Impact Of Cloud Computing On Mobile Applications: A Critical Analysis

Analysis of Scholarly Research Papers

Discuss about the Cloud Computing on Mobile Applications.

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In this new digital world, everything is transforming a digital objective, internet, and Smartphone or mobile devices have become the integral part of the lives of the human beings. Mobile applications are the matter of subject for any mobile device that makes all the devices smart and attracts the customers towards it. Mobile applications are changing the way of the life living of individuals. Moreover, cloud computing is empowering all the innovative technologies that are related to the internet through providing cloud data storage and all time access to those information and data. It has become the need of the industries to develop mobile applications for their good business. Developing mobile app not only let to directly contact the customers rather it also helps in gaining social media platform that could be represented as the biggest crowd of the customers. This enables the opportunity for the industries to cope up with competitive market. Not only business sectors are getting advantages but in this new era of technology every individual from the social background are trying to get all the benefits and rest.

The purpose of this report is to present critical analysis on the scholarly research papers for two articles that have been proposed in this report. Two papers have been selected in the report that is based on two different topics related to the mobile application and impact of cloud computing on mobile application. This report presents the critical analysis on the topics related to the impact of the cloud computing on mobile application and social impact of mobile applications. In context to these two articles have been chosen of the relevant topic and following id the report presenting all the objectives related to the two articles.

El-Sofany and El-Seoud (2016) were trying to identify the disadvantages and advantages that are being associated with the use of cloud based applications on mobile devices targeting the learning practices of the students. Other question whose answer the researcher were trying to find were to evaluate the features and performance of the cloud based application on a mobile device what are the applications that might be expected from these cloud computing applications. Including the effects on the device, that is running cloud-hosted application.  Last question whose answer authors were seeking to find in this report was to analyze the consequences that might be raised while using the cloud-based applications on mobile devices.

The Researchers have used very fine and transparent methodology that was a questionnaire. In this paper Cronbach’s alpha had been used in manner to measure the stability and validity of the contents related to the study questionnaire.  Another methodology tools that had been proposed in this report are Stepwise multiple linear regression and Spearman correlation analysis. These methodologies could be helpful in manner to estimate the severity of the practices that are dominant at this age of the world that can be listed as: gender, educational level, age, and more emphasis has been given on the variables related to the cloud based applications usage on mobile devices.

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As research questions stated above, the authors tried to find out the result of these questions using the methodologies stated in the above report. The authors firstly described all the objectives related to the cloud computing that could be helpful in further reading for the readers. This area includes the various models, structure and deployment models of the cloud services. Followed by that the authors have stated the advantages of the cloud computing in which they tried to explain how cloud computing can be helpful in accessing data from anywhere and how it could be used in improving the face of learning and teaching professions. Some facts have been identified while discussing the advantages that could be related to the disadvantages of the cloud computing. Thereafter advantages and disadvantages related to the Mobile learning and application of cloud computing in mobile learning have also been proposed in the report. A research hypothesis that was mainly a chart describing the answers gathered by the participants has been presented.  Framework can be described as:

  • 5 % of the user answers tend to “disagree”,
  • 23% of the user answers tend to “agree”,
  • 47% of the user answers tend to “strongly agree”,
  • 5% of the user answers tend to ” neutral”,
  • 20% of the user answers tend to “very satisfied”.

Questionnaire can be stated as cheapest and effective methodology for getting response on the related topic. However, there are certain ethical issues raise while collecting the information and recording them for personal research. It should be ensured by the researchers that the information and data provided by the participants should be kept private, confidential and secure in manner to eliminate ethical issues related to the participants. This includes the name address and other sensitive information related to the participants. This could be resulted in a manner that questionnaire could be better for researching topics that are sensitive in nature as respondents will be will be much honest if the identity is kept to be protected and not exposed to anyone else. This could also eliminate the issues related to the psychological harm for the participants such as embarrassment and many other feelings.

Appropriateness of Data Collection and Analysis

The paper presented by El-Sofany and El-Seoud (2016) mainly focuses on the research of impact of cloud computing on mobile application and application of mobile cloud computing in E-learning environment. A framework for studying the efficiency of application of mobile cloud computing in E learning has been proposed in this report. Authors have used Cornbrash s alpha in manner to determine the stability and validity of the responds that they gather through the questionnaire. For empowering the analysis authors have also implemented stepwise multiple linear regression and the spearman correlation analysis in manner to determining the impact of this application in most of the socially dominating practices.

