If Security And The Privacy Issues Are Mitigated In Cloud Computing, More Organizations Will Be Encouraged To Implement Cloud Computing In Their Business Processes.
If all companies in financial sector uses Cloud Computing, data storage system will become very easy.
According to the data privacy rules of Europe, the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) has already been in use from 25th May, 2018. After implementing the GDPR in Europe, many data privacy rules are been introduced in the financial sector of Europe. The concept of GDPR regulates the European organizations which uses as well as possesses all personal pertaining of data to all the citizens living in Europe. The data pertaining takes place regardless the place of data that has taken place (Qiu et al. 2018). There are many new regulations that will be implemented in many companies as well as organizations in the financial sectors so that they can compete the development as well as using the artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence includes some set of processes or technologies which mainly allows the computers to perform the tasks similar like human beings. Cloud computing is one such type of artificial intelligence that mainly helps the companies in many sectors including the banking sector or financial sectors, who mainly deals with data and aims to keeping the data storage safe from any intruder. This cloud computing helps to increase the productivity by increasing the efficiency of the processes and making their services as a high quality of outputs. Many artificial intelligence does not have involvement of personal data (Li et al. 2017). The consumers who mainly interacts with the service of artificial intelligence such as cloud computing, personal assistants, robo-advisors who will instruct the financial advice, provides recommendations for the streaming services will get affected. Every established companies in Europe deals with personal data that includes payroll and uses the advantages of artificial intelligence for management of such data. The way to use the personal data on the European citizens are being limited now and raising legal risks for the companies are active for the artificial intelligence. The GDPR deals with data protection and will impact negatively on the development and the use of the artificial intelligence by the companies of Europe in financial sectors.
Cloud computing has the power to change the business opportunities as well as business demands. Cloud computing helps a business to become more agile and scale all their resources with elasticity and speed (Hashem et al. 2015). For all the business leaders, the cloud computing enables the LOB (Lines of Business) to provision the computing resources and applications to rollout the key business initiatives. The cloud computing enables wider scale as well as utilization of the IT resources as some shared services in an organization.
In financial industries, the information technology is considered as the most essential factor in solving the issues (Dove et al. 2015). The information technology that is considered in this research paper is the cloud computing, which plays an important role in the financial sector. The cloud computing in the financial sector delivers IT services which is more flexible as well as cost efficient. This makes the cloud computing a perfect information technology factor in the financial industry. Cloud computing provides a high degree of regulation in the financial sector.
Cloud computing is very much useful in various sectors and from which the sector that is considered in this research paper is the financial industry. The financial industry gets much influenced with the cloud computing implementation (Hert and Papakonstantinou 2016). The financial industry gets benefited with the implementation of cloud computing particularly for customers because the customers can get access to different options that are offered by the financial sector. The customers of the financial sector gets benefited from the cloud computing. The independent variable that is the financial industry in this study enjoys the benefit for utilizing the resources properly with fast consuming operations and with less effort (Martínez-Pérez, Torre-Díez and López-Coronado 2015). The benefits that are included with cloud computing also has some disadvantages that are included in this study. The flaws that are associated with the cloud computing in financial sector involves security as well as privacy. These flaws are considered as a main concern for the financial industry.
With the business in the finance sector, there is loss of control as well as compliance on top of the Financial Industries and regulating all the risks that are associated with the business processes. The risks that is perceived by the use of cloud computing in financial markets poses challenges to the users of cloud. The challenges that are includes are stated below:
- Managing the compliance risks as well as managing governance.
- Providing better tool for the contract or SLA negotiation, mainly in smaller financial companies (Gai et al. 2015).
- Increasing the transparency level of CSPs (Cloud Service Providers).
- Increasing the level of information understanding of the cloud security in the Financial Industries.
- Clarify all differences in between the cloud computing as well as outsourcing.
- Push all National Financial Supervisory Authorities (NFSAs) for providing advanced guidance on the concept of cloud.
- Improve the all available security as well as privacy schemes of certification.
From all the information that will be collected and analyzed in this research paper, there are short term issues that helps to promote as well as adopt the cloud service. The issues are stated below:
- Reduce information gap- None of the sectors, that is FIs or NFSAs considered the security of cloud computing as the main factor while using the service. The security is considered as the main factor only by the Cloud Service Providers (CSPs).
- Provide clear as well as perfect regulatory guidance- The service provider of cloud and the financial industries have different views as well as understanding the regulation of the cloud computing that seems to confirms that the financial markets needs some better guidance as well as communication in between the users.
- Simplifying as well as streamlining the compliance- The NFSA mainly facilitate the cloud service adoption mostly in the financial sectors for meeting regulatory requirements (Gazzar, Hustad and Olsen 2016). There are different Financial Industries that have Cloud Computing Security Risk Assessment, which is a helping tool that develops a corporate risks of cloud computing.
This paper describes all the flaws that are related with the security as well as privacy that is considered as a major part of the financial industry. This paper also shed light on the challenges that cloud computing offers in financial sectors and all processes that cloud computing contribute to the financial sector. This research paper also provides some potential solutions to the current cloud computing and also provide solutions for future privacy issues as well as security concerned with the financial sector. There are also some proposed regulatory as well as compliance that helps the cloud computing to increase its security and solve the privacy issues in financial industries. The following section in this chapter offers the aims and objectives of this paper and finally provides some research questions related to cloud computing in financial industries.
The aim of this research paper is to discuss the impact of cloud computing in the financial industry. The cloud service provides benefits to the financial industry along with security as well as privacy issues. The aim of this research paper is to discuss all the security issues related to cloud computing in the financial industry. This paper also aims to know the effect of GDPR on security issues of cloud computing. The challenges related to the cloud computing are discussed along with the mitigation technique needed to mitigate those challenges. Different processes that are needed to mitigate the issues of cloud computing in financial sectors are investigated in this research paper.
H1: If security and the privacy issues are mitigated in Cloud Computing, more organizations will be encouraged to implement Cloud Computing in their business processes.
H2: If all companies in financial sector uses Cloud Computing, data storage system will become very easy.
