Identifying Good, Bad And Ugly Project Management Behaviors
This particular report mainly highlights the overall behavior of the leader and project managers in various scenario or project (Serrador and Pinto, 2015). In this report, three various kind of project that is good, bad and ugly that is analyzing the behavior of various team member and leaders. Three different lessons are learned about the given project management practices. It will ultimately highlight the behavior of the project managers in the three scenarios (Emblemsvåg, 2014). In the first scenario, I have worked at women’s wear shop located in Lebanon. The organization was encountering financial ups and downs. In the second scenario, I have worked as a Sales representative at a marble selling organization which is based in Jihad city(Tripp, Drew and Lynch, 2015). In the third scenario, I have worked as an IT technician where I have to deal with customers.
In the coming pages of the report, an idea has been provided regarding three different scenarios that are Good, Ugly and Bad. Three important aspects like description of context, lesson gained and critical has been discussed with respect to each of the scenario.
I have worked as an IT technician and comes up with a wonderful experience. In this particular scenario, I have to deal with customer indirect way. At this particular instances, I have come with the idea of building skills and building them a bit more (Zhang, Boukamp and Teizer, 2015). So I came back to Australia and completed my business administration. In this scenario, I have encountered a large number of challenges or issues which is due to lack of time along with cooperation among the team members. Project manager’s focus on attending a meeting and complete the whole thing in the given time. Project manager can easily attend an attend a meeting for working hard and developing cooperation among the team members. It is mainly done so that the given work can be completed in the given deadline (Heravi, Coffey and Trigunarsyah, 2015). Some possible ways need to be taken into consideration which is needed for dealing the present idea of developing skills (Ochieng et al., 2016). The particular approach of the given project is completing it in the given deadline.
I have noticed in many scenarios about the importance of project managers who tends to work in various project and comes up with various qualities. From my experience of IT technician, I have learned about various things like motivation, influencing team members in effective way. Project manager can easily make decision based on the ability of handling project so that the given project can be easily completed within deadline. I have analyzed that project manager can easily motivate the team members along with proper skills. Proper organization can be considered to be as one of the key factors which are needed for building proper productive environment. Good problem-solving skills can easily work under the given pressure and can be used for completing the project in the given deadline. Goods skills can be gathered from skills of business administration will help in completing my masters on time.
Case 1: Good: Exemplary project management Behavior
From the above scenario, I have understood the fact that good skills can be beneficial to project managers as it can play a key role in managing the project in proper way. Proper project management skills are mainly inclusive of skills in dealing with people in proper way. A proper working environment is mainly inclusive of completing the work in proper way. I have understood the importance of communication skills which is needed for attracting customers in organization. I have understood that it is vital for project manager to motivate the team members in completing the project in proper way. It is required for handling the given project in required way and keeping the whole project on proper track.
I have worked as an owner for women shop which is based in Lebanon. The organization was encountering ups and downs due to poor economic condition (Okazaki et al., 2015). Project managers can easily consider the dealing which is needed for understanding the project equation. Top authority of the given organization needs to have an idea regarding the process of dealing with phone calls. The ultimate goal is all about to have an understanding regarding for shipping the old city. It can easily focus on the idea of good plan. It mainly helps in analyzing the issues which are encountered by project manager who is there in the work (Bevacqua et al., 2015). It has been analyzed that the organization encountered many issues like ups and downs which is mainly due to bad economic condition. It has been analyzed that schedule and scope of the project. The sales of this organization that is women shop do not need to be affected(Tripp, Drew, and Lynch, 2015). For ignoring the failure of the project that is women shop various kinds of financial risk.
I have understood the poor management of the project has resulted in ups and downs in the project. It has ultimately resulted in various kind of ups and downs in the project. The project manager does not have proper skills and knowledge of project management. If the project manager does not have an idea regarding the economic condition, then the scope of the project will be affected. I have noticed that the business has been affected due to poor economic condition. Improper behavior of the project manager can easily result in ups and downs for this business.
From the above scenario, I have encountered a large number of problem like ups and downs in the business due to bad economic condition (Iyer and Banerjee, 2016). Project manager can easily face financial issues with respect to performance of this project. In order to manage the business in successful way, project manager needs to have an idea regarding project management techniques which is needed for financial risk for the business. I have also understood the fact that project management skills are required for achieving the objectives of the project (Winkler et al., 2015). It is mainly needed for understanding project failures so that failures can be easily reduced and women’s wear shop can easily achieve huge amount of profit and financial stability.
Case 2: Bad: Poor Behavior of Project Management
I have worked as Sales representative for an organization which sells marble. The organization is based in Jihad city (Braglia and Frosolini, 2014). I have encountered the project engineers does not have any kind of idea regarding underperformance of the project at various levels. It has been analyzed that meetings need to be arranged with various engineers for quoting prices as they do not have any kind of idea regarding it (Creemers, De Reyck, and Leus, 2015). The major issue which has been encountered is that engineers do not have any idea regarding present customers. It can be stated as one of the major function which has resulted in overall degradation of the project (van Eck et al., 2015). It can easily affect the overall effect of the project and can easily result in closure of this project.
I have analyzed large number of issues at the undertaking phase of the project. The ultimate focus is on the ugly behavior of the project managers towards this project. I have analyzed the importance of meetings with engineers and provided them an idea regarding the prices. The main issues which have been encountered is that project manager needs to start from scratch as they do not have any idea regarding the present customers. I have analyzed that for the success of the project it is important for keeping a track of customers. It can be done with the help of project managers along with team leaders for achieving the overall success of the goals and objectives. I have encountered that engineers need to have an idea regarding the present customers. It is mainly needed for achieving the objectives and goals of this project. I have encountered that is project engineers does not certain number of characteristics which are needed for the success of the project. They do not have certain proper communication skills which can easily cause huge amount of issues in the project.
From this scenario, I have encountered that the project engineers need to gather certain skills like communication and budgeting. Proper communication with the customers can be considered to be helpful for attracting customers. I have analyzed that proper performance of the project can be easily used for providing an overview for the project. It will be helpful in attracting a large number of customers. Project closure can be easily managed in such that it can help in success of this project. Apart from this, I have learned that project engineers lack certain number of communication skills which is needed for improving collaboration. Project engineers can easily help in establishing communication platform which can affect the success of this organization. Furthermore, project engineers need to have an understanding cost involved in those marbles so that they communicate with the customers. The project can be completed within the deadline which is mainly by understanding both goals and objective of this organization.
From the above pages, it can be easily concluded that this report is all about analyzing three different situations of project management. In the above pages, three different situations that are good, bad and ugly has been encountered. Apart from this, behavior of project managers along with leaders needs to be taken into account which is required for success of the project. The project management behavior is helpful for completing the project within budget and time. It has been analyzed three different situations that are financial risk, improper communication and developing skills. Apart from this, a critical reflection has been provided with respect to three kinds of feeling that is good, ugly and bad for project. In the critical reflection three kind of methods that is good, ugly and bad project manager behavior has been discussed in details. Apart from this, proper lesson needs to be gathered with respect to project management practices which have been identified. Apart from this, proper planning with the given project can be helpful in successful achievement of project goals along with objectives.
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