listens as well as speaks one by one. The feedback reveals the fact listening and speaking is carried out in both ways verbally and non-verbally. The third one is the transactional process which highlights that the message can be sent or receive simultaneously.  There are three implications of the transactional process related to the sending and receiving messages.

It has been seen that within the industry sectors the cultural diversity affects the execution of the work processes between the suppliers as well as the customers. Proper means of the communication process helps to enhance the efficiency of the desired work process (Fernando, 2012).  It becomes very important for the suppliers to express their particular view in order to increase the selling of the desired products to the customers (Silverman, D., 2011). The communication process helps in understanding the diverse cultures of the customers and the suppliers in a better way (Foster, 2011). The diverse cultures are important in order to increase the selling of the products of any particular organization.   

Communication process plays the most important role for the students studying abroad. In order to understand the different views of the students, it is very important for the tutors to enhance the communication process, as the diverse cultures affect the educational environment (Galaktionova, 2015). Innovation is the desired tools that are introduced with the help o the diverse cultures of the students coming from different countries (Gone, 2011). Thus, the use of the frameworks for the diversity helps in evaluating the desired knowledge of the people as well as the students and tutors.  

The diverse culture creates a great impact within the medical or the health care sectors. Cultural models help in maintaining the efficiency of the work processes carried out between the health care professionals (Gone, 2011).   The diverse cultures help in innovating new ways for assisting the patients within the health care (Snow and Taylor, 2009). Therefore, the proper means of the communication process will help in establishing the desired understanding between healthcare professionals as well as the patients.

Formulation of the strategies is considered to be very important as this will help in reducing the adverse affects of the diversity practices. People need to understand the benefits of diversity practices in different industries or different business sectors.   Moreover, the leadership practices from the senior managers or the respective leaders of the concerned organization helps in maintaining the desired efficiency and effectiveness of the entire organization. There are certain important points that need to be considered in order to increase the overall performance of the organization including people from different cultures.  

Suppliers and customers

Management strategies are considered to be of great importance as this help in reducing or overcoming the challenges coming from the diverse culture globally. Cultural literacy and the competency are two of the main elements that help in overcoming the challenges that come from the diversity internationally (Shwalb, Shwalb, and Lamb, 2013).  Cultural competency is considered to be very important within the healthcare sectors. The cultural competency mainly refers to the ability of the concerned health care system in front of the patients and this includes the desired beliefs and the values of the organization. Cultural literacy helps in making people understand about the desired values and importance of the different cultures of people coming from various countries.

It has been seen that in many of the organization operating internationally conflicts arise due to various reasons. Therefore, the strategies for managing the conflicts are regarded as to be very crucial. The reduction of the conflicts will help in evaluating the desired growth of the organization and this will bring success for the organization (Snow and Taylor, 2009). Therefore, it becomes the core responsibility of the management team to implement strategies and communicate the desired message to adopt various cultures. There are several barriers such as the language barriers, social-cultural barriers and many more. Innovative ideas, as well as use innovative techniques, will help in managing the conflicts and it enhances the efficiency and effectiveness of the workplace (Yahoo Finance, 2016).  The diverse culture sometimes leads to the racial discrimination between the employees or the individuals associated with the concerned organization. Thus, it becomes the core responsibility of the management team of the concerned organization to spread the message of collaboration and cooperation and to encourage diverse cultures, as the respect and encouragement to the diverse cultures helps in reducing the conflicts to a large extent. This also   promotes and evaluates the significant growth of the organization. 

This is one of the major factors which create a major impact in maintaining the diverse cultures between the individuals concerned.  It is very important for the organization as well as the management team of the organization to understand the local or regional values and beliefs as this will help in executing the business process of the concerned firm. Establishing the leadership within the organization will help in managing the challenges that arise from the diverse cultures globally (SOUTH SUDAN – SUDAN: Latest Talks Fail, 2013). The issues related to the diverse cultures are commonly seen globally.  Poor communication process also influences the diversity management practices within various organizations.

Students and tutors

The internalization of the different websites helps in encouraging the diversity practices internationally. It promotes and encourages the different cultures across different nations throughout the world. it becomes very important for the different organizations operating internationally to maintain the proper balance between the employees as well as the customers of that particular organization. Thus, the diverse cultures play the most important role.  Therefore, the diversity practices help in evaluating the desired growth of the organization to a large extent. It enhances the communication process and creates awareness among the people which proves to be very helpful in reducing the discrimination and the social injustice that prevails between the different categories of people due to diverse cultures. Advancement of the communication technology plays the most vital role in reducing the great impact of the diversity across people working internationally.


Bryman, A. (2011). The SAGE handbook of leadership. London: SAGE.

de Castro Campos, M., Kool, C. and Muysken, J. (2013). Cross-Country Private Saving Heterogeneity and Culture. De Economist, 161(2), pp.101-120.

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Eide, E., and Nikunen, K. (2011). Media in motion. Farnham, Surrey, England: Ashgate Pub.

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Foster, H. (2011). Art since 1900. New York: Thames & Hudson.


Gone, J. (2011). Is psychological science a cultural?. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 17(3), pp.234-242.

Shwalb, D., Shwalb, B. and Lamb, M. (2013). Fathers in cultural context. New York: Psychology Press.

Snow, N. and Taylor, P. (2009). Routledge handbook of public diplomacy. New York: Routledge.

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