Identifying And Controlling Physical Hazards In The Workplace
Preventing Recurrence of Hazards
Kappes, Keiler, Elverfeldt and Glade (2012 p.1925) defined hazard as a potential source of harm. The physical hazards in the Australian hardware include the fall of objects, slippery floors, unprotected edges and unsafely situated ladders. The Psycho-social hazards include long working hours, life balances and business security. The mechanical hazards include pressure vessels, and pipes, scaffolding, engines, motors and other rotating machines, lasers, energy radiators, drilling and cutting machines and welding equipment. Chemical hazards include toxic fluids, gasses and dust. Sources of energy – hazards include pressure vessels containing chlorine or ammonia. Environmental hazards include inferior air quality, extreme working temperature; high intensify of noise and light and extreme workloads
After identification of the physical hazard, consultation with the relevant parties including employees and the management is important to analyze the risks prevalent in the physical hazard to identify the prevalence of the risks and how the risks can be mitigated. Risk analysis requires the involvement of the management so that they can assist in the measures which should be taken in dealing with the hazards. In the Occupational Health and Safety Act 2000, consultation is defined as the sharing of information which is relevant on the safety and health in occupations where the workers are presented with the opportunity of expressing their views and given the opportunity of expressing their views and contributions in a timely way for the purpose of resolving health and safety issues in the workplace (Reamer, 2013 p. 163).
WHS legislation codes may apply. The hardware needs to apply its policies and procedures for ensuring health and safeness to all employees and others while carrying out their work duties.
Physical hazards in the workplace include falls of objects, slippery floors, unprotected edges and unsafely situated ladders. Employees may also get injured through tripping on objects which have been placed wrongly in the walkway. The nature of injury may vary from minor injuries to fatal injuries which require quick treatment and are considered a medical emergency. For example, electrocution from unprotected electric cables. In addition, employees may trip on cables running across the floor, sustain back injuries after lifting heavy items like boxes or fall off chairs. Furthermore, employees may be subjected to work pressure due to being overworked which may lead to persistent headaches.
Photos or videos to explaining the hazard
Physical hazards in the hardware may be caused by being crushed by equipment, falling from heights, tripping on items, and working in a noisy place.
Physical Hazards in the Workplace
Hazards such as lifting too many heavy objects may lead to back injury that may affect the spinal cord. Tripping on items on the floor may result in breakage of bones while electrocution may affect an employee’s central nervous system. In addition, falling off heights like ladders may lead to injuries in bones and muscles. Furthermore, slippery floors may result in painful dislocation of joints.
Control methods for the hazard (using the hierarchy of control)
The hierarchy of control can be used in controlling physical risks. The process includes elimination, substitution, engineering controls, administrative controls and PPE. The control methods will include identification of the hazard, identification of the risk, assessment, and risk control, process documentation, monitoring, and reviewing the entire process.
Organizational policies and procedures relating to WHS
Organizational policies require the investigation of incidents to be carried out by the right personnel who are tasked with the responsibility of looking into causes of risks.
Fire, emergency evacuation
Organizational policies and procedures relating to evacuations in case of an emergency like fire require proper processes to be followed to reduce casualties. Organizations require employees to assemble at a predetermined point for headcount to know if some people have left in the building during the evacuation process. In addition, using elevators is prohibited. Employees are also expected to be trained on the safe use of fire extinguishers and first aid kit.
The organization requires to be trained on methods of quick identification of hazards to ensure that various hazards are avoided at an early stage.
The importance of consultation in identifying and treating hazards in the workplace
Consultation is vital in the identification and treatment of hazards, as concerned parties WHS consultants are easily able to know the causes and ways of treating the hazard. For example, consulting with employees about workplace hazards is important for getting their views and suggestions on how to eliminate the risk.
