Impact Of Attitude And Job Satisfaction On Employee Motivation And Organisational Behaviour
In present days, managing of organisational behaviour is one of the toughest works that is very important to maintain day to day operations in an effective manner. The Human Resource managers play a vital role in managing overall organizational behaviour (Wilson, 2017). All the business organization maintains proper corporate governance to create a corporate environment leads to improve the overall performance of the organization. The core idea of organizational behaviour is an appropriate scientific approach that helps the organization to enhance its working excellence and integrity (Tung, Chen and Schuckert, 2017). This particular paper generally focused on attitude and job satisfaction of the employees. The behaviour of the corporate sector is directly related to the attitude of employees. Different motivational factors influence the satisfaction of employees. For that reason identification of various motivational theories will also indicate both attitudes of the employees and organizational behaviour.
As per the viewpoint of Christy and Albert, (2017), attitudes refer to the tendency of people to behave positively or negatively to an object. Attitude also reflects the characters of an individual for an example trusting, sympathetic, politeness are the example of attitude.
Consistency is one of the major characteristics of Attitude. Attitude also influences the behavior of people and that is essential for decision making in a pressurized situation.
The structure of attitude also helps to process the orders and to take effective decision according to requirements (Wilson, 2017). According to cognitive consistency theory, attitude is a complex process, and it does not function in isolation. Social learning, classical conditioning are responsible for the formation of attitude.
Feelings, knowledge and behaviour are the major principles of attitude that helps to improve the behaviour of individual people (Ahmed, 2017).
The attitude in the workplace is essential to improve basic sense and to achieve the corporate goals efficiently (Shahrawat and Shahrawat, 2017). It also creates both positive and negative impact on employee motivation and organisational behaviour.
Job satisfaction refers to the satisfaction of employees that also motivates the employees and attaches the employees psychologically with a particular job. For Example, fulfillment of expectations from the job generally provides the employees satisfaction.
All the business organisations are implementing various strategies to satisfy their employees. Proper satisfaction will improve organizational performance, and it also helps management to increase employee retention rate (Tung, Chen and Schuckert, 2017).
There are different factors such as work environment, organisation culture, flexible working schedule generally satisfy the employees and motivate the employees to achieve their targets perfectly leads to improve overall production or service of an organisation (Wiethaeuper et al., 2017).
Job Satisfaction
Employees are the main asset of an organisation. Job satisfaction and mental attachment of employees with the organisation generally provides the company with huge competitive advantages in operating market (Shahrawat and Shahrawat, 2017). Organisations are providing proper training to the employees in improving their skills and knowledge, and it also motivates people to show a positive attitude in the workplaces.
Managing organisational behaviour is vital for the entire business organisation to maintain employee retention rate. According to the research it has been recorded that many business organisations hamper their brand image due to negative behaviour of the employees. Negative attitude also affects the teamwork negatively. Active cooperation among the employees also helps to improve the overall organisational performance (Saintilan and Schreiber, 2017). At the same time, the negative behaviour of employees can reduce the numbers of customers. It also can create chaos in the organisation for that reason the senior management of all the organisation needs to motivate its employees to create a perfect and pressurise corporate culture that will improve working excellence of each employee leads to enhance organisational performance and quality services (Wilson, 2017). According to research, it has been identified that negative organisational behaviour also hampers productivity and that disable the company to fulfil the demand of customer leads to reduce organizational goodwill.
There are various factors such as communication, cooperation; Attitude generally influences employee motivation and organisational factors. Employee satisfaction mainly depends on the particular variables such as motivation, expectation, attitude, learning etc. Proper reward system in the organisation motivates the employees, and all the employees want working flexibility. The business organizations also used various training programs, reward systems, incentives system to provides the employee psychological satisfaction. Proper satisfaction mainly motivates the employees to achieve their target in an efficient manner. Apart from that, implementation of specific leadership strategies in the organization will help the companies to measure the performance of all the employees. Diversified people are working in a multinational company so that lack of proper interaction between employees can reduce performance (Oblak and Skela-Savi?, 2017).
Various motivational factors attract the experienced employees such as salary, organisational facilities, flexible working, good working environment etc. organisational, political system, power, poor decision making also creates problems in the organisation hampers brand image and financial profitability (Tung, Chen and Schuckert, 2017). The positive attitude of the employees and worker also attract the customers, and active cooperation between workers can handle the pressurised situation easily. Information is the key currency for the entire business organisation so that lack of organisational culture and negative behaviour can create misleading of information as well as the material misstatement.
In Breadtalk group, negative attitude and approach of the employees generally affect the organizational behavior negatively leads to reduce overall brand image. The upper management team needs to provide proper training to improve employee attitude for attracting more customers in their company. |
Identification of Various Organizational Issues
There are various theories and models have been identified from secondary sources and the implementation of these models can improve the overall organizational behaviour that will also satisfy the employees psychologically. As per the viewpoint of Aherrera et al. (2017), it has been identified that all the business organization use specific corporate governance and rules to preserve the positive culture or comfortable work environment in the workplace. It is very tough for managers to view all the requirements of each and individual employee so that many corporate sectors also implemented leadership strategies to work as intermediate between management and employees (Christy and Albert, 2017). There are different models and motivational theories are highlighted below, and that will indicate various independent variables that will help all the organisation in maintaining proper corporate culture and employee attitudes correctly.
