Impact Of Brexit On Employee Recruitment, Retention, And Organisational Management


The decision of Britain to withdraw itself from the European Union is a huge step that the British adminisration has taken on the day of 23rd June 2016 (BBC News 2018). It has left the entire British businesses with uncertainty and what the future might hold for them. The post-brexit transition period which will take place from 29th March 2019 to 31st December 2020 shall bring in new rules and regulations that will affect the British as well as Eurpoean businesses with strong impact (BBC News 2018). However, some of the population are hoping for a positive outlook, the majority are unsure and are predicting catastrophic scenarios that might weaken Britains position globally.

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With the introduction of Brexit many predicted that British economy will see a dark phase and it is in many ways true. However, the impact of Brexit can be felt in various aspects of  trade and business.

One of the biggest issue that the country is facing now as a result of Brexit is the challenge of retaining the talented employees. Any organisation’s asset is their highly skilled employees and since the freedom of movement being compromised due to Brexit, many employees are bound to leave their jobs. Thus, there may be a daunting increase in skill gap as Britain may lose their highly skilled professionals (Sumithra 2018). Adding to this, the recruitment procedure is also affected as many skilled workers are left stranded as a result of the same situation.

The healthcare industry have shown signs of staff shortages already. The National Health Services (NHS) has been in pressure before the occurrence of Brexit and the country had tried to cope up with this by recruiting health professionals such as doctors and nurses from foreign countries predominantly from European countries (McIntosh and West 2017). However, with post-brexit situation, the NHS may have to struggle with recruitment along with employee retention from these countries. The current figures show that there are estimate 144,000 European healthcare professionals in England (Simpkin and Mossialos 2017). Adding to this, the General Medical Council has over 30,000 doctors at the moment who achieved their medical qualification from other country in European Economic Area (EEA) that is approximately 11% of 280,000 doctors registered currently ( 2018). These figures suggest that the current number of workers in NHS are insufficient compared to the growing demand of health professionals. By the year 2020, NHS is expected to foresee a downfall  of 16,000 general practitioners as a result of Brexit ( 2018). The occurrence of Brexit may further limit the immigration policies, which means that the European workers will not be able to stay in Britain. The lack of clarity in the Brexit process has inflicted fear in majority of individuals.

The post-brexit situation has left an imprint on the organisational management of several companies, firms, organisations, and so on. The human resource management are facing major challenges that is hampering the position and reputation of numerous companies and businesses. The decision of United Kingdom leaving European Union has negatively affected several individuals and as a result of which it has stirred a lot of chaos in the employees’ behaviour towards their job (Portes and Forte 2017). The unclear status of Brexit have raised confusion resulting in the organisation losing talented workforce.

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Impact on employee recruitment and retention

The Human Resources have to adapt themselves to the changing scenarios, as they have to brace themselves for the possible amendments that will affect lives of several talented workforce. As a result, the market strength of an organisation will dip considerably. The organisations located in the country will be a less likely option for talented workers located outside Britain since Brexit will limit the free movement of individuals (Busch 2016). This will result in reduction of talented workforce in the nation especially the workforce of European citizenship. Thus, the organisation have to face with the issue of shortage in staff.

The organisation might face some short-term implications regarding amendments in the employee legislation, as there might be possibility of some employee legislations to either be relaxed or removed (Jay, Davies and Reid 2016). The organisational management have to adapt itself to these implications and offer some attractive facilities that might help in employee retention.

Any organisation planning to invest in a new project might have to reconsider as the post-brexit implications might create an issue regarding organization spending (Begg 2017). Until the Brexit implications are disputed properly, the long-term investment on strategic budgets shall also remain in halt. Hence, the Human resources may face an obstacle in managing the organisations new project budget (Jessop 2017). The organisational management currently is in a chaotic situation due to unclear predictions and implications of Brexit (Wright et al. 2016).