The expected output of this research paper is to study all the security issues of cloud computing and know the mitigation techniques of cloud computing privacy and security issues. This research paper clearly defines all such mitigation process of security issues that will help other organization to depend of the service of cloud computing. This research paper also shows the importance of GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) of cloud computing that mainly impacts on the financial industries. As because of the privacy and the security issues of cloud computing, many organization in the financial sectors do not trust on cloud computing for its data management. This research paper explains clearly the mitigation process of cloud computing.
The below mentioned are the objectives that are followed to carry out this research paper.
- To study the security as well as privacy issues of Cloud Computing related to Financial Industry
- To study the effect of GDPR on Security and Privacy issues of Cloud Computing in Financial Sector
- To understand the challenges associated with Cloud Computing
- To study the mitigation process related to Cloud Computing in Financial Industry
- To understand the future/emerging security and privacy issues of Cloud Computing in Financial Sector
- What are the potential factors associate with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) use in cloud computing?
- What are the impacts of GDPR on Cloud Computing in Financial Sector?
- How GDPR can affect the Security and Privacy issues of Cloud Computing in Financial Sector?
- How to mitigate the issues related to GDPR on Cloud Computing in Financial Sector?
According to Rittinghouse and Ransome (2016), cloud computing is one of the most important technological advancements that are used in the financial industries by the CIOs, and the CFOs of the organizations. The concept of cloud computing is mainly a rapid developing technology that has mostly gained traction in the recent years. The cloud is mainly an enabler of many other technologies that includes big data, Internet of Things, artificial intelligence and many other technologies. The main service that the cloud computing provides mainly concern with interoperability, security of storage and provides service to their customers irrespective of time and place. Cloud computing serves many benefits that are also associated with the applications included in the financial sectors as well as in banking sectors.
Figure 1: Advantages of Cloud Computing
(Source: Hert and Papakonstantinou 2016)
With the adoption of cloud service in the financial sector, the agility factor of the processes of business are increased gradually. The concept of cloud computing in financial industrial sectors helps to grow the financial organization and also grows the sustainability of the organization (Demchenko et al. 2016). The financial sector should maintain particular standards because these standards helps to mitigate the risks of cloud computing in those sectors. There are many activities that helps in achieving the execution of cloud computing in the financial sectors. The activities that are involved are stated below:
- The concept of cloud computing has many efficient supervision for the associated risks in the sector of Information Technology.
- The cloud computing also helps to fulfills all the risks requirement strategies that should be followed by the assessment.
- Cloud computing also helps to coordinate the effective contract on needs of business.
- Last but not the least, cloud computing helps to monitor regularly of business system and all the services that are provided.
As stated by Siu et al. (2016), the implementation of service of cloud computing helps the companies in the financial sectors to work more efficiently in all the modes of operation. Cloud computing consists of many benefits when all the risks included in cloud are managed. The cloud computing helps all the organizations in the financial sector to make new entry in the markets, get benefits from all new opportunities and strengthen all processes of the business involved in the financial sectors (Gai et al. 2015). The financial firms can get benefitted in many ways among which another way is that the cloud computing reduces their setup and the operating cost that are related with the installation of the of new hardware and the software that is required for the storage in the data centers that makes the infrastructure resource needed that are needed or is available.
Figure 2: Cloud computing process
(Source: Weber 2015)
This research study is important because Cloud Computing plays an important role in storing of data in Financial Sector. The cloud is mainly considered as digital agenda in this world of digitization. The firms in the financial sector also have concern related to regulatory compliance which holds the concept of cloud computing with very wide adoption scale (Lu?i?, Boban and Mileta 2018). The main concerns that are related with the cloud computing in financial sectors are described below:
The first reasons comes when the regulator dos not approve the migration that is related with all the business operations of cloud in financial sectors. The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) have provided recently a new level of clarity for adoption of the cloud so that they can increase or decrease the changes that are related with the organization.
Secondly, Porambage et al. (2016) stated that the cloud does not provide any security for storing the data in it. There is not proper secure way for storing data in cloud. The service that cloud offers is third party encryption of cloud which provides an additional layer or encrypting the data in all applications of the service providers of cloud. The data encryption technique is not controlled by cloud providers. This third party encryption technique only keeps all the data safe in the cloud at all the times and where ever the data is stored.
It can be said that the cloud usually does not provide any information about particularly where the data is stored. The data that United Kingdom and European countries generate should always meet the data residency requirement (Gutierrez, Boukrami and Lumsden 2015). The data should also satisfy the Data Protection Act for keeping all data safe in the financial companies. So, it is very difficult to say where the data are stored and this is another concern about cloud computing.
The users who uses the concept of cloud computing mainly do not have any clarity or do not have control on operational, procedural, privacy as well as the security mechanisms for providers of cloud computing (Gai 2014). The security accreditations of cloud providers uses more extensive in the organizations of the financial services. With the technology of cloud computing, mitigation process is very much complicated. The success with the cloud is very simple and mainly has the strategy, a roadmap to company as well as has mitigation plan for the company of financial industry.
The concept of cloud computing is basically an emerging technology that has basically some shared resources along with the low cost and can rely on the pay per use demand for the user (Weber 2015). There are many characteristics as well as effects on the budget of Information Technology and the impacts on privacy, security issues and security of cloud computing. All security issues and the privacy issues that are discussed are involved in the concept of cloud computing (Bruin and Floridi 2017). The users who use cloud computing gets much benefited by the usage of cloud computing. It helps for storing the data as well as the processes that are involved in the cloud computing on the Internet. Security is the main concern of cloud computing that is involved in the financial sectors. The main reason that is behind for moving or migrating all the organizations from a traditional framework to that of cloud computing that is the framework of cloud computing is more secure than the infrastructure of traditional network.
According to Thota et al. (2018), General Data Protection Regulation compliance is basically a cloud that is complex. Businesses which uses the services of cloud that includes Salesforce and the Dropbox that mainly ensures that data practices at each of the services are compliant with GDPR. According to the research conducted by Netskope, this tasks becomes tough when the European enterprises uses an average of around 608 applications of cloud.