The needs of people are differentia order to the importance and in different situations. For that reason, understanding employee needs are one of the main objectives to motivate employees easily. Fredrick Hertzberg mainly proposed this theory in 1950 and the main objective of this theory is to recognize the feelings of employees with a view to their work. The two factors of this theory are satisfaction and motivation, and both are important to preserve a good corporate culture (Alshmemri, Shahwan-Akl and Maude, 2017). The motivational factors generally motivate the employees to work hard and it also provides the employee’s job satisfaction leads to increase the rate of retention. Enjoying the work, positive feeling about work and progression of career are the main focused area of a motivational factor. Apart from that the hygiene factors indicates the demotivation of employees for their absent such company policies, relationship with other employees and managers, salary, organizational benefits etc. the growth factors of this theories are responsibility of management, recognize the feedback from each and individual employees, provide proper knowledge and training and implementation of proper information system (Holmberg, Caro and Sobis, 2018). For example Tesco Plc. generally uses this theory to motivate it’s all the employees and that increases the overall organizational performance effectively. |
The major hygiene factors of are the level of wage, rewards, an interpersonal relation among the workers etc. these both factors trigger the psychology of every employee leads to reduce employee turnover (De Vito et al., 2018). According to Hertzberg the motivational and Hygiene factors also satisfy the employees, and it also enables the workers to achieve their target easily. Many organisations apply these theories in the workplace to get more productive workforce leads to improve the overall brand image and financial position of the company. The management needs to improve both the motivators and hygiene factors to build a supportive relationship with all the teams (Alshmemri, Shahwan-Akl and Maude, 2017). Management needs to treat employees as an asset. Otherwise, it can hamper the day to day workforce of an organisation. Management tests the work motivation empirically with the help of these factors, and that also help management to understand the requirement of all the employees leads to effective management of organisational behaviour. |
Psychologist Abraham Maslow coined this theory in 1943, and the primary objective of this paper is human motivation. This theory also indicates every need of human to the importance and various situations (Shahrawat and Shahrawat, 2017). This particular theory also focused on the psychological development of humans. There are five levels in the hierarchy. This theory improves organisational productivity so that many business organisations are now using this for the better outcome.
Psychological needs: the psychological needs mainly signify the basic needs that are important to survive such as foods, shelter and water. Without these basic needs, people cannot work correctly. According to the Ahmed (2017), psychological needs can be defined as the long-term traits of humans so that management needs to ensure these basic demands to grab better outcomes from the employees.
Safety needs: the safety needs generally signifies the health, wellbeing and financial security of the employees. For that reason, most of the organisations provide the employees with personal or family medical facilities, and it generally contains the employee’s psychological strength (Cloud Managed, 2018). At the same time, in the absence of physical safety, the employee can feel insecure, and that will hamper productivity as well as organizational performance. Financial security is essential for all the employees, and it generally motivates the employees to give their level best for organisational development.
Relation: social belonging and relation is the third level of human needs that involves feelings, friendship, intimacy etc. and these feelings and sense help people to accept social groups. Connection with others also provides people with confidence (Shahrawat and Shahrawat, 2017). Build a good relation with other team members is important for each and individual employees. The proper relation will improve active cooperation lead to improve overall organisational performance. Majority of people become susceptible to social anxiety, depression, so that maintain a friendly working environment needed to overcome these problems.
Impact of Attitude and Job Satisfaction on Employee Motivation at Work
Esteem: Self-recognition and maintain status, respect are a valuable part of human life. The esteem represents here the desire of people. According to research, it has been recognised that low self-esteemed is the causes of demotivation. Majority of people wants to join in a good profession to improve self-recognition (Ahmed, 2017). According to Maslow, there is two version of esteemed such as lower version and higher version. It also signifies the attention of people, fame, prestige etc. According to secondary data it has been recognized that The lower version mainly indicates the gaining respects from others, and the higher version usually focused on self-respect. That is important for all the employees to achieve the target in an efficient manner.
Self-actualisation: this particular level mainly focused on the potentiality of people that means the realisation of self-potentiality enables people to achieve the target quickly. Self-actualisation is essential to gain more self-confidence (Schertz and Hawthorne, 2018). People express their desire and feelings through paintings, innovations, so that realisation of potential is necessary and in case of business organisation potentiality of employees can provide management with various innovative ideas for sustainable organisational development.
It has been recorded that many managers faced problems with the concept of self-actualisation. For that reason focused on lower level and higher level factors also help management to understand the job role and the overall management team will feel respected and it also motivates them to work hard for organisational development. Breadtalk Group uses this particular theory to recognize each and every needs of this organization and it is urgent to maintain the regular workforce perfectly.
