Impact Of BP Deepwater Explosion And Queensland Flood On Corporate Reputation And Public Opinion

Internal and External Public of the Incidents

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Deepwater explosion of BP has faced catastrophic consequence, as it takes lives of eleven people. On the other hand, Queensland has disastrous flood in between the end of 2010 to the start of 2011. This flood was so devastating that takes lives of thirty-five people. According to the conception of public relation issue, the individuals who are indirectly or directly associated with the issue have been regarded as a part of public. Therefore, the public for this particular case study is those people whom are victimize by devastating consequences of Queensland flood and BP deepwater explosion. In a true sense of public of any particular incident can be divided into two types that include external public and internal public. Now, the victims of this case study have to be regarded as the internal public, as the incident has direct impact on these people. On the other hand, the people like the CEO, managers or the employees considered as the internal public of these two incidents. 

As highlighted earlier, there is external public and internal public for any particular incident. Now, in the case of BP deepwater explosion, eleven people had to lose their life whereas the number rises up to the mark of thirty-five in the disastrous consequences of the flood that occurred in Queensland. In case of the priority factors, it is obvious that the people who have been affected by the occurrence of the natural calamity have to be provided with additional priority. However, to provide proper level of priority, the internal public of these two incidents will have to play a major role so that it can able to minimize the pressure coming from the external public. From the case study, it can be evaluated that an unethical statement on behalf of the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of BP in front of the audiences has generated immense amount of negative impact. Therefore, Tony Hayward commented in an event after the fatal consequences “I want my life back”.

Thus, it is evident and clear that this particular people are least concerned about the lives of many other innocent people. It also highlighted the fact the life of the eleven employees of BP is not an important factor for them at all. As a result, this type of unethical statement also has created immense disturbance on the mind of the other employees of the BP organization. From the reaction of the other employees, it can be highlighted that they are not feeling secure and safe particularly after hearing the comment made by the client. Hence, it can be observe that external publics has a key role in order to make a real decision on the performance level of the organization. Internal public also depend highly on the external public to run a company successfully. Internal public also has to follow the demands and needs of the external public. Hence, from the perspective of priority internal public depends highly on the external public.

Priority Factors in Handling the Crises

The case study highlighted the fact that two different incident has selected two different approaches. In BP case, Tony Heyward comment was strongly criticized, as people find a huge amount of ignorance for the eleven employees who have lost their life because of the deepwater explosion. It also highlighted the fact that Heyward was only concerned about the reputation of the company and for his own life. According to the external public, this type of comment actually spread negative impact, which cannot be accepted within the organizational culture. As a result, this kind of negative comment has able to grab the attention of the media as well.

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On the other hand, Anna Bligh leadership style has able to gain worldwide fame because of her excellent competency and leadership skill in the case of flood disaster of Queensland. Age Newspaper has reviewed that the role of Anna Bligh was key to deal with the flood-affected people’s family member. The review also highlighted the fact that Bligh’s sympathetic approach has created a huge amount of positive impact in the mind of the flood affected family member. Hence, the study highlighted two different approaches taken by the leaders to handle disaster situation.

Previously, corporate image considered as an advertising jargon but now with immense competitions among the company, it refers to the reputation of the company. As per the article, it is the way of developing an effective reputation for the company. Traditionally, a well-developed image helps an organization to gain competitive advantage in the market. Corporate image of an organization depend on several reasons such as termination of an employee without any notice, low quality product delivery, ineffective supply chain management and many others. Therefore, it is up to the organization to operate in such a way that it does not have to face any issue relating to mentioned reasons.

Reputation of a company is highly depended on the opinion of the public. As opined by, public opinion heavily depends on the CSR practices of the company. Hence, corporate reputation, image and CSR are highly correlated with each other. Corporate reputation includes many aspects such as work culture, job profile, policy and regulation of the company and many more. Corporate reputation has the potential to provide competitive advantage for the organizations. For that reason, companies remain extremely careful regarding its reputation in the market. Hence, it is to be mentioned that corporate reputation is highly depended on public opinion. Thus,    

Unethical Statement by Tony Hayward

If I was in the position of CEO of BP at the time of deepwater explosion, I will not handle the situation like Tony Hayward for sure. I feel that CEO of BP has handled the situation to the most childish way, which not only created anger on the external publics but also dampen the image and reputation of the company. As a CEO, the first thing that I will do is to make sure that the victims family gets enough support in this tuff time from the company. I will not think about the profit or loss of the company at the time of helping the victims’ family.