GDPR mainly has six different legal bases for the data processing (Al-Badi, Tarhini and Al-Kaaf 2017). The consent of data subject, rights that are given under performance of the contract, compliance that are associated with the legal obligations, protecting all vital interests of data subject, legitimate interests and the public interests.
GDPR has many impact on the financial sector of cloud computing. The impact of the GDPR on the cloud computing is stated below.
Client Consent- In terms of GDPR, the personal data that are involved in cloud computing refers anything that can be identify the name, email address, profiles of social media, social security numbers of some individuals (Dzombeta et al. 2014). The firms of the financial sectors mainly outlines main purpose for the data that was collected and then seek the additional consent if the firms wants to share all information with the third parties. The main aim of the GDPR is ensuring the customers that retains right over the own data.
Right for ensuring and right that is to be forgotten- Meddeb (2016) stated that the GDPR empowers with European citizen with right to the data privacy. Under this terms, the individuals that uses the cloud computing can request the access or removal of the own personal data from the banks without authorization of any outsider. This is commonly known as Data Portability (Maresova and Klimova 2015). The financial institutions mainly keep the data for ensuring compliance with some other regulations. In other circumstances, there is no justification.
Consequences of data breach- The firms of the industrial sectors basically adopt their protocols in the data breach event. The GDPR basically mandates the officers of data protection that reports the data breach to supervisory of the personal data with in a duration of 72 hours (Kertesz and Varadi 2014). The notification that are involved should contain the details that is regarded as the nature of data breach, all the categories and the approximate number of the individuals who are impacted as well as contact information of DPO (Data Protection Officer). The notification that is to be delivered should contain the details that includes the nature of data breach, all the categories and the approximate number of individuals who were impacted, and the contact details of DPO (Data Protection Officer). The data breach notification, and all remediation are also to be sent that impacts the customers without any type of undue delays.
Vendor Management- Chassang (2017) stated that systems of information technology mainly forms backbone of all financial firms with the client data continually passing them through many application of the Information Technology. GDPR is mainly associated with the personal data of the client, firms that are needed to understand all the data flows across different systems. The trend of increasing the outsourcing development and the support of functions with means that the personal client data are accessed by some other external vendors. This significantly increases the data exposure of data. Under the GDPR, the vendors usually disassociate themselves from any other obligations towards accessing of data (Schoenen, Mann and Metzger 2017). The Non-European organizations that are working in the collaboration with the Europe banks or serving the citizens of Europe for ensuring the vigilance for sharing the data across the borders. The GDPR effect imposes the accountability that is end to end for ensuring the data that are well protected by enforcing them and supports all the functions so that they can embrace the compliance.
There are many security issues that are related to security of cloud computing. The cloud computing encompasses many different technologies that includes databases, operating systems, resource scheduling, networks, transaction management, load balancing, memory management and concurrency control. So the security issues related to all the systems and the technologies are mostly applicable for the cloud computing. There are many such examples that states the security issues of cloud computing (James and Chung 2015). The network which mainly interconnects system in cloud is needed to be secured for keeping all the data safe in the network. Another paradigm in cloud computing is the concept of virtualization. The concept of virtualization has many security concern. Mapping done in virtual machines to convert them to physical machines are needed to be carried securely while carrying out the security issue virtualization. The data security that involves encrypting of data and then ensuring the needed policies are enforced for data sharing. Moreover, the resource allocation as well as algorithm of memory management are to be kept secured. The technique of data mining are also applicable for all the malware detection in the clouds. There is an extended policy of technologies as well as concepts that have been developed for a making the cloud secure for making it suitable to use by the financial sectors (Gangwar, Date nd Ramaswamy 2015). There are many layered framework for the assured service of cloud computing that consists of secure layer of virtual machine, securing the layer of cloud storage, securing the data layer of cloud as well as securing the virtual layer of the network monitor. The service that provides cross cutting mostly provides policy layer, layer of cloud monitoring, reliability layer and the layer of risks analysis.
According to Mathkunti (2014) the security of cloud computing that must be integrated with the aspect platforms of cloud computing which gains the trust of users for securing the data. The security is mostly considered as the most prominent issue in the field of cloud computing in some of the financial sectors. Most of financial sectors that mostly fears for depending the cloud computing because the security issues. The security as well as privacy issues of risks that are related to organization for using cloud computing are stated in the GDPR compliance. The organizations mostly deals with data and the all the data are stored on cloud that are commonly known as network of computers (Chang 2014). These network of computer uses remote storage for a cloud and also uses remote maintenance. Comparing all benefits of cloud computing as well as risks that are related to cloud computing, it is necessary for evaluating viability of the cloud in the financial sectors. There also lies some issues related to privacy issues that are also discussed. These privacy issues are to be considered by all users who uses the businesses of cloud computing before implementing them.
The privacy issue includes securing the private and the sensitive information that the client store on a network. In terms of cloud computing, securing the data as well as all the private and sensitive data are the rights of human. In terms of cloud computing, privacy of cloud occurs accordingly to the model of cloud deployment (Inukollu, Arsi and Ravuri 2014). In case of public cloud, the cloud is a dominant architecture when it comes to cost reduction. But when a user relies on the Cloud Service Provider for managing as well as holding the information of customer, there comes many privacy concerns that can be dealt with. The privacy concerns that are related with private cloud computing are discussed below.
- Lack of control for users- In a SAAS environment, the service provider is much more responsible for controlling the data. There are many ways by which a customer can retain the data and when the information is being processes or is stored. This is a legal requirement and this makes a trust between the customer and the vendor. The user sensitivity paradigm as well as processing of data in cloud of the systems. This leads in misusing of data that is left for illegal as well as theft (Manogaran, Thota and Kumar 2016). The cloud service provider also cannot guarantee the subject of data to be safe from any other outside access or any other outsider can access the data and delete them without the permission of the user. If this happens, it is very difficult to retrieve the data from cloud as well as avoid a vendor lock in.
