Impact Of Bloggers On Customers In Case Of Online Shopping
The case: Online shopping intentions from Amazon
One of the most recent trends of getting feedback is with the use of social media, it is less expensive, almost real time and also provides helpful impacts on the research. The online products are based on customers’ feedback and their evaluation. The technological advancement helps the entire process and people get notified through the process. The shopping experience is different for people and technological empowerment help people to get their product at home. Amazon is one of the largest retail and online marketing e-commerce that deals with product selling process. So for this company, bloggers review plays an important part for the sustainability of business. Online shopping platforms are easy to access and people have vast purchasing options. A number of established brands are also undertaking the path of digital media in promotion as well as in the process of the business (Hsu et al. 2013). In modern times, blogging has been measured to be the best and noticeable stage for showing and offering ideas and responses related to any explicit life experience and bloggers use to do such things in a regular basis. The concept of Microcelebrities has also been developed where people have gaining regional and specific popularity in the community due to their presence in the social media. There are bloggers and vloggers who are known as influencers in the social media lingo, these people specialise in an area and review and provide insights to products and services of the specific genre. For example, there is the beauty community and there are some recognised bloggers in the industry who are followed by a considerable number of the target market of the companies who operate in this industry. The influences of Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) in technology are important as the process explains the best approach in consumer loyalty.
The thesis statement of the essay highlights the influence of bloggers on customers in case of online shopping. Review rating through blogs and usability of product showcases the need for the product. In case of developing countries and developed countries, services like this have a huge impact over customers and they have the adaptive nature of buying something through those online portals.
The major reason online shopping is the fast-paced life and hyper-competitive environment. The busy schedule and strict livelihood of the people and a crunch of time has led to the popularity of e-commerce, this is also accompanied by the fuss-less process. Developing a process in the e-commerce which is seamless and addressing all the basic issues with the e-commerce process is the area of focus (Zhang, Cheung and Lee 2012). Sometimes this is considered as the psychological state of mind to buy such products through the internet and variety of fashion delivers through those platforms are important in that case. In such situation, online shopping intension from Amazon will grow up if people find some good reviews in the feedback and some bloggers highlight some product quality and usefulness in social media. The online commerce and people intension both sustain through the process and the online market is going far just because of the same two factors (Zhang, Cheung and Lee 2012).
Customers’ choice and preferences: lens through Amazon
Customer’ choice depends on some factors that ensure need andinvolvement of the product with customers. The marketing campaign is the first promotional stage that companies have to do for the development of their product market. As mentioned by Sotiriadis and Van Zyl(2013) the understanding of purchasing decision depends on the consumer interest on the product and the relieve difference of the particular product that is not present in the market. Economic condition is another choice and preference option that customers need as their equipment. The influential factors may be directed by group as well and purchasing decision will impose in some cases.Change in customer intension and fanatic them for the online shopping is the strategy that most of the e-commerce companies are doing through their promotion. Amazon has pioneered the e-commerce platform and has over the years of operation developed a number of benchmark in the industry, so they design their promotional strategy in such way that engage the attention of the target market and make some sustainable strategy to maintain good revenue. The last choice will be depending on the power of buying product and people need to have the capability in financial and mental condition to acquire that.
Blogging contains the writer’s observations, brief transcripts, imageries, and relations structured in consecutive direction and the product utility in the personal life was defined through the process (Zhang, Cheung and Lee 2012). The impact from blogs is important as customers are influenced by the past experiences by other people. The process needs less financial advertisement and consumer decision is influenced through that. In case of retail sites 56% reviews comes from blogs and 30% comes from Facebook, so blogs are better way to promotion (Wei and Lu 2013). The cost of digital marketing is less and 10% cost only bears in that case and that will be beneficial for company as well to promote thing like this process. As commented by Bilgihan(2016) an e-marketer report illustrates that customer’s belief in websites containing evaluations and reviews more than expert conductors.
Factors |
Percentage |
Text |
86% |
Microblogging |
31% |
Videos |
10% |
Photos |
38% |
Audio |
4% |
Table1: Influencing factors of Blogging
(Source:Chen and Lin 2015)
The approach of customers is always tending towards the low pricing tentativeness. Those online shopping portals provide the opportunity of getting those products at cheap rates and that will be impacted on the sustainability of the product and the company.
Dependency theory is the process of analysing that economic growth of richer countries does not make a smooth pathway of progress for the poorer countries but the economic problems of those countries lead poorer countries in trouble situation. Those poor countries export primary commodities to richer countries and Prebisch understood the inequality and assumed that economic growth was not a value added case for all the countries especially for poor countries. As stated by Ho and Vogel(2014) the aspect of modernism is the key aspect that replaces superstition and controls the environment for scientific ideas. The developing principles through ideas and modern treatment of basic understandings enlighten the process. Fayols’ Principle of Management authorises the division of labour, authority and responsibility, unity of command, centralisation, and unity of direction and equity of the company (Kerr et al. 2012). The use and utilisation of the process depend on the economic structure and the deliverance of the economic condition of the country.
Impact of bloggers on customers’ shopping
The major aspect of this theory is the core dealing of life in general and organisation term. The process of maintainingstability in the market and demand for the product in modern customer is the major reason for development opportunities (Cheung and Thadani 2012). Routine communication helps the process of active market examination and Enactment theory works over there. People pay for routine statement strategies when they can; when they cannot, their aptitude to invent new strategies is critical to their accomplishment as company associates the core statement, in that case, is the delivering approach of work impose. The enactment can support in recognizing the arrangement of an organization (Cheung and Thadani 2012). Applicable for investigation are relational, clutches and organizations. The statement structure of organizations can be calculated.