Based on the methodologies and researches mentioned above let them to enlist the findings that can be listed as:

  • M learning is an effective leaning through mobile cloud computing.
  • M-learning is easy through mobile cloud computing
  • Through mobile Cloud Computing Student can easily understand the M learning applications.
  • Demand for e learning can be increased effectively through mobile cloud computing applications.
  • Student performance effectively can be increased through mobile cloud computing applications.
  • Learning services quality can be increased through mobile cloud computing applications.
  • Security can be stated as obstacles for learning through mobile cloud.
  • Whenever m leaning is free of charge whenever the demand for it has increased via mobile cloud computing.

Islam, Islam and Mazumder (2012) proposed an article that is relative to the topic and has a research question that can be represented as ‘how individual mobile user facilitate using mobile application and the popularity of the mobile application’. Based on certain framework and methodologies this report also emphasize on the ethical perspective of the application of mobile applications.

Authors have presented the data and information related to the past and present situation of mobile application for more than one country globally. In this paper authors have evaluated the consequences of use of mobile application within the business and social area. Calculative data including the pie chart and pictorial graph has been proposed in this report in manner to transparent the written context that is based on the IBM survey, market readings and many more.

The authors have presented an overview of the mobile application and their relative uses in the whole world including the categories, where application are being used. Moving forward they have stated the past and present application of the mobile applications that gives a pictorial presentation of the evolution of mobile application and how they are being spread in all the possible sectors of the business. They have also presented the data and information that has been collected globally and how mobile application could lead to the conclusion that in future it might become as important as internet. Business of mobile application and market growth has also been explained in the report that provides an overview over the continuous market shares growth of the mobile applications. This paper also demonstrates how a business can be profitable using mobile application for the services and communication between the consumers and different stakeholders. From the ethical perspective it has also present certain concerning objectives related to the application of mobile application within the social area. It demonstrates how social media platforms have arrived in the form of application and how they are contributing in digitalizing our world. Mobile application could be helpful in saving time and increasing productivity as they allow the consumers to be connected with the data and information and needed representatives. The vast demand in the application development leads to the increase in business and that in turn increases the job vacancies.

Research Findings and Evidence

This research has maintained to be ethical as the data and information that has been proposed in this report are already exposed for the whole population of world. Such questioners are not very much efficient rather it is easy to use without any risk or efforts.

As the world is changing and being modernized development and usage of mobile application has been increasing in a rapid growth. Limitations are being pushed away by the technological efforts and issues are being eliminated. “Most of the people are trying to use mobile device and mobile application instead of desktop for easy task. Gradually the uses of mobile applications are increasing corresponding to the use of desktop applications. All of the mobile manufactured companies and mobile application Developer companies are increasing the capacity, quality and functionality”. As the technology is evolving the applications are being innovative and more features are being added. Mobile application impacting the whole globe with its advantages and applications. “In this paper, authors have tried to explain the so many things about mobile application and business with some data from modern market. In addition, we think this paper will help to other for further study in the mobile application area. Despite of so many advantages there are certain issues and limitations of the application of mobile applications such as waste of time, small screen and many more”.


Based on the above report it can be concluded that mobile applications are playing very vital role in enhancing the digital life of the human beings. This report presents a critical analysis on two different scholarly articles. Implementation of cloud computing within the mobile application could be a game changer in this world that is being popular among all the users with mobile devices. In this era, everyone has a personal mobile device or Smartphone that gives the access to download applications from the relative application stores. There are many advantages of latest application from simple living to a high living profile. Despite of all the advantages there are certain disadvantages of the application of mobile application and cloud computing that has also been highlighted in both the articles. The first article  provides a framework for studying the efficiency of application of mobile cloud computing in E learning has been proposed in this report. Authors have used Cornbrash s alpha in manner to determine the stability and validity of the responds that they gather through the questionnaire. “Whereas second article tried to explain so many things about the mobile application and business with respect to the data from modern market. In addition, we think this paper will help to other for further study in the mobile application area. Despite of so many advantages there are certain issues and limitations of the application of mobile applications such as waste of time, small screen and many more.”


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