- Secondary Usage that are unauthorized- Many threats can occur if the information is kept for illegal use. The standard business of cloud computing helps the business provider to achieve profits from the authorized secondary of data which mostly targets the commercials (Porambage et al. 2016). Secondary uses do not possess barriers for the secondary uses of data. Moreover, there is a connected issue related to the financial flexibility of the Cloud Service Providers. Example of issue related to the financial flexibility includes possibility of the vendor termination, and if the provider of clou computing is bankrupted. There is another way where some other companies may also get the data of the cloud service providers.
- Data Proliferation as well as Transborder Data Flow- Lu?i?, Boban and Mileta (2018) illustrated one main attribute of the cloud is the Data proliferation. This involves involvement of several companies and not controlling or managing the data owners. The vendors can be guaranteed with an ease by using the data by copying the data in different datacenters. The vendor guarantee can use the copy of data in many datacenters. Duplication of data is very difficult to ensure or the backups that are not stored or is processed with certain authority. If some research is made, then all the copies of the data can be deleted.
Because of the movement of the data, the Cloud providers exacerbate with the transborder of the data flow. This is because it can difficult to ascertain the specific server or the storage device that will be used as dynamic nature of the technology. - Dynamic Provision- The cloud has many vibrant nature. So, there can be clear aspect which one is legally responsible for ensuring the privacy of the sensitive data by the customer on cloud.
Figure 3: Issues of Cloud Computing
(Source: Manogaran, Thota and Kumar 2016)
There are security issues that the cloud computing provides. The public cloud increases the privacy issues but there is no security concern (Weber 2015). Some security concerns that are involved in cloud computing are discussed below:
Access- Security of has threat for accessing all sensitive information. There always remains of risk for data theft from a machine which has more chances in the cloud environment of the data stored in the cloud for a long duration of time because any hacker can access the data of cloud.
Controlling the data lifecycle- For ensuring the customer which has control over the data of the data is removed or is deleted by the vendor that cannot regain the data (Kertesz and Varadi 2014). In a cloud PAAS and the IAAS models, there virtual machine that are used for processing and the media can be wiped. Still there remains no surety that cannot get the data.
Outline of the Research:
The research methodology is mainly based on previous literature study that deals with the current security and privacy issues of cloud computing in the field of financial sector. The research outline includes Research Philosophy, Approach of the Research, Research Design, Procedure of Data Collection, and Data Analysis method. The research study is conducted with secondary sources of data collection method where qualitative as well as quantitative data from different articles are being studied to find out the security and privacy issues of cloud computing (Vogel 2014). The philosophy used to carry out this research is interpretivism philosophy. The approach that is used in this research methodology is inductive approach where new theories as well as new frameworks are developed. The research design that that is considered in this research paper is explanatory research design in which the researcher researches the security and privacy issues of cloud computing in financial sector and the impact of GDPR on them. The data collection procedure that is used to carry out the research paper is secondary method of data collection and the data analysis method that is used is quantitative data as well as qualitative data for analyzing the security and privacy issues of cloud computing.
There are mainly two types of research philosophy that are used for research methodology. To study the security as well as privacy issues that are related with cloud computing in financial sector. There are mainly two research philosophy that is generally used for research methodology. The research philosophy are positivism philosophy and interpretivism philosophy. To carry out this research study interpretivism philosophy is used. This philosophy is used for conducting a research that mainly follows all scientific data that are available for the research. All such data related to cloud computing in financial sector are evaluated through interpretivism philosophy. Mostly all the data that are stated by other authors are stated in this interpretivism philosophy and involvement of human is not considered (Phaphoom et al. 2015). From the interpretivism philosophy, the analysis of cloud computing is stated clearly in this research paper that deals with security and privacy issues. Many elements are interpreted with the involvement of interpretivism philosophy in the research analysis. Naturalistic data collection approach is used in this research paper that includes studies from other articles, emerge the meanings towards ending the research process. All logical techniques are utilized as social research think.
For analyzing a research study, mainly two approach is used by the researchers. The approaches are deductive approach and inductive approach. Deductive approach is mainly top-based approach in which a large amount of information is achieved while conducting the research. This approach helps to review the composing flow and also meet up all vital hypothesis with the objective that is related for the case study. Inductive approach of research analysis includes new framework and new theories that are needed to be developed. Inductive method helps to examine the fundamental period if investigation along with true objective. Requirements of the Inductive approach are developed through imperative theory to progress other speculation.
To carry out the analysis of this research study, the deductive approach is used that helps to utilize the distinctive type of truths as well as employments for cloud computing in financial sector. This deductive approach also helps to find out all the privacy issues and security issues that are related to cloud computing in financial sector. This deductive approach also states involvement of GDPR on security and privacy issues of cloud computing in financial sector.
Research design analysis is generally a systematic approach in which the researcher conducts some scientific study. In research design, all the identified components are synchronized and the data results in plausible outcome. Mainly three types of research design are used for analyzing the data for a research study namely, Exploratory Research, Descriptive Research, and Evaluation Research. In exploratory research design, the researcher explores what the research paper deals with and how the research will be conducted (Avram 2014). In Descriptive Research Design, more details is studied about the research work. The researcher knows in more details about the research study. Explanatory Research explains the main subject of the research and addresses the questions about what, why and how the research problem is solved.
For getting the result of this research paper, the research design that is used is explanatory. This research design helps to get all the information about cloud computing in financial sector and also can address about issues of cloud computing in financial sector. This exploratory research also helps to find out how to mitigate the issues of cloud computing in the specified sector and the use of GDPR in solving those issues. By selecting this research design, makes the design flexible, efficient and makes the research design more appropriate.
Generally, for collection of data while carrying out a research study, there are two types of data collection procedure. Primary data collection method and secondary data collection method. In primary data collection method, there are questionnaires, interviews that are held, group discussions, as well as observations. The researcher collects the data by their own by organizing interviews and questionnaires (Tao et al. 2014). On the other hand for secondary data collection method, the data that the researcher collects are collected from documents, reports and well as other articles.