Results of consultation with other members of the organization
After consulting with employees, various risks related to the physical hazard are identified and controlled. For example, employees are trained in the safe use of equipment and on being able to arrange items properly to avoid trips and slips.
an explanation of the relevant provisions of the legislation (such as work health safety legislation), regulations or codes of practice that may apply to the hazard and note when you checked these and when you plan to next check them in order to keep up-to-date with changes in legislation
Controlling Physical Hazards using the Hierarchy of Control
Checking the work health and safety provision is important as it gives an overview of the legal requirements for workplace hazards. For example, the legislation requires the marking of all hazardous substances. In addition, the handling of equipment and chemicals is required to be well documented. Physical hazards control equipment like fire extinguishers should also be available and accessible. In addition, employees should be trained on the proper use of first aid kits and evacuation procedures practiced and are well documented. To keep up to date with legislation changes, I will ensure that I check the codes of practice after every six months.
I will follow up with the WHS consultants to check for any update regarding the control of the physical hazards. In addition, I will follow up with employees to check how they go on with their duties while integrating the safety procedures.
A description of where workgroup members can access information about the hazard.
Workgroup members can access more information regarding physical hazards from the documents kept for reference in regards to the safety of people in the organization. The company mission and vision should also integrate the WHS practices to ensure that it provides a holistic view of the organizational WHS.
Appendix 1: Skill matrix
Cahill |
Erica |
Katrina |
Murray |
Identification of hazards |
Untrained |
trainer |
Learner |
Practitioner |
Task performance |
learner |
Practitioner |
trainer |
trainer |
Control measures |
untrained |
Operator |
untrained |
Practitioner |
reviews |
Practitioner |
trainer |
trainer |
learner |
Topic: |
What performance issue does this training session need to address? The performance issues that will be addressed by the growth gap, performance gap and opportunities gaps that exist in the organization. The gaps have been the reason to why the company is experiencing low growth rates and employees motivation and morale is low resulting in poor performance. Furthermore, the type of training is inductive which is intended to familiarize workers with organization facilities. |
Key point |
Bullet points (what will you say) |
Resources (handouts/physical demonstration/slides) |
Understanding (how will you check for understanding – questions/observatio n/discussion) |
Hazards and control measure |
-All hazards in the workplace must be taken care of -WHS measures need to be keenly followed to reduce the occurrence of incidence -control measures and procedures to be pinned on workplace and employees need to be referring to them appropriately |
-printouts -copies pinned on walls especially specific places where the hazards are located. -demonstration of how employees should practice good working practices and ensure safeness. |
The understanding of the discussion will be assessed by performing an appraisal whereby all participants will reflect what they have already learned from the discussion -also frequently asking questions during the training will ensure employees are carefully participating. |
Current situation |
-the current state of knowledge, skills and abilities – Internal and external constraints, climate change and goals that the company has set and need to be accomplished. |
-The resources here will be presentation slides that will define the environmental organization is operating. – The slides indicating the knowledge and skills that employees offer in the organization and what should be done to improve their capabilities for effective performances. |
The evaluation system will compare the performances of employees before the training and immediately after the training to determine whether there is change occurrence. |
Desired or necessary skills |
-identification of the gap between the current situation and desired necessary skills for improvement |
-the slides clearly indicating the personal success within the organization |
Tracking down of personal performances and success including reviewing of performance evaluation systems. |
Causes, problems, solutions, opportunities and growth |
-identification of key areas in the organization that needs improvements. – Reviewing of employees feedbacks to determine the new directions of the company – gap analysis to identify opportunities and solution of the problems experienced in the organization |
-slides – copies pinned on walls -handouts |
-monitoring how employees are adapting to change. |
Costs associated with the training session: Development of WHS manual – $7000 inclusive of printing. Risk management and health safety short course- $3000 Hazard management training guide-$100 Course certificate in risk management and safety- &4900 The total cost for the training is estimated to be $15000 |
G |
Goal |