Symbolic interpretivist approach in organisation helps in everyday interaction and communication. The key concept of the process understands the significant changes I the market and people need to have that. The environment of different organisations is unique and constructive environment in case of product advancement in the market is aloes there. In case online product acceptability and the range of financial rate of the country helps in that case. As commented by Hatch(2018) the focus sectors are social, political and cultural dimension. In the case of industrialization these three aspects are highly needed. On the other hand Lowe,Magala and Hwang(2012) showcases institutional approach of demand and business practice and structure is the key mannerism that obtained through the business and better coercive attitude in business advancement will be mitigated by that process. Better communication through blogging and written form of trust and believe in reader and customers helps the bloggers to share their experience and prove them as the promotional approach of the organisation.
Organisation structures are defined as the vertical and horizontal borders of hierarchies and they have some defined people who take decision and most of the ideas and concept comes from their end. In case of boundary less organisation, flexibility of free-flowing organisation and receive ideas and concept from the different ends and process, will be approached to the company (Kumar and Singhal 2012). The constant changing scenario of innovation and efficiency in the growth process is the key understanding in that change and boundary-fewer concepts itself made the process huge and accepts some adaptive changes that will be good for the organisation. Boundary less organizations will regularly mark to use of the modern technology and trappings to ease the breaking down of out-dated limits, such as simulated association and supple working condition. In boundary less organizations, workers are authorized to make judgments; therefore results are completed by folks adjoining to the origin of the problem and who need to animate with the costs (Hamrah and Bazghandi 2012). Authorizing and giving consultant to staffs permits having the very short period between pronouncement and execution.
Postmodern theory of understating based on the philosophy that company believes in and that culture and importance are maintained throughout the perspective. The physical structure classifies this is a process of gaining advantage and defined the best competitors of the organisation. The division of labours and their customer dealing process is considered as the prime objective in that case. As stated by McCloskey(2013) Business is based on such situations and the adaptability of dealing those situations is the prime objective for the company. The process believes that culture is unreal and that is a dream that can be illumed by the organisation. In this case, blogging is considered as one of the medium of advertisements and companies are gaining profit from this. In case of environment postmodern perspective on the environment depends on the four sections like fragmented, boundary-less, image-driven simulacra, and shaping through power relation (Gu, Park and Konana 2012). The concept of deconstructing organisation and destabilises ideologies helps in the ration form of organised option, but the imaginary approach of assumption and practices are not granted through this process.
Theoretical perspective Analysis
The relation between employee and management depends on the environment nature of business. The view of modernist, symbolic-Interpretivism, and postmodern lens of business acceleration through environment aspect is there and that clearly suggests the condition of employees. The intrinsic and extrinsic motivation of customers in online shopping process helps them to believe and trust the company. Modernised system of economic acceleration in business and labour management in a suitable order help external business management. In that case, power and politics play a crucial role along with the business place and its demand on the particular marketplace is also associated. Stability in market and demand do the product in external market is important in that case and most of the environment acceleration in case of international business market is depending on that only. Postmodern theory believes in the philosophy of the product and that external impact of the product helps that in the socio political perspective and focus on the internal environment of relation between the employees. The internal environment is also important in that case and most of the cognitive relations between employees and administration in those sectors are highlights in that case.
Blogs are taking charge in that case to change the environment at its level best. The approaches of bloggers are always directed to the process of positive or negative impact of the product. If positive impact comes through blog, then aspect of modernist and postmodernism culture of the environment will showcases through the need of that product in market. The strategic changes in perspective through blogs are relevant, and that will be appreciated by companies even from customers. The linking edge between customers and company through environment approach can be defined through this process.
Blogs are making a good and ration way of selecting the right product for customers and previous experience of other people help in case of buying any expensive products. There are some valid reasons and advantages online and digital shopping intentions. Technological advantage from Amazon and some other e-commerce platform is huge in modern times and people have found easy way of shopping through this.There are lots of options and prices are sometimes low than market. That will be a huge opportunity for customers to have that products low in price and get that at their home, they don’t need to go out for that (Cheung and Thadani 2012). There is an option of comparing products by the past experiences and that will be fruitful for customers to choose the best one for them. In case of festive seasons, sale in products are there and online sites make them profitable for customer.
On the other hand, some disadvantages it contains and that impacted on the change of online purchasing decision. People spend lots of time there as the options are huge in number and those are tempting for them. The refund policy is not clean in all online process and sometimes it may not come. There are some hidden costs that are addressed in the box and people ignore that and make a tick over that and they bound to pay the extra money for this reason. Virtual pickpocketing in case of payment is a common incident and customers were harassed for that situation (Wei and Lu 2013). These are the situation that cannot be avoided after getting a master review over the products and companies are trying to mitigate those obstacles so that people find the online process is the best way to have shopping experience.
Therefore it can be concluded that blogs are creating some impact on decision making for customers and their modernist, Symbolic interpretivism, and postmodernism approach help them to find the right way. When a person is shopping online there is always a quality question at the back of the mind, this bridge can be gapped with the help of the influencers and the bloggers, who can review the new as well as the old products so that a person can take, purchase decisions. The shopping intentions are also the changing behaviour of the people and they are trying to become associated with the modern time by buying those kinds of stuff. The design and product quality is another key approach that perceived the value of those online products and that engage customers with the brand through the online portal. The reason of having such impulse situation addressed through the process of blogging and people trust over this encourages the scenario.
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