In this methodology, secondary data collection method is used in which all the detailed information about cloud computing are corrected from other articles, books from libraries, journal articles, Internet search as well as other internet gateways. For carrying out the research study with secondary data collection method, only the information that are essential are gathered for examining the issues of cloud computing in financial sector. To carry out the research study, all such journal articles are used including newspaper, yearly reports and other sources of auxiliary information are used.
Two types of data analysis methods are used for carrying out methodology of a research. The data analysis methods are qualitative data analysis and quantitative data analysis. All information that are gathered from the interviews or group discussions are known as qualitative data. These data are generally used to compare as well as think critically with finding of literature review (Inukollu, Arsi and Ravuri 2014). The qualitative method includes understanding the underlying reasons, motivations, as well as opinions that are collected from the analysis. Whereas, in quantitative research, numerical data are collected that are to be made into usable statistics. Quantitative data is used to quantify the attributes, behaviors, opinions as well as all other defined variables.
To carry out the research study and analyzing the results related to GDPR on security and privacy issues of Cloud computing on financial sectors, quantitative data analysis is used. For analyzing the data many online surveys are studied, newspaper are analyzed.
The financial industry of Europe is in early stage for the adoption of cloud. Many of the financial industries mainly use limited range of the cloud computing services. The approach of services based on cloud is not that much strategically placed, but some of the organizations are not even aware of the cloud service they are taking. The below chart shows that almost 88% of the financial industries, until 2015 are taking the service of cloud computing. Out of the 88%, only 81% of the industries are aware of the fact that they are using cloud computing services in their business process. According to Siu et al. (2015), the survey that was organized only one organization out of the four organization knew that their business units are using services that are cloud based without the involvement of respective technological department.
Figure 4: Financial Industries using Cloud Computing
(Source: Naydenov et al. 2015)
The financial sector have adopted the services based on cloud on a low maturity level. Among all the finance sector that are taken for conducting survey of the taken research paper, only 50% of the industries in finance sector are using the service of cloud explicitly. The common approach that is used by the finance sector is hybrid Public Cloud and hybrid Private Cloud. Some of the organizations even use the service of cloud computing as testing environment and also to develop better usage of hybrid Public Cloud. Public Clouds are used by the finance industries as a testing bed for all the new applications.
According to Naydenov et al. (2015), the survey that was conducted in the taken research paper, only 8% of the total finance industry has Private Cloud Computing service policy. The main reason for using the Private Cloud is the privacy as well as compliance concerns. The Private Cloud also provides confidence for the business requirement of organization. According to the survey conducted, almost 92 % of the total organization in the finance sector have started using the strategy of Public Cloud as well as Private Cloud both for the external as well as service for in house information technology (Mosco 2015). This increases the amount of adopting cloud service. From the study it can also be stated with the implementation of cloud computing, there is a particular prudency level when cloud computing deals with critical services. Nearly 42% of the organizations in the finance industry do not have explicit strategy of cloud or is in the developing state.
Figure 5: Challenges faced by Cloud Computing
(Source: Sharma et al. 2017)
As stated by Schoenen, Mann and Metzge (2017), in his article, there are many reasons for which the finance industry do not have well cloud strategy. The reasons for which there is no cloud computing are listed below:
- There are restriction for regulation for which the finance industries avoid of using cloud in their business processes. Up to 50% of the industries do not use cloud computing for this reason.
- Lacking of strategic approach because of cloud computing also prevents the industries to use them.
- The cloud also does not provide concern notification for the public breach.
- Some of the industries even doubt about the working of cloud computing. So, they do not use the services of cloud.
- Some of the organizations do not use service of cloud computing because they has lack of interest for accessing the opportunities of cloud. According to the survey conducted, only 10% of the industries lack interest about cloud computing strategies.
After all the reasons for not adopting cloud computing by the organizations in the industrial sector, 8% among them do not use cloud computing strategy because just they do not want to adopt or might be because of less time and less resources available with them.
This paper by Naydenov et al. (2015), also states many reason for adopting the no cloud approach by some of the companies in the financial sectors. The listed points below shows the reasons for not implementing cloud computing in their business processes.
- For the security concerns many industries do not trust to use the service of cloud computing.
- There also remains the privacy concern which prevents the industries for using the strategies of cloud computing.
- There remains regulatory compliance or legal compliance.
- Cloud computing also involves internal policies.
From the survey conducted, the below two figures show the usage of public cloud services and the private cloud service in the industrial sector.
Figure 6: Implementation of Public cloud based services
(Source: Naydenov et al. 2015)
Figure 7: Implementation of Private cloud based services
(Source: Weber 2015)
From the above two diagrams, a comparative study can be done related to the Public cloud provider and Private cloud provider. It can be analyzed that Cloud Service Providers (CSPs) believes that the Public Cloud is very appropriate for Financial Industries and according to National Financial Supervisory Authorities (NFSAs), Financial Industries should use Private cloud. According to the survey, the feedback that is given by the FI (Financial Industries) is they prefer mostly the email management system in a Public cloud instead of using Private cloud. The financial sector also have stated that both the public cloud as well as private clouds are much more suitable environment for the development of application and testing of application (Ifinedo 2014). The point where FI, CSPs, and NFSAs is the security of the using the security element for the mobile. From the point of CSPs, the mobile security can be moved in public cloud that is mainly offered by Security as a Service. From the NFSA viewpoint, the mobile security service can be provided by Private cloud, and by FIs, both the Public as well as Private cloud provides elements of mobile security.
From another article, according to the survey conducted by the IDC (International Data Corporation) states that strength of the cloud computing that is to be implemented in the industry of Information Technology, and this also gives inspiration to the Cloud Service Providers (CSPs). The survey that is conducted in this research paper relates with the growth of cloud, and also deals with the security aspect of the cloud computing. Cloud is considered to be the first priority to all vendors, current and future usage, revenue report, the user’s state of cloud and the popularity survey related to cloud computing. According to the survey, the figure below shows the survey result on the security of cloud.