-Promotion of team leader within a duration of 1 year from employees in the organization. (Applicable to employees with more than one year of experience and there are several team leaders in the position). The goal is realistic as there are several leaders’ positions in the departments with relevant to employee’s career aspiration, time-bound and teams missions. |
R |
Reality |
– Looking at current reality state of employees, it clear all of them are in an entry-level position although they have the required skills to be a team leader. So through the training employees are brainstormed to gain additional skills needed for successful team leader role. Furthermore, employees need more experienced dealing with diverse customers and managing other workgroups. Employees also need to improve their performances for considerations for available promotions. |
O |
Options |
-This category will review options of employees. To get the experience they need they could be assigned a task of leading a small team on a small project of identifying the hazards, their causes and control measures. Furthermore, employees could spend more time overseeing the team. |
W |
Will |
Finally, the will is established. Nominated employees are let to lead other small teams on the hazard identification, causes and control measures minor project. If they perform well they are awarded greater project but this time around with more responsibilities. The nominated leaders must approach risk and management department to spend time there as they continue performing well in their current role. Furthermore, the manager in charge must agree to review the progress of nominated managers after sometime |
Task 2 – Identify, Analyze and Monitor a Hazard
Personal details |
Family name: Mr. smith |
First name: |
Contact Phone No: |
(w) |
(h –if injured) |
Occupation: |
Gender: ¨ M ¨ F |
Staff employment status: ¨ Full-time ¨ Part-time ¨ Casual ¨ Contractor ¨ Visitor |
Division/Department: |
Incident details |
Date of incident: |
Time of incident: |
AM / PM |
Location where the incident occurred: The incidence occurred at the workplace |
Briefly describe what happened: Rosie Thompson tripped on a cable and sprain her wrist on impact with the floor while she was walking within the workplace. |
This incident resulted in: Injury and hazard identification. |
The incident was reported to (Supervisor): Mr. Smith Brown Date: 13/10/2018 |
Injury/damage details |
If an injury was sustained, what part of the body was affected; or if damage to property occurred, what was damaged |
Medical treatment |
If MEDICAL EXPENSES or LOST TIME is incurred, a Workers Compensation Claim form must be completed and forwarded to WHSW & IM Services as soon as possible. |
Do you intend to seek medical treatment? |
Yes |
Do you intend to lodge a claim for workers compensation? |
Yes |
Has any time been lost from work? (More than 1 complete shift) |
Yes |
If so, have you returned to work? |
No |
Have medical expenses been incurred/will medical expenses be incurred? |
¨ Yes |
Were there witnesses? If so, provide the name of witness(es): Manager Smith brown Erica Cahil |
Witness(es) contact phone number: 0412445871 0124589712 |
Employee signature: Brown Smith |
Date: 31/10/2018 |
Describe in detail what occurred |
It is the responsibility of the supervisor/line manager to complete this section in consultation with the injured staff member. |
Please describe the events and contributing factors that led to the incident: The incident occurred during normal working hours of the company. Rose Thompson was passing along the floor when she tripped on a cable and sprain her wrist on impact with the floor. The main factors that contributed to the incident included so many computers around the office and loosely power extension cables that are lying on the floor of the hallway |
How could this be prevented from happening again? |
The supervisor/line manager is to complete this section in consultation with the injured staff member and the health and safety representative (if applicable). |
Suggestions to avoid recurrence of this incident/accident: -staff should walk keenly on hallways – the cables need to be placed in an appropriate manner |
Name of health and safety representative, if consulted: Jessie Lessissit |
Action plan |
Note: From the previous section, list the actions required to prevent this happening again. |
Action to prevent recurrence (Do not leave blank) |
Person responsible for action |
Action taken |
Sign-off completed (signature required) |
Staff walk carefully along hallways |
employees |
Careful walking |
emp |
Proper configurations of cables |
Maintenance personnel |
Making sure cables are placed at the right place |
maint |
¨ Referred to line manager ¨ Placed issue on a local action plan ¨ Consulted employees ¨ Advised senior manager ¨ Advised WHSW Services ¨ CSR raised, referred to FMU ¨ Feedback provided to the affected person on the outcome |
Is rehabilitation required? No |
¨ Rehabilitation consultant advised Date: n/a |
Name of Supervisor: Smith brown |
Contact Phone Number: 0040125874 |
Signed: Smith brown |
Date: 31/10/2018 |
The safety action meeting will be of importance in letting employees learn the different safety precautions as per the data. Medical treatment injuries such as slips and trips due to cables running across the floor and muscle pull due to lifting paper should be avoided at the highest priority. In addition, lost time injury like bullying and stress caused by project deadlines should be minimized by ensuring that projects are allocated enough time for completion.