The human resource management will have adopt efficient and suitable measures in order to deal with the possible amendments that Brexit shall bring in. However, many organisation have dealt with the aftermath of Brexit with necessary steps many are still recovering and taking precautions in order to deal with the referendum (Brownett 2016).


The post-brexit scenario is still unknown as the final transition due to the referendum is still in progress. However, the decision have left a massive impact on Britain’s trade and businesses. The predictions of negative impact on Britain’s economy have already shown signs (Busch and Matthes 2016). Even so, the companies and organisations are taking every appropriate step in order to deal with this. The consequences of the aftermath of Brexit cannot be ignored. Every sector of business is heavily influenced from United Kingdom’s decision to leave European Union. A situation shall not be taken lightly as it will bring revolutionary amendments in Britain and Europe’s political as well as economic relations and will affect globally. 

The academic skill module that I opted for my subject business management is a new experience for me. The subject specific topic and the tasks that were assigned to me were interesting. The topic assigned to my subject was impact of United Kingdom’s decision to leave European Union is a current highlighting situation in our nation. Hence, carrying out a thorough research regarding this topic gave me knowledge about the current economic position of Britain in a global context. I was thrilled to come across so many facts, which were unknown to me before. The consequences as a result of this referendum is predicted to be a negative impact. The journals that I referred to in order to understand the scenario of Brexit gave me several idea of how the organisations in our nation are dealing with this situation and also mentioned how certain organisations are trying to cope up with this situation.

A significant learning that this module taught me is the procedure of evaluating and analysing a certain journal, which are relevant to my subject topic. The input of correct keywords helped me to minimise my research and find out the necessary points, which are suitable for my topic. The figures that I came across while conducting research gave me precise idea about the effects of Brexit in our nation and globally as well. The portfolio evidence that I provided at the beginning are the three important journal that I referred while writing my report on the subject matter. Adding to this, the report that I provided on my subject topic have facts and figures which were inter related with other topics and segregating those for relevant topic was achievable as a result of this module. Hence, I have learnt a great deal of research task, which will help me in my future. 


BBC News. (2018). Brexit: All you need to know. online Available at: Accessed 22 Jul. 2018.

Begg, I., 2017. Making sense of the costs and benefits of Brexit: challenges for economists. Atlantic Economic Journal, 45(3), pp.299-315.

Brownett, T., 2016. Improving wellbeing at work. Occupational Health, 67(4), pp.24-26.

Busch, B. and Matthes, J., 2016. Brexit-the economic impact: A meta-analysis (No. 10/2016). IW-Report.

Busch, B., Diermeier, M., Goecke, H. and Hüther, M., 2016. Brexit and Europe’s future: A game theoretical approach (No. 18/2016). IW policy paper. 2018. online Available at: Accessed 23 Jul. 2018. 2018. online Available at: workforce_of_the_result_of_the_EU_referendum__24_November_2016.pdf_68457 452.pdf. Accessed 23 Jul. 2018.

Jay, S., Davies, P. and Reid, M., 2016. Brexit: Implications for Employers. Employee Relations Law Journal, 42(3), pp.69-82.

Jessop, B., 2017. The organic crisis of the British state: Putting Brexit in its place. Globalizations, 14(1), pp.133-141.

McIntosh, B. and West, S., 2017. Brexit: the consequences and impact on the health sector. British journal of healthcare management, 23(4), pp.154-157.

Portes, J. and Forte, G., 2017. The economic impact of Brexit-induced reductions in migration. Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 33(suppl_1), pp.S31-S44.

Simpkin, V.L. and Mossialos, E. 2017. Brexit and the NHS: challenges, uncertainties andopportunities. Health Policy, 121(5), pp.447-480.

Sumithra, C. G., 2018. “BREXIT: Talent Challenges for Recruitment and Retention.” DHARANA-Bhavan’s International Journal of Business 11, no. 2 (2018): 21-25.

Wright, M., Wilson, N., Gilligan, J., Bacon, N. and Amess, K., 2016. Brexit, private equity and management. British Journal of Management, 27(4), pp.682-686.

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