The figure 4 below represents the security as the first rank according to the IT executives. The survey that is conducted is collected by conducting a survey with 263 IT professionals. The IT professionals were asked different questions that are related to cloud and from the data collected from the IT professionals and the executives, it can be clearly analyzed that the professionals of the IT are most of the time worried about the security of the cloud they are using in their business processes.
Figure 8: Survey on Security of Cloud Computing
(Source: Weber 2015)
According to the survey, Figure 5 below states that among all the technologies, cloud computing is considered as first ranking technology. The data in the survey conducted is mostly collected in the year 2010 by International data Corporation (IDC). The survey report shows that importance of cloud computing in the financial sectors.
Figure 9: Technology priority of Cloud Computing in Financial Sectors
(Source: Weber 2015)
Taking security into consideration, the survey that is conducted consists of the security issues that is related to cloud computing mainly in the financial sectors. As stated by NFSA, there always remains a risks to Information Technology in-house can be controlled much easily and the operations can be managed compared to cloud. The survey considers security as the key consideration for adopting the cloud services (Sheikhi et al. 2015). The survey that was conducted in the taken research study was carried out by asking questions to different respondents. The respondents were asked to rank the common security risks from rating the risks from one (least security concern) to five (highest security concern).
Figure 10: Security of Cloud Computing Ranking
(Source: Rittinghouse and Ransome 2016)
According to the Financial Industry, the survey that was conducted states that there are many security concerns related to the services that are cloud based. The Financial industries have security concerns that are mostly related to cloud services and the FI industry are more concerned about the data confidentiality, the compliance related, the data breach and the legal issues that are related with cloud computing. According to NFSA, there is a loss from governance, there is lack of transparency as well as features that lacks in auditing are the additional risks associated with the cloud computing with those mentioned by the Financial Industries. From the survey, it can be analyzed from the diagram that service providers of cloud discusses security similar to that of FI including data beach, availability as well as integrity as top most in the list. It can also be noted form the survey that there is a lack of the forensic capabilities is not the relevant issue of cloud computing and there are many other risks as well that are less relevant to that expressed by FIs and the NFSAs.
The figure 7, the challenges that are faced by the Cloud Service Providers and the Financial Industries for adopting the service of cloud in their industries. From the survey conducted, it can be analyzed that there are divergent opinions among the parties that are involved (Smith, Bhogal and Sharma 2014). From the viewpoint of Financial Industry, the regulatory obligations are the most important and the biggest challenge that are faced during mitigation of the services that are cloud based. From the view of CSPs, the main challenge that are faced is while migrating the trading solutions that are of high frequency. So, their opinions about the challenges related to cloud computing is different.
Figure 11: Challenges faced by Cloud computing to services of cloud computing
(Source: Rittinghouse and Ransome 2016)
To mitigate the challenges that are faced by cloud computing by FIs and the CSPs, there must be involvement of security requirements. In context of solution o high frequency trading solutions is not a challenge to the financial industries. This is because the FIs are not planning to move the applications to cloud. The FI also recognize that collection of log and analysis of cloud is most probably an issue that are related with the Public Clouds. The CSPs have different opinion in this contrast. The CSPs believes that the challenge that is related with the log collection is not at all relevant. Figure 8 shows the result of survey related to the challenge that is faced by the cloud computing.
The financial industries are not able to get the specific risks that are related to cloud computing and the NFSAs requires supervised institutions for identifying, migrating as well as assessing the risks. While conducting the survey, about 46% of the respondents who were involved in the survey developed risk assessment of cloud computing which is also known as corporate risks assessment (Sharma, Bansal and Sharma 2015). Financial industries without developing strategies of corporate risks management for cloud computing. Almost 42 % of the total industries in financial sectors do not have cloud strategy that are fully structured.
Figure 12: Challenges faced by Cloud computing to services of cloud computing
(Source: Porambage et al. 2016)
A survey was also conducted to find out the mitigation process that the respondents are g-facing or the processes that the respondents are suggesting about mitigating the security issues faced by the cloud computing in financial sectors. Cloud Service Providers confirms that the Financial Industries mainly asks for security measures, permission for deep auditing, permission of there is any incident, and not moving the data of client to cloud.
For mitigating the issues or risks that lies under cloud computing, the Financial Industry is mainly willing to engage the cloud service that offers particular functions and specific functions. Some functions and some features are needed to improve the trust. Other features are needed to improve the security as well as for compliance purpose.
Figure 13: Mitigating the issues of cloud computing
(Source: Rittinghouse and Ransome 2016)
The GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) of Europe also plays an important role in maintaining the security issues of cloud computing in financial sectors. The GDPR mainly regulates about how the technologies creates as well as processes all the personal data involved and offers protection for most of the users or participants. The GDPR also regulates the amount of data that are collected and the data processed, shared, stored as well as increasing the re-using of data dramatically.
Figure 14: Security Risk Associated with Cloud Computing
(Source: Sharma et al. 2017)
As stated by Sharma et al. (2017), the concept of cloud computing provides beneficial service as well as cost effective models for different users but there are many security issues that are related with the usage profile of the user and data application. There are big challenges which are related with the security as well as privacy issues and to address them is a big challenge. The performance of cloud computing is mostly affected by these security issues and privacy issues. Figure 15 shows the security issues that are associated with cloud computing. There are many mechanism that solves the problem of security issues which involves authentication mechanism, cryptography techniques, and virtualization. When the data, web applications, services, and controls are available to the cloud system, the control over the cloud computing is lost. There are many environment such as data privacy, authentication, confidentiality, internet protocol, encryption, compliance, personal privacy, and integrity where the IP services are not trusted. SLA (Service Level Agreement) in between the user and the service provider is used in cloud computing which in addition also has risk of virtualization, auditing the processes, compliance law, regulations, third-party management, non-availability of the good standards.
Figure 15: Technical Cloud Computing Risks
(Source: Sharma et al. 2017)
The figure above shows the cloud computing risks that are associated with the data and the security issues of primary risks for the recovery that in a cloud computing environment, data and security of data is the primary risk area whereas disaster recovery is the second critical risk area.