Henry A. Landsberger first proposed this model in 1950, and this particular theory mainly indicates the organisational performance. The researcher coined the name after various social experiments on the influence of various physical conditions on production of Western Electric factory situated at Hawthorne, Chicago. This particular effect is a type of reactivity that modifies the behaviour of individual people (Paradis and Sutkin, 2017). According to this theory, organisation needs to provide the employees with a proper break for their refreshment and time for tiffin break. Providing proper break will provide people with psychological refreshment so that it will automatically improve organisational productivity. Researcher changed the various independent variables such as working hours, breaks, lightning etc, to get validate outcome from the project. It has been recorded that the productivity of employees also increased when researcher changed the variables. This process also grabs the attention of each and individual employees. The workers work hard because they think that the management staffs monitored them.
Impact of Attitude and Job Satisfaction on Organizational Behaviour
Proper observation is essential to make the employees attentive. At the same time, it is essential for senior management to make changes in monthly organisation basis and it also grabs the attention of many workers leads to improves organisational productivity as well as financial position (Presseau et al., 2018). At the same time, it is important to communicate with all the employees and workers and conduct meeting with them, provide them responsibilities, involve them in the decision-making process, provide proper respect will also motivate them and attach them psychologically with the organisation improved employee retention rate leads to getting an effective performance.
This particular theory proposed that people will select the own behaviour depending on outcomes they expect from others. In an organisation many employees work extra time for more income. The behaviour of employees depends on the reward that the organisation provides to motivate people for their work. All the people have their specific expectation from others or organization (Lloyd and Mertens, 2018). Providing rewards and fulfilment of organisational commitment also helps the workers to fulfil their target in an effective manner.This particular theory mainly based on three elements such as Expectance, Instrumentality and valance. |
Expectancy: It is the belief that the effort of one employee will result from accomplishment of desired performance achievements. The expectancy mainly based on self-confidence, an experience of the employees and perceives the level of difficulty (Lloyd and Mertens, 2018). It important to understand the own ability to achieve the goal efficiently, for that reason, it is important to lead low expectancy for the better outcome from the business. |
Instrumentality; It mainly refers to the performance of each and individual employees that will provide the organization with a specific outcome from the business. Rewards by performance will also grab the attention of employees and that trigger people to achieve their target. |
Valance: this factor refers to the value of outcome that means that helps management to measure the value of the reward. This particular factor also influences people to strengthen their motivation for a particular outcome (Kiatkawsin and Han, 2017). Management generally avoids the negative outcomes and welcomes the positive outcomes. It also triggers people to achieve their goal for a positive outcome. |
Instrumentality and Expectancy are the attitudes, and the valance is entrenched to measure the value of the outcome. So that, it is essential for management to set up some small achievable goals and provides the reward that people want (Mohammadfam et al., 2017). These particular factors create a motivational force in the organisation that allows managers to motivate the employees to get a better outcome. |
Bernard Weiner’s generally proposed this theory and the primary objective of this theory is to determine the own behaviour that influences people how to behave in future to get achieve the goals. Evaluation of self- expression is essential for everyone and change the response according to requirements also helps people to achieve success in future (Barnich et al., 2017). It is one of the important conceptions in social psychology that motivate people to get better outcomes in future. Bernard Weiner also highlighted three major characteristics of attributions that can influence the motivation of people in future.
Stability: it helps people to understand the stability of attribution. As per the viewpoint of Weiner, it has been recognised that stable attributions are the key to achievements. In this regard, stable attributions show lower expectation in future.
Locus of Control: it generally signifies the understanding of own faults, and that is important to recover self-position through various skill development and training program. Identification of own defects also help people to improve their position further, and it will also reduce the chances of future threats (Barnich et al., 2017). For example, if anyone is unable to find the issue, then they cannot take preventive measures, so people also need to understand the lacking to improve self-position
Controllability: this factor indicates how the people control the situation. It also depends on the beliefs of individual people that mean if they think they can perform better in comparison to previous then they will try hard to achieve their objectives (Cloud Managed, 2018). In business organisations, some employees lack controllability, and that reduces organisational performance so that higher management also motivates people to improve the self-confidence of each and individual employees through skill development and personal training program to enhance their controllability.
This particular theory also influences the attitude of each and individual employees. At the same time understanding own faults and recover the position by implementing the various solution will change the overall organisational culture leads to getting effective performance and productivity (Wiethaeuper et al., 2017). Management needs to gather feedback from employees. HR managers need to measure the improvement of employees and also requires to provide training by requirements. All managers must encourage the failure employees to attribute the failure to controllable factors for future growth.
All the theories generally motivate the employees to improve their performance further and the mangers mainly use this theory to achieve the corporate objectives efficiently. From the above theories it has been identified that the application of these theories are different but the basic objective is same. For that reason all the theories are equally important to motivate the employees for overall organizational development.
Based on the above study it has been identified that management of employee attitude and organizational behavior is a vital factor to enhance organizational performance as well as financial position. Different motivational models have been discussed in this study and the implementation of these models into business organizations will also provide substantial competitive advantages. Apart from that, this theory will also influence the psychology as well as the attitude of the employees, and the identification of self-problems and personal development for self-improvement will enhance the organizational performance father. Implementation of these motivational models in different business organizations will motivate the employees by fulfilling their needs, and it is vital to retain potential employees.
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