Impact Of Core Values And Principles On Decision Making Process


Discuss about the Impact Of Core Values And Principle.

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Core values are the enduring and fundamental tenets which should not be compromised at any situation, even if for any kind of short-term convenience or any financial gain. As stated by Thomas J. Watson Jr., the former chief executive of IBM, while finding the primary differences between failure and beliefs, mostly the organizations are stuck with the question of sustaining the great talents within the organization. This also leads back to the question whether the organization can sustain the common senses and causes through generations (Collins and Porras et al). However, this answer lies within the belief of any organization. It is also believed by many of the academicians that for surviving in the competitive market and achieving success an organization should have a pre-determined set of beliefs that can be the foundation of any action or policy taken for the organization or its stakeholders (Shapiro & Stefkovich, 2016). These beliefs are mostly called the core values which should come before any action, policy or practice and the organizations should faithfully adhere to these values through generations. In any political organization, the core values have a significant part to play as the general people starts believing in a particular organization if they are holding on to their core principle values. This essay will address the issue of the impact of these core beliefs on the decision making process of any leader along with defining how the decision making process of Narendra Modi is determined by either compassion or beliefs.

Individual assumptions and beliefs can be very much significant in the decision making process of any organization or any individual. As stated, “We don’t believe the world we see; we see the world we believe”, defines that frequently the decisions may not make much sense to other people; however, it can always have a huge influence on the learning capacity of people. While making any decisions, the individual culture and values play a huge part (Axelrod, 2015). Several researches in the past, have already addressed the issue of being committed to the organization and to its core values. Most of the times, the core value provides a simple yet substantial guidance to the decision making process. In the business world, the organizations consider their clients ahead of anything else because they know that without the customers, the organizations are nothing (Kaner, 2014). Therefore, their core values are directed towards serving the customers along with supporting the employees who are doing so.


There are number of core values that the organizations have. The visionary organizations mostly have three to six core values. These values are deeply rooted and fundamentally determined by the organization; therefore these are not going to changed or compromised at any situation. However, Ford & Richardson (2013) states that, it is highly possible that if the organizations are holding more core values, it can affect the decision making process of the leaders. The leaders may fail to recognize that which value is truly core, therefore creating a statement of those values, the leaders may not be able to comprehend the faithful adherence towards a specific one. On contrary, they may not understand which values can be compromised or discarded if the surroundings are not adequately favorable. It should be noted that the core value or the core ideology should exist in any political or strategic organization as the internal constituent, even though it is largely dependent on the external settings (Pettigrew, 2014). As an instance, it can be said that when the British created their colonies, they did not put independence and equality as the core value of those political institutions as the external environment did not support it. However, the core ideologies change with the course of time as these values work towards providing inspirations and guidance to all the future generations.

Individual beliefs and compassion has been two major core values for the leaders. Individual beliefs do play a central part in shaping the decisions of the managers or the leaders. These are the assumptions that every individual make about themselves and the outer world. Beliefs are also about what an individual thinks about other beings, what they consider to be the most valuable resources and the generalizations that they make regarding their surroundings (Blondel & Müller-Rommel, 2016). Therefore these considerations act as a fundamental base for the decision making process. In a similar way, compassion also acts as a base for the decision making as it is one of the core values of the learning approach. Compassion can be defined as the brief judgment which an individual makes for appreciating others’ situations, beliefs and perspectives even if those are different than their own (Verbeek, 2017). Being compassionate strongly means that an individual is honestly concerned for the requirements of other people. If the leaders are compassionate the decisions are made considering all the aspects of the situation.

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While analyzing Narendra Modi’s decision making procedure, it can be indicated that his decision making process is entirely driven by compassion that individual beliefs. After so many years of independence, India still lags behind in some genres. So far, the leaders were interested more in scrapping the poverty out of the country, which was clearly not achieved in so many years. On the other hand, Narendra Modi believes in measuring the induce development, therefore he is making successful investments in the ports and roads, power, energy and encouraging more new businesses and entrepreneurs for investing in India. Therefore this has created more job opportunities and increased the annual income of general population which eventually is bringing more taxes for the country. This decision is entirely driven by the compassion as it has been taken in a way which indicated that he is taking care of his countrymen and ensuring that they raise their standards of living in near future. Modi has also shown some of his dictatorial attributes in his way of decision making that may seem that he is making decisions out of his own individual beliefs, but he has implemented more pragmatic decisions than the previous leaders. Modi has shown willpower for rooting the corruption out of the country with the recent ‘note- ban’. This decision may be considered to be driven out of his individual beliefs, but it is also due to the transparent judgment after considering all the potential aspects of the decision. With the immediate results of the note ban, it may seem to be wrong and dictatorial decision, but in the long run, it can root the corruption out of the country. Modi has also indicated his concern for the lower class of the society and addressed a major issue in the country which is making India a fair and clean country from all the aspects. When he declared ‘Toilets before temples’, it has shown his compassion towards the welfare of his country.


In conclusion, it can be said that, the core values do not only considered for the organizations, but it also drives the individual decisions of a human being. When a political leader makes sharp and definite choices, it tends to bring more clarity for the decision making process of the general population as well. Most of the times, the voters tend to become confused and unable to make decisions in choosing their leaders, however, the compassionate and definite making of decisions also influence their decision making as well. Even though the core values of an individual may not change, but with the course of time the core values change along with the situation. Therefore, even if people do not believe in the political belief of Narendra Modi, they can still consider him as their leader considering his decision making procedures.


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