From the survey analysis, it is already been studied that about 92 % of the industry in financial sector have started using cloud computing. The concept of GDPR is prescriptive related to the Cloud Computing that clarifies roles as well as responsibilities of the processor and the controller. The GDPR also clarifies the mandatory contract, responsibilities in sub-contracting as well as data transfer across the countries. According to the survey related to the impact of GDPR in cloud computing in financial sectors. The respondents or the participants have mentioned some of the roles mentioned above in their survey. Their concern were noted down that were particularly with respect of data ownership, profiling, data merging and data location related to the readiness of GDPR in finance companies related to cloud computing.
The technologies of cloud computing along with unlimited capacity and lower cost are linked closely with Big Data and the artificial intelligence. There are many revolution of big data that consists of algorithm analysis, data availability from IoT as well as data mining for the applications. The concept of GDPR includes Big Data in consideration.
Analysis and Conclusion
For analyzing of security issues of cloud computing in financial industries, many research papers are considered in which the authors have carried out different surveys to find out the importance of cloud computing in financial sectors. The authors have also successfully found out the main areas where the financial sectors faces problem in cloud computing. The financial sectors faces problems related to cloud computing and there is need to solve the reason for security as well as privacy issues of cloud computing. The authors involved in those research papers have clearly surveyed the reason of issues involved in cloud computing and the ways to solve them. From the survey that were carried out, many ways of solving the issues were studied from the respondents which can successfully solve the issue of cloud computing in financial sectors.
Some of the reasons that possesses the challenges for adopting cloud computing services are stated in the taken research paper. While conducting the survey, the authors asked the Cloud Service Providers as well as Financial Industries about the challenges that were faced by them. The CSPs and the FIs have different views on which they faces problems related to cloud computing. The viewpoint of Financial Sectors was different from that of Cloud Service Providers. According to the FIs, the biggest problem that they face is from regulatory obligations that takes place while migrating the services of cloud in their business processes. However, for Cloud Service Providers, the main area of problem or issues that they face is migrating a trading solution that is usually of high frequency. Where the trading solutions are not considered as a problem to the industries in financial sectors. The financial sectors are not moving the applications of trading solutions in cloud storage. According to the financial sector, the main area where they face problem is the area of log collection and analyzing the cloud creates a problem in the finance industries. They find storing log collection difficult in cloud, specifically in public clouds. Whereas, the Cloud Service Providers do not face this problem. This difference in opinions seems in reflecting the need of the financial industries to remain in direct control of what is happening in the cloud.
The service provider of cloud confirms that the Financial Industries has the need of implementing the security measures, give permission if there is some incident, deep auditing as well as moving the data of the client to cloud. If the incidents are not from the Financial Industries, then penalty clauses are imposed.
Some of the smaller service providers of cloud provides isolating answers from the European leading providers. From the survey it can be stated that the Financial Industries demands more from the demands of the Cloud Service Providers. The FIs requires permission of deeper auditing in case there occurs some incidents. The Financial Industries do not move the cloud data in the clouds that are provided by smaller cloud providers. Financial sectors enforce penalty if some incidents takes place while taking the service from small service providers of cloud. This case is different from big service providers. According to the statistical data that was collected by the author, it cannot be statistically significant as because the sample that was taken for conducting the survey was very small. So, there is not specific statistical data for this survey conducted.
From the study, Mathkunti (2014) have analyzed that the NFSA have many concerns about adopting the services of cloud computing by the Financial Industries. The concerns that are taken into account reflects the fact that the NFSA mainly requires the Financial Industries so that they can follow some requirements of strict security, which starts from security measures of risk assessment which are needed to be implemented.
From the research papers, it can be stated that the stringent requirements and the supervision done by NFSA, one of the operating requirement that is crucial to implement is compliance. The adoption of cloud computing is mainly considered within context for maintaining the regulatory compliance. From the study, it can be found that all the organizations approaches assurance compliance with the cloud providers through some means. The means through which compliance can be assured is stated below:
- 92% of the compliance comes from specific contract.
- 83% comes from SLAs.
- 71% comes from certification.
- 29% from audits.
While conducting the survey, two challenges were caused while conducting the interview. The challenges that were faced by the Financial Industries while conducting the interviews are discussed below:
- There was lack of negotiation power as the financial industries were not having the power required to negotiate that particular specific clauses of contract with bigger service providers of cloud.
- There was also limited perceive power in the certification area of the financial industry. When there is high value of attestation, there remains a mixed feeling of the certification regarding the services of cloud. There are many consensus as well in which the certifications provide very high value and are considered as good means for the Cloud Service Providers for ensuring the compliance with the standards. There are many financial players in market who are skeptical in existing the schemes of cloud certification. This happens because of information lack about relevance of standards of cloud security in the financial market. Later on, a clear awareness gap was suggested since the governance and the assurance standards are developed and are mainly aimed at cloud that already exist. The governance and the assurance standards that were suggested are considered to be matured for its adaptation. Meddeb (2016) PCI-DSS46 and ISO 2700145 are two common standards that are used but different financial industries express the framework of cloud-specific certification that would be more helpful approach to the compliance.
There are two particular tools that needs to support the security awareness in cloud. The two particular tools are discussed below:
- CCSL (Cloud Certification Schemes List) – This is a list that consists of existing certification schemes that are related to the customers of cloud computing. This CCSL scheme provides all the potential customers by giving an overview related to the objective characteristics on each scheme. This helps the customers to understand the working scheme of the services of cloud computing and also states whether the scheme is actually right for the business processes involved. CCSL scheme is continuously updated and improved along with the stakeholders from the financial sectors.
- CCSM (Cloud Certification Schemes meta-framework) – This is a particular tool frame work that helps to collect the security requirement of the public sector and then groups them in total of 27 objectives of security. The security objectives are also mapped against schemes of cloud certification included in CCSL. The main aim of CCSM is providing a more transparency and then helps the customers in public sectors along with procurement of the services of cloud computing.