Criteria |
N/A |
Yes |
No |
Comments |
Are designated emergency persons’ details posted, including: ? health and safety representative ? fire warden ? first aid person? |
Are instructions posted for calling emergency services? |
yes |
Is the site plan on display? |
yes |
Are emergency evacuation muster/assembly areas signposted? |
yes |
Have all staff been inducted and trained in emergency procedures? |
yes |
Although more training needs to be conducted |
Are entry and exit doors marked and free of clutter? |
yes |
Are emergency exit routes and aisles and corridors free of clutter? |
no |
Something needs to be done about them |
Are fire extinguishers provided and maintained? |
yes |
Have personnel onsite been trained in the use of fire extinguishers? |
yes |
Are first aid kit/s stocked to contents list? |
yes |
Are first aid supplies replenished? |
yes |
Are the bathroom and toilet clean and tidy? |
yes |
Are the kitchen and eating area clean and tidy? |
yes |
Are floors clean, dry and in good condition? |
yes |
Employees should avoid walking on slippery floors |
Are desks and work areas tidy? |
no |
Are rubbish bins sufficient? |
yes |
Criteria |
N/A |
Yes |
No |
Comments |
Is rubbish cleared regularly? |
yes |
Are recycling bins sufficient? |
yes |
Are recycling bins cleared regularly? |
yes |
Are aisles and areas around workstations free of clutter? |
yes |
Is furniture fit for purpose? |
yes |
Do office chairs have five supports? |
yes |
Is furniture adjustable for keyboard operators? ? straight back ? forearms parallel to the floor ? upper legs parallel to the floor |
yes |
Are footrests provided where necessary? |
yes |
Are document supports provided? |
yes |
Are computer screens positioned to avoid glare? |
no |
Something needs to be done |
Are workstations and equipment positioned to: ? reduce manual handling ? reduce repetitive handling ? improve workflow? |
yes |
Are all chemicals, including liquid fuels, properly labeled, stored and signposted? |
yes |
Are spill kits available? |
yes |
Is MSDS readily available for hazardous substances? |
yes |
Area hazardous materials register maintained? |
yes |
PPE (for hazardous areas) |
Is safety signage accurate? |
Criteria |
N/A |
Yes |
No |
Comments |
Is safety signage displayed correctly? |
yes |
Are safety glasses worn when required? |
yes |
Is high-visibility clothing provided where required? |
yes |
The issues to be covered in the meeting includes implementation of training programs to employees, identification of possible hazards that are causing incidents, control measures to be taken to curb the future occurrence of risks.
Other issues addressed:
Other issues addressed included the compliance of the organization to the WHS policies and procedures. Policies addressed important issues such as factors that contribute to the acceptable and ethical behaviors of employees. Procedures outlined the steps to be followed after incidence inconsistent manner by the organization after policy violation.
The meeting involved in the meeting include both internal and external stakeholders. Risk management and crisis manager chaired the meeting. All employees from the organization attended the meeting and aired their views and grievances.
New changes were planned to take place with immediate effect. The meeting proposed all the employees should commence training as soon as possible and a certificate in workplace health and safety take place. New measures of providing employees safeness were also addressed.
Kappes, M.S., Keiler, M., von Elverfeldt, K. and Glade, T., 2012. Challenges of analyzing multi-hazard risk: a review. Natural hazards, 64(2), pp.1925-1958.
Reamer, F.G., 2013. Social work in a digital age: Ethical and risk management challenges. Social work, 58(2), pp.163-172.