 To deal with the incident, I would like to implement participative leadership style. Since, it will help me to understand other employees’ perspective regarding what kind of help will have to be provided to the victim’s family. I will also consider of developing an effective communication technique with the external publics to have a proper grip on what kind of news or views that print media is creating against the company. I also would not make any irresponsible comments in the public place that can hamper the image of the company. Rather I would like to personally meet each of the families so that they can feel how important those workers was for the organization.As mentioned earlier, corporate image is highly depended on the service process of the organization, the way of implementing effective strategies at the workplace and so many. Based on the product quality as well as service quality, every corporation likes to develop its image. On the other hand, corporate reputation is highly depended on the feedback of the customers, employees and other people. There are many factors such as employee retention, management interaction with the first level employees, internal recruitment technique for the higher position has huge amount of impact in the reputation development of the company. As per the article, reputation is kind of thing that highly depends of the people’s perception As a result, it can actually made huge amount of impact on the businesses of the company.

It case of British Petroleum, it is known that the company is among the top most companies of the world that provides petroleum and gas all over the world. Hence, it is expected that the company have able to build a strong image for the company in the international business framework. However, after the deepwater disaster the image of the company was hampered immensely. Especially, the objectionable statement made by the CEO in front of media has dampened the image of the company. Since, the comment has created immense amount of negative perception in mind of the people, they have expressed their huge amount of disappointment towards the BP Corporation. As mentioned earlier, corporate reputation and corporate image is correlated with each other. Hence, the incident and its afterward action taken by the CEO of the company also has huge amount of negative impact on the reputation of the company. In fact, the unexpected statement made by the CEO has made an immediate negative impact on the reputation of the company, which lead to affect the entire image of the organization as well. The case study highlighted the fact that Anna Bligh has shown huge amount of leadership skill to handle the crisis situation of the Queensland. In fact, the situation actually demands a leadership approach like this, otherwise Queensland also have to face huge amount of criticism from the external publics similar to British Petroleum. Since, vindicate outlook of Tony Heywood has completely destroyed the entire reputation of the company. Hence, the CEO of the company has to show some amount of responsibility before making any unethical statement like this. In fact, it has to mention that any responsible person should have to think twice before delivering any comment, which can actually damage the image and reputation of the company. The CEO of the organization will have to possess certain amount of skill and knowledge so that it can able to tackle difficult situation much more effectively. Rather the people whom are affected from this disaster will have to provide complete support from the organization. Otherwise, it has huge impact in the reputation of the company.

Anna Bligh’s Leadership Approach

I believe that company like BP, which has huge amount of popularity all over the world, should use the popularity for developing well develop reputation and image for the company. On the other hand, the CEO of the company has done just exact opposite of it. I feel that this is just unacceptable from the company like BP. I feel that, reputation or image of a company is a very sensitive issue. Therefore, it can easily affected by a small mistake from the company. Hence, the companies have to be immensely careful about their statement or implemented strategies so that it cannot able to create negative impact on the image of the company. Otherwise, the company might lose several years of reputation in a moment of carelessness, which has happened in case of British Petroleum.

Firstly, BP has to send a personal message to each and every victims family for this kind of unethical statement. In the message, company should mention that they are extremely sorry for the kind of statement made by the CEO in front of media. The management of the company also has to provide certain amount of benefit so that the victims’ family can able to live their life without facing too much problem. The company also has to conduct a media conference in which the company has to express their disappointment and respect for the eleven employees of the organization whom have lost their life at the workplace.


The case study has given a detailed understanding of several theories and practices of public relation. The study focuses on two different types of public relation management incident so that all the practices or theories can be described in details. The study also conducted an in-depth analysis between corporate image and corporate reputation so that public relation can be evaluate in much more effective way. The study focuses on the differences of corporate image and corporate reputation so that the impact of public relation can be evaluated to the fullest. In case BP deepwater explosion, CEO of the company has made an irresponsible comment in front of media, which has create huge amount of negative impact on the image of the company whereas exact opposite things happens in the Queensland devastating flood.


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