Analyzing and studying all the surveys and reports discussed by many authors, it can be concluded that Cloud computing has mainly caused a debate compared to any other technologies advancements. The concept of cloud computing is increased tremendously in the financial services according to the study of last two years. The growth of cloud computing in the financial sector generally requires vendors as well as firms to overcome the challenges together. The Financial institutions mainly realize the main benefits of the processes of cloud computing that lowers the cost as well as helps to do the work faster adopting to the solution of cloud without regulatory mandate. The major shifts in the technology generally takes years to make an impact and the migration of the core application of the financial services to cloud usually takes some time.
After completing the research study, this paper details the security consideration as well as the challenges that are currently faced by the cloud computing sector in the financial sectors. There may be involvement of technical challenges related to cloud computing in the financial services. This helps to build an effective as well as comprehensive cloud strategy. This research paper deals with qualitative as well as quantitative data collection methods that are collected from many research papers. The financial institutions are developed as well as adopting the strategies of cloud within the organizations. The strategies that are involved for adopting the hybrid clouds which consists of data centers with the private clouds. The challenges that most of the financial institutions are all described in this research paper along with the mitigation techniques. The challenges in the financial institutions because of the cloud computing are stated along with mitigation measures that are available for the private cloud services.
Dove et al. (2015) also talks about the mitigation measures of the services of cloud computing. It can be analyzed that the major of the respondents have requested the Cloud Service Providers for implementing some particular clauses of contract that includes developing the exit strategies, right to audit, information assurance as well as security certifications, SLAs that are clearly defined and implementing through security measures. It can be analyzed that the NFSA has much strict approach compared to the financial industries. This is done because of its nature is not only to make profit, but its nature id prudence based. The clause of contract are much less reluctant about moving the data of the client taking as consideration as risk assessment that has to be performed and risks can also be mitigated. The percentage of the financial industry who have not entered the data of the client to cloud is to be consistent with total number of financial industries who do not have any corporate risk assessment for services of cloud.
Bruin and Floridi (2017) states that there are many technological risks that are involved in the Cloud computing of financial sector. In recent days, there are different innovations of technology in the areas that includes the card payment, system virtualization, as well as mobile technology that helps to expand the business offerings as well as customer reach in the financial institutions. The Information Technology that are out sourcing have become attractive to Financial Industries because of abundance of services in outsourcing. The backdrop of increased reliance on the complex system of information technology and the operations in financial sector is the most important risk of the cyber-attack and the system disruptions. In this context, the Financial Industries that are expected to be continued so that they deepen the risk management capabilities of the technology and can be ready for handling the Information Security incidents and the system failures.
To make better guidance as well as enhancing the better address and guide of the emerging technology risks that are related to the Financial Industries two guides have been introduced. There are MAS Internet Banking as well as Guidelines of Technological Risk Management (Chassang 2017). There are single set of guidelines that are implemented with the past circulars on the endpoint security and the data protection, availability, recoverability, as well as reliability on information system. There is a new guidelines that has termed as “Technology Risk Management Guidelines” in the research paper for reflecting the purpose in a better way.
Along with the new guidelines involved in the system, MAS issued a Notice that defines set of legal requirements that are related with the risk management of the technologies in Financial Industries. These includes the requirements for reliability, recoverability, and availability for the Information technology system and the Financial Industries are to implement the IT controls for protecting the information of the customer from accessing the unauthorized information.
It can be concluded that cloud computing is an adopted technology in the financial industry of Europe. The implementation and the adoption of cloud computing in the financial sector are not much mature. There are many security issues that are involved in the cloud computing. A vast major industries in the financial institutions mostly rely on the in-house infrastructure. The financial sector and the supervisory authorities have some clear view on technical as well as financial benefits that are related with both private as well as public cloud service infrastructure. There are many deployment models as well but all should have the risk management strategies and should have risk control that are related to the information assets. Among all, the most important as well as common approach that is used by the Financial Industries is commonly a hybrid cloud infrastructure that is made from the Public cloud as well as Private cloud computing infrastructure. The services that are offered are most often migrated to cloud that includes the test environments as well as email management. It can also learnt that the Financial institutions are mostly considered that the Private cloud is better fit for all the financial market because of the compliance concerns as well as privacy concerns. The concept of private cloud is mostly supported by the NFSA (National Financial Supervisory Authorities) because the private cloud provides more control over the operations and the data protection. There are many number of different sources that helps to understand the use of cloud service in a better way in the financial sector. The analysis that is made in this research paper includes many recommendations in the financial sectors, cloud service providers that should for making the service of cloud computing safe in the finance sector.
Each research study can face problem and these problems only restricts to carry a better research work. Many issues can be avoided by researchers while carrying out this research study but there are some issues that the researchers cannot avoid. The limitation of cloud computing related to security and privacy issues of cloud computing is that more number of research papers may have been taken for carrying out this research paper. The time that was given for data collection and data analyzing was very short. More time could had been provided for carrying out this research paper. The challenges that are faced by the researchers while carrying out this research paper is detailed below:
Time Constraints: Time is the major issue that is faced by researcher while conducting the research study. There is limited time for the researcher for collecting data which could basically increase acceptance level of research study. Because of time, many information which were important was not used by researcher.
Reliability of data: For the data collection method, only the secondary data was taken care of ignoring the primary data fully. There was no primary data collection method carried out for this research paper. So, it was not possible for the researcher to study the real fact which would have been very much useful for the research work. So, the researcher only conducted secondary data research for carrying out this research study.
Using of information: Using of information was also a limitation in this research paper as for collection of data, mainly the data of FTSE 100 Index was analyzed. The researcher was not able to use any other source which might be effective for analyzing this research.
This paper may help to carry out this research topic to a wider range by concentrating more on GDPR issues of cloud computing in financial sectors. This paper may also be helpful to other researchers as well as the data that are collected may be helpful for future study. This research was done with best effort by the researcher but with such less time the analysis was not possible to do properly. Investing more time could have made this paper more impressive. To carry out this research study, more time is needed in future. Using of data only from FTSE 100 Index, the researcher can also use information from ROA or from ROI which can help to measure the performance as well as increase the success level of the research. More independent variables can be selected by the researcher to make the study